404 (page Not Found) redirection nouveau site

jinos - 18 mai 2013 à 18:05
 jinos - 22 mai 2013 à 19:28

j'ai un blog qui marchait bien mais qui a été bloqué par blogger à cause de spam.
Je voudrais rediriger le traffic vers mon nouveau site.

J'ai ce message concernant mon blog bloqué :

http://monblog.blogspot.com/: Increase in not found errors

Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs that return a 404 (Page Not Found) error. Investigating these errors and fixing them where appropriate ensures that Google can successfully crawl your site's pages.

Recommended action

* Check the Crawl Errors page in Webmaster Tools.
* Check that pages on your site don't link to non-existent pages. (If another site lists a broken link to your site, Google may list that URL but you may not be able to fix the error.)
Learn more in our Help Center.

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