J'ai récupéré un script permettant de mettre en place un slider en jquery
Mon probleme actuel est que la script construit une navigation avec un bouton "previous" et next"
Actuellement, quand on survol les boutons, cela fait animé les slide d'1 cran. Ce qui n'est pas tres intuitif en terme de navigation, car je dois sortir du survoul du bouton et revenir dessus pour faire continuer le slide (pas du tout intuitif)
Ce que je cherche a faire c'est au survol du bouton, l'animation avance d'un cran, on attends 300ms puis cela continu sur le slide suivant sans avoir a faire un mouseover, mouseout.
Une petite ame charritable pour m'aider ?
* Moving Boxes v2.2.1
* by Chris Coyier
* http://css-tricks.com/moving-boxes/
$.movingBoxes = function(el, options){
// To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this'
// to reference this class from internal events and functions.
var o, base = this;
// Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element
base.$el = $(el).addClass('mb-slider');
base.el = el;
// Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
base.$el.data('movingBoxes', base);
base.init = function(){
base.options = o = $.extend({}, $.movingBoxes.defaultOptions, options);
// Setup formatting (to reduce the amount of initial HTML)
base.$el.wrap('<div class="movingBoxes mb-wrapper"><div class="mb-scroll" /></div>');
// defaults
base.$window = base.$el.parent(); // mb-scroll
base.$wrap = base.$window.parent() // mb-wrapper
.css({ width : o.width }) // override css width
.prepend('<a class="mb-scrollButtons mb-left"><b><</b></a>')
.append('<a class="mb-scrollButtons mb-right"><b>></b></a><div class="mb-left-shadow"></div><div class="mb-right-shadow"></div>');
base.$panels = base.$el.children().addClass('mb-panel');
base.runTime = $('.mb-slider').index(base.$el) + 1; // Get index (run time) of this slider on the page
base.regex = new RegExp('slider' + base.runTime + '=(\\d+)', 'i'); // hash tag regex
base.initialized = false;
base.currentlyMoving = false;
base.curPanel = 1;
// Set up click on left/right arrows
base.$left = base.$wrap.find('.mb-left').mouseover(function(){
return false;
base.$right = base.$wrap.find('.mb-right').mouseover(function(){
return false;
// code to run to update MovingBoxes when the number of panels change
$(window).load(function(){ base.update(false); }); // animate height after all images load
// go to clicked panel
base.$el.delegate('.mb-panel', 'click', function(){
base.change( base.$panels.index($(this)) + base.adj );
// Activate moving box on click or when an internal link obtains focus
base.$panels.delegate('a', 'focus' ,function(){
// focused link centered in moving box
var loc = base.$panels.index($(this).closest('.mb-panel')) + 1;
if (loc !== base.curPanel){ base.change( base.$panels.index($(this).closest('.mb-panel')) + 1, {}, false ); }
// Add keyboard navigation
// ignore arrow/space keys if inside a form element
if (e.target.tagName.match('TEXTAREA|INPUT|SELECT')) { return; }
switch (e.which) {
case 39: case 32: // right arrow & space
if (base.$wrap.is('.mb-active-slider')){
case 37: // left arrow
if (base.$wrap.is('.mb-active-slider')){
// Set up "Current" panel
var startPanel = (o.hashTags) ? base.getHash() || o.startPanel : o.startPanel;
// Bind Events
$.each('initialized initChange beforeAnimation completed'.split(' '), function(i,evt){
if ($.isFunction(o[evt])){
base.$el.bind(evt + '.movingBoxes', o[evt]);
// animate to chosen start panel - starting from the first panel makes it look better
base.change(startPanel, function(){
base.initialized = true;
base.$el.trigger( 'initialized.movingBoxes', [ base, startPanel ] );
}, o.speed * 2 );
// update the panel, flag is used to prevent events from firing
base.update = function(flag){
var t;
// Infinite loop
base.$panels = base.$el.children();
base.adj = (o.wrap && base.$panels.length > 1) ? 0 : 1; // count adjustment for infinite panels
if (o.wrap && base.$panels.length > 1) {
base.$el.prepend( base.$panels.filter(':last').clone().removeAttr('id').addClass('cloned') );
base.$el.append( base.$panels.filter(':first').clone().removeAttr('id').addClass('cloned') );
// disable all focusable elements in cloned panels to prevent shifting the panels by tabbing
$(this).find('a,input,textarea,select,button,area').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// Set up panes & content sizes; default: panelWidth = 50% of entire width
base.$panels = base.$el.children()
.css({ width : o.width * o.panelWidth, margin: 0 })
// inner wrap of each panel
if ($(this).find('.mb-inside').length === 0) {
$(this).wrapInner('<div class="mb-inside" />');
base.totalPanels = base.$panels.length;
base.totalPanels -= (o.wrap && base.totalPanels > 1) ? 2 : 0; // don't include cloned panels in total
// save 'cur' numbers (current larger panel size), use stored sizes if they exist
t = base.$panels.eq(base.curPanel - base.adj);
base.curWidth = base.curWidth || t.outerWidth();
// save 'reg' (reduced size) numbers
base.regWidth = base.curWidth * o.reducedSize;
// set image heights so base container height is correctly set
base.$panels.css({ width: base.curWidth, fontSize: '1em' }); // make all panels big
// save each panel height... script will resize container as needed
// make sure current panel css is applied before measuring
base.$panels.eq(base.curPanel - base.adj).addClass(o.currentPanel);
base.heights = base.$panels.map(function(i,e){ return $(e).outerHeight(true); }).get();
base.returnToNormal(base.curPanel, 0); // resize new panel, animation time
base.growBigger(base.curPanel, 0, flag);
// make base container wide enough to contain all the panels
position : 'absolute',
// add a bit more width to each box (100px should cover margin/padding, etc; then add 1/2 overall width in case only one panel exists
width : (base.curWidth + 100) * base.$panels.length + (o.width - base.curWidth) / 2,
height : Math.max.apply( this, base.heights ) + 10
base.$window.css({ height : (o.fixedHeight) ? Math.max.apply( this, base.heights ) : base.heights[base.curPanel - base.adj] });
// add padding so scrollLeft = 0 centers the left-most panel (needed because scrollLeft cannot be < 0)
base.$panels.eq(0).css({ 'margin-left' : (o.width - base.curWidth) / 2 });
base.change(base.curPanel, null, true); // initialize from first panel... then scroll to start panel
// Creates the numbered navigation links
base.buildNav = function() {
if (base.$nav) { base.$nav.remove(); }
if (o.buildNav && base.totalPanels > 1) {
base.$nav = $('<div class="mb-controls"><a class="mb-testing"></a></div>').appendTo(base.$wrap);
var j, a = '',
navFormat = $.isFunction(o.navFormatter),
// need link in place to get CSS properties
hiddenText = parseInt( base.$nav.find('.mb-testing').css('text-indent'), 10) < 0;
base.$panels.filter(':not(.cloned)').each(function(i) {
j = i + 1;
a += '<a href="#" class="mb-panel' + j;
// If a formatter function is present, use it
if (navFormat) {
var tmp = o.navFormatter(j, $(this));
// Add formatting to title attribute if text is hidden
a += (hiddenText) ? ' ' + o.tooltipClass +'" title="' + tmp : '';
a += '">' + tmp + '</a> ';
} else {
a += '">' + j + '</a> ';
.find('a').bind('click', function() {
base.change( $(this).index() + 1 );
return false;
// Resize panels to normal
base.returnToNormal = function(num, time){
var panels = base.$panels.not(':eq(' + (num - base.adj) + ')').removeClass(o.currentPanel);
if (o.reducedSize === 1) {
panels.css({ width: base.regWidth }); // excluding fontsize change to prevent video flicker
} else {
panels.animate({ width: base.regWidth, fontSize: o.reducedSize + 'em' }, (time === 0) ? 0 : o.speed);
// Zoom in on selected panel
base.growBigger = function(num, time, flag){
var panels = base.$panels.eq(num - base.adj);
if (o.reducedSize === 1) {
panels.css({ width: base.curWidth }); // excluding fontsize change to prevent video flicker
if (base.initialized) { base.completed(num, flag); }
} else {
panels.animate({ width: base.curWidth, fontSize: '1em' }, (time === 0) ? 0 : o.speed, function(){
// completed event trigger
// even though animation is not queued, trigger is here because it is the last animation to complete
if (base.initialized) { base.completed(num, flag); }
base.completed = function(num, flag){
// add current panel class after animating in case it has sizing parameters
base.$panels.eq(num - base.adj).addClass(o.currentPanel);
if (flag !== false) { base.$el.trigger( 'completed.movingBoxes', [ base, num ] ); }
// go forward/back
base.goForward = function(){
if (base.initialized) {
base.change(base.curPanel + 1 );
base.goBack = function(){
if (base.initialized) {
base.change(base.curPanel - 1);
// Change view to display selected panel
base.change = function(curPanel, callback, flag){
if (base.totalPanels < 1) {
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback(base); }
var ani, leftValue, wrapped = false;
// make sure it's a number and not a string
curPanel = parseInt(curPanel, 10);
if (base.initialized) {
// make this moving box active
// initChange event - has extra parameter with targeted panel (not cleaned)
base.$el.trigger( 'initChange.movingBoxes', [ base, curPanel ] );
// Make infinite scrolling work
if (o.wrap) {
if (curPanel > base.totalPanels) {
wrapped = true;
curPanel = 1;
base.returnToNormal(0, 0);
base.growBigger(0, 0, false);
leftValue = base.$panels.eq(0).position().left - (o.width - base.curWidth) / 2; // - ( base.curWidth - base.regWidth );
} else if (curPanel === 0) {
wrapped = false;
curPanel = base.totalPanels;
base.growBigger(curPanel + 1, 0, false);
leftValue = base.$panels.eq(curPanel + 1).position().left - (o.width - base.curWidth) / 2; // - ( base.curWidth - base.regWidth );
if ( curPanel < base.adj ) { curPanel = (o.wrap) ? base.totalPanels : 1; }
if ( curPanel > base.totalPanels - base.adj ) { curPanel = (o.wrap) ? 1 : base.totalPanels; }
// don't do anything if it's the same panel
if (base.initialized && base.curPanel === curPanel && !flag) { return false; }
// abort if panel is already animating
// animation callback to clear this flag is not called when the slider doesn't move, so include base.initialized
if (!base.currentlyMoving || !base.initialized) {
base.currentlyMoving = true;
// center panel in scroll window
leftValue = base.$panels.eq(curPanel - base.adj).position().left - (o.width - base.curWidth) / 2;
// when scrolling right, add the difference of the larger current panel width
if (curPanel > base.curPanel || wrapped) { leftValue -= ( base.curWidth - base.regWidth ); }
ani = (o.fixedHeight) ? { scrollLeft : leftValue } : { scrollLeft: leftValue, height: base.heights[curPanel - base.adj] };
// before animation trigger
if (base.initialized) { base.$el.trigger( 'beforeAnimation.movingBoxes', [ base, curPanel ] ); }
// animate the panels
base.$window.animate( ani,
queue : false,
duration : o.speed,
easing : o.easing,
complete : function(){
base.curPanel = curPanel;
if (base.initialized) {
base.$window.scrollTop(0); // Opera fix - otherwise, it moves the focus link to the middle of the viewport
base.currentlyMoving = false;
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback(base); }
if (!o.wrap) { base.updateArrows(curPanel); }
if (o.hashTags && base.initialized) { base.setHash(curPanel); }
// Update navigation links
if (o.buildNav && base.$nav) {
.eq(curPanel - 1).addClass(o.currentPanel);
base.updateArrows = function(cur){
base.$left.toggleClass(o.disabled, cur === base.adj);
base.$right.toggleClass(o.disabled, (cur === base.totalPanels || base.totalPanels === 0));
// get & set hash tags
base.getHash = function(){
var n = window.location.hash.match(base.regex);
return (n===null) ? '' : parseInt(n[1],10);
base.setHash = function(n){
var s = 'slider' + base.runTime + "=",
h = window.location.hash;
if ( typeof h !== 'undefined' ) {
window.location.hash = (h.indexOf(s) > 0) ? h.replace(base.regex, s + n) : h + "&" + s + n;
// Make moving box active (for keyboard navigation)
base.active = function(el){
// get: var currentPanel = $('.slider').data('movingBoxes').currentPanel(); // returns # of currently selected/enlarged panel
// set: var currentPanel = $('.slider').data('movingBoxes').currentPanel(2, function(){ alert('done!'); }); // returns and scrolls to 2nd panel
base.currentPanel = function(panel, callback){
if (typeof(panel) !== 'undefined') {
base.change(panel, callback); // parse in case someone sends a string
return base.curPanel;
// Run initializer
$.movingBoxes.defaultOptions = {
// Appearance
startPanel : 1, // start with this panel
width : 800, // overall width of movingBoxes
panelWidth : 0.3, // current panel width adjusted to 50% of overall width
reducedSize : 0.9, // non-current panel size: 80% of panel size
fixedHeight : false, // if true, slider height set to max panel height; if false, slider height will auto adjust.
// Behaviour
speed : 500, // animation time in milliseconds
hashTags : true, // if true, hash tags are enabled
wrap : false, // if true, the panel will "wrap" (it really rewinds/fast forwards) at the ends
buildNav : false, // if true, navigation links will be added
navFormatter : null, // function which returns the navigation text for each panel
easing : 'swing', // anything other than "linear" or "swing" requires the easing plugin
// Selectors & classes
currentPanel : 'current', // current panel class
tooltipClass : 'tooltip', // added to the navigation, but the title attribute is blank unless the link text-indent is negative
disabled : 'disabled',// class added to arrows that are disabled (left arrow when on first panel, right arrow on last panel)
// Callbacks
initialized : null, // callback when MovingBoxes has completed initialization
initChange : null, // callback upon change panel initialization
beforeAnimation : null, // callback before any animation occurs
completed : null // callback after animation completes
$.fn.movingBoxes = function(options, callback){
var num, mb;
return this.each(function(){
mb = $(this).data('movingBoxes');
// initialize the slider but prevent multiple initializations
if ((typeof(options)).match('object|undefined')){
if (mb) {
} else {
(new $.movingBoxes(this, options));
} else if (/\d/.test(options) && !isNaN(options) && mb) {
num = (typeof(options) === "number") ? options : parseInt($.trim(options),10); // accepts " 4 "
// ignore out of bound panels
if ( num >= 1 && num <= mb.totalPanels ) {
mb.change(num, callback); // page #, autoplay, one time callback
// Return the movingBoxes object
$.fn.getMovingBoxes = function(){
return this.data('movingBoxes');
4 sept. 2012 à 15:16
C'es a ce niveau la que ca se passe je dois mettre une boucle ?