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- Aider moi a traduire ce texte en francais
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- Ccleaner gratuit en francais - Télécharger - Nettoyage
- Traduire texte photo - Guide
8 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
samedi 11 août 2007
Dernière intervention
2 juin 2017
28 nov. 2008 à 16:19
28 nov. 2008 à 16:19
ok ok je ne vois pas l'interet d'ouvrir un sujet pour demander sa tu n'avais qu'a ecire sur GooGle "TraDUCTEUR GOOGLE" premier lien tu mets ton texte tu choisie la langue et le tour est joué.Bonne ChanCe ^^
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
dimanche 26 octobre 2008
Dernière intervention
15 mars 2010
28 nov. 2008 à 17:18
28 nov. 2008 à 17:18
Bonjour !
Cela semble être du Turc, et assez urgent ( pas le Turc, le message ). La traduction approximative serait :
"m'as tu fait une blague car le limiteur de vitesse est coincé mais j'espère que le réservoir d'essence sera vide avant que j'arrive au .... ( mot intraduisible, même en le mettant sur le bout de la langue .. ) "
Peut être qu'au consulat, ils pourraient mieux traduire, ou alors chez le SAV du constructeur ?
Cela semble être du Turc, et assez urgent ( pas le Turc, le message ). La traduction approximative serait :
"m'as tu fait une blague car le limiteur de vitesse est coincé mais j'espère que le réservoir d'essence sera vide avant que j'arrive au .... ( mot intraduisible, même en le mettant sur le bout de la langue .. ) "
Peut être qu'au consulat, ils pourraient mieux traduire, ou alors chez le SAV du constructeur ?
Utilisateur anonyme
28 nov. 2008 à 23:45
28 nov. 2008 à 23:45
il y a déjà une insulte dans ton massage c'est salope je ne comprend pas tout je vais relire désolé
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Utilisateur anonyme
28 nov. 2008 à 23:50
28 nov. 2008 à 23:50
NANOU c'est la langue turc ça c'est sûr je reconnaît bien mais pour la traduction c'est pas trop ça en ce qui me concerne mais il y a vraiment le mot salope c'est ''oruspu''
bonjour nanou je s est pas ci tu a deja la traduction mais voila ce que ca veux dire s est du turque (salut s est moi serpil (prenom de la personne qui t envoi ce message ) la vie est parfoi juste et parfoi pute et farfoi elle est bien mais quoi qu il en sois la vie vaut d etre vecu je t embrasse porte toi bien
My beloved Abdelilleh,
I would have loved to speak to you on phone for oral .Firstly I want to thank you for your prompt response to my mail to you and the contents therein. I am writing to furnish you with details of this transaction before we continue. Since we started communicating I have developed some confidence to entrust on your care this money for investment though we do not know each other very well to guarantee this type of transaction, but as we progress we will sign all relevant documents that will enable us to develop trust with each other and eliminate any chances of betrayal.
Due to the nature of the source of this fund, I cannot make use of it here in London equally cannot transfer the money through bank to bank to avoid trace and to guarantee successful accomplishment. I want to assure you that this is 100% risk free and as a banker with years of experience I don't think that you have anything to worry about.
I came across the documents used to deposit this fund in the bank vault when I resumed my post in this branch. My curiosity arose as I found out that the depositor has not serviced the deposit according to the contract signed with the bank and nobody has come for the claim for the past 7 and half yrs. I carefully monitored the deposit through documentation and offset the charges for default of contract and retrieved the consignment from the vault where it was deposited, and transferred it out from my Bank to a Security Company (Diplomatic Courier Service) here in London; where it is presently lying awaiting claim from a person I will introduce as the beneficiary of the package.
I have thought through how I can get my hands on this money without any problems over the past years and fear of betrayal kept pushing me back. Since I started communicating with you I feel relieved of the burden and that I can share this with someone who wishes me well. I have gone through a lot to get this fund to this stage, and please I need your confidence and relentless co-operation to receive this package. I have made up my mind to handle this matter with you in utmost confidence and please know that I am not requesting for any money from you. I have been in banking sectors for 10years and bankers are using this diplomatic means to transfer money into another country and the diplomat will be unaware of what he's carrying because we disguised it as family valuables.
I just want your sincerity of heart and your trustworthiness. In order for us to execute this venture successfully please furnish me with your positive identity in form of passport copy and ID card, physical address, valid mobile number, occupation and position. This will enable me to proceed and administer all documentation efficiently.
After going through a divorce; I have been hurt before and I do not wish to succumb myself through the same ordeal. So, I pledge my trust, love and honest with you both in our personal relationship and in business. The after effect of the divorce is one of the major reasons I have decided to relocate. If you are really interested in assisting me please indicate in your response for further clarification. I will be waiting for your call as soon as possible.
I will be waiting for your positive response.
Thanks and Best Regards
Mary Sherry
I would have loved to speak to you on phone for oral .Firstly I want to thank you for your prompt response to my mail to you and the contents therein. I am writing to furnish you with details of this transaction before we continue. Since we started communicating I have developed some confidence to entrust on your care this money for investment though we do not know each other very well to guarantee this type of transaction, but as we progress we will sign all relevant documents that will enable us to develop trust with each other and eliminate any chances of betrayal.
Due to the nature of the source of this fund, I cannot make use of it here in London equally cannot transfer the money through bank to bank to avoid trace and to guarantee successful accomplishment. I want to assure you that this is 100% risk free and as a banker with years of experience I don't think that you have anything to worry about.
I came across the documents used to deposit this fund in the bank vault when I resumed my post in this branch. My curiosity arose as I found out that the depositor has not serviced the deposit according to the contract signed with the bank and nobody has come for the claim for the past 7 and half yrs. I carefully monitored the deposit through documentation and offset the charges for default of contract and retrieved the consignment from the vault where it was deposited, and transferred it out from my Bank to a Security Company (Diplomatic Courier Service) here in London; where it is presently lying awaiting claim from a person I will introduce as the beneficiary of the package.
I have thought through how I can get my hands on this money without any problems over the past years and fear of betrayal kept pushing me back. Since I started communicating with you I feel relieved of the burden and that I can share this with someone who wishes me well. I have gone through a lot to get this fund to this stage, and please I need your confidence and relentless co-operation to receive this package. I have made up my mind to handle this matter with you in utmost confidence and please know that I am not requesting for any money from you. I have been in banking sectors for 10years and bankers are using this diplomatic means to transfer money into another country and the diplomat will be unaware of what he's carrying because we disguised it as family valuables.
I just want your sincerity of heart and your trustworthiness. In order for us to execute this venture successfully please furnish me with your positive identity in form of passport copy and ID card, physical address, valid mobile number, occupation and position. This will enable me to proceed and administer all documentation efficiently.
After going through a divorce; I have been hurt before and I do not wish to succumb myself through the same ordeal. So, I pledge my trust, love and honest with you both in our personal relationship and in business. The after effect of the divorce is one of the major reasons I have decided to relocate. If you are really interested in assisting me please indicate in your response for further clarification. I will be waiting for your call as soon as possible.
I will be waiting for your positive response.
Thanks and Best Regards
Mary Sherry
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
mercredi 11 mars 2009
Dernière intervention
26 juillet 2012
13 sept. 2010 à 09:10
13 sept. 2010 à 09:10
Bonjour Abdel,
Je suis désolée de te dire que tu es en contact avec un bel escroc, je pencherais pour un nigérian.
Il est question d'une somme d'argent que cette "Mary" ne peut utiliser pour des raisons obscures, et elle te propose une "transaction".
En clair, c'est du blanchiment d'argent, tout simplement.
Cette nana se dit être à Londres. Si elle t'a donné un numéro de téléphone, il doit surement commencer par 0044 70 xxx xxx.
Si c'est le cas, et si tu appelles ce numéro, tu vas être redirigé vers le vrai numéro de portable de l'escroc, chez lui, en Afrique. Ces numéros en "0044 70" s'obtiennent facilement sur internet (cf le site de Flextel). On les appelle des "roamings". Ils servent aux personnes qui voyagent en UK qui veulent disposer d'un numéro anglais sur place. Mais les escrocs africains utilisent ce subterfuge pour faire croire qu'ils sont en UK.
Pour en revenir à ton affaire, cette "nana" essaie de te mettre en confiance, pour que tu lui serves de relais. Le but est bien entendu qu'au final, tu lui envoies TOI de l'argent, par western union.
Si tu nous disais comment tu l'as connue ?
Je suis désolée de te dire que tu es en contact avec un bel escroc, je pencherais pour un nigérian.
Il est question d'une somme d'argent que cette "Mary" ne peut utiliser pour des raisons obscures, et elle te propose une "transaction".
En clair, c'est du blanchiment d'argent, tout simplement.
Cette nana se dit être à Londres. Si elle t'a donné un numéro de téléphone, il doit surement commencer par 0044 70 xxx xxx.
Si c'est le cas, et si tu appelles ce numéro, tu vas être redirigé vers le vrai numéro de portable de l'escroc, chez lui, en Afrique. Ces numéros en "0044 70" s'obtiennent facilement sur internet (cf le site de Flextel). On les appelle des "roamings". Ils servent aux personnes qui voyagent en UK qui veulent disposer d'un numéro anglais sur place. Mais les escrocs africains utilisent ce subterfuge pour faire croire qu'ils sont en UK.
Pour en revenir à ton affaire, cette "nana" essaie de te mettre en confiance, pour que tu lui serves de relais. Le but est bien entendu qu'au final, tu lui envoies TOI de l'argent, par western union.
Si tu nous disais comment tu l'as connue ?
23 août 2011 à 08:44
Modifié par hirondelle32 le 23/08/2011 à 09:14