Des virus m'empêchent d'installer unantivirus

toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012 - 19 août 2012 à 12:26
 Utilisateur anonyme - 21 août 2012 à 18:42
A l'aide! Depuis une semaine je n'arrive pas installer mon antivirus

A voir également:

13 réponses


Ferme et enregistre toutes tes applications en cours.

Télécharge et enregistre ceci sur ton bureau :

Pre_Scan (renommé Winlogon.exe pour duper l'infection)

Une fois téléchargé, lance-le et laisse faire le scan. Du fait du nom Winlogon.exe, l'antivirus peut le détecter comme un virus. Si c'est le cas, désactive ton antivirus.

Tous les processus non vitaux seront coupés durant le scan.

Si l'outil détecte un proxy et que tu n'en as pas installé ou que tu ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit, clique sur "supprimer le proxy".

Héberge Pre_Scan_la_date_et_l'heure.txt qui apparaîtra sur le bureau en fin de scan grâce à ce qui suit :

▶ Clique sur ce lien :

▶ Clique sur Parcourir, et sélectionne le fichier Pre_Scan_la_date_et_l'heure.txt de ton bureau.

▶ Donne-moi le lien en résultant.

▶ Si Cjoint ne fonctionne pas, consulte cette page : Autres hébergeurs en ligne
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
19 août 2012 à 13:53
Merci Saachaa
J'ai joint le fichier pre_scan mais comment te le faire parvenir?
Utilisateur anonyme
19 août 2012 à 14:08
Donne-moi le lien en résultant... :)
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
19 août 2012 à 14:30

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Utilisateur anonyme
19 août 2012 à 15:27
Pre_Scan t'a sortie d'une belle galère, le pc est mega infecté...

Suis ce tutoriel :

Ensuite :

▶ Télécharge l'outil de diagnostique ZHPDiag (de Nicolas Coolman).

▶ Lance-le, (Clic droit "exécuter en tant qu'administrateur" si tu es sous Windows Vista ou 7).

▶ Clique sur l'icône en forme de loupe en haut à gauche pour lancer le diagnostique.

▶ Héberge le rapport ZHPDiag.txt de ton bureau sur :

▶ Donne-moi le lien en résultant.

▶ Si le site ne fonctionne pas, consulte cette page : Autres hébergeurs en ligne
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
19 août 2012 à 19:56
Saachaa voici le lien
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
19 août 2012 à 19:58
@lilserigine j'ai Ccleaner mais il n'arrive pas a fonctionner correctement
Utilisateur anonyme
20 août 2012 à 18:00
Il me le faut en format texte...
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
20 août 2012 à 21:16
Utilisateur anonyme
20 août 2012 à 21:57
Toujours pas, c'est du PDF...
toplayer Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription dimanche 19 août 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 août 2012
20 août 2012 à 23:21
Rapport de ZHPDiag v1.31.13 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 31/07/2012
Run by Mr KOFFI at 20/08/2012 21:19:46
Web site :
Web site :
State : Version à jour.

---\\ Web Browser
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.0.5730.13
MFIE: Mozilla Firefox 14.0.1 v14.0.1
GCIE: Google Chrome v21.0.1180.75 (Defaut)

---\\ Windows Product Information
~ Langage: Français
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
Software Protection Service (Protection logicielle) : KO
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
Windows Genuine Advantage : KO
Windows Guenuine Advantage (antiwpa) : OK

---\\ System Information
~ Processor: x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 32 Bits
Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 1015 MB (20% free)
System Restore: Activé (Enable)
System drive C: has 2 GB (4%) free of 39 GB

---\\ Logged in mode
~ Computer Name: PER-462E3CFCBF7
~ User Name: Mr KOFFI
~ All Users Names: SUPPORT_388945a0, Mr KOFFI, HelpAssistant, Administrateur,
~ Unselected Option: O45,O61,O62,O65,O66,O80,O82,O89
Logged in as Administrator

---\\ Environnement Variables
~ System Unit : C:\
~ %AppData% : C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\
~ %Desktop% : C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Bureau\
~ %Favorites% : C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Favoris\
~ %LocalAppData% : C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\
~ %StartMenu% : C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\
~ %Windir% : C:\WINDOWS\
~ %System% : C:\WINDOWS\system32\

---\\ DOS/Devices
A:\ Floppy drive, Flash card reader, USB Key (Not Inserted)
C:\ Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 2 Go of 39 Go)
D:\ Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 15 Go of 35 Go)
E:\ CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)

---\\ Security Center & Tools Informations
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Intl: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] XMLLookup: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows] Load: OK
~ Scan Security Center in 00mn 00s

---\\ Recherche particulière de fichiers génériques
[MD5.35D3A09AA3F7A2D1F3800099A8C71F80] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe [1111552]
[MD5.A4A0FC92358F39538A6494C42EF99FE9] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Extensions for Win32.) (.07/06/2008 - 14:12:38.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll [818688]
[MD5.DD73D6B9F6B4CB630CF35B438B540174] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d'ouverture de session Windows NT.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Winlogon.exe [512000]
[MD5.322D0E36693D6E24A2398BEE62A268CD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\AFD.sys [138112]
[MD5.9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IDE/ATAPI Port Driver.) (.13/04/2008 - 09:40:32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\atapi.sys [96512]
[MD5.C885B02847F5D2FD45A24E219ED93B32] - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Cdfs.sys [63744]
[MD5.1F4260CC5B42272D71F79E570A27A4FE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Cdrom.sys [62976]
[MD5.31F923EB2170FC172C81ABDA0045D18C] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cryptographie FIPS.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Fips.sys [44672]
[MD5.573C7D0A32852B48F3058CFD8026F511] - (.Windows (R) Server 2003 DDK provider - High Definition Audio Bus Driver v1.0a.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\HDAudBus.sys [144384]
[MD5.A09BDC4ED10E3B2E0EC27BB94AF32516] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\i8042prt.sys [54144]
[MD5.083A052659F5310DD8B6A6CB05EDCF8E] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IMAPI Kernel Driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Imapi.sys [42112]
[MD5.CC748EA12C6EFFDE940EE98098BF96BB] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\IpNat.sys [152832]
[MD5.23C74D75E36E7158768DD63D92789A91] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IPSec Driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\IPSec.sys [75264]
[MD5.68755F0FF16070178B54674FE5B847B0] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT SMB Minirdr.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\MRxSmb.sys [456576]
[MD5.74B2B2F5BEA5E9A3DC021D685551BD3D] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\netBT.sys [162816]
[MD5.78A08DD6A8D65E697C18E1DB01C5CDCA] - (.Microsoft Corporation - NT File System Driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys [574976]
[MD5.8FD0BDBEA875D06CCF6C945CA9ABAF75] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) (.07/06/2008 - 14:17:57.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Parport.sys [80384]
[MD5.11B4A627BC9614B885C4969BFA5FF8A6] - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [51328]
[MD5.15CABD0F7C00C47C70124907916AF3F1] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft RDP Device redirector.) (.13/04/2008 - 07:32:52.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\rdpdr.sys [196224]
[MD5.D8EB2A7904DB6C916EB5361878DDCBAE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre audio Livre rouge.) (.13/04/2008 - 16:57:36.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\redbook.sys [58752]
[MD5.46DE1126684369BACE4849E4FC8C43CA] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) (.14/04/2008 - 12:00:00.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys [53376]
~ Scan Generic Processes in 00mn 00s

---\\ Etat des fichiers cachés (Caché/Total)
~ Mes images (My Pictures) : 1/2
~ Mes Favoris (My Favorites) : 1/14
~ Mes Documents (My Documents) : 1/78
~ Mon Bureau (My Desktop) : 0/1610
~ Menu demarrer (Programs) : 0/30
~ Scan Hidden Files in 00mn 01s

---\\ Processus lancés
[MD5.F4E553B10381AAA744182F42052C4C5A] - (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Mes documents\Downloads\utorrent.exe [975760] [PID.]
[MD5.0805ECF10476A091999E4D59D0DB71A2] - (.Spigot, Inc. - Application Updater.) -- C:\Program Files\Application Updater\ApplicationUpdater.exe [794560] [PID.]
[MD5.D859A9D2F026CE5804485068FFD6EAF2] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Telnet.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\tlntsvr.exe [75264] [PID.]
[MD5.C2033A3021F90ADC4C7CEDDF5D0F466A] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1311768] [PID.]
[MD5.923C4D13BEE966654F4FE4A8945AF0AE] - (...) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Temp\hsra.exe [12970] [PID.]
[MD5.F7D690796E0F1745B6FFDD8AC87E9FB6] - (...) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Temp\winspnbyw.exe [31402] [PID.]
[MD5.FCB13D9E3D55075C8FACA9CA3C55B263] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [3763200] [PID.]
~ Scan Processes Running in 00mn 01s

---\\ Google Chrome, Démarrage,Recherche,Extensions (G0,G1,G2)
C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences
G0 - GCSP: Preference [User Data\Default][HomePage]
G0 - GCSP: Preference [User Data\Default]
G1 - GCS: Preference [User Data\Default] None
~ Scan Google Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Mozilla Firefox, Plugins,Demarrage,Recherche,Extensions (P2,M0,M1,M2,M3)
C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\0\prefs.js
C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\0\user.js
C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\t3i2mr5p.default\prefs.js
C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\t3i2mr5p.default\user.js
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\t3i2mr5p.default\searchplugins\conduit.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\t3i2mr5p.default\searchplugins\Search.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\amazon-france.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\babylon.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\bing.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\cnrtl-tlfi-fr.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\eBay-france.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\google.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\Search_Results.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\wikipedia-fr.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\yahoo-france.xml
M3 - MFPP: Plugins - [Mr KOFFI] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla FireFox\searchplugins\yahoo.xml
M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default]
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - 0\] [] v1.5.1 (.Volo-Net.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\] [] Babylon v1.2.0 (.Babylon.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\] [] v1.5.1 (.Volo-Net.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\] [] v1.6.0 (
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\] [] OneClickDownloader v1.1 (.One Click Downloader.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\{8e5025c2-8ea3-430d-80b8-a14151068a6d}] [] v10.10.12.503 (.Conduit Ltd..)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\{99079a25-328f-4bd4-be04-00955acaa0a7}] [] Searchqu Toolbar v4.6.1.01 (.Visicom Media Inc..)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\{ada4b710-8346-4b82-8199-5de2b400a6ae}] [] ReminderFox v2.0 (.Tom Mutdosch and Daniel Lee.)
M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Mr KOFFI - t3i2mr5p.default\{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}] [dwhelper] DownloadHelper v4.9.9 (.Michel Gutierrez.)
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (.Microsoft Corporation - Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\NPOFF12.DLL
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (.Adobe Systems Inc. - Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 10.0.0.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\nppdf32.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_3_300_271.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=3.0.0] - (.Google, Inc. - Picasa plugin.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ Update;version=3] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ Update;version=9] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=2.0.2] - (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin 2.0.2.) -- C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=2.0.3] - (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin 2.0.2.) -- C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [ Update;version=3] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [ Update;version=9] - (.Google Inc. - Google Update.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [,version=1.0] - (.Unity Technologies ApS - Unity Player 3.5.4f1.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity\WebPlayer\loader\npUnity3D32.dll
~ Scan Firefox Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Internet Explorer, Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook, Phishing (R0,R1,R3,R4)
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AboutURLs,Tabs = res://ieframe.dll/tabswelcome.htm
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = ${search_url_ie7}
R3 - URLSearchHook: Microsoft Url Search Hook - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) (7.00.5730.13 (longhorn(wmbla).070711-1130)) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll
R3 - URLSearchHook: Wondershare PC Care Toolbar - {bee9ae08-b4e5-4021-ae8b-0befc64d537b} . (.Spigot, Inc. - Widgi Toolbar for Internet Explorer.) (6, 2, 0, 2) -- C:\Program Files\Wondershare PC Care Toolbar\IE\6.2\pccareToolbarIE.dll
R4 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter,Enabled = 2
~ Scan IE Browser in 00mn 00s

---\\ Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (R5)
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = no key
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll
~ Scan Proxy management in 00mn 00s

---\\ Modification d'une valeur Ini (Changed inifile value, mapped to Registry) (F2)
F2 - REG:system.ini: USERINIT=C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL "sysdm.cpl"
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Redirection du fichier Hosts (O1)
~ Le fichier hosts est sain (The hosts file is clean).
~ Scan Hosts File in 00mn 02s
~ Nombre de lignes (Lines number): 11453

---\\ Browser Helper Objects de navigateur (O2)
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHelperStub - {18DF081C-E8AD-4283-A596-FA578C2EBDC3} . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe PDF Helper for Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelperShim.dll
O2 - BHO: IESiteBlocker.NavFilter - {3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgssie.dll (.not file.)
O2 - BHO: Funmoods Helper Object - {75EBB0AA-4214-4CB4-90EC-E3E07ECD04F7} . (...) -- C:\PROGRA~1\Funmoods\\bh\escort.dll (.not file.)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7E853D72-626A-48EC-A868-BA8D5E23E045} Clé orpheline
O2 - BHO: Searchqu Toolbar - {99079a25-328f-4bd4-be04-00955acaa0a7} . (...) -- C:\PROGRA~1\SEARCH~1\Datamngr\ToolBar\searchqudtx.dll (.not file.)
O2 - BHO: DataMngr - {9D717F81-9148-4f12-8568-69135F087DB0} . (...) -- C:\PROGRA~1\SEARCH~1\Datamngr\BROWSE~1.DLL (.not file.)
O2 - BHO: Google Toolbar Helper - {AA58ED58-01DD-4d91-8333-CF10577473F7} . (.Google Inc. - Google Toolbar.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll
O2 - BHO: Google Toolbar Notifier BHO - {AF69DE43-7D58-4638-B6FA-CE66B5AD205D} . (.Google Inc. - GoogleToolbarNotifier.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\5.7.7227.1100\swg.dll
O2 - BHO: Wondershare PC Care Toolbar - {bee9ae08-b4e5-4021-ae8b-0befc64d537b} . (.Spigot, Inc. - Widgi Toolbar for Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Wondershare PC Care Toolbar\IE\6.2\pccareToolbarIE.dll
~ Scan BHO in 00mn 00s

---\\ Internet Explorer Toolbars (O3)
O3 - Toolbar: Google Toolbar - [HKLM]{2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} . (.Google Inc. - Google Toolbar.) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Funmoods Toolbar - [HKLM]{A4C272EC-ED9E-4ACE-A6F2-9558C7F29EF3} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Funmoods\\escorTlbr.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Searchqu Toolbar - [HKLM]{99079a25-328f-4bd4-be04-00955acaa0a7} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\SEARCH~1\Datamngr\ToolBar\searchqudtx.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Wondershare PC Care Toolbar - [HKLM]{bee9ae08-b4e5-4021-ae8b-0befc64d537b} . (.Spigot, Inc. - Widgi Toolbar for Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Wondershare PC Care Toolbar\IE\6.2\pccareToolbarIE.dll
~ Scan Toolbar in 00mn 00s

---\\ Applications démarrées par registre & par dossier (O4)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher] . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Acrobat SpeedLauncher.) -- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe ARM] . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager.) -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [KernelFaultCheck] Clé orpheline
O4 - HKLM\..\RunOnce: [Malwarebytes Anti-Malware] . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Mes documents\Downloads\utorrent.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTFMON.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTFMON.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTFMON.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\system32\CTFMON.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1957994488-1993962763-1606980848-1003\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Mes documents\Downloads\utorrent.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\RunOnce: [nltide_2] Clé orpheline
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\RunOnce: [nltide_3] rundll32 advpack.dll
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\RunOnce: [nltide_2] Clé orpheline
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\RunOnce: [nltide_3] rundll32 advpack.dll
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [nltide_2] Clé orpheline
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [nltide_3] rundll32 advpack.dll
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [nltide_2] Clé orpheline
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [nltide_3] rundll32 advpack.dll
~ Scan Application in 00mn 00s

---\\ Autres liens utilisateurs (O4)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Adobe Reader X.lnk . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1036-7B44-AA0000000001}\SC_Reader.ico
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Mozilla Firefox.lnk . (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Windows Live Messenger.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Windows Movie Maker.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Free FLV Converter.lnk . (.Koyote Soft.) -- C:\Program Files\Free FLV Converter\FreeFLVConverter.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Assistance à distance.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\rcimlby.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Foxit Reader.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Internet Explorer.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (.not file.)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Outlook Express.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe (.not file.)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Adobe Reader X.lnk . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1036-7B44-AA0000000001}\SC_Reader.ico
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Mozilla Firefox.lnk . (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Windows Live Messenger.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Windows Movie Maker.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Free FLV Converter.lnk . (.Koyote Soft.) -- C:\Program Files\Free FLV Converter\FreeFLVConverter.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Assistance à distance.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\rcimlby.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Foxit Reader.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Internet Explorer.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (.not file.)
O4 - Global Startup: C:\Documents And Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Outlook Express.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe (.not file.)
~ Scan Global Startup in 00mn 00s

---\\ Lignes supplémentaires dans le menu contextuel d'Internet Explorer (O8)
O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver . (.Google Inc. - Google Photos Screensaver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\GPhotos.scr
O8 - Extra context menu item: Ajouter à Kaspersky Anti-Banner - (.not file.) - C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations\ie_banner_deny.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xporter vers Microsoft Excel . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Excel.) -- C:\Program Files\MICROS~1\Office12\EXCEL.exe
~ Scan IE Menu Contextuel in 00mn 00s

---\\ Boutons situés sur la barre d'outils principale d'Internet Explorer (O9)
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\REFBARH.ICO
O9 - Extra button: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\REFBARH.ICO
~ Scan IE Extra Buttons in 00mn 00s

---\\ Winsock hijacker (Layered Service Provider) (O10)
O10 - WLSP:\000000000001\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000002\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - LDAP RnR Provider DLL.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\winrnr.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000003\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000004\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service client pour le fournisseur NetWare et DLL d'authentification.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\nwprovau.dll
~ Scan Winsock in 00mn 00s

---\\ Objets ActiveX (Downloaded Program Files)(O16)
O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) -
~ Scan Objets ActiveX in 00mn 00s

---\\ Modification Domaine/Adresses DNS (O17)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{91AB2A4B-3CBB-40C6-A503-A10346EE086D}: NameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{91AB2A4B-3CBB-40C6-A503-A10346EE086D}: NameServer =
~ Scan Domain in 00mn 00s

---\\ Protocole additionnel (O18)
O18 - Handler: about - {3050F406-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: cdl - {3dd53d40-7b8b-11D0-b013-00aa0059ce02} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: dvd - {12D51199-0DB5-46FE-A120-47A3D7D937CC} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvidctl.dll
O18 - Handler: file - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: ftp - {79eac9e3-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: gopher - {79eac9e4-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: http - {79eac9e2-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: https - {79eac9e5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: its - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\itss.dll
O18 - Handler: javascript - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: linkscanner - {F274614C-63F8-47D5-A4D1-FBDDE494F8D1} . (...) -- C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgpp.dll
O18 - Handler: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Live Messenger Protocol Handler.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.8.5.1302.1018.dll
O18 - Handler: local - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: mailto - {3050f3DA-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: mhtml - {05300401-BCBC-11d0-85E3-00C04FD85AB4} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Internet Messaging API.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetcomm.dll
O18 - Handler: mk - {79eac9e6-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Handler: ms-help - {314111c7-a502-11d2-bbca-00c04f8ec294} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Help Data Services Module.) -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\Help\hxds.dll
O18 - Handler: ms-its - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\itss.dll
O18 - Handler: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Live Messenger Protocol Handler.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.8.5.1302.1018.dll
O18 - Handler: res - {3050F3BC-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: tv - {CBD30858-AF45-11D2-B6D6-00C04FBBDE6E} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvidctl.dll
O18 - Handler: vbscript - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll
O18 - Handler: wia - {13F3EA8B-91D7-4F0A-AD76-D2853AC8BECE} . (.Microsoft Corporation - WIA Scripting Layer.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wiascr.dll
O18 - Filter: deflate - {8f6b0360-b80d-11d0-a9b3-006097942311} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Filter: gzip - {8f6b0360-b80d-11d0-a9b3-006097942311} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
O18 - Filter: text/webviewhtml - {733AC4CB-F1A4-11d0-B951-00A0C90312E1} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
O18 - Filter: text/xml - {807563E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter.) -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\MSOXMLMF.dll
~ Scan Protocole Additionnel in 00mn 00s

---\\ Valeur de Registre AppInit_DLLs et sous-clés Winlogon Notify (autorun) (O20)
O20 - Winlogon Notify: Antiwpa . (...) -- antiwpa.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: crypt32chain . (.Microsoft Corporation - Crypto API32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: cryptnet . (.Microsoft Corporation - Crypto Network Related API.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\cryptnet.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: cscdll . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent réseau hors connexion.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscdll.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: dimsntfy . (.Microsoft Corporation - DIMS Notification Handler.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dimsntfy.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui . (.Intel Corporation - igfxdev Module.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxdev.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: ScCertProp . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de réception des notifications.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wlnotify.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: Schedule . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de réception des notifications.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wlnotify.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: sclgntfy . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL secondaire de notification de service d.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\sclgntfy.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: SensLogn . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de réception des notifications.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\WlNotify.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: termsrv . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de réception des notifications.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wlnotify.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: wlballoon . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de réception des notifications.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wlnotify.dll
~ Scan Winlogon in 00mn 00s

---\\ Clé de Registre autorun ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad (SSO/SSODL) (O21)
O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Web Site Monitor.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll
O21 - SSODL: WPDShServiceObj - {AAA288BA-9A4C-45B0-95D7-94D524869DB5} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Portable Device Shell Service Objec.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpdshserviceobj.dll
O21 - SSODL: PostBootReminder - {7849596a-48ea-486e-8937-a2a3009f31a9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
O21 - SSODL: CDBurn - {fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
O21 - SSODL: SysTray - {35CEC8A3-2BE6-11D2-8773-92E220524153} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Objet du service d'environnement Systray.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\stobject.dll
~ Scan SSODL in 00mn 00s

---\\ Liste des services NT non Microsoft et non désactivés (O23)
O23 - Service: Application Updater (Application Updater) . (.Spigot, Inc. - Application Updater.) - C:\Program Files\Application Updater\ApplicationUpdater.exe
O23 - Service: Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
~ Scan Services in 00mn 00s

---\\ Enumération Active Desktop & MHTML Editor (O24)
O24 - Default MHTML Editor: Last - .(.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Word.) - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe
O24 - Desktop General: BackupWallPaper - .(...) - C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Colline verdoyante.bmp
O24 - Desktop General: WallPaper - .(...) - C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Colline verdoyante.bmp
~ Scan Desktop Component in 00mn 00s

---\\ BootExecute (O34)
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
~ Scan Keys in 00mn 00s

---\\ Tâches planifiées en automatique (O39)
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-1957994488-1993962763-1606980848-1003Core.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-1957994488-1993962763-1606980848-1003UA.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SpeedMaxPc Registration3.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SpeedMaxPc Update3.job
O39 - APT:Automatic Planified Task - C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SpeedMaxPc.job
[MD5.A9D3B95E8466BD58EEB8A1154654E162] [APT] [Adobe Flash Player Updater] (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore] (...) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] (...) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-1957994488-1993962763-1606980848-1003Core] (...) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-1957994488-1993962763-1606980848-1003UA] (...) -- C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
[MD5.154F60C1A92B0A645AFC113D1DE3F345] [APT] [SpeedMaxPc Update3] (.SpeedMaxPc.) -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SpeedMaxPc\UUS3\Update3.exe
[MD5.5EEEEBB314D4B6F8FCCBFE4C8BFAA0C9] [APT] [SpeedMaxPc] (.SpeedMaxPc.) -- C:\Program Files\SpeedMaxPc\SpeedMaxPc\SpeedMaxPc.exe
~ Scan Scheduled Task in 00mn 00s

---\\ Composants installés (ActiveSetup Installed Components) (O40)
O40 - ASIC: Mise à jour de la version d'Internet Explorer - <{12d0ed0d-0ee0-4f90-8827-78cefb8f4988} . (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per User Active Setup Uninstall Utility.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieudinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: Windows Media Player - >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\inf\unregmp2.exe
O40 - ASIC: Internet Explorer - >{26923b43-4d38-484f-9b9e-de460746276c} . (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: Outlook Express - >{881dd1c5-3dcf-431b-b061-f3f88e8be88a} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT User Data Migration Tool.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmgrate.exe
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft NetShow Player - {2179C5D3-EBFF-11CF-B6FD-00AA00B4E220} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmpdxm.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player 6.4 - {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmpdxm.dll
O40 - ASIC: DirectAnimation - {283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\danim.dll
O40 - ASIC: Themes Setup - {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} . (.Microsoft Corporation - API Windows Theme.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\themeui.dll
O40 - ASIC: NetMeeting 3.01 - {44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B} . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\INF\msnetmtg.inf
O40 - ASIC: Browsing Enhancements - {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer..) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\msieftp.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player - {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\INF\wmp.inf
O40 - ASIC: Mise à jour du Bureau Windows - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
O40 - ASIC: Internet Explorer - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} . (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe
~ Scan Active Setup in 00mn 00s

---\\ Pilotes lancés au démarrage (O41)
O41 - Driver: (AFD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\afd.sys
O41 - Driver: (Cdrom) . (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys
O41 - Driver: (i8042prt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys
O41 - Driver: (Imapi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - IMAPI Kernel Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\imapi.sys
O41 - Driver: (intelppm) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de périphérique processeur.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\intelppm.sys
O41 - Driver: (IPSec) . (.Microsoft Corporation - IPSec Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ipsec.sys
O41 - Driver: (Kbdclass) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de la classe Clavier.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\kbdclass.sys
O41 - Driver: (Mouclass) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de la classe Souris.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\mouclass.sys
O41 - Driver: (MRxSmb) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT SMB Minirdr.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sys
O41 - Driver: (NetBIOS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NetBIOS interface driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys
O41 - Driver: (NetBT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys
O41 - Driver: (RasAcd) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS Automatic Connection Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\rasacd.sys
O41 - Driver: (Rdbss) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Redirected Drive Buffering SubSystem Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
O41 - Driver: (RDPCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Miniport.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys
O41 - Driver: (redbook) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre audio Livre rouge.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\redbook.sys
O41 - Driver: (Serial) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de périphérique série.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\serial.sys
O41 - Driver: (Tcpip) . (.Microsoft Corporation - TCP/IP Protocol Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\tcpip.sys
O41 - Driver: (TermDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Terminal Server Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\termdd.sys
O41 - Driver: (VgaSave) . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vga.sys
~ Scan Drivers in 00mn 00s

---\\ Logiciels installés (O42)
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- Adobe Flash Player Plugin
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Reader X - Français - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- {AC76BA86-7AD7-1036-7B44-AA0000000001}
O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM] -- CCleaner
O42 - Logiciel: Google Chrome - (.Google Inc..) [HKCU] -- Google Chrome
O42 - Logiciel: Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM] -- {18455581-E099-4BA8-BC6B-F34B2F06600C}
O42 - Logiciel: Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM] -- {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F}
O42 - Logiciel: Google Update Helper - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM] -- {A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2}
O42 - Logiciel: Hotfix for Windows XP (KB915865) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- KB915865
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM] -- HDMI
O42 - Logiciel: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version - (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) [HKLM] -- Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Access MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0015-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Excel MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0016-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0044-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001A-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0018-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- PROPLUS
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Arabic) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-0401-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Dutch) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-0413-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001F-0C0A-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-002C-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-0019-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Shared MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-006E-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Word MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-001B-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {196BB40D-1578-3D01-B289-BEFC77A11A1E}
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Firefox 14.0.1 (x86 fr) - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM] -- Mozilla Firefox 14.0.1 (x86 fr)
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Maintenance Service - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM] -- MozillaMaintenanceService
O42 - Logiciel: Picasa 3 - (.Google, Inc..) [HKLM] -- Picasa 3
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM] -- {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}
O42 - Logiciel: RegSupreme Pro - (.Macecraft Software.) [HKLM] -- RegSupreme Pro_is1
O42 - Logiciel: SAGEM F@st 800-840 - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM] -- {4AE3A0CB-87B0-4F51-BECD-3D1F8DFDD62F}
O42 - Logiciel: SpeedMaxPc - (.SpeedMaxPc.) [HKLM] -- {D894938C-8EE1-4854-9254-8F9AEF2BFE46}
O42 - Logiciel: SuperCopier2 - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM] -- SuperCopier2
O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player 2.0.3 - (.VideoLAN.) [HKLM] -- VLC media player
O42 - Logiciel: WildTangent Updater - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM] -- wcmdmgr.exe
O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 4.20 (32-bit) - (.win.rar GmbH.) [HKLM] -- WinRAR archiver
O42 - Logiciel: Windows Feature Pack for Storage (32-bit) - IMAPI update for Blu-Ray - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- KB952011
O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Messenger - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {508CE775-4BA4-4748-82DF-FE28DA9F03B0}
O42 - Logiciel: Wondershare PC Care Toolbar v6.2 - (.Spigot, Inc..) [HKLM] -- {2D75655A-4E31-40A9-90C5-C65D6B8CF3CE}
O42 - Logiciel: swMSM - (.Adobe Systems, Inc.) [HKLM] -- {612C34C7-5E90-47D8-9B5C-0F717DD82726}
O42 - Logiciel: µTorrent - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM] -- uTorrent

---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys
[HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Search Settings]
[HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Wondershare PC Care]
[HKCU\Software\Blabbers ]
[HKCU\Software\Foxit Software]
[HKCU\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware]
[HKCU\Software\N64 Emulation]
[HKCU\Software\Nico Mak Computing]
[HKCU\Software\SFX TEAM]
[HKCU\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
[HKCU\Software\Search Settings]
[HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings]
[HKCU\Software\WinRAR SFX]
[HKCU\Software\Wondershare PC Care]
[HKLM\Software\ALWIL Software]
[HKLM\Software\Analog Devices]
[HKLM\Software\Application Updater]
[HKLM\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware]
[HKLM\Software\Network Associates]
[HKLM\Software\Panda Security]
[HKLM\Software\Panda Software]
[HKLM\Software\Program Groups]
[HKLM\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
[HKLM\Software\Search Settings]
[HKLM\Software\Windows 3.1 Migration Status]
[HKLM\Software\Wondershare PC Care]
~ Scan Softwares in 00mn 00s

---\\ Contenu des dossiers Programs/ProgramFiles/ProgramData/AppData (O43)
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 12:53:09 - [109,159] ----D C:\Program Files\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 19/08/2012 - 10:11:20 - [34,497] ----D C:\Program Files\Alwil Software
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:32:46 - [0,758] ----D C:\Program Files\Application Updater
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 20:47:06 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\AVG
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2012 - 12:55:56 - [0,005] ----D C:\Program Files\BrowserCompanion
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 19:53:45 - [4,886] ----D C:\Program Files\CCleaner
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:12:22 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\ComPlus Applications
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 13:57:52 - [0,609] ----D C:\Program Files\Conduit
O43 - CFD: 22/07/2012 - 12:51:29 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Dobermann
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:32:45 - [267,133] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:22:04 - [14,387] ----D C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:34:31 - [13,398] ----D C:\Program Files\Free FLV Converter
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:34:31 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Giant Savings
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 09:32:44 - [92,103] ----D C:\Program Files\Google
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2012 - 20:01:39 - [0,055] ----D C:\Program Files\
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 13:31:01 - [0,384] ----D C:\Program Files\Grisoft
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 16:05:08 - [2,575] --H-D C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:53:25 - [0,953] ----D C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 13:22:55 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 21:01:02 - [11,876] ----D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2012 - 18:48:24 - [0,312] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:35:42 - [525,969] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:35:38 - [0,014] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:36:00 - [3,032] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Works
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:13:38 - [9,968] ----D C:\Program Files\Movie Maker
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 10:46:58 - [92,747] ----D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 10:47:01 - [0,161] ----D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:35:52 - [0,001] ----D C:\Program Files\MSBuild
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:11:51 - [8,102] ----D C:\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:36:53 - [2,613] ----D C:\Program Files\Notepad++
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:36:56 - [3,918] ----D C:\Program Files\Outlook Express
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 19:42:05 - [128,786] ----D C:\Program Files\Panda Security
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 20:05:11 - [259,385] ----D C:\Program Files\RegSupreme Pro
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:38:26 - [-1010,595] ----D C:\Program Files\RomStation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 16:05:02 - [10,321] ----D C:\Program Files\SAGEM
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:14:16 - [0,001] ----D C:\Program Files\Services en ligne
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 08:56:13 - [11,817] ----D C:\Program Files\SpeedMaxPc
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:09:14 - [1,114] ----D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy
O43 - CFD: 16/08/2012 - 21:35:34 - [1,480] ----D C:\Program Files\SuperCopier2
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:19:33 - [0] --H-D C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information
O43 - CFD: 12/08/2012 - 09:51:24 - [0,931] ----D C:\Program Files\uTorrent
O43 - CFD: 15/07/2012 - 14:53:35 - [92,388] ----D C:\Program Files\VideoLAN
O43 - CFD: 15/07/2012 - 15:39:45 - [1,475] ----D C:\Program Files\WinAVI MP4 Converter
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:23:00 - [27,660] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Live
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:39:17 - [3,399] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Media Connect 2
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:39:20 - [4,959] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2012 - 21:39:25 - [2,727] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows NT
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:14:20 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate
O43 - CFD: 12/08/2012 - 10:30:39 - [4,175] ----D C:\Program Files\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 16:16:39 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Wondershare
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:32:46 - [1,404] ----D C:\Program Files\Wondershare PC Care Toolbar
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 21:19:57 - [13,060] ----D C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 12:53:22 - [3,785] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:26:39 - [0,026] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Cisco Systems
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:35:38 - [0,089] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\DESIGNER
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2012 - 12:32:55 - [1,832] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:35:59 - [204,147] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:13:44 - [0,271] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\MSSoap
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 17:04:29 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\ODBC
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:13:48 - [0,008] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Services
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 17:04:26 - [3,612] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SpeechEngines
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 08:56:13 - [1,666] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\SpeedMaxPc
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:32:45 - [12,443] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Spigot
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:32:53 - [39,256] ----D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 20:27:52 - [207,736] R-H-D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 21:15:30 - [0,006] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Bureau
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:13:01 - [0,288] R---D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:14:37 - [0] -SH-D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 17:03:53 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favoris
O43 - CFD: 12/08/2012 - 09:51:24 - [0,118] R---D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 17:03:53 - [0] --H-D C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Modèles
O43 - CFD: 01/01/2002 - 03:06:53 - [0,237] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 17:39:33 - [0,095] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Babylon
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2012 - 21:55:52 - [0] R---D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Brother
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2012 - 12:55:56 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\BrowserCompanion
O43 - CFD: 15/07/2012 - 15:59:25 - [0,000] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\FreeFLVConverter
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2012 - 08:35:03 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Google
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:19:46 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Identities
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 16:26:21 - [0,001] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 21:00:02 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Malwarebytes
O43 - CFD: 01/01/2002 - 03:06:53 - [3,943] -S--D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2012 - 19:44:00 - [32,984] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:31:41 - [0,091] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Notepad++
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:33:37 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Search Settings
O43 - CFD: 15/07/2012 - 16:00:06 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\searchquband
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 11:41:40 - [0,002] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\searchqutoolbar
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 08:56:22 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\SpeedMaxPc
O43 - CFD: 24/07/2012 - 12:50:54 - [0,000] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Unity
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 21:20:09 - [2,498] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\uTorrent
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 00:18:47 - [0,085] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\vlc
O43 - CFD: 12/08/2012 - 10:30:52 - [0,000] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:36:20 - [0,008] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Application Data\Wondershare PC Care
O43 - CFD: 01/01/2002 - 02:51:43 - [13,334] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 14:50:17 - [0,000] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Conduit
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 13:57:58 - [1,607] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\CRE
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 09:33:53 - [452,242] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Google
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 16:55:52 - [0,289] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities
O43 - CFD: 01/01/2002 - 03:06:53 - [10,874] -S--D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:32:34 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft Help
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 16:12:09 - [38,308] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 20/08/2012 - 13:57:50 - [0,705] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Temp
O43 - CFD: 24/07/2012 - 12:51:11 - [11,705] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity
O43 - CFD: 23/07/2012 - 15:29:32 - [0] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Local Settings\Application Data\WMTools Downloaded Files
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:19:54 - [0,014] R---D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Accessoires
O43 - CFD: 06/08/2012 - 16:13:57 - [0] R---D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage
O43 - CFD: 08/08/2012 - 17:19:53 - [0,005] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Google Chrome
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:23:41 - [0,001] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Notepad++
O43 - CFD: 11/08/2012 - 08:56:17 - [0,001] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\SpeedMaxPc
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2012 - 15:22:01 - [0,006] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\SuperCopier2
O43 - CFD: 12/08/2012 - 10:30:41 - [0,002] ----D C:\Documents and Settings\Mr KOFFI\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\WinRAR
~ Scan Program Folder in 00mn 09s

---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées sous Windows et System32 (O44)
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B4B44EE1862C5BEF8AA38B3DF54C7C14] - 20/08/2012 - 21:13:00 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\SchedLgU.Txt [32246]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0DB7527DB188C7D967A37BB51BBF3963] - 20/08/2012 - 21:01:36 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [40776]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6DFE7F2E8E8A337263AA5C92A215F161] - 20/08/2012 - 20:59:59 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys [22344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.125B7E5236A641BE2F335A81B05591EB] - 20/08/2012 - 20:30:09 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log [442671]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 20/08/2012 - 20:30:07 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\0.log [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4C73E2F0DCEE59BDBC3CE25CC2884A9F] - 20/08/2012 - 20:30:07 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\wiadebug.log [159]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C4F7355788617BD724199C6CCC7F4F2A] - 20/08/2012 - 20:30:07 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\wiaservc.log [50]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6A2CB42966136854F4464516FBB4AE72] - 20/08/2012 - 20:29:51 -S-A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat [2048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EAEEF16660499675A9F4329F93792351] - 20/08/2012 - 20:27:36 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\setupapi.log [8430]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E712E8630752737F0358D5A3CD5D434D] - 20/08/2012 - 20:05:12 ---A- . (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\efbcfaaf1_d.ocx [23]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0449749693D8FD27CD64A20C320BFDAE] - 20/08/2012 - 20:05:12 -SHA- . (...) -- C:
Utilisateur anonyme
21 août 2012 à 18:42
Sur Cjoint...

Il n'est pas complet ici...
Profil bloqué
19 août 2012 à 14:58
Télècharge CCleaner ,sa résoudra ton problème!