A voir également:
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- Windows ne démarre pas - Guide
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- Windows movie maker windows 11 - Télécharger - Montage & Édition
15 réponses
Utilisateur anonyme
6 août 2011 à 21:20
6 août 2011 à 21:20
Télécharge OTLPENet sur le bureau.
Double clique ou clic droit sous Vista ou Seven pour lancer l'application.
On va te demander si tu veux graver ...
Prépare un CD vierge et lance OTLPENet, cela va te permettre de graver une image iso.
Note : Le CD gravé, il faut maintenant redémarrer la machine sur le lecteur CDROM
Pour se faire suivre ce lien : Booter sur un CD
Tu lances l'iso d'OTLPENet que tu as gravé.
une fois le bureau de reatogo chargé , tu lances OTLPE , l'icône jaune
Double-clique sur l'icone OTLPE
quand demandé "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes
quand demandé "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes
vérifier que "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" est sélectionné et press OK
sous Custom Scan box
1) copie_colle le contenu du cadre ci dessous:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*.
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*.exe /s
%systemroot%\*. /mp /s
%systemroot%\system32\*.dll /lockedfiles
%systemroot%\Tasks\*.job /lockedfiles
%systemroot%\system32\drivers\*.sys /lockedfiles
copie colle ce texte dans un fichier texte|bloc note que tu enregistres sur clé usb que tu brancheras sous reatogo tu pourras alors facilement le copier\coller.
2) Clic Run Scan pour démarrer le scan.
Une fois terminé , le fichier se trouve là C:\OTL.txt
Copie_colle le contenu dans ta prochaine réponse.
Télécharge OTLPENet sur le bureau.
Double clique ou clic droit sous Vista ou Seven pour lancer l'application.
On va te demander si tu veux graver ...
Prépare un CD vierge et lance OTLPENet, cela va te permettre de graver une image iso.
Note : Le CD gravé, il faut maintenant redémarrer la machine sur le lecteur CDROM
Pour se faire suivre ce lien : Booter sur un CD
Tu lances l'iso d'OTLPENet que tu as gravé.
une fois le bureau de reatogo chargé , tu lances OTLPE , l'icône jaune
Double-clique sur l'icone OTLPE
quand demandé "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes
quand demandé "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes
vérifier que "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" est sélectionné et press OK
sous Custom Scan box
1) copie_colle le contenu du cadre ci dessous:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*.
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*.exe /s
%systemroot%\*. /mp /s
%systemroot%\system32\*.dll /lockedfiles
%systemroot%\Tasks\*.job /lockedfiles
%systemroot%\system32\drivers\*.sys /lockedfiles
copie colle ce texte dans un fichier texte|bloc note que tu enregistres sur clé usb que tu brancheras sous reatogo tu pourras alors facilement le copier\coller.
2) Clic Run Scan pour démarrer le scan.
Une fois terminé , le fichier se trouve là C:\OTL.txt
Copie_colle le contenu dans ta prochaine réponse.
Salut, le scan s'interromp sur un message "manual scan files.getting folder..." et les fichiers en question ne sont pas accessibles "access denied".
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 7/08/2011 à 08:06
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 7/08/2011 à 08:06
On va procéder autrement sans le script.
Double-clique sur l'icone OTLPE
quand demandé "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes
quand demandé "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes
vérifier que "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" est sélectionné et press OK
Clic Run Scan pour démarrer le scan.
Une fois terminé , le fichier se trouve là C:\OTL.txt
Copie_colle le contenu dans ta prochaine réponse.
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
On va procéder autrement sans le script.
Double-clique sur l'icone OTLPE
quand demandé "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes
quand demandé "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes
vérifier que "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" est sélectionné et press OK
Clic Run Scan pour démarrer le scan.
Une fois terminé , le fichier se trouve là C:\OTL.txt
Copie_colle le contenu dans ta prochaine réponse.
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
J'ai du enlever quelques adresses internet qui m'empechait de poster (titre non renseigné) mais voila enfin le rapport:
OTL logfile created on: 8/7/2011 5:05:47 PM - Run
OTLPE by OldTimer - Version Folder = X:\Programs\OTLPE
Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium Service Pack 2 (Version = 6.0.6002) - Type = System
Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.6001.19088)
Locale: 0000040C | Country: France | Language: FRA | Date Format: dd/MM/yyyy
3.00 Gb Total Physical Memory | 3.00 Gb Available Physical Memory | 90.00% Memory free
3.00 Gb Paging File | 3.00 Gb Available in Paging File | 98.00% Paging File free
Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data]
%SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
Drive C: | 220.88 Gb Total Space | 72.43 Gb Free Space | 32.79% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
D: Drive not present or media not loaded
E: Drive not present or media not loaded
F: Drive not present or media not loaded
G: Drive not present or media not loaded
H: Drive not present or media not loaded
I: Drive not present or media not loaded
Drive X: | 433.24 Mb Total Space | 0.00 Mb Free Space | 0.00% Space Free | Partition Type: CDFS
Computer Name: REATOGO
Current User Name: SYSTEM
Logged in as Administrator.
Current Boot Mode: Normal
Scan Mode: All users
Company Name Whitelist: Off
Skip Microsoft Files: Off
File Age = 30 Days
Output = Standard
Using ControlSet: ControlSet001
[color=#E56717]========== Win32 Services (SafeList) ==========/color
SRV - [2011/02/22 09:33:09 | 000,797,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\FntCache.dll -- (FontCache)
SRV - [2010/10/02 18:03:58 | 000,028,762 | ---- | M] (MyWebSearch.com) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSVC.EXE -- (MyWebSearchService)
SRV - [2010/05/14 05:00:26 | 000,249,136 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Search Enhancement Pack\SeaPort\SeaPort.exe -- (SeaPort)
SRV - [2010/04/28 02:44:02 | 000,704,872 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Family Safety\fsssvc.exe -- (fsssvc)
SRV - [2010/04/16 02:33:40 | 000,144,672 | ---- | M] (Apple Inc.) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe -- (Apple Mobile Device)
SRV - [2010/03/18 07:16:28 | 000,753,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\WPFFontCache_v0400.exe -- (WPFFontCache_v0400)
SRV - [2010/03/18 07:16:28 | 000,130,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32)
SRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,185,089 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService)
SRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,108,289 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService)
SRV - [2008/08/22 03:03:16 | 000,071,512 | ---- | M] (O2Micro International) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2flash.exe -- (o2flash)
SRV - [2008/05/21 22:09:39 | 000,024,064 | ---- | M] (Google) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe -- (GoogleDesktopManager-071508-051939)
SRV - [2008/05/21 21:29:24 | 000,647,680 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe -- (FLEXnet Licensing Service)
SRV - [2008/02/03 07:00:00 | 000,129,992 | ---- | M] (EasyBits Sofware AS) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\ezsvc7.dll -- (ezSharedSvc)
SRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:32 | 000,272,952 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll -- (WinDefend)
SRV - [2007/09/10 18:45:04 | 000,124,832 | ---- | M] () [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe -- (AdobeActiveFileMonitor6.0)
SRV - [2007/05/28 12:57:54 | 000,275,968 | ---- | M] (Rocket Division Software) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\StarWind\StarWindServiceAE.exe -- (StarWindServiceAE)
SRV - [2001/11/12 07:31:48 | 000,020,480 | ---- | M] (X10) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\Common\X10nets.exe -- (x10nets)
[color=#E56717]========== Driver Services (SafeList) ==========/color
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\nwlnkfwd.sys -- (NwlnkFwd)
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\nwlnkflt.sys -- (NwlnkFlt)
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ipinip.sys -- (IpInIp)
DRV - [2011/08/05 17:26:30 | 000,037,888 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Unavailable] -- C:\Windows\Temp\4D5A.tmp -- (dc8ff400)
DRV - [2010/09/11 15:26:37 | 000,281,760 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atksgt.sys -- (atksgt)
DRV - [2010/09/11 15:26:37 | 000,025,888 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lirsgt.sys -- (lirsgt)
DRV - [2009/12/11 22:02:25 | 000,056,816 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt)
DRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,028,520 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -- (ssmdrv)
DRV - [2009/08/24 07:22:32 | 000,028,224 | ---- | M] (Printing Communications Assoc., Inc. (PCAUSA)) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PCAMp50.sys -- (PCAMp50)
DRV - [2009/08/24 07:22:32 | 000,027,072 | ---- | M] (Printing Communications Assoc., Inc. (PCAUSA)) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PCASp50.sys -- (PCASp50)
DRV - [2009/08/05 17:48:42 | 000,054,632 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\fssfltr.sys -- (fssfltr)
DRV - [2009/03/30 05:32:47 | 000,096,104 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb)
DRV - [2009/02/13 07:34:33 | 000,011,608 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgio.sys -- (avgio)
DRV - [2009/01/26 17:14:21 | 000,717,296 | ---- | M] (Duplex Secure Ltd.) [Kernel | Boot] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sptd.sys -- (sptd)
DRV - [2008/09/18 06:49:28 | 002,169,944 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RTKVHDA.sys -- (IntcAzAudAddService) Service for Realtek HD Audio (WDM)
DRV - [2008/09/08 08:04:46 | 000,093,232 | ---- | M] (PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc.) [Kernel | Boot] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\TPkd.sys -- (TPkd)
DRV - [2008/08/22 03:03:40 | 000,051,288 | ---- | M] (O2Micro ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2media.sys -- (O2MDRDR)
DRV - [2008/07/04 02:35:40 | 003,847,168 | ---- | M] (ATI Technologies Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atikmdag.sys -- (atikmdag)
DRV - [2008/06/17 23:19:54 | 000,147,168 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RtHDMIV.sys -- (RTHDMIAzAudService)
DRV - [2008/06/11 21:28:56 | 000,043,608 | ---- | M] (O2Micro ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2sd.sys -- (O2SDRDR)
DRV - [2008/05/03 02:58:15 | 000,015,872 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\Temp\krdpdre.sys -- (krdpdre)
DRV - [2008/05/02 01:59:40 | 000,122,368 | ---- | M] (Realtek Corporation ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Rtlh86.sys -- (RTL8169)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,386,616 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\megasr.sys -- (MegaSR)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,149,560 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpu320.sys -- (adpu320)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,031,288 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\megasas.sys -- (megasas)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,101,432 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpu160m.sys -- (adpu160m)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,074,808 | ---- | M] (Silicon Integrated Systems) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sisraid4.sys -- (SiSRaid4)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,040,504 | ---- | M] (Hewlett-Packard Company) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\hpcisss.sys -- (HpCISSs)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:25 | 000,300,600 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpahci.sys -- (adpahci)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:25 | 000,089,656 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys -- (LSI_SAS)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 001,122,360 | ---- | M] (QLogic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql2300.sys -- (ql2300)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 000,118,784 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\E1G60I32.sys -- (E1G60) Intel(R)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 000,079,928 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arcsas.sys -- (arcsas)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,235,064 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iastorv.sys -- (iaStorV)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,130,616 | ---- | M] (VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vsmraid.sys -- (vsmraid)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,115,816 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ulsata2.sys -- (ulsata2)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,096,312 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_scsi.sys -- (LSI_SCSI)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,096,312 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_fc.sys -- (LSI_FC)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,079,416 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arc.sys -- (arc)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:22 | 000,342,584 | ---- | M] (Emulex) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\elxstor.sys -- (elxstor)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,422,968 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adp94xx.sys -- (adp94xx)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,102,968 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvraid.sys -- (nvraid)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,045,112 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvstor.sys -- (nvstor)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:20 | 000,238,648 | ---- | M] (ULi Electronics Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\uliahci.sys -- (uliahci)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,020,024 | ---- | M] (VIA Technologies, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\viaide.sys -- (viaide)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,019,000 | ---- | M] (CMD Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cmdide.sys -- (cmdide)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,017,464 | ---- | M] (Acer Laboratories Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aliide.sys -- (aliide)
DRV - [2007/11/08 01:10:00 | 000,288,768 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corporation ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RTL8187B.sys -- (RTL8187B)
DRV - [2007/06/07 22:53:56 | 000,187,448 | ---- | M] (Synaptics, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SynTP.sys -- (SynTP)
DRV - [2007/06/06 08:10:38 | 000,051,512 | ---- | M] (BridgeCo AG) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pae_avs.sys -- (pae_avs)
DRV - [2007/06/06 08:10:36 | 000,123,704 | ---- | M] (BridgeCo AG) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pae_1394.sys -- (pae_1394)
DRV - [2006/11/23 13:20:06 | 000,018,432 | ---- | M] (SIA Syncrosoft) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\synasUSB.sys -- (SynasUSB)
DRV - [2006/11/17 04:31:04 | 000,013,976 | ---- | M] (X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\x10hid.sys -- (X10Hid)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:35 | 000,106,088 | ---- | M] (QLogic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql40xx.sys -- (ql40xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:35 | 000,098,408 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ulsata.sys -- (UlSata)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:19 | 000,045,160 | ---- | M] (IBM Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nfrd960.sys -- (nfrd960)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:17 | 000,041,576 | ---- | M] (Intel Corp./ICP vortex GmbH) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iirsp.sys -- (iirsp)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:11 | 000,071,272 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\djsvs.sys -- (aic78xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:09 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (Integrated Technology Express, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iteraid.sys -- (iteraid)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:07 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (Integrated Technology Express, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iteatapi.sys -- (iteatapi)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:05 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\symc8xx.sys -- (Symc8xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:03 | 000,034,920 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sym_u3.sys -- (Sym_u3)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:49:59 | 000,033,384 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mraid35x.sys -- (Mraid35x)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:49:56 | 000,031,848 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sym_hi.sys -- (Sym_hi)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:25:24 | 000,071,808 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brserid.sys -- (Brserid) Brother MFC Serial Port Interface Driver (WDM)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:47 | 000,011,904 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brusbser.sys -- (BrUsbSer)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:46 | 000,005,248 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries, Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brfiltup.sys -- (BrFiltUp)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:45 | 000,013,568 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries, Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brfiltlo.sys -- (BrFiltLo)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:44 | 000,062,336 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brserwdm.sys -- (BrSerWdm)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:44 | 000,012,160 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brusbmdm.sys -- (BrUsbMdm)
DRV - [2006/11/02 03:36:50 | 000,020,608 | ---- | M] (N-trig Innovative Technologies) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ntrigdigi.sys -- (ntrigdigi)
DRV - [2002/04/16 07:10:52 | 000,004,899 | ---- | M] (MAGIX AG) [File_System | On_Demand] -- C:\Audio\SAMPLITUDE 10 SE\mxasio.sys -- (MagixASIODrv)
DRV - [2001/04/13 13:16:38 | 000,187,992 | ---- | M] (Roland) [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Roland\Virtual Sound Canvas DXi\RVIEg01.sys -- (RVIEG01)
[color=#E56717]========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ==========/color
[color=#E56717]========== Internet Explorer ==========/color
IE - HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,StartPageCache = 1
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {00A6FAF6-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {08C06D61-F1F3-4799-86F8-BE1A89362C85} - C:\Program Files\Orange\Connexion Internet Orange\SearchURLHook\SearchPageURL.dll File not found
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0
[color=#E56717]========== FireFox ==========/color
FF - prefs.js..browser.startup.homepage: "FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {ABDE892B-13A8-4d1b-88E6-365A6E755758}:14.0.1
FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}:6.0.22
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\: C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin [2010/10/02 18:04:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{ABDE892B-13A8-4d1b-88E6-365A6E755758}: C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\Firefox\Ext [2010/12/05 07:01:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.0.19\extensions\\Components: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components [2011/01/04 14:02:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.0.19\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins [2011/02/27 09:52:05 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
[2009/05/31 15:55:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Extensions
[2011/07/01 06:29:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ch7kyc6w.default\extensions
[2009/07/07 12:20:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant) -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ch7kyc6w.default\extensions\{20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}
[2011/07/01 10:57:23 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions
[2011/02/27 09:52:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
[2011/02/27 09:51:54 | 000,472,808 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npdeployJava1.dll
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,001,516 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\amazon-france.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,000,757 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\eBay-france.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:33 | 000,000,748 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\MediaDICO-fr.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,001,426 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-fr.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,000,652 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-france.xml
O1 HOSTS File: ([2006/09/18 17:41:30 | 000,000,761 | ---- | M]) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
O1 - Hosts: localhost
O1 - Hosts: ::1 localhost
O2 - BHO: (MyWebSearch Search Assistant BHO) - {00A6FAF1-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O2 - BHO: (Aide pour le lien d'Adobe PDF Reader) - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
O2 - BHO: (mwsBar BHO) - {07B18EA1-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O2 - BHO: (RealPlayer Download and Record Plugin for Internet Explorer) - {3049C3E9-B461-4BC5-8870-4C09146192CA} - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\IE\rpbrowserrecordplugin.dll (RealPlayer)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {5C255C8A-E604-49b4-9D64-90988571CECB} - No CLSID value found.
O2 - BHO: (Search Helper) - {6EBF7485-159F-4bff-A14F-B9E3AAC4465B} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Search Enhancement Pack\Search Helper\SEPsearchhelperie.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O2 - BHO: (Google Toolbar Helper) - {AA58ED58-01DD-4d91-8333-CF10577473F7} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O2 - BHO: (Google Toolbar Notifier BHO) - {AF69DE43-7D58-4638-B6FA-CE66B5AD205D} - C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\5.7.6406.1642\swg.dll (Google Inc.)
O2 - BHO: (CBrowserHelperObject Object) - {CA6319C0-31B7-401E-A518-A07C3DB8F777} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google_BAE\BAE.dll (Packard Bell)
O2 - BHO: (Windows Live Toolbar Helper) - {E15A8DC0-8516-42A1-81EA-DC94EC1ACF10} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (My Web Search) - {07B18EA9-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (&Windows Live Toolbar) - {21FA44EF-376D-4D53-9B0F-8A89D3229068} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (Google Toolbar) - {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (My Web Search) - {07B18EA9-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (&Windows Live Toolbar) - {21FA44EF-376D-4D53-9B0F-8A89D3229068} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (Google Toolbar) - {2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher] C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [CarboniteSetupLite] C:\Program Files\Packard Bell\Carbonite\CarboniteSetupLitePBPreInstaller.exe (Carbonite, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Google Desktop Search] C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe (Google)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Google Quick Search Box] C:\Program Files\Google\Quick Search Box\GoogleQuickSearchBox.exe (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [My Web Search Bar Search Scope Monitor] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\M3SRCHMN.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSOEMON.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [ORAHSSSessionManager] C:\Program Files\Orange\Connexion Internet Orange\SessionManager\SessionManager.exe File not found
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] C:\Windows\RtHDVCpl.exe (Realtek Semiconductor)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [StartCCC] C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\CLIStart.exe (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [TkBellExe] C:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\update\realsched.exe (RealNetworks, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [toolbar_eula_launcher] C:\Program Files\Packard Bell\GOOGLE_EULA\EULALauncher.exe ( )
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Windows Defender] C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe (Microsoft Corporation)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [AlcoholAutomount] C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\axcmd.exe (Alcohol Soft Development Team)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [IndxStoreSvr_{79662E04-7C6C-4d9f-84C7-88D8A56B10AA}] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe (Nero AG)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSOEMON.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [Qkikililunutowu] C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\dslste.DLL (Axalto)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [RNynbHCRYJvL] C:\ProgramData\RNynbHCRYJvL.exe File not found
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [Security Protection] C:\ProgramData\defender.exe ()
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [swg] C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKU\LocalService_ON_C..\Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] C:\Windows\System32\oobefldr.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O4 - HKU\NetworkService_ON_C..\Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] C:\Windows\System32\oobefldr.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableTaskMgr = 1
O7 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableTaskMgr = 1
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xporter vers Microsoft Excel - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Ajout Direct - {219C3416-8CB2-491a-A3C7-D9FCDDC9D600} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\WriterBrowserExtension.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : &Ajout Direct dans Windows Live Writer - {219C3416-8CB2-491a-A3C7-D9FCDDC9D600} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\WriterBrowserExtension.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Envoyer à OneNote - {2670000A-7350-4f3c-8081-5663EE0C6C49} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONBttnIE.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : &Envoyer à OneNote - {2670000A-7350-4f3c-8081-5663EE0C6C49} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONBttnIE.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\REFIEBAR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation)
O10 - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries\000000000007 [] - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.)
O13 - gopher Prefix: missing
O16 - DPF: {02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B} http://appldnld.apple.com.edgesuite.net/content.info.apple.com/QuickTime/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab (QuickTime Object)
O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O16 - DPF: {C345E174-3E87-4F41-A01C-B066A90A49B4} http://trial.trymicrosoftoffice.com/trialoaa/buymsoffice_assets/framework/microsoft/wrc32.ocx (WRC Class)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer =
O18 - Protocol\Handler\livecall {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8117.0416.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\ms-help {314111c7-a502-11d2-bbca-00c04f8ec294} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help\hxds.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\msnim {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8117.0416.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\wlmailhtml {03C514A3-1EFB-4856-9F99-10D7BE1653C0} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Mail\mailcomm.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Filter\text/xml {807563E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\MSOXMLMF.DLL (Microsoft Corporation)
O20 - AppInit_DLLs: (C:\PROGRA~1\Google\GOOGLE~2\GOEC62~1.DLL) - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll (Google)
O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation)
O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\Windows\system32\ezShellStart.exe) - C:\Windows\System32\ezShellStart.exe (EasyBits Software AS)
O24 - Desktop WallPaper: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Oryx Antelope.jpg
O24 - Desktop BackupWallPaper: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Oryx Antelope.jpg
O28 - HKLM ShellExecuteHooks: {E54729E8-BB3D-4270-9D49-7389EA579090} - C:\Windows\System32\ezUPBHook.dll (EasyBits Software Corp.)
O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1
O32 - AutoRun File - [2006/09/18 17:43:36 | 000,000,024 | ---- | M] () - C:\autoexec.bat -- [ NTFS ]
O32 - AutoRun File - [2006/03/24 07:06:41 | 000,000,053 | R--- | M] () - X:\AUTORUN.INF -- [ CDFS ]
O33 - MountPoints2\{5f18d47b-697a-11df-8253-00238b1d175e}\Shell - "" = AutoRun
O33 - MountPoints2\{5f18d47b-697a-11df-8253-00238b1d175e}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = G:\LaunchU3.exe -- File not found
O33 - MountPoints2\{f91a5659-eeb3-11dd-b119-beb9e4dd15f8}\Shell - "" = AutoRun
O33 - MountPoints2\{f91a5659-eeb3-11dd-b119-beb9e4dd15f8}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\FalloutLauncher.exe -- File not found
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %*
O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %*
O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %*
O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %*
[color=#E56717]========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ==========/color
[2011/08/07 02:20:40 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | C] -- C:\RECYCLER
[2011/07/12 21:21:28 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Google
[2011/07/12 19:17:35 | 002,043,392 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\win32k.sys
[2011/07/12 19:17:29 | 000,375,808 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\winsrv.dll
[2011/07/12 19:17:29 | 000,049,152 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\csrsrv.dll
[2009/08/05 15:36:18 | 000,118,784 | ---- | C] (Axalto) -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\dslste.dll
[5 C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp files -> C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp -> ]
[1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ]
[color=#E56717]========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ==========/color
[2011/08/05 17:31:11 | 000,001,052 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job
[2011/08/05 17:29:06 | 000,067,584 | --S- | M] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat
[2011/08/05 17:28:53 | 001,720,134 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\IconCache.db
[2011/08/05 17:04:00 | 000,001,056 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Recovery DVD Creator-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Extension de garantie-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:44 | 000,003,216 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-2P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
[2011/08/05 16:20:44 | 000,003,216 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-2P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
[2011/08/05 13:37:10 | 000,000,069 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\NeroDigital.ini
[2011/08/05 12:14:24 | 000,000,006 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\SA.DAT
[2011/08/05 12:14:17 | 3215,556,608 | -HS- | M] () -- C:\hiberfil.sys
[2011/07/29 12:49:08 | 000,000,480 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Norton Security Scan for comakepi.job
[2011/07/12 21:24:09 | 000,327,984 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT
[5 C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp files -> C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp -> ]
[1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ]
[color=#E56717]========== Files Created - No Company Name ==========/color
[2011/07/02 13:28:29 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{5C2E931B-74CE-4C0F-A962-E069F53FDCCF}
[2011/06/02 04:48:33 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{BF0BE14B-0FD7-410E-9D61-974CCF2E0893}
[2011/05/31 08:02:29 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{76AE97E5-74E7-4794-9B06-C2FAEC6E5C96}
[2011/05/24 02:27:43 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{1F7D3A35-8259-4DF0-AF94-FA1F574DA739}
[2011/05/18 08:38:36 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{CE0C7615-5C63-4630-BC7D-DF34C2B423CE}
[2010/07/15 03:47:24 | 000,000,025 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\cdplayer.ini
[2010/03/14 13:24:47 | 000,000,049 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SamControlpanel95.INI
[2010/02/28 10:38:41 | 000,085,504 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\ff_vfw.dll
[2010/01/31 12:39:13 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\wklnhst.dat
[2009/12/26 16:42:10 | 000,002,892 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\audcon.sys
[2009/10/22 14:49:51 | 000,027,215 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\UserTile.png
[2009/09/29 15:36:22 | 000,053,248 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\mgxasio2.dll
[2009/09/29 15:02:59 | 000,120,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\DLLDEV32i.dll
[2009/09/29 15:02:40 | 000,006,211 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\mgxoschk.ini
[2009/08/29 05:33:17 | 000,000,069 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\NeroDigital.ini
[2009/08/05 15:36:21 | 000,117,248 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\EhStorAuthn.dll
[2009/06/01 13:34:56 | 000,000,109 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\BBW_INFO.INI
[2009/01/23 16:56:14 | 000,000,680 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\d3d9caps.dat
[2009/01/11 06:15:08 | 000,281,760 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atksgt.sys
[2009/01/11 06:15:07 | 000,025,888 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lirsgt.sys
[2009/01/11 05:14:55 | 000,087,040 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini
[2008/08/05 04:08:05 | 000,159,744 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\atitmmxx.dll
[2008/06/05 05:31:46 | 001,060,424 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\WdfCoInstaller01000.dll
[2008/05/21 21:35:44 | 000,000,144 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\RtDefLvl.ini
[2006/11/02 08:35:32 | 000,005,632 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\sysprepMCE.dll
[2006/11/02 03:40:29 | 000,013,750 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\pacerprf.ini
[2000/01/27 19:00:00 | 000,012,288 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\HLINKPRX.DLL
[color=#E56717]========== LOP Check ==========/color
[2009/01/26 17:19:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools
[2009/01/26 17:13:55 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Lite
[2009/01/26 17:18:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Pro
[2010/09/07 10:52:33 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Imperium Romanum
[2009/09/29 15:40:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX
[2010/05/08 05:22:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\OfficeRecovery
[2011/03/02 16:13:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice.org
[2009/01/16 12:36:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Packard Bell
[2009/10/22 14:49:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\PeerNetworking
[2009/12/26 16:50:46 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg
[2010/09/11 15:28:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft
[2010/01/04 12:28:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent
[2010/07/14 13:43:02 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\Extension de garantie-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\Recovery DVD Creator-comakepi.job
[2011/08/03 15:03:12 | 000,032,520 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT
[2011/05/22 06:08:25 | 000,000,438 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\User_Feed_Synchronization-{62A0644E-2384-4B1C-8373-47131F0EC8AF}.job
[color=#E56717]========== Purity Check ==========/color
< End of report >
OTL logfile created on: 8/7/2011 5:05:47 PM - Run
OTLPE by OldTimer - Version Folder = X:\Programs\OTLPE
Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium Service Pack 2 (Version = 6.0.6002) - Type = System
Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.6001.19088)
Locale: 0000040C | Country: France | Language: FRA | Date Format: dd/MM/yyyy
3.00 Gb Total Physical Memory | 3.00 Gb Available Physical Memory | 90.00% Memory free
3.00 Gb Paging File | 3.00 Gb Available in Paging File | 98.00% Paging File free
Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data]
%SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
Drive C: | 220.88 Gb Total Space | 72.43 Gb Free Space | 32.79% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
D: Drive not present or media not loaded
E: Drive not present or media not loaded
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H: Drive not present or media not loaded
I: Drive not present or media not loaded
Drive X: | 433.24 Mb Total Space | 0.00 Mb Free Space | 0.00% Space Free | Partition Type: CDFS
Computer Name: REATOGO
Current User Name: SYSTEM
Logged in as Administrator.
Current Boot Mode: Normal
Scan Mode: All users
Company Name Whitelist: Off
Skip Microsoft Files: Off
File Age = 30 Days
Output = Standard
Using ControlSet: ControlSet001
[color=#E56717]========== Win32 Services (SafeList) ==========/color
SRV - [2011/02/22 09:33:09 | 000,797,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\FntCache.dll -- (FontCache)
SRV - [2010/10/02 18:03:58 | 000,028,762 | ---- | M] (MyWebSearch.com) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSVC.EXE -- (MyWebSearchService)
SRV - [2010/05/14 05:00:26 | 000,249,136 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Search Enhancement Pack\SeaPort\SeaPort.exe -- (SeaPort)
SRV - [2010/04/28 02:44:02 | 000,704,872 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Family Safety\fsssvc.exe -- (fsssvc)
SRV - [2010/04/16 02:33:40 | 000,144,672 | ---- | M] (Apple Inc.) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe -- (Apple Mobile Device)
SRV - [2010/03/18 07:16:28 | 000,753,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\WPFFontCache_v0400.exe -- (WPFFontCache_v0400)
SRV - [2010/03/18 07:16:28 | 000,130,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32)
SRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,185,089 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService)
SRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,108,289 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService)
SRV - [2008/08/22 03:03:16 | 000,071,512 | ---- | M] (O2Micro International) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2flash.exe -- (o2flash)
SRV - [2008/05/21 22:09:39 | 000,024,064 | ---- | M] (Google) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe -- (GoogleDesktopManager-071508-051939)
SRV - [2008/05/21 21:29:24 | 000,647,680 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [On_Demand] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe -- (FLEXnet Licensing Service)
SRV - [2008/02/03 07:00:00 | 000,129,992 | ---- | M] (EasyBits Sofware AS) [Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\ezsvc7.dll -- (ezSharedSvc)
SRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:32 | 000,272,952 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll -- (WinDefend)
SRV - [2007/09/10 18:45:04 | 000,124,832 | ---- | M] () [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe -- (AdobeActiveFileMonitor6.0)
SRV - [2007/05/28 12:57:54 | 000,275,968 | ---- | M] (Rocket Division Software) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\StarWind\StarWindServiceAE.exe -- (StarWindServiceAE)
SRV - [2001/11/12 07:31:48 | 000,020,480 | ---- | M] (X10) [Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\Common\X10nets.exe -- (x10nets)
[color=#E56717]========== Driver Services (SafeList) ==========/color
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\nwlnkfwd.sys -- (NwlnkFwd)
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\nwlnkflt.sys -- (NwlnkFlt)
DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ipinip.sys -- (IpInIp)
DRV - [2011/08/05 17:26:30 | 000,037,888 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Unavailable] -- C:\Windows\Temp\4D5A.tmp -- (dc8ff400)
DRV - [2010/09/11 15:26:37 | 000,281,760 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atksgt.sys -- (atksgt)
DRV - [2010/09/11 15:26:37 | 000,025,888 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lirsgt.sys -- (lirsgt)
DRV - [2009/12/11 22:02:25 | 000,056,816 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt)
DRV - [2009/11/07 16:07:07 | 000,028,520 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -- (ssmdrv)
DRV - [2009/08/24 07:22:32 | 000,028,224 | ---- | M] (Printing Communications Assoc., Inc. (PCAUSA)) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PCAMp50.sys -- (PCAMp50)
DRV - [2009/08/24 07:22:32 | 000,027,072 | ---- | M] (Printing Communications Assoc., Inc. (PCAUSA)) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PCASp50.sys -- (PCASp50)
DRV - [2009/08/05 17:48:42 | 000,054,632 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\fssfltr.sys -- (fssfltr)
DRV - [2009/03/30 05:32:47 | 000,096,104 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb)
DRV - [2009/02/13 07:34:33 | 000,011,608 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgio.sys -- (avgio)
DRV - [2009/01/26 17:14:21 | 000,717,296 | ---- | M] (Duplex Secure Ltd.) [Kernel | Boot] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sptd.sys -- (sptd)
DRV - [2008/09/18 06:49:28 | 002,169,944 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RTKVHDA.sys -- (IntcAzAudAddService) Service for Realtek HD Audio (WDM)
DRV - [2008/09/08 08:04:46 | 000,093,232 | ---- | M] (PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc.) [Kernel | Boot] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\TPkd.sys -- (TPkd)
DRV - [2008/08/22 03:03:40 | 000,051,288 | ---- | M] (O2Micro ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2media.sys -- (O2MDRDR)
DRV - [2008/07/04 02:35:40 | 003,847,168 | ---- | M] (ATI Technologies Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atikmdag.sys -- (atikmdag)
DRV - [2008/06/17 23:19:54 | 000,147,168 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RtHDMIV.sys -- (RTHDMIAzAudService)
DRV - [2008/06/11 21:28:56 | 000,043,608 | ---- | M] (O2Micro ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\o2sd.sys -- (O2SDRDR)
DRV - [2008/05/03 02:58:15 | 000,015,872 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\Temp\krdpdre.sys -- (krdpdre)
DRV - [2008/05/02 01:59:40 | 000,122,368 | ---- | M] (Realtek Corporation ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Rtlh86.sys -- (RTL8169)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,386,616 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\megasr.sys -- (MegaSR)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,149,560 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpu320.sys -- (adpu320)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:27 | 000,031,288 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\megasas.sys -- (megasas)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,101,432 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpu160m.sys -- (adpu160m)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,074,808 | ---- | M] (Silicon Integrated Systems) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sisraid4.sys -- (SiSRaid4)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:26 | 000,040,504 | ---- | M] (Hewlett-Packard Company) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\hpcisss.sys -- (HpCISSs)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:25 | 000,300,600 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpahci.sys -- (adpahci)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:25 | 000,089,656 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys -- (LSI_SAS)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 001,122,360 | ---- | M] (QLogic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql2300.sys -- (ql2300)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 000,118,784 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\E1G60I32.sys -- (E1G60) Intel(R)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:24 | 000,079,928 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arcsas.sys -- (arcsas)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,235,064 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iastorv.sys -- (iaStorV)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,130,616 | ---- | M] (VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vsmraid.sys -- (vsmraid)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,115,816 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ulsata2.sys -- (ulsata2)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,096,312 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_scsi.sys -- (LSI_SCSI)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,096,312 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_fc.sys -- (LSI_FC)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:23 | 000,079,416 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arc.sys -- (arc)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:22 | 000,342,584 | ---- | M] (Emulex) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\elxstor.sys -- (elxstor)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,422,968 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adp94xx.sys -- (adp94xx)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,102,968 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvraid.sys -- (nvraid)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:21 | 000,045,112 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvstor.sys -- (nvstor)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:20 | 000,238,648 | ---- | M] (ULi Electronics Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\uliahci.sys -- (uliahci)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,020,024 | ---- | M] (VIA Technologies, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\viaide.sys -- (viaide)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,019,000 | ---- | M] (CMD Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cmdide.sys -- (cmdide)
DRV - [2008/01/20 22:23:00 | 000,017,464 | ---- | M] (Acer Laboratories Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aliide.sys -- (aliide)
DRV - [2007/11/08 01:10:00 | 000,288,768 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corporation ) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RTL8187B.sys -- (RTL8187B)
DRV - [2007/06/07 22:53:56 | 000,187,448 | ---- | M] (Synaptics, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SynTP.sys -- (SynTP)
DRV - [2007/06/06 08:10:38 | 000,051,512 | ---- | M] (BridgeCo AG) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pae_avs.sys -- (pae_avs)
DRV - [2007/06/06 08:10:36 | 000,123,704 | ---- | M] (BridgeCo AG) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pae_1394.sys -- (pae_1394)
DRV - [2006/11/23 13:20:06 | 000,018,432 | ---- | M] (SIA Syncrosoft) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\synasUSB.sys -- (SynasUSB)
DRV - [2006/11/17 04:31:04 | 000,013,976 | ---- | M] (X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\x10hid.sys -- (X10Hid)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:35 | 000,106,088 | ---- | M] (QLogic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql40xx.sys -- (ql40xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:35 | 000,098,408 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ulsata.sys -- (UlSata)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:19 | 000,045,160 | ---- | M] (IBM Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nfrd960.sys -- (nfrd960)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:17 | 000,041,576 | ---- | M] (Intel Corp./ICP vortex GmbH) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iirsp.sys -- (iirsp)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:11 | 000,071,272 | ---- | M] (Adaptec, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\djsvs.sys -- (aic78xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:09 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (Integrated Technology Express, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iteraid.sys -- (iteraid)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:07 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (Integrated Technology Express, Inc.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iteatapi.sys -- (iteatapi)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:05 | 000,035,944 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\symc8xx.sys -- (Symc8xx)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:50:03 | 000,034,920 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sym_u3.sys -- (Sym_u3)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:49:59 | 000,033,384 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic Corporation) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mraid35x.sys -- (Mraid35x)
DRV - [2006/11/02 05:49:56 | 000,031,848 | ---- | M] (LSI Logic) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sym_hi.sys -- (Sym_hi)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:25:24 | 000,071,808 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brserid.sys -- (Brserid) Brother MFC Serial Port Interface Driver (WDM)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:47 | 000,011,904 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brusbser.sys -- (BrUsbSer)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:46 | 000,005,248 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries, Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brfiltup.sys -- (BrFiltUp)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:45 | 000,013,568 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries, Ltd.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brfiltlo.sys -- (BrFiltLo)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:44 | 000,062,336 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brserwdm.sys -- (BrSerWdm)
DRV - [2006/11/02 04:24:44 | 000,012,160 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\brusbmdm.sys -- (BrUsbMdm)
DRV - [2006/11/02 03:36:50 | 000,020,608 | ---- | M] (N-trig Innovative Technologies) [Kernel | Disabled] -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ntrigdigi.sys -- (ntrigdigi)
DRV - [2002/04/16 07:10:52 | 000,004,899 | ---- | M] (MAGIX AG) [File_System | On_Demand] -- C:\Audio\SAMPLITUDE 10 SE\mxasio.sys -- (MagixASIODrv)
DRV - [2001/04/13 13:16:38 | 000,187,992 | ---- | M] (Roland) [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\Program Files\Roland\Virtual Sound Canvas DXi\RVIEg01.sys -- (RVIEG01)
[color=#E56717]========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ==========/color
[color=#E56717]========== Internet Explorer ==========/color
IE - HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,StartPageCache = 1
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {00A6FAF6-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {08C06D61-F1F3-4799-86F8-BE1A89362C85} - C:\Program Files\Orange\Connexion Internet Orange\SearchURLHook\SearchPageURL.dll File not found
IE - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0
[color=#E56717]========== FireFox ==========/color
FF - prefs.js..browser.startup.homepage: "FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {ABDE892B-13A8-4d1b-88E6-365A6E755758}:14.0.1
FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}:6.0.22
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\: C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin [2010/10/02 18:04:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{ABDE892B-13A8-4d1b-88E6-365A6E755758}: C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\Firefox\Ext [2010/12/05 07:01:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.0.19\extensions\\Components: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components [2011/01/04 14:02:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.0.19\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins [2011/02/27 09:52:05 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M]
[2009/05/31 15:55:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Extensions
[2011/07/01 06:29:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ch7kyc6w.default\extensions
[2009/07/07 12:20:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant) -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ch7kyc6w.default\extensions\{20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}
[2011/07/01 10:57:23 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions
[2011/02/27 09:52:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
[2011/02/27 09:51:54 | 000,472,808 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npdeployJava1.dll
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,001,516 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\amazon-france.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,000,757 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\eBay-france.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:33 | 000,000,748 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\MediaDICO-fr.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,001,426 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-fr.xml
[2011/01/04 14:02:34 | 000,000,652 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-france.xml
O1 HOSTS File: ([2006/09/18 17:41:30 | 000,000,761 | ---- | M]) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
O1 - Hosts: localhost
O1 - Hosts: ::1 localhost
O2 - BHO: (MyWebSearch Search Assistant BHO) - {00A6FAF1-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O2 - BHO: (Aide pour le lien d'Adobe PDF Reader) - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
O2 - BHO: (mwsBar BHO) - {07B18EA1-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O2 - BHO: (RealPlayer Download and Record Plugin for Internet Explorer) - {3049C3E9-B461-4BC5-8870-4C09146192CA} - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\IE\rpbrowserrecordplugin.dll (RealPlayer)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {5C255C8A-E604-49b4-9D64-90988571CECB} - No CLSID value found.
O2 - BHO: (Search Helper) - {6EBF7485-159F-4bff-A14F-B9E3AAC4465B} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Search Enhancement Pack\Search Helper\SEPsearchhelperie.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O2 - BHO: (Google Toolbar Helper) - {AA58ED58-01DD-4d91-8333-CF10577473F7} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O2 - BHO: (Google Toolbar Notifier BHO) - {AF69DE43-7D58-4638-B6FA-CE66B5AD205D} - C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\5.7.6406.1642\swg.dll (Google Inc.)
O2 - BHO: (CBrowserHelperObject Object) - {CA6319C0-31B7-401E-A518-A07C3DB8F777} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google_BAE\BAE.dll (Packard Bell)
O2 - BHO: (Windows Live Toolbar Helper) - {E15A8DC0-8516-42A1-81EA-DC94EC1ACF10} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (My Web Search) - {07B18EA9-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (&Windows Live Toolbar) - {21FA44EF-376D-4D53-9B0F-8A89D3229068} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (Google Toolbar) - {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (My Web Search) - {07B18EA9-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSBAR.DLL (MyWebSearch.com)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (&Windows Live Toolbar) - {21FA44EF-376D-4D53-9B0F-8A89D3229068} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Toolbar\wltcore.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O3 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (Google Toolbar) - {2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Toolbar\GoogleToolbar_32.dll (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher] C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [CarboniteSetupLite] C:\Program Files\Packard Bell\Carbonite\CarboniteSetupLitePBPreInstaller.exe (Carbonite, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Google Desktop Search] C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe (Google)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Google Quick Search Box] C:\Program Files\Google\Quick Search Box\GoogleQuickSearchBox.exe (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [My Web Search Bar Search Scope Monitor] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\M3SRCHMN.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSOEMON.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [ORAHSSSessionManager] C:\Program Files\Orange\Connexion Internet Orange\SessionManager\SessionManager.exe File not found
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] C:\Windows\RtHDVCpl.exe (Realtek Semiconductor)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [StartCCC] C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\CLIStart.exe (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [TkBellExe] C:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\update\realsched.exe (RealNetworks, Inc.)
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [toolbar_eula_launcher] C:\Program Files\Packard Bell\GOOGLE_EULA\EULALauncher.exe ( )
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Windows Defender] C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe (Microsoft Corporation)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [AlcoholAutomount] C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\axcmd.exe (Alcohol Soft Development Team)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [IndxStoreSvr_{79662E04-7C6C-4d9f-84C7-88D8A56B10AA}] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe (Nero AG)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\1.bin\MWSOEMON.EXE (MyWebSearch.com)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [Qkikililunutowu] C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\dslste.DLL (Axalto)
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [RNynbHCRYJvL] C:\ProgramData\RNynbHCRYJvL.exe File not found
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [Security Protection] C:\ProgramData\defender.exe ()
O4 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C..\Run: [swg] C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe (Google Inc.)
O4 - HKU\LocalService_ON_C..\Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] C:\Windows\System32\oobefldr.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O4 - HKU\NetworkService_ON_C..\Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] C:\Windows\System32\oobefldr.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableTaskMgr = 1
O7 - HKU\comakepi_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableTaskMgr = 1
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xporter vers Microsoft Excel - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Ajout Direct - {219C3416-8CB2-491a-A3C7-D9FCDDC9D600} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\WriterBrowserExtension.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : &Ajout Direct dans Windows Live Writer - {219C3416-8CB2-491a-A3C7-D9FCDDC9D600} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\WriterBrowserExtension.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Envoyer à OneNote - {2670000A-7350-4f3c-8081-5663EE0C6C49} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONBttnIE.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : &Envoyer à OneNote - {2670000A-7350-4f3c-8081-5663EE0C6C49} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONBttnIE.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O9 - Extra Button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\REFIEBAR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation)
O10 - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries\000000000007 [] - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.)
O13 - gopher Prefix: missing
O16 - DPF: {02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B} http://appldnld.apple.com.edgesuite.net/content.info.apple.com/QuickTime/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab (QuickTime Object)
O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O16 - DPF: {C345E174-3E87-4F41-A01C-B066A90A49B4} http://trial.trymicrosoftoffice.com/trialoaa/buymsoffice_assets/framework/microsoft/wrc32.ocx (WRC Class)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_22-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_22)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer =
O18 - Protocol\Handler\livecall {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8117.0416.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\ms-help {314111c7-a502-11d2-bbca-00c04f8ec294} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help\hxds.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\msnim {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8117.0416.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies)
O18 - Protocol\Handler\wlmailhtml {03C514A3-1EFB-4856-9F99-10D7BE1653C0} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Mail\mailcomm.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
O18 - Protocol\Filter\text/xml {807563E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\MSOXMLMF.DLL (Microsoft Corporation)
O20 - AppInit_DLLs: (C:\PROGRA~1\Google\GOOGLE~2\GOEC62~1.DLL) - C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll (Google)
O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation)
O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\Windows\system32\ezShellStart.exe) - C:\Windows\System32\ezShellStart.exe (EasyBits Software AS)
O24 - Desktop WallPaper: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Oryx Antelope.jpg
O24 - Desktop BackupWallPaper: C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Oryx Antelope.jpg
O28 - HKLM ShellExecuteHooks: {E54729E8-BB3D-4270-9D49-7389EA579090} - C:\Windows\System32\ezUPBHook.dll (EasyBits Software Corp.)
O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1
O32 - AutoRun File - [2006/09/18 17:43:36 | 000,000,024 | ---- | M] () - C:\autoexec.bat -- [ NTFS ]
O32 - AutoRun File - [2006/03/24 07:06:41 | 000,000,053 | R--- | M] () - X:\AUTORUN.INF -- [ CDFS ]
O33 - MountPoints2\{5f18d47b-697a-11df-8253-00238b1d175e}\Shell - "" = AutoRun
O33 - MountPoints2\{5f18d47b-697a-11df-8253-00238b1d175e}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = G:\LaunchU3.exe -- File not found
O33 - MountPoints2\{f91a5659-eeb3-11dd-b119-beb9e4dd15f8}\Shell - "" = AutoRun
O33 - MountPoints2\{f91a5659-eeb3-11dd-b119-beb9e4dd15f8}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\FalloutLauncher.exe -- File not found
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %*
O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %*
O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %*
O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %*
[color=#E56717]========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ==========/color
[2011/08/07 02:20:40 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | C] -- C:\RECYCLER
[2011/07/12 21:21:28 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Google
[2011/07/12 19:17:35 | 002,043,392 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\win32k.sys
[2011/07/12 19:17:29 | 000,375,808 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\winsrv.dll
[2011/07/12 19:17:29 | 000,049,152 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\csrsrv.dll
[2009/08/05 15:36:18 | 000,118,784 | ---- | C] (Axalto) -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\dslste.dll
[5 C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp files -> C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp -> ]
[1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ]
[color=#E56717]========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ==========/color
[2011/08/05 17:31:11 | 000,001,052 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job
[2011/08/05 17:29:06 | 000,067,584 | --S- | M] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat
[2011/08/05 17:28:53 | 001,720,134 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\IconCache.db
[2011/08/05 17:04:00 | 000,001,056 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Recovery DVD Creator-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Extension de garantie-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:44 | 000,003,216 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-2P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
[2011/08/05 16:20:44 | 000,003,216 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-2P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
[2011/08/05 13:37:10 | 000,000,069 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\NeroDigital.ini
[2011/08/05 12:14:24 | 000,000,006 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\SA.DAT
[2011/08/05 12:14:17 | 3215,556,608 | -HS- | M] () -- C:\hiberfil.sys
[2011/07/29 12:49:08 | 000,000,480 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Norton Security Scan for comakepi.job
[2011/07/12 21:24:09 | 000,327,984 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT
[5 C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp files -> C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\*.tmp -> ]
[1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ]
[color=#E56717]========== Files Created - No Company Name ==========/color
[2011/07/02 13:28:29 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{5C2E931B-74CE-4C0F-A962-E069F53FDCCF}
[2011/06/02 04:48:33 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{BF0BE14B-0FD7-410E-9D61-974CCF2E0893}
[2011/05/31 08:02:29 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{76AE97E5-74E7-4794-9B06-C2FAEC6E5C96}
[2011/05/24 02:27:43 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{1F7D3A35-8259-4DF0-AF94-FA1F574DA739}
[2011/05/18 08:38:36 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\{CE0C7615-5C63-4630-BC7D-DF34C2B423CE}
[2010/07/15 03:47:24 | 000,000,025 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\cdplayer.ini
[2010/03/14 13:24:47 | 000,000,049 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SamControlpanel95.INI
[2010/02/28 10:38:41 | 000,085,504 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\ff_vfw.dll
[2010/01/31 12:39:13 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\wklnhst.dat
[2009/12/26 16:42:10 | 000,002,892 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\audcon.sys
[2009/10/22 14:49:51 | 000,027,215 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\UserTile.png
[2009/09/29 15:36:22 | 000,053,248 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\mgxasio2.dll
[2009/09/29 15:02:59 | 000,120,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\DLLDEV32i.dll
[2009/09/29 15:02:40 | 000,006,211 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\mgxoschk.ini
[2009/08/29 05:33:17 | 000,000,069 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\NeroDigital.ini
[2009/08/05 15:36:21 | 000,117,248 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\EhStorAuthn.dll
[2009/06/01 13:34:56 | 000,000,109 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\BBW_INFO.INI
[2009/01/23 16:56:14 | 000,000,680 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\d3d9caps.dat
[2009/01/11 06:15:08 | 000,281,760 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atksgt.sys
[2009/01/11 06:15:07 | 000,025,888 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lirsgt.sys
[2009/01/11 05:14:55 | 000,087,040 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Local\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini
[2008/08/05 04:08:05 | 000,159,744 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\atitmmxx.dll
[2008/06/05 05:31:46 | 001,060,424 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\WdfCoInstaller01000.dll
[2008/05/21 21:35:44 | 000,000,144 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\RtDefLvl.ini
[2006/11/02 08:35:32 | 000,005,632 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\sysprepMCE.dll
[2006/11/02 03:40:29 | 000,013,750 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\pacerprf.ini
[2000/01/27 19:00:00 | 000,012,288 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\HLINKPRX.DLL
[color=#E56717]========== LOP Check ==========/color
[2009/01/26 17:19:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools
[2009/01/26 17:13:55 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Lite
[2009/01/26 17:18:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Pro
[2010/09/07 10:52:33 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Imperium Romanum
[2009/09/29 15:40:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX
[2010/05/08 05:22:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\OfficeRecovery
[2011/03/02 16:13:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice.org
[2009/01/16 12:36:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Packard Bell
[2009/10/22 14:49:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\PeerNetworking
[2009/12/26 16:50:46 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg
[2010/09/11 15:28:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft
[2010/01/04 12:28:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent
[2010/07/14 13:43:02 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\comakepi\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\Extension de garantie-comakepi.job
[2011/08/05 16:20:47 | 000,000,346 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\Recovery DVD Creator-comakepi.job
[2011/08/03 15:03:12 | 000,032,520 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT
[2011/05/22 06:08:25 | 000,000,438 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\User_Feed_Synchronization-{62A0644E-2384-4B1C-8373-47131F0EC8AF}.job
[color=#E56717]========== Purity Check ==========/color
< End of report >
J'ai refait plusieurs tentatives avec le script custom scan, mais sans succes :
soit "Manual Scan File-Looking in folder: C:/Documentandsetting/comakepi/ApplicationData....."
soit "Manual Scan File- Getting folder structure"
soit "Manual Scan File-Looking in folder: C:/Documentandsetting/comakepi/ApplicationData....."
soit "Manual Scan File- Getting folder structure"
Je sais que j'ai trainé ce matin, mais si quelqu'un pouvait me filer un coup de main...En attendant j'ai lancé fixblast depuis une clé usb sous otlpe...
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 7/08/2011 à 21:32
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 7/08/2011 à 21:32
Je te propose à partir de OTLPE de sauvegarder tes données et de faire une mise à plat (Restauration Usine)
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Je te propose à partir de OTLPE de sauvegarder tes données et de faire une mise à plat (Restauration Usine)
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Fixblast n'a rien trouvé...
J'ai aussi essayé l'utilitaire preload status ( vu sur le site de la veuvenoire07):
NAPP Version= Napp.dat not exist
Image Disc Version= RCD.dat not exist
System disc version=without installation cd
Bootable WinPE Image file=Failed
Image OS and language=Imageinfo.dat not exist
Image file=Failed
Office referal key=Failed
Tous les resultats sont marqués en Rouge, ba bien....
NAPP Version= Napp.dat not exist
Image Disc Version= RCD.dat not exist
System disc version=without installation cd
Bootable WinPE Image file=Failed
Image OS and language=Imageinfo.dat not exist
Image file=Failed
Office referal key=Failed
Tous les resultats sont marqués en Rouge, ba bien....
Utilisateur anonyme
9 août 2011 à 20:18
9 août 2011 à 20:18
Au démarrage du PC tu choisis la touche F2 ou F12, c'est tout.
Au démarrage du PC tu choisis la touche F2 ou F12, c'est tout.
Utilisateur anonyme
10 août 2011 à 11:17
10 août 2011 à 11:17
Et cette touche F11 est inactive au démarrage de ton PC?
Et cette touche F11 est inactive au démarrage de ton PC?
Salut, les restaurations d'usine apparaissent bien dans "Gérer"sous la partition cachée OEMPB 12Go, mais comment les graver alors que je n'ai pas acces à smart restore, pour les graver il me faudrai une interface bootable depuis une clé usb... tout se melange un peu dans ma tronche... Par contre j'ai recuperer ma clé windows grace à keyviewer dans otlpe...
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 11/08/2011 à 20:25
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 11/08/2011 à 20:25
Cette partition est normalement accessible via un CD de boot ou une combinaison de touches au démarrage du PC
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Cette partition est normalement accessible via un CD de boot ou une combinaison de touches au démarrage du PC
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
A part F2 pour le bios ou F8 pour l'ordre du boot, ça ne fonctionne pas, j'ai aussi essayé un boot de WinRe http://www.forum-vista.net/reparer-vista-avec-winre-279 . La reparation des fonctions de demarrage n'a rien donné et la restauration à un niveau anterieur n'est pas possible sans les CD de sauvegarde ( de plus il me faudrait 2 lecteurs cd ou un boot sur clé usb)....
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 12/08/2011 à 11:38
Modifié par Guillaume5188 le 12/08/2011 à 11:38
Cette partition cachée est sur le disque système ou sur une autre partition.
Récupère un CD Vista et réinstalle.
PS:Un lien utile
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Cette partition cachée est sur le disque système ou sur une autre partition.
Récupère un CD Vista et réinstalle.
PS:Un lien utile
---------Contributeur Sécurité---------
On a tous été un jour débutant dans quelque chose.
Mais le savoir est la récompense de l'assiduité.
Oui, merci pour le lien, j'avais deja jeté un coup d'oeil, un pote doit m'amener un cd install vista demain, je verrais si une restauration partielle est possible afin de conservé le "package" packard bell, sinon tanpis je referais une install complete...
J'ai essayé de monter le DD de mon portable dans un boitier externe sur mon pc, la partition cachée apparait bien mais impossible de lui attribuer une lettre afin de la graver et j'ai peur de l'endommager avec des logiciels de partition.
J'ai essayé de monter le DD de mon portable dans un boitier externe sur mon pc, la partition cachée apparait bien mais impossible de lui attribuer une lettre afin de la graver et j'ai peur de l'endommager avec des logiciels de partition.