Probléme mysql sous solaris 10 sparc

loverzzz Messages postés 64 Date d'inscription mercredi 20 octobre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 septembre 2011 - 26 oct. 2010 à 12:21
loverzzz Messages postés 64 Date d'inscription mercredi 20 octobre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 septembre 2011 - 26 oct. 2010 à 13:06

j'ai installé mysql sous solaris 10 sparc, mais quand je démarre le serveur mysql
il ce plante!!
j'ai lancé la commande test:

cd mysql-test ; perl

il m'affiche des warnings:
101026 11:21:11 [Warning] option 'max_join_size': unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295
101026 11:21:11 [Warning] option 'max_join_size': unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295
MySQL Version 5.0.67
Skipping ndbcluster, mysqld not compiled with ndbcluster
Setting mysqld to support SSL connections
Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD      = 0
Using MASTER_MYPORT         = 9306
Using MASTER_MYPORT1        = 9307
Using SLAVE_MYPORT          = 9308
Using SLAVE_MYPORT1         = 9309
Using SLAVE_MYPORT2         = 9310
Using IM_PORT               = 9313
Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT       = 9314
Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT       = 9315
Killing Possible Leftover Processes
Removing Stale Files
Can't remove directory /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test/var/log: Ce fichier existe déjà at lib/ line 214
Can't remove directory /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test/var: Ce fichier existe déjà at lib/ line 214
Creating Directories
Installing Master Database
Installing Slave1 Database
mysql-test-run: WARNING: running this script as _root_ will cause some tests to be skipped
Starting Tests in the 'main' suite

TEST                           RESULT         TIME (ms)

alias                          [ pass ]             91
almost_full                    [ pass ]            214
alter_table-big                [ skipped ]   Test need 'big-test' option
alter_table                    [ pass ]           3990
analyse                        [ pass ]            322
analyze                        [ pass ]            159
ansi                           [ pass ]             53
archive-big                    [ skipped ]   Test need 'big-test' option
archive                        [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_archive'
archive_gis                    [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_archive'
auto_increment                 [ pass ]           1076
backup                         [ pass ]            322
bdb-alter-table-1              [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb-alter-table-2              [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb-crash                      [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb-deadlock                   [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb                            [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb_cache                      [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb_gis                        [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bdb_notembedded                [ skipped ]   Test requires: 'have_bdb'
bench_count_distinct           [ pass ]             89
bigint                         [ pass ]            577
binary                         [ pass ]            390
binlog                         [ pass ]           1071
binlog_index                   [ fail ]

mysqltest: At line 62: query 'purge binary logs TO 'master-bin.000002'' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1377...

The result from queries just before the failure was:
< snip >
*** must show a list starting from the 'TO' argument of PURGE ***
show binary logs;
Log_name        File_size
master-bin.000004       #
reset master;
flush logs;
flush logs;
flush logs;
*** must be a warning master-bin.000001 was not found ***
Warning 1477    Being purged log MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/master-bin.000001 was not found
*** must show one record, of the active binlog, left in the index file after PURGE ***
show binary logs;
Log_name        File_size
master-bin.000004       #
reset master;
flush logs;
flush logs;
flush logs;
purge binary logs TO 'master-bin.000002';

More results from queries before failure can be found in /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test/var/log/binlog_index.log

Aborting: binlog_index failed in default mode.
To continue, re-run with '--force'.
Stopping All Servers

avez vous une idée comment résoudre ce problème?
merci d'avance
A voir également:

1 réponse

bob031 Messages postés 8158 Date d'inscription samedi 7 août 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 septembre 2014 472
26 oct. 2010 à 13:01

Cela ressemble à un problème de log purge d'après les codes erreur :
loverzzz Messages postés 64 Date d'inscription mercredi 20 octobre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 16 septembre 2011 2
26 oct. 2010 à 13:06
merci pour votre réponse
aparament c'est un bug
j'ai trouvé le même warnings dans cet article
mais je ne sais pas comment installer le correctif!