jé des problémes de debogage j'arrive pas à lancer ma form jé un erreur sur ce ligne de code "appFunction = App.CAPL.GetFunction("Send_CAN1_Maint")" je veux quelqu'un qui m'aide à resoudre mon blem
Public Class Form1
Dim App As CANalyzer.Application
Dim appFunction As CANalyzer.CAPLFunction
Dim Signal1 As CANalyzer.Signal
Dim appFunctionResult As Byte
Public Sub gCanMeasurement_OnInit()
'assign CAPL function
MsgBox("evenement ok")
End Sub
Private Sub start_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles start.Click
If App Is Nothing Then
App = CreateObject("CANalyzer.Application")
End If
App.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\PFE\Mes documents\Simulateur_DU_CAN_final\Configuration\DU_Test.cfg")
Me.start.Enabled = False
'quit the CANalyzer application
MsgBox("you are started Measurement")
End Sub
Private Sub stope_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles stope.Click
If App.Measurement.Running Then
'stop the CANalyzer measurement
Me.start.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
appFunction = App.CAPL.GetFunction("Send_CAN1_Maint")
appFunctionResult = appFunction.Call(T1.Text)
''pour data recupération
Signal1 = App.Bus.GetSignal(1, "DU1_All_BITEResult_CAN1", "DU_Failure")
If (Signal1.Value) Then
T2.Text = " Not ok"
T2.Text = " ok"
End If
End Sub
end class
Y-a-t'il quelque chose qui cloche de bien visible?
Merci pour votre aide
31 mars 2011 à 17:41