Script JAVASCRIPT ne fonctionne pas / Firefox
10 juin 2009 à 12:22
9911 Messages postés 46 Date d'inscription mardi 5 août 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 octobre 2011 - 10 juin 2009 à 12:40
9911 Messages postés 46 Date d'inscription mardi 5 août 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 27 octobre 2011 - 10 juin 2009 à 12:40
A voir également:
- Script JAVASCRIPT ne fonctionne pas / Firefox
- Script vidéo youtube - Guide
- Video downloadhelper firefox - Télécharger - Outils pour navigateurs
- Telecharger javascript - Télécharger - Langages
- Firefox telecharger - Télécharger - Navigateurs
- Exporter favoris firefox - Guide
1 réponse
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mardi 5 août 2008
Dernière intervention
27 octobre 2011
10 juin 2009 à 12:40
10 juin 2009 à 12:40
Voici ce que tu doit mettre dans ton une page html :
Et tu dois mettre ce script dans une page qui se nommera: SpryCollapsiblePanel.js
<script src="SpryCollapsiblePanel.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="SpryCollapsiblePanel.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <div id="CollapsiblePanel1" class="CollapsiblePanel"> <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab" tabindex="0"><img name='I1' src="images/fond/fleche_g.jpg" height = '30' width = '30' /> Contenu</div> <div class="CollapsiblePanelContent"> <p>Contenu</p> <p>Contenu</p> <p>Contenu</p> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var CollapsiblePanel1 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel1", {contentIsOpen:false}); //--> </script>
Et tu dois mettre ce script dans une page qui se nommera: SpryCollapsiblePanel.js
/* SpryCollapsiblePanel.js - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */ // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this // software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. var Spry; if (!Spry) Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {}; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel = function(element, opts) { this.init(element); Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.setOptions(this, opts); this.attachBehaviors(); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.init = function(element) { this.element = this.getElement(element); this.focusElement = null; this.hoverClass = "CollapsiblePanelTabHover"; this.openClass = "CollapsiblePanelOpen"; this.closedClass = "CollapsiblePanelClosed"; this.focusedClass = "CollapsiblePanelFocused"; this.enableAnimation = true; this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true; this.animator = null; this.hasFocus = false; this.contentIsOpen = true; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.getElement = function(ele) { if (ele && typeof ele == "string") return document.getElementById(ele); return ele; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className) { if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1)) return; ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className) { if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)) return; ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), ""); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className) { if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1) return false; return true; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.setDisplay = function(ele, display) { if( ele ) = display; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps) { if (!optionsObj) return; for (var optionName in optionsObj) { if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined) continue; obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName]; } }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onTabMouseOver = function() { this.addClassName(this.getTab(), this.hoverClass); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onTabMouseOut = function() { this.removeClassName(this.getTab(), this.hoverClass); }; = function() { this.contentIsOpen = true; if (this.enableAnimation) { if (this.animator) this.animator.stop(); this.animator = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator(this, true); this.animator.start(); } else this.setDisplay(this.getContent(), "block"); this.removeClassName(this.element, this.closedClass); this.addClassName(this.element, this.openClass); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.close = function() { this.contentIsOpen = false; if (this.enableAnimation) { if (this.animator) this.animator.stop(); this.animator = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator(this, false); this.animator.start(); } else this.setDisplay(this.getContent(), "none"); this.removeClassName(this.element, this.openClass); this.addClassName(this.element, this.closedClass); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onTabClick = function() { if (this.isOpen()) this.close(); else; this.focus(); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onFocus = function(e) { this.hasFocus = true; this.addClassName(this.element, this.focusedClass); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onBlur = function(e) { this.hasFocus = false; this.removeClassName(this.element, this.focusedClass); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.ENTER_KEY = 13; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.SPACE_KEY = 32; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.onKeyDown = function(e) { var key = e.keyCode; if (!this.hasFocus || (key != Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.ENTER_KEY && key != Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.SPACE_KEY)) return true; if (this.isOpen()) this.close(); else; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); return false; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.attachPanelHandlers = function() { var tab = this.getTab(); if (!tab) return; var self = this; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(tab, "click", function(e) { return self.onTabClick(); }, false); Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(tab, "mouseover", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOver(); }, false); Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(tab, "mouseout", function(e) { return self.onTabMouseOut(); }, false); if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation) { // XXX: IE doesn't allow the setting of tabindex dynamically. This means we can't // rely on adding the tabindex attribute if it is missing to enable keyboard navigation // by default. // Find the first element within the tab container that has a tabindex or the first // anchor tag. var tabIndexEle = null; var tabAnchorEle = null; this.preorderTraversal(tab, function(node) { if (node.nodeType == 1 /* NODE.ELEMENT_NODE */) { var tabIndexAttr = tab.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex"); if (tabIndexAttr) { tabIndexEle = node; return true; } if (!tabAnchorEle && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a") tabAnchorEle = node; } return false; }); if (tabIndexEle) this.focusElement = tabIndexEle; else if (tabAnchorEle) this.focusElement = tabAnchorEle; if (this.focusElement) { Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "focus", function(e) { return self.onFocus(e); }, false); Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "blur", function(e) { return self.onBlur(e); }, false); Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener(this.focusElement, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onKeyDown(e); }, false); } } }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture) { try { if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture); else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler); } catch (e) {} }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.preorderTraversal = function(root, func) { var stopTraversal = false; if (root) { stopTraversal = func(root); if (root.hasChildNodes()) { var child = root.firstChild; while (!stopTraversal && child) { stopTraversal = this.preorderTraversal(child, func); try { child = child.nextSibling; } catch (e) { child = null; } } } } return stopTraversal; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.attachBehaviors = function() { var panel = this.element; var tab = this.getTab(); var content = this.getContent(); if (this.contentIsOpen || this.hasClassName(panel, this.openClass)) { this.removeClassName(panel, this.closedClass); this.setDisplay(content, "block"); this.contentIsOpen = true; } else { this.removeClassName(panel, this.openClass); this.addClassName(panel, this.closedClass); this.setDisplay(content, "none"); this.contentIsOpen = false; } this.attachPanelHandlers(); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.getTab = function() { return this.getElementChildren(this.element)[0]; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.getContent = function() { return this.getElementChildren(this.element)[1]; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.isOpen = function() { return this.contentIsOpen; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.getElementChildren = function(element) { var children = []; var child = element.firstChild; while (child) { if (child.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */) children.push(child); child = child.nextSibling; } return children; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.prototype.focus = function() { if (this.focusElement && this.focusElement.focus) this.focusElement.focus(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator = function(panel, doOpen, opts) { this.timer = null; this.interval = 0; this.stepCount = 0; this.fps = 0; this.steps = 10; this.duration = 500; this.onComplete = null; this.panel = panel; this.content = panel.getContent(); this.panelData = []; this.doOpen = doOpen; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.setOptions(this, opts); // If caller specified speed in terms of frames per second, // convert them into steps. if (this.fps > 0) { this.interval = Math.floor(1000 / this.fps); this.steps = parseInt((this.duration + (this.interval - 1)) / this.interval); } else if (this.steps > 0) this.interval = this.duration / this.steps; var c = this.content; var curHeight = c.offsetHeight ? c.offsetHeight : 0; if (doOpen && == "none") this.fromHeight = 0; else this.fromHeight = curHeight; if (!doOpen) this.toHeight = 0; else { if ( == "none") { // The content area is not displayed so in order to calculate the extent // of the content inside it, we have to set its display to block. = "hidden"; = "block"; } // Unfortunately in Mozilla/Firefox, fetching the offsetHeight seems to cause // the browser to synchronously re-layout and re-display content on the page, // so we see a brief flash of content that is *after* the panel being positioned // where it should when the panel is fully expanded. To get around this, we // temporarily position the content area of the panel absolutely off-screen. // This has the effect of taking the content out-of-flow, so nothing shifts around. // var oldPos =; // var oldLeft =; // = "absolute"; // = "-2000em"; // Clear the height property so we can calculate // the full height of the content we are going to show. = ""; this.toHeight = c.offsetHeight; // Now restore the position and offset to what it was! // = oldPos; // = oldLeft; } this.increment = (this.toHeight - this.fromHeight) / this.steps; this.overflow =; = this.fromHeight + "px"; = "visible"; = "hidden"; = "block"; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator.prototype.start = function() { var self = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.stepAnimation(); }, this.interval); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); // If we're killing the timer, restore the overflow // properties on the panels we were animating! if (this.stepCount < this.steps) = this.overflow; } this.timer = null; }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator.prototype.stepAnimation = function() { ++this.stepCount; this.animate(); if (this.stepCount < this.steps) this.start(); else if (this.onComplete) this.onComplete(); }; Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel.PanelAnimator.prototype.animate = function() { if (this.stepCount >= this.steps) { if (!this.doOpen) = "none"; = this.overflow; = this.toHeight + "px"; } else { this.fromHeight += this.increment; = this.fromHeight + "px"; } };