2 janv. 2012 à 14:38
Messages postés1189Date d'inscriptiondimanche 7 octobre 2007StatutMembreDernière intervention12 juin 2020
3 janv. 2012 à 08:43
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Alors voilà mon souci j'ai acheté un script de vente sur internet et maintenant que j'ai un souci, la personne qui me l'a vendue ne réponds plus ! Le bonheur quoi...
Le problème de renvoi de formulaire est assez récurent j'ai vu par ci par là des réponses, mais je n'ai pas les connaissances suffisantes pour le faire moi même...
Il s'agit en fait d'un paiement effectué par paypal tous se passe bien jusqu'au retour sur mon site.
Après recherche, paypal renvoi des données sur mon site, données qui disent que le paiement a bien été effectué ou pas, et ces données renvoi aussi un nombre de crédits qui va donc être "crédité" sur le compte du client.
Jusque là tout se passe bien quand les données sont renvoyées de paypal sur mon site, il affiche bien si le paiement est bien effectué et le client est crédité SAUF QUE si le client actualise cette fameuse page de mon site le paiement n'est pas refait mais le compte est crédité à chaque actualisation, ou même dès que le client à payer et qu'il arrive sur cette page et qu'il clique pour aller sur une autre page du site, dès qu'il part de cette page il est crédité une nouvelle fois...!!!
Donc voilà tout mon problème, il faudrait juste je sais qu'il y ait une condition en plus genre si paiement "completed" et "compte crédité" alors on ne recrédite pas le compte.
Un truc tout con mais que je ne sais pas du tout comment faire...
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ce serait génial !!!
Ci-dessous je vous met le code de la page de réception qui confirme le paiement et crédite le compte.
//$amount = $HTTP_POST_VARS['amount'];
//$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
$payment_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['x_relay_response'];
$option = $HTTP_POST_VARS['option'];
$order_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS['oid'];
//$payment_status = "TRUE";
//$amount = $HTTP_POST_VARS['amount'];
//$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
$option = $_GET['option'];
$payment_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['x_relay_response'];
$payment_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['payment_status'];
$oid = $_GET['id'];
$paytype = $_GET['paytype'];
//$payment_status = "TRUE";
//$payment_status = "Completed";
$qry="select * from account where md5(order_id)='$oid'";
$pay_title=$lang['anet'].' '.$lang['conf'];
if($payment_status =="TRUE")
$dbh->query("update account set paystatus='TRUE', approved='Y' where md5(order_id)='$oid'");
$qry11="select credit from credit_cost where id='$Data->bid_cost'";
$qry1="select * from users where user_id='$Data->user_id'";
$qry2="select amount from amount_transfer where user_id='$Data->user_id' and credit_type='C' and reason like '%Welcome Coupon%'";
$tbalance=$Data1->balance + $Data11->credit + $First_purchase_bid;
$dbh->query("insert into amount_transfer (user_id, entrydate, amount, amount_type, pay_type, reason) values('$Data1->user_id', '$CURRENT_Time', '$First_purchase_bid','P', 'Credit', 'Free bid on First Bid Purchasing')");
$tbalance=$Data1->balance + $Data11->credit;
$dbh->query("insert into amount_transfer (user_id, entrydate, amount, pay_type, reason) values('$Data1->user_id', '$CURRENT_Time', '$Data11->credit', 'Credit', 'Bid Purchasing')");
$sql2="update users set balance='$tbalance' where user_id='$Data1->user_id'";
$sql3="update account set transfer_status='TRUE' where order_id='$Data->order_id'";
eval("\$msgBody = \"$msgBody\";");
$heading=$lang['msg_bid_rec_success'].' '.$lang['anet'].'.';
$retry='<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="'.$lang['retry'].'" name="retry"></td>';
else if($option=='P')
$pay_title=$lang['paypal'].' '.$lang['conf'];
if($payment_status =="Completed")
$dbh->query("update account set paystatus='TRUE', approved='Y' where md5(order_id)='$oid'");
$qry="select * from account where md5(order_id)='$oid'";
$qry11="select credit from credit_cost where id='$Data->bid_cost'";
$qry1="select * from users where user_id='$Data->user_id'";
$qry2="select amount from amount_transfer where user_id='$Data->user_id' and credit_type='C' and reason like '%Welcome Coupon%'";
$tbalance=$Data1->balance + $Data11->credit + $First_purchase_bid;
$dbh->query("insert into amount_transfer (user_id, entrydate, amount, amount_type, pay_type, reason) values('$Data1->user_id', '$CURRENT_Time', '$First_purchase_bid','P', 'Credit', 'Free bid on First Bid Purchasing')");
$tbalance=$Data1->balance + $Data11->credit;
$dbh->query("insert into amount_transfer (user_id, entrydate, amount, pay_type, reason) values('$Data1->user_id', '$CURRENT_Time', '$Data11->credit', 'Credit', 'Bid Purchasing')");
$sql2="update users set balance='$tbalance' where user_id='$Data1->user_id'";
$sql3="update account set transfer_status='TRUE' where order_id='$Data->order_id'";
$msgBody=str_replace("\\", "", $msgBody1);
eval("\$msgBody = \"$msgBody\";");
$heading=$lang['msg_bid_rec_success'].' '.$lang['paypal'];
$retry='<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="'.$lang['retry'].'" name="retry"></td>';
$sql="select a.*, u.email from account as a left join users as u on u.user_id=a.user_id where md5(a.order_id)='$oid'";
$qry11="select credit from credit_cost where id='$sqlRow->bid_cost'";
eval("\$msgBody = \"$msgBody\";");
<br />
'.$lang['bid_pur'].': '.$Data11->credit.'';
$subject3=$lang['anet'].' '.$lang['payment'].' '.$lang['conf'];
$subject3=$lang['paypal'].' '.$lang['payment'].' '.$lang['conf'];
$functions->Send_mail($email,"Purchase Bid Tickets",$SITE_EMAIL,$subject3,$message3);
$qry="select * from bid where id='$Data->item_id' and status='Y' and deleted='N' and end_bid!='Y'";
$pay_title=$lang['anet'].' '.$lang['conf'];
if($payment_status =="TRUE")
$dbh->query("update account set paystatus='TRUE', approved='Y' where md5(order_id)='$oid'");
$dbh->query("update bid set mark_flag='Y' where id='$Data->item_id' and start='Y'");
$heading=$lang['msg_bid_rec_success'].' '.$lang['anet'].'.';
$retry='<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="'.$lang['retry'].'" name="retry"></td>';
else if($option=='P')
$pay_title=$lang['paypal'].' '.$lang['conf'];
if($payment_status =="Completed")
$dbh->query("update account set paystatus='TRUE', approved='Y' where md5(order_id)='$oid'");
$dbh->query("update bid set mark_flag='Y' where id='$Data->item_id' and start='Y'");
$heading=$lang['msg_bid_rec_success'].' '.$lang['paypal'];
$retry='<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="'.$lang['retry'].'" name="retry"></td>';
$current_time=date('Y-m-d', $CURRENT_TIME);
$res=$dbh->query("select * from general_setting");
else if($option=='P')
if($payment_status == $paytype)
$pay_title=$lang['paypal'].' '.$lang['conf'];
$dbh->query("update account set paystatus='TRUE', approved='Y' where md5(order_id)='$oid'");
$sql="SELECT id FROM bid WHERE deleted='N' and status='Y' and start='Y' and end_bid='N' and auction_type='P' and id='$Data->item_id'";
$Qry="select amount, user_id from account where item_id='$Data3->id' order by id desc";
$Qry1="select email from users where deleted='N' and status='Y' and user_id='$Data1->user_id'";
$dbh->query("update bid set mark_flag='Y',end_bid='Y',end_time='".$END_Time."' where id='$Data3->id' and start='Y'");
$dbh->query("insert into winners (bid_id,user_id,price,entrydate) values('$Data3->id','$Data1->user_id','$Data1->amount','$CURRENT_Time')");
//$message1='<p>'.$lang['u_won'].' '.$lang['wewillbeback'].'</p>';
eval("\$message1 = \"$message1\";");
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="97%" border="0" align="center">
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = $SITE_EMAIL; //site url of sender
$mail->FromName = $SITE_TITLE; //site title of sender
$mail->AddAddress($Data2->email); // email address of reciever
$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML
$mail->Subject = $subject1; // subject of mail
$mail->Body = $MSG_body; // body of mail
$sqlResult1=$dbh->query("select U.email from users as U, my_setting as M where U.deleted='N' and U.user_id=M.user_id and M.auction_result='Y'");
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = $SITE_EMAIL; //site url of sender
$mail->FromName = $SITE_TITLE; //site title of sender
$mail->AddAddress($sqlRow1->email); // email address of reciever
$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML
$mail->Subject = $subject1; // subject of mail
$mail->Body = $message1; // body of mail
$Qry11="select * from bid where id='$Data->item_id'";
$today = $CURRENT_Time;
$uploaddir = "bid_images/";
$Qry11="select * from bid where parent_auction='$Data11->parent_auction' and date( entrydate ) = '$current_date'";
$Qry11="select * from bid where parent_auction='$Data->item_id' and date( entrydate ) = '$current_date'";
$Final_End_time=mktime($Time_array[0], $Time_array[1],$Time_array[2], $Date_array[1], $Date_array[2], $Date_array[0]);
$Start_Final_End_time=mktime($Start_Time_array[0], $Start_Time_array[1],$Start_Time_array[2], $Start_Date_array[1], $Start_Date_array[2], $Start_Date_array[0]);
$new_date_time=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$Final_end_time);
$new_pieces=explode(" ",$new_date_time);
if($frequency_run<=$Data11->max_frequency || $Data11->max_frequency=='-1')
$image_path = $uploaddir.$filename0;
$image_path_2 = $uploaddir.$filename0_2;
$image_path_3 = $uploaddir.$filename0_3;
$image_path_4 = $uploaddir.$filename0_4;
$Qry12="select parent_auction from bid where id='$Data->item_id'";
$update_date="DATE_ADD('$new_date', INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
$update_enddate="DATE_ADD('$new_enddate', INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
$sql="insert into bid (title, lang, bid_rate, des, image_path2, image_path,image_path3,image_path4, entrydate, auction_code, extends_time, final_bid, start_auction, end_auction, normal_rate, category, start_pause, sdate, edate, timer_value, delivery_cost, delivery_info, meta_description, meta_keyword, auction_type, start_price, system_id, target_price, robot_system, robot_runtime, quantity_stock, max_frequency, beginner_auction, short_description, parent_auction, sequenceid) values('$title1', '$Data11->lang',
'$Data11->bid_rate', '$des1', '$filename0_2', '$filename0','$filename0_3','$filename0_4', '$today','$auction_code', '$Data11->extends_time', '$Data11->start_price' , '".$Today_Time."', '$new_pieces[1]', '$Data11->normal_rate', '$Data11->category', '$Data11->start_pause', $update_date, $update_enddate, '$Data11->timer_value', '$Data11->delivery_cost', '$Data11->delivery_info', '$Data11->meta_description', '$Data11->meta_keyword', '$Data11->auction_type', '$Data11->start_price', '$Data11->system_id', '$Data11->target_price', '$Data11->robot_system', '$Data11->robot_runtime', '$quantity_stock', '$Data11->max_frequency', '$Data11->beginner_auction', '$short_description', '$parent_auction', $Data11->sequenceid)";
$sql="insert into bid (title, lang, bid_rate, des, image_path2, image_path,image_path3,image_path4, entrydate, auction_code, extends_time, final_bid, start_auction, end_auction, normal_rate, category, start_pause, sdate, edate, timer_value, delivery_cost, delivery_info, meta_description, meta_keyword, auction_type, start_price, system_id, target_price, robot_system, robot_runtime, quantity_stock, max_frequency, beginner_auction, short_description, parent_auction, sequenceid) values('$title1', '$Data11->lang',
'$Data11->bid_rate', '$des1', '$filename0_2', '$filename0','$filename0_3','$filename0_4', '$today','$auction_code', '$Data11->extends_time', '$Data11->start_price' , '".$Today_Time."', '$new_pieces[1]', '$Data11->normal_rate', '$Data11->category', '$Data11->start_pause', '".$CURRENT_DATE."', '$new_pieces[0]', '$Data11->timer_value', '$Data11->delivery_cost', '$Data11->delivery_info', '$Data11->meta_description', '$Data11->meta_keyword', '$Data11->auction_type', '$Data11->start_price', '$Data11->system_id', '$Data11->target_price', '$Data11->robot_system', '$Data11->robot_runtime', '$quantity_stock', '$Data11->max_frequency', '$Data11->beginner_auction', '$short_description', '$parent_auction', $Data11->sequenceid)";
$dbh->query("update bid set sequence='$seq' where id='$seq'");
$qry3="select * from bid_details where status='Y' and deleted='N' and item_id='$parent_auction'";
$qryi3="insert into bid_details (title,description,delivery_info,short_description,lang,item_id) values('$result2->title','$result2->description','$result2->delivery_info','$result2->short_description','$result2->lang','$seq')";
$subject1='out of stock';
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = $SITE_EMAIL; //site url of sender
$mail->FromName = $SITE_TITLE; //site title of sender
$mail->AddAddress($SITE_EMAIL); // email address of reciever
$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML
$mail->Subject = $subject1; // subject of mail
$mail->Body = $message1; // body of mail
$heading=$lang['msg_bid_rec_success'].' '.$lang['paypal'];
$retry='<td align="center"><input type="submit" value="'.$lang[retry].'" name="retry"></td>';
non non je n'ai pas acheté un code de paiement mais tout un script de site de vente et là c'est juste le code de la page de réception de paiement si je puis dire...
Messages postés1189Date d'inscriptiondimanche 7 octobre 2007StatutMembreDernière intervention12 juin 2020431 2 janv. 2012 à 22:40
Un peu difficile de débugger sans pouvoir éditer le code en live...
Il faudrait effectuer des tests pour voir précisément à quel moment il y a un problème... surtout que ton "bout de code" compte quand même 488 lignes...
En fait il faudrait une autre condition (de temps, incrémentation,etc...) qui fasse que si ma variable paiement status est "completed" et que si elle a déjà été executée, et bien qu'elle ne soit pas réexécutée... (j'espère que vous me comprenez, même si je sais que mon explication est pas terrible...)
Je sais c'est facile à dire et...je ne sais pas le faire donc...voilà !
Donc si quelqu'un à une idée je suis preneur.
Messages postés1189Date d'inscriptiondimanche 7 octobre 2007StatutMembreDernière intervention12 juin 2020431 3 janv. 2012 à 08:43
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2 janv. 2012 à 14:46
2 janv. 2012 à 16:26