Telechargement Combat Arms sous Ubuntu Linux

Linux - 4 janv. 2011 à 21:46
 Linux - 15 janv. 2011 à 16:07
Salut a tous,
Quand je veut télécharger "Combat Arms" sa me met sa :
Archive:  /tmp/CAE_Downloader.exe
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
zipinfo:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of /tmp/CAE_Downloader.exe or
          /tmp/, and cannot find /tmp/CAE_Downloader.exe.ZIP, period.

Je suis sous Linux aider moi svp.
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J'ai acheté un nouveau pc portable avec windows 7.