Pb activation partage wmp-xbox360

mario - 7 déc. 2008 à 01:10
 mario - 7 déc. 2008 à 11:32

j'ai un petit probleme de partage avec ma xbox 360 et le lecteur wmp11 a titre d'info le partage fonctionnait avant.
quand je veut configurer le partage sur wmp un message apparait: "le partage des fichiers a été désactivé car un
paramètre ou un composant windows a été modifié".
que puis-je faire je suis sous vista 32bits sp1 je ne trouve pas de solution et quand je vais sur l'aide qu'il me propose
c'est en angalias j'y connai pas grand chose mais le peut que j'ai compris il me demande de lancer le
services : "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" mais je n'ai pas ce services dans ma liste si vous auriez une solution se serait genial


ps: si vous pourriez plus m'avancer en anglais :

Exit and restart Windows Media Player.

Confirm that the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service is started.

To start Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Click Start.

Right-click Computer, and then click Manage.

Expand Services and Applications, and then click Services.

If the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service is not started, right-click it and click Start.

Restart your computer.

Confirm your user account is listed as an owner of the Windows Media Player database folder.

To confirm ownership of the database folder
Navigate to the <SystemDrive>:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player folder. If you do not see this folder, you might need to turn on Show hidden files and folders.

To turn on Show hidden files and folders
In Windows Explorer, click Organize, and then click Folder and Search Options.

Click the View tab, and then select Show hidden files and folders.

Right-click the Media Player folder, and then click Properties.

Click the Security tab. If your account name is not listed, click Add and add it to the list of owners. You will need to be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrator's group to perform this step.

Confirm that you have ownership of the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Services registry subkey.

To confirm ownership of the registry subkey
Click Start.

Type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.

Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences\HME\[security ID] subkey. The name text of the security ID folder is long, composed of alphanumeric characters broken up with dashes.

Right-click the [security ID] folder, and then click Permissions.

Confirm your user account is listed as an owner of this subkey on the Security tab. If your account name is not listed, click Add and add it to the list of owners. You will need to be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrator's group to perform this step.

Additional information on troubleshooting media sharing can be found in an article on a related product, Windows Media Connect. For more information on troubleshooting media sharing, see Troubleshooting Windows Media Connect.
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1 réponse

rorkaii Messages postés 558 Date d'inscription vendredi 26 septembre 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 17 juillet 2009 60
7 déc. 2008 à 01:14
Pour reactiver se service tu lance la commande enfaisant windows + Ret tu tapela commande msconfig et la tu chercher ton truc et tu lereatcive ! (sa me l'avai deja fait ^^)
merci j'ai reussi a relancer le service mais j'ai tjs le meme pb