Connecter eclipse/ oracle ? (urgent)

MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 - 18 mars 2009 à 22:21
 benbudds - 7 juil. 2009 à 13:39
j'ai réaliser une petite application,j'essaye de connecter eclipse/oracle 10g , j'ai télécharger ojdbc14 et je l'ai copier sous \WEB-INF\lib de mon projet (qui n'a qu'une page jsp affichant bonjour) et dans oracle j'ai créer une table categorie contenant deux champs numcat et libellé (avec un compte que j'ai créer admin et mdp: admin)
mon but c'est d'afficher la table categories avec ces champs dans ma page jsp

j'ai fais une recherche j'ai su que la connexion se fait avec
DriverManager.RegisterDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.oracleDriver());
suivi d'un
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@nom_de_ta_machine:port_oracle:n om_de_l_instance", "utilisateur", "mot_de_passe");

mais je mets quoi pour ce qui est en gras svp?
et est ce que je créer une classe dans mon projet et je mets ces codes ?

comment afficher les données de ma table catégories dans la page jsp ? svp petit a petit car je suis débutant

merci beaucoup car c'est vraiment important
que dieu vous bénisse
A voir également:

8 réponses

MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
20 mars 2009 à 11:33
svp personne ne eput m'aider c'est vraiment urgent, merci
MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
21 mars 2009 à 23:35
svp de l'aide
salut mido je ne sais pas si ca va t'aider mais j'ai eu ce problème une fois c'était juste une erreur au niveau du nom d'instance essaie de vérifier cette piste...
HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
18 mars 2009 à 22:23
Port oracle : 1521 par défaut
Nom de l'instance : ça dépend de la configuration que tu as faite d'oracle
Nom de l'utilisteur : idem
Mot de passe : idem

MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
18 mars 2009 à 22:34
svp j'ai pas compris ca depend de la configuration que tu as faite d'oracle car j'ai rien changer pendant l'installation apart que je créer un compte avec nom d'utilisateur et mdp = admin (sur lequel j'ai creer ma table categories)
Port oracle : 1521 par défaut
Nom de l'instance : je mets quoi svp
Nom de l'utilisteur : admin
Mot de passe :admin
et est ce que c'est juste ce que j'ai trouver a partir de la recherche ?

et comment je fais pour afficher les données de ma table catégories sur ma page jsp svp ?

HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
18 mars 2009 à 22:48
Recherche un fichier tnsnames.ora sur ton système, l'instance y sera notée. Colle le contenu ici au besoin.


Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
18 mars 2009 à 23:02
j'ai vista donc j'ai fait démarrer, rechercher et j'ai écris tnsnames.ora il ne le trouve pas ?
MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
18 mars 2009 à 23:20
# This file contains the syntax information for 
# the entries to be put in any tnsnames.ora file
# The entries in this file are need based. 
# There are no defaults for entries in this file
# that Sqlnet/Net3 use that need to be overridden 
# Typically you could have two tnsnames.ora files
# in the system, one that is set for the entire system
# and is called the system tnsnames.ora file, and a
# second file that is used by each user locally so that
# he can override the definitions dictated by the system
# tnsnames.ora file.

# The entries in tnsnames.ora are an alternative to using
# the names server with the onames adapter.
# They are a collection of aliases for the addresses that 
# the listener(s) is(are) listening for a database or 
# several databases.

# The following is the general syntax for any entry in 
# a tnsnames.ora file. There could be several such entries 
# tailored to the user's needs.

<alias>= [ (DESCRIPTION_LIST =  # Optional depending on whether u have 
				# one or more descriptions
				# If there is just one description, unnecessary ]
	    [ (SDU=2048) ]	# Optional, defaults to 2048
				# Can take values between 512 and 32K
	    [ (ADDRESS_LIST=    # Optional depending on whether u have
				# one or more addresses
				# If there is just one address, unnecessary ]
		[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ] 
		(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)	
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  [ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
              ... # More addresses
	    [ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST is used or not 
		[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	    [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]  
	    [ (SDU=2048) ]	# Optional, defaults to 2048
				# Can take values between 512 and 32K
	    [ (ADDRESS_LIST= ]	# Optional depending on whether u have more
				# than one address or not
				# If there is just one address, unnecessary
		[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
		(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
	      ... 		# More addresses
	    [ ) ] 		# Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST  
				# is being used
		[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	    [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
	      [ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	  ...   # More descriptions 
	[ ) ]	# Optional depending on whether DESCRIPTION_LIST is used or not
HostOfSeraphim Messages postés 6750 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 février 2006 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 31 juillet 2016 1 608
19 mars 2009 à 00:19
Etrange, il n'y a que des valeurs "vides"... tu n'as que ce fichier là ?

Sinon, essaye de trouver un fichier sqlnet.ora.

MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
19 mars 2009 à 22:35
bonsoir non y a d'autre tnsnames.oramais voila sqlnet.ora (trop long)
# Copyright (c) 1996, 2003, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.  
#   sqlnet.ora
#   Oracle Network Client startup parameter file example
#   This file contains examples and instructions for defining all
#   Oracle Network Client parameters. It should be possible to read
#   this file and setup a Client by uncommenting parameter definitions
#   and substituting values. The comments should provide enough
#   explanation to enable a reasonable user to manage his TNS connections
#   without having to resort to 'real' documentation.
#   ONames Client
#   Namesctl
#   Native Naming Adpaters
#   ...
#    ajacobs    09/09/03 - Fix wallet_location parameter 
#    ajacobs    01/20/03 - CyberSafe desupport
#    ajacobs    09/17/02 - remove crypto_seed
#    cozhang    03/07/02 - Change connect_time to inbound_connect_time.
#    mhho       01/15/02 - update sample with new parameter changes
#    cozhang    12/04/01 - Add params for DoS timout handling
#    ajacobs    10/23/00 - Remove identix, securid
#    ajacobs    09/07/00 - Update for Oracle Advanced Security encryption/integ
#    tclarke    05/26/00 - bug 515765
#    jtran      03/24/98 - add radius configuration
#    skanjila   06/06/97 - Correct default for Automatic_IPC
#    eminer     05/15/97 - Add the relevant onrsd parameters.
#    asriniva   04/23/97 - Merge with version from doc
#    ggilchri   03/31/97 - mods
#    bvasudev   02/07/97 - Change sqlnet.authentication_services documentation
#    bvasudev   11/25/96 - Merge sqlnet.ora transport related parameters
#    asriniva   11/12/96 - Revise with new OSS parameters.
#    asriniva   11/05/96 - Add ANO parameters.
# ____________________________________________________________________

# - ONames Client ----------------------------------------------------
#names.default_domain = world
#Syntax:  domain-name
#Default: NULL
# Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When
# this parameter is set the default domain name (for example, US.ACME), the
# domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified name in an
# ONAmes request (query, register, deregister, etc). Any name which contains
# an unescaped dot ('.') will not have the default domain appended. Simple
# names may be qualified with a trailing dot (for example 'rootserver.').
#names.initial_retry_timeout = 30
#Syntax:  1-600 seconds
#Default: 15 (OSD)
# Determines how long a client will wait for a response from a Names Server
# before reiterating the request to the next server in the preferred_servers
# list.
#names.max_open_connections = 3
#Syntax:  3-64
#Default: ADDRS in preferred_servers
# Determines how many connections an ONames client may have open at one time.
# Clients will ordinarily keep connections to servers open once they are
# established until the operation (or session in namesctl) is complete. A
# connection will be opened whenever needed, and if the maximum would be 
# exceeded the least recently used connection will be closed.
#names.message_pool_start_size = 10
#Syntax:  3-256
#Default: 10
# Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the client's message
# pool. This pool provides the client with pre-allocated messages to be used
# for requests to ONames servers. Messages which are in the pool and unused
# may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are available in
# the pool more will be allocated.
#names.preferred_servers = (address_list =
#  (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=n23))
#  (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
#  (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=cicada)(port=1575))
# )
#Syntax:  ADDR_LIST
#Default: Well-Known (OSD)
# Specifies a list of ONames servers in the client's region; requests will be
# sent to each ADDRESS in the list until a response is recieved, or the list
# (and number of retries) is exhausted.
# Addresses of the following form specify that messages to the ONames server
# should use Oracle Remote Operations (RPC):
#     (description = 
#       (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
#       (connect_data=(rpc=on))
#     )
#names.request_retries = 2
#Syntax:  1-5
#Default: 1
# Specifies the number of times the client should try each server in the list
# of preferred_servers before allowing the operation to fail.
#Syntax:  <adapter-name>
# Sets the (ordered) list of naming adaptors to use in resolving a name.
# The default is as shown for 3.0.2 of sqlnet onwards. The default was
# (TNSNAMES, ONAMES) before that. The value can be presented without
# parentheses if only a single entry is being specified. The parameter is
# recognized from version 2.3.2 of sqlnet onward. Acceptable values include: 
#  TNSNAMES -- tnsnames.ora lookup
#  ONAMES   -- Oracle Names
#  HOSTNAME -- use the hostname (or an alias of the hostname)
#  NIS      -- NIS (also known as "yp")
#  CDS      -- OSF DCE's Cell Directory Service
#  NDS      -- Novell's Netware Directory Service
# - Client Cache (ONRSD) ---------------------------------------------
#names.addresses = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ONAMES))
#Syntax:  ADDR
# Address on which the client cache listens (is available to clients).
# Any valid TNS address is allowed. The default should be used if at
# all possible; clients have this entry hardwired as the first line
# of their server-list file (sdns.ora). If the address is set to a
# non-default value the client's preferred_servers parameter should
# be set to include the client-cache address first.
#names.authority_required = False
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# Determines whether system querys (for the root etc) require Authoritative
# answers. 
#names.auto_refresh_expire = 259200
#Syntax:  Number of seconds, 60-1209600
#Default: 259200
# This is the amount of time (in seconds) the server will cache the addresses
# of servers listed in server-list file (sdns.ora). When this time expires the
# server will issue another query to the servers in those regions to refresh
# the data.
#names.auto_refresh_retry = 180
#Syntax:  Number of seconds, 60-3600
#Default: sec.	180
# This set how often the server will retry when the auto_refresh query fails.
#names.cache_checkpoint_file = cache.ckp
#Syntax:  filename
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/names/ckpcch.ora
# Specifies the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server
# writes its foreign data cache.
#names.cache_checkpoint_interval = 7200
#Syntax:  Number of seconds, 10-259200
#Default: 0 (off)
# Indicates the interval at which a Names Server writes a checkpoint of its
# data cache to the checkpoint file. 
#       (NAME=
#       (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=42100)(HOST=roothost))))
#Syntax:  Name-Value/address_list
#Default: NULL
# A list (in NV form) of the addresses of other servers which should be used to 
# forward querys while in default_forwarder (slave) mode. NAME is the global
# names for the server to which forwards whould be directed, and ADDRESS is its
# address.
#names.default_forwarders_only = True
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# When set to true this server will use the servers listed in default_forwarders
# to forward all operations which involve data in foreign regions. Otherwise it
# will use the servers defined in the server-list file (sdns.ora) in addition
# to any defined in the default_forwarders parameter.
#names.log_directory = /oracle/network/log
#Syntax:  directory
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
# Indicates the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server
# operational events are written.
#names.log_file = names.log
#Syntax:  filename
#Default: names.log
# The name of the output file to which Names Server operational events are
# written.
#names.log_stats_interval = 3600
#Syntax:  Number of seconds, 10-ub4max
#Default: sec.	0 (off)
#Specifies the number of seconds between statistical entries in log file. 
#names.log_unique = False
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true the server will guarantee that the log file will have a unique
# name which will not overwrite any existing files (note that log files are
# appended to, so log information will not be lost if log_unique is not true).
#names.max_open_connections = 10
#Syntax:  3-64
#Default: 10
# Specifies the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any
# given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one
# connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain
# defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any
# operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use
# an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection
# if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower
# settings save network resources, cost time.
#names.max_reforwards = 2
#Syntax:  1-15
#Default: 2
# The maximum number of times the server will attempt to forward a certain
# operation.
#names.message_pool_start_size = 24
#Syntax:  3-256
#Default: 10
# Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message
# pool. This pool provides the server with pre-allocated messages to be used
# for incoming or outgoing messages (forwards). Messages which are in the pool
# and unused may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are
# available in the pool more will be allocated.
#names.no_modify_requests = False
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true, the server will refuse any operations which modify the
# data in its region (it will still save foreign info in the cache which is 
# returned from foreign querys).
#names.password = 625926683431AA55
#Syntax:  encrypted string
#Default: NULL
# If set the server will require that the user provide a password in his
# namesctl session (either with sqlnet.ora:namesctl.server_password or 'set
# password') in order to do 'sensitive' operations, like stop, restart, reload.
# This parameter is generally set in encrypted form, so it can not be set
# manually.
#names.reset_stats_interval = 3600
#Syntax:  10-ub4max
#Default: 0 (off)
# Specifies the number of seconds during which the statistics collected by the
# Names Servers should accumulate. At the frequency specified, they are reset
# to zero. The default value of 0 means never reset statistics. 
#names.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Syntax:  directory
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
# Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a Names Server
# trace session are written. 
#names.trace_file = names.trc
#Syntax:  filename
#Default: names.trc
# Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server trace session.
#names.trace_func # NA
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
#names.trace_level = ADMIN
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
#Syntax:  {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
# Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be traced.
# Available Values:
#	0 or OFF - No trace output
#	4 or USER - User trace information
#	10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
#	16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
#names.trace_mask = (200,201,202,203,205,206,207)
#Syntax:  list of numbers
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control trace behavior. 
#names.trace_unique = True
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
# files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
# to the name of each trace file generated. 
# - Namesctl ---------------------------------------------------------
#namesctl.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Syntax:  directory
#Default: $ON/trace
# Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a namesctl
# trace session are written. 
#namesctl.trace_file = namesctl.trc
#Syntax:  filename
#Default: namesctl.trc
# Indicates the name of the output file from a namesctl trace session.
#namesctl.trace_func # NA
#Syntax:  word list
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
#namesctl.trace_level = ADMIN
#Syntax:  {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
# Indicates the level at which the namesctl is to be traced.
# Available Values:
#	0 or OFF - No trace output
#	4 or USER - User trace information
#	10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
#	16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
#namesctl.trace_mask # NA
#Syntax:  number list
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control trace behavior. 
#namesctl.trace_unique = True
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
# files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
# to the name of each trace file generated. 
#namesctl.no_initial_server = False
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# If set to TRUE namesctl will suppress any error messages when namesctl is
# unable to connect to a default names server.
#namesctl.internal_use = True
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true namesctl will enable a set of internal undocumented commands.
# All internal commands are preceded by an underscore ('_') in order to
# distinguish them as internal. Without going into details, the commands
# enabled are:
#     _add_data              _create_name           _delete_name           
#     _full_status           _ireplace_data         _newttl_name           
#     _pause                 _remove_data           _rename_name           
#     _replace_data          _start                 _walk*                 
# There are also a set of names server variables which may be set when
# namesctl is in internal mode:
#     _authority_required             _auto_refresh*                  
#     _cache_checkpoint_interval      _cache_dump                     
#     _default_autorefresh_expire     _default_autorefresh_retry      
#     _default_forwarders_only        _forwarding_desired             
#     _max_reforwards                 _modify_ops_enabled             
#     _next_cache_checkpoint          _next_cache_flush               
#     _next_stat_log                  _next_stat_reset                
#     _reload                         _request_delay                  
#     _restart                        _shutdown                       
#namesctl.noconfirm = True
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: False
# When set to TRUE namesctl will suppress the confirmation prompt when 
# sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload) are requested. This is
# quite helpful when using namesctl scripts.
#namesctl.server_password = mangler
#Syntax:  string
#Default: NULL
# Automatically sets the password for the names server in order to perform
# sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload). The password may also be
# set manually during a namesctl session using 'set password'.
#namesctl.internal_encrypt_password = False
#Syntax:  T/F
#Default: True
# When set to TRUE namesctl will not encrypt the password when it is sent to
# the names server. This would enable an unencrypted password to be set in
# names.ora:names.server_password
# - Native Naming Adpaters -------------------------------------------
#names.dce.prefix = /.:/subsys/oracle/names
#Syntax:  DCE cell name
#Default: /.:/subsys/oracle/names
#Specifies the DCE cell (prefix) to use for name lookup.
#names.nds.name_context = personnel.acme
#Syntax:  NDS name
#Default: (OSD?)
# Specifies the default NDS name context in which to look for the name to
# be resolved.
#names.nis.meta_map # NA
# Syntax:  filename
# Default: sqlnet.maps
# Specifies the file to be used to map NIS attributes to an NIS mapname.
# Currently unused.

# - Oracle Advanced Security Authentication Adapters ----------------

# Syntax: A single value or a list from {beq, none, all, kerberos5,
#	  radius, nts}
# Default: NONE
# Enables one or more authentication services.  If
# Oracle Advanced Security has been installed with Kerberos5
# support, using (beq, kerberos5) would enable authentication via
# Kerberos.
#sqlnet.authentication_services=(beq, kerberos5)
## Parmeters used with Kerberos adapter.

# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>
# The Kerberos credential cache pathname.

# Syntax: Any positive integer.
# Default: 300
# The acceptable difference in the number of seconds between when a
# credential was sent and when it was received.

# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /krb5/krb.conf
# The Kerberos configuration pathname.

# Syntax: Any valid pathname
# Default: /krb5/krb.realms
# The Kerberos host name to realm translation file.

# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /etc/v5srvtab
# The Kerberos secret key file.

# Syntax: Any string.
# Default: A default is not provided.
# The Kerberos service name.

## Parameters used with Radius adapter
# Need to specify the location of the Radius server
#sqlnet.radius_authentication = localhost

# Need to specify the port address of the Radius server
#sqlnet.radius_authentication_port = 1654

# If your radius server support accounting, you can enable it
#sqlnet.radius_accounting = off

# Turn on/off challenge response
#sqlnet.radius_challenge_response = off

# Keyword to request a challenge from Radius server.  
# If you use activcard, enter activcard

# If you use something else, enter challenge
#sqlnet.radius_challenge_keyword = challenge

# Enter the name of the client interface you want to use for challenge response
#sqlnet.radius_authentication_interface = DefaultRadiusInterface

# Where is the secret file locate
#sqlnet.radius_secret = $ORACLE_HOME/security/radius.key

# - Oracle Advanced Security Network Security -------------------------

# These four parameters are used to specify whether a service (e.g. 
# crypto-checksumming or encryption) should be active: 
# Each of the above parameters defaults to ACCEPTED.
# Each of the above parameters can have one of four possible values: 
# value		meaning 
# ACCEPTED	The service will be active if the other side of the 
#		connection specifies "REQUESTED" or REQUIRED" and 
#		there is a compatible algorithm available on the other 
#		side; it will be inactive otherwise. 
# REJECTED	The service must not be active, and the connection 
#		will fail if the other side specifies "REQUIRED". 
# REQUESTED	The service will be active if the other side specifies 
#		"ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "REQUIRED" and there is a 
#		compatible algorithm available on the other side; it 
#		will be inactive otherwise. 
# REQUIRED	The service must be active, and the connection will 
#		fail if the other side specifies "REJECTED" or if there 
#		is no compatible algorithm on the other side. 
# These parameters control which algorithms will be made available for 
# each service on each end of a connection: 
# The value of each of these parameters can be either a parenthesized 
# list of algorithm names separated by commas or a single algorithm 
# name.
# Encryption types can be: AES256, RC4_256, AES192, 3DES168, AES128,
#                          RC4_128,3DES112, RC4_56, DES, RC4_40, DES40
# Encryption defaults to all the algorithms.
# Crypto checksum types can be: SHA1, MD5
# Crypto checksum defaults to all the algorithms.
#sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server = required 
#sqlnet.encryption_server = required
# Systax: ON/OFF
# Default: OFF
# The ssl_server_dn_match parameter determines SSL behavior when the
# server's distinguished name does not match the service name. When
# set to ON, the names must match for a connection to be established.
# Leaving the parameter on OFF allows connection to servers where
# the names do not match. However, this may potentially allow servers
# to fake their identity.
# Syntax: TRUE/FALSE
# Default: TRUE
# The ssl_client_authentication parameter controls whether the client 
# is authenticated using SSL. This parameter should be set to FALSE if
# using a cipher suite that contains Diffie-Hellman anonymous 
# authentication (DH_anon) or if using other non-SSL authentication
# methods.
#          SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,
#          SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5, 
#          SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA)
# Default: All cipher suites enabled
# ssl_cipher_suites defines a list of cipher suites used to negotiate
# an SSL connection in order of priority. The cipher suites selected for 
# a server must be compatible with those required by the client.
# Syntax: 0/2.0/3.0
# Default: 0 (impiles 3.0)
# The ssl_version parameter defines the version of SSL that must
# run on the systems with which the client communicates.
# - SSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
# Default: Platform specific.  Unix: $HOME/oracle/oss
# The method for retrieving and storing my identity.  
#   =(source
#       =(method=file)
#        (method_data=/dve/asriniva/oss/wallet)
#     ) 

# - Sqlnet(v2.x) and Net3.0 Client ------------------------------------------

# In the following descriptions, the term "client program" could mean 
# either sqlplus, svrmgrl or any other OCI programs written by users
#trace_level_client = ADMIN
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default:         OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the client program 
#         is to be traced. 
# Available Values:
#       0 or OFF - No Trace output
#	4 or USER - User trace information
# 	10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
#	16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since:  v2.0
#trace_directory_client = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace  ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer 
#         site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from 
#         the client execution are written.
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_file_client =  /oracle/network/trace/cli.trc
#Possible values: Any valid file name 
#Default:	  $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/cli.trc ($ORACLE_HOME = 
#		  /oracle at customer site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace 
#         of the client is written to. 
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_unique_client = ON
#Possible values: {ON, OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to 
#	  prevent each trace file from being overwritten by successive 
#	  runs of the client program
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_directory_client = /oracle/network/log
#Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log  ($ORACLE_HOME = /oracle at customer
#	  site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which the client log file
#	  is written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_file_client = /oracle/network/log/sqlnet.log
#Possible values: This is a default value, u cannot change this
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log  ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle in 
#         customer site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the log file from a client program
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid diretcory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer 
#	  site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which log files from the 
# 	  server are written
#Supported since:  v2.0
#trace_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network_trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer 
#	  site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from 
#         the server are written 
#Supported since:  v2.0
#trace_file_server = /orace/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc
#Possible values: Any valid filename
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc where <pid? stands for 
#         the process id of the server on UNIX systems 
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace of 
#         the server program is written to. 
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_level_server = ADMIN
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default:         OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
#         is to be traced.
# Available Values:
#       0 or OFF - No Trace output
#       4 or USER - User trace information
#       10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
#       16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since: v2.0
#use_dedicated_server = ON
#Possible values: {OFF,ON}
#Default: 	  OFF
#Purpose: Forces the listener to spawn a dedicated server process for 
#	  sessions from this client program. 
#Supported since: v2.0
#use_cman = TRUE
#Possible values: {TRUE, FALSE}
#Default:	  FALSE
#Supported since: v3.0
#tnsping.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer 
#	  site)
#Purpose: Indicates the directory to which the execution trace from
#	  the tnsping program is to be written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#tnsping.trace_level = ADMIN    
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default:         OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
#         is to be traced.
# Available Values:
#       0 or OFF - No Trace output
#       4 or USER - User trace information
#       10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
#       16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since: v2.0
#sqlnet.expire_time = 10
#Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer! (in minutes)
#Default: 0 minutes 
#Recommended value: 10 minutes
#Purpose: Indicates the time interval to send a probe to verify the 
#	  client session is alive (this is used to reclaim watseful 
#	  resources on a dead client)
#Supported since: v2.1
#sqlnet.client_registration = <unique_id>
#Possible values: 
#Default:     OFF 
#Purpose: Sets a unique identifier for the client machine. This 
#	  identifier is then passed to the listener with any connection 
#	  request and will be included in the Audit Trail. The identifier 
#	  can be any alphanumeric string up to 128 characters long.
#Supported since: v2.3.2
#bequeath_detach = YES
#Possible values: {YES,NO}
#Default:         NO
#Purpose: Turns off signal handling on UNIX systems. If signal handling 
#	  were not turned off and if client programs written by users make 
#	  use of signal handling they could interfere with Sqlnet/Net3. 
#Supported since: v2.3.3 
#automatic_ipc = OFF
#Possible values: {ON,OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Force a session to use or not to use IPC addresses on the 
#	  client's node. 
#Supported since: v2.0
#disable_oob = ON
#Possible values: {ON,OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: If the underlying transport protocol (TCP, DECnet,...) does
#         not support Out-of-band breaks, then disable out-of-band
#	  breaks
#Supported since: v2.0
#sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout = 3
#Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer (in seconds)
#Default: 0
#Recommended value: 3 seconds (note: this is highly application dependent)
#Purpose: Indicates the time interval within which database authentication
#         for a client must be completed. If the client fails to complete
#         authentication within the given time period, then the database
#         server will drop the client connection. This can be used to
#         counter Denial of Service attacks in which malicious clients may
#         cause numerous servers to be spawn without fully establishing DB
#         sessions.
#         A value of 0 turns off the timeout feature. If a spurious
#         timeout error occurs (e.g. due to a slow network/system),
#         reconfigure this parameter to a larger value.
#Supported since: v9.2
MIDO_MIDO Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription mercredi 18 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 mars 2009 5
20 mars 2009 à 23:33
j'ai essayer de faire une connexion mais y a des erreurs qui peux m'aider svp; voila sur l'image

OU voial le code que j'ai mis:
import java.sql.*;
class JdbcTest {
    public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException {
        // Load Oracle driver
         DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
         // Connect to the local database
         Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@PC-de-HF:1521:orcl", "admin", "admin");
         // Query the employee names
         Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
         ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select * from categories");


Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
The Connection descriptor used by the client was:

	at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
	at JdbcTest.main(