
Romi - 27 avril 2008 à 09:03
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 - 27 avril 2008 à 14:05

Gozila m'envoie toujours ses pub et me ralenti !

14 réponses

VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 09:15
Telecharge Navilog:http://perso.orange.fr/il.mafioso/Navifix/Navilog1.exe
Suit les instructions qui y sont indiquer:http://mickael.barroux.free.fr/securite/navilog.php
Et poste nous un rapport.
Ensuite,passe a l'option 2
Désinfection Automatique.
Et voila,si ca marche pas,ba on essayera autre chose ok?
Mais,croi pas,que avec Adaware,spybot etc,,,ca regle le probleme.
Search Navipromo version 3.5.5 commencé le 27/04/2008 à 9:17:59,79

!!! Attention,ce rapport peut indiquer des fichiers/programmes légitimes!!!
!!! Postez ce rapport sur le forum pour le faire analyser !!!
!!! Ne lancez pas la partie désinfection sans l'avis d'un spécialiste !!!

Outil exécuté depuis C:\Program Files\navilog1
Session actuelle : "coralie"

Mise à jour le 25.04.2008 à 22h00 par IL-MAFIOSO

Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
Internet Explorer : 7.0.5730.13
Système de fichiers : NTFS

Executé en mode normal

*** Recherche Programmes installés ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\WINDOWS" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\Program Files" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "c:\docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "c:\docume~1\alluse~1\menudm~1\progra~1" ***

...\MessengerSkinner trouvé !

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\Documents and Settings\coralie\applic~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\DOCUME~1\Romi\applic~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\Documents and Settings\coralie\locals~1\applic~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\DOCUME~1\Romi\locals~1\applic~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\Documents and Settings\coralie\menudm~1\progra~1" ***

*** Recherche dossiers dans "C:\DOCUME~1\Romi\menudm~1\progra~1" ***

*** Recherche avec Catchme-rootkit/stealth malware detector par gmer ***
pour + d'infos : http://www.gmer.net

Aucun Fichier trouvé

*** Recherche avec GenericNaviSearch ***
!!! Tous ces résultats peuvent révéler des fichiers légitimes !!!
!!! A vérifier impérativement avant toute suppression manuelle !!!

* Recherche dans "C:\WINDOWS\system32" *

* Recherche dans "C:\Documents and Settings\coralie\locals~1\applic~1" *

Fichiers trouvés :

hveepxflp.exe trouvé !
hveepxflp.dat trouvé !
hveepxflp_nav.dat trouvé !
hveepxflp_navps.dat trouvé !

* Recherche dans "C:\DOCUME~1\Romi\locals~1\applic~1" *

*** Recherche fichiers ***


*** Recherche clés spécifiques dans le Registre ***

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lanconfig trouvé !

*** Module de Recherche complémentaire ***
(Recherche fichiers spécifiques)

1)Recherche nouveaux fichiers Instant Access :

2)Recherche Heuristique :

* Dans "C:\WINDOWS\system32" :

* Dans "C:\Documents and Settings\coralie\locals~1\applic~1" :

hveepxflp.dat trouvé !
hveepxflp_nav.dat trouvé !
hveepxflp_navps.dat trouvé !

* Dans "C:\DOCUME~1\Romi\locals~1\applic~1" :

3)Recherche Certificats :

Certificat Egroup trouvé !
Certificat Electronic-Group trouvé !
Certificat OOO-Favorit trouvé !
Certificat Sunny-Day-Design-Ltd absent !

4)Recherche fichiers connus :

*** Analyse terminée le 27/04/2008 à 9:21:11,67 ***
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 09:42
En faite,faut que tu sache que mailskinner contint un Adware!!!
Tu aurai des pubs,en l'instalant!!!!!
Voila,maitenant,aprés la désinfection automatique,tu devrai ne pas avoir de Pub!!
Bonne chance!

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
Tu me demande de l'installer?!
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 09:46
Mais non mdr
Faut l'enlever!!
C'est ca qui bonbarde ton PC des pubs!!!!!!!!!!!
Mais où il se trouve,?
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 09:51
Non tkt Navolog va l'enlever.
Sinon,tu peut allez voir dans Demarrer>Panneau de configuration>Ajouter ou supprimer des programmes>Tu cherche mail skinner dans la liste,ou bien le sponsor,pour windows live messenger.
je ne voie pas marqué mailskinner dans mes programmes installé.
Mais Navalog il fait quoi la, tout de suite, il est encore actif pour l'option 2?
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 10:08
Maitenant,que tu a fait l'option 1(recherche),il faut passer a l'option 2(désinfection automatique,ce qui supprimera les malwares de ton PC et te demandera de redemarer ton PC).
j'ai fait option 2. le PC a redamrrer automatiquement. mais depuis rin et à je suis sur internet et Gozilla ets toujours là
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 10:14
qu'a tu comme Antivirus?
Keeper pro en évaluation
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 10:17
C'est l'antivirus 100% francais.
Peut étre pourai tu passer a un antivirus,gratuit,+leger,+ efficace que Virus Keeper pro.
Ca te tente?
Ben, si ça me permet d'exterminer Gozila alors oui bine sûr!!
que me conseille tu?
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 10:23
Ba moi perso je te conseille Antivir.
Il est le meilleur Antivirus,gratuit,le + leger aussi,et le + performant,
Mais dommage il est en anglais,mais simple a utiliser!
Voila enleve dabord Virus Keeper,sinon il y va y avoir un conflit!
Esperons,que ca face ton bonheur!
It's OK for antivir.
I speak english very well ! LOL!!

j'ai désinstallé keeper. Et pour Godzilla?
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 10:56
ok iam fini to know it.
I Speak english too.
Are you english?
Do you want i speak english or french?
If you want i speak english with you.
And next,i want to know your opinion about antivir
Romi > VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015
27 avril 2008 à 11:27
le scan est fini. je poste le rapport. j'ai rien fait de plus. quelqu'un peut-il me venir en aide?

Avira AntiVir Personal
Report file date: dimanche 27 avril 2008 10:45

Scanning for 1237787 virus strains and unwanted programs.

Licensed to: Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
Serial number: 0000149996-ADJIE-0001
Platform: Windows XP
Windows version: (Service Pack 2) [5.1.2600]
Boot mode: Normally booted
Username: SYSTEM
Computer name: PRINCE

Version information:
BUILD.DAT : 16479 Bytes 09/04/2008 16:24:00
AVSCAN.EXE : 311553 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:44
AVSCAN.DLL : 53505 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:44
LUKE.DLL : 151809 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
LUKERES.DLL : 12033 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
ANTIVIR0.VDF : 11030528 Bytes 18/07/2007 13:27:15
ANTIVIR1.VDF : 5447168 Bytes 07/03/2008 08:31:45
ANTIVIR2.VDF : 1260032 Bytes 22/04/2008 08:31:45
ANTIVIR3.VDF : 137216 Bytes 25/04/2008 08:31:45
Engineversion :
AEVDF.DLL : 102772 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AESCRIPT.DLL : 233851 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AESCN.DLL : 119156 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AERDL.DLL : 418165 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AEPACK.DLL : 364917 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AEOFFICE.DLL : 192890 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AEHEUR.DLL : 1196406 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:46
AEHELP.DLL : 115063 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
AEGEN.DLL : 299381 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
AEEMU.DLL : 430450 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
AECORE.DLL : 168310 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
AVWINLL.DLL : 14593 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:44
AVPREF.DLL : 25857 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:44
AVREP.DLL : 155688 Bytes 16/04/2007 12:16:24
AVREG.DLL : 30977 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:44
AVARKT.DLL : 307457 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:43
AVEVTLOG.DLL : 114945 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:43
SQLITE3.DLL : 339968 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
SMTPLIB.DLL : 28929 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
NETNT.DLL : 7937 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:45
RCIMAGE.DLL : 2371841 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:38
RCTEXT.DLL : 86273 Bytes 27/04/2008 08:31:38

Configuration settings for the scan:
Jobname..........................: Complete system scan
Configuration file...............: c:\program files\avira\antivir personaledition classic\sysscan.avp
Logging..........................: low
Primary action...................: interactive
Secondary action.................: ignore
Scan master boot sector..........: on
Scan boot sector.................: on
Boot sectors.....................: C:,
Scan memory......................: on
Process scan.....................: on
Scan registry....................: on
Search for rootkits..............: off
Scan all files...................: Intelligent file selection
Scan archives....................: on
Recursion depth..................: 20
Smart extensions.................: on
Macro heuristic..................: on
File heuristic...................: medium

Start of the scan: dimanche 27 avril 2008 10:45

The scan of running processes will be started
Scan process 'avscan.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avcenter.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'sched.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avgnt.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avguard.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'rundll32.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'GoogleUpdater.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hpqtra08.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'msnmsgr.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hveepxflp.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'msmsgs.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'alg.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hpqwmi.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'iPodService.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ctfmon.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avgas.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process '9wifi.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'MSASCui.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hpcmpmgr.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'eabservr.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'qttask.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'iTunesHelper.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SynTPEnh.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmiprvse.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SynTPLpr.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'hpwuSchd2.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'HP Wireless Assistant.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'jusched.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'atiptaxx.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SymWSC.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wdfmgr.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'pctsTray.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'explorer.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ati2evxx.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'pctsSvc.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'pctsAuxs.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'LSSrvc.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'GoogleUpdaterService.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'guard.exe' - '0' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'spoolsv.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'MsMpEng.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ati2evxx.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'lsass.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'services.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'winlogon.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'csrss.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'smss.exe' - '1' Module(s) have been scanned
52 processes with 52 modules were scanned

Starting master boot sector scan:
Master boot sector HD0
[INFO] No virus was found!

Start scanning boot sectors:
Boot sector 'C:\'
[INFO] No virus was found!

Starting to scan the registry.
The registry was scanned ( '35' files ).

Starting the file scan:

Begin scan in 'C:\'
[WARNING] The file could not be opened!
[WARNING] The file could not be opened!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025779.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443df.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025793.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443e7.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025808.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e78.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025820.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443e8.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025837.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e79.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025879.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443e9.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025891.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7a.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025927.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ea.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0025961.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7b.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026002.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443eb.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026022.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7c.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026040.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ec.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026052.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7d.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026072.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ed.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026092.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7e.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026130.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ee.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026142.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e7f.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026170.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444310.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026182.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ef.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026194.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e60.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026206.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f0.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026218.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e61.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026236.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f1.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026248.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e62.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026260.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f3.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026289.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f2.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026305.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e63.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026336.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e64.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026358.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f4.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026386.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e65.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026404.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f5.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026418.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e66.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026464.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f6.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026521.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f7.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026557.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e68.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026643.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f8.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026665.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443f9.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026689.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e6a.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026710.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443fb.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026738.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443fa.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026749.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e6b.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026776.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e6c.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026796.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443fd.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026815.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443fc.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026835.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e6d.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026856.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816e6e.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026885.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484443ff.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026920.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816990.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026936.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444401.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026968.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816992.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0026998.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444400.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027040.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444403.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027077.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816994.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027101.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444402.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027112.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816993.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027129.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444405.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027145.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816996.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP35\A0027157.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444407.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027196.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816998.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027210.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444408.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027230.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444409.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027251.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4981699a.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027265.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4844440a.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP37\A0027279.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4981699b.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP38\A0027289.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4844440b.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP38\A0027314.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4844440c.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP38\A0027406.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4844440f.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP38\A0027428.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '49816980.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP39\A0027471.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444412.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP40\A0027480.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444413.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP41\A0027489.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444415.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP42\A0027493.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444416.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP43\A0027503.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444417.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP52\A0028192.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444433.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP52\A0028292.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444437.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP52\A0028641.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '48444443.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP53\A0029263.exe
[DETECTION] Is the Trojan horse TR/Crypt.CFI.Gen
[NOTE] The file was moved to '4844445e.qua'!
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{B8687C25-491C-4B92-A950-D228172F494F}\RP76\A0034680.inf
[DETECTION] Contains detection pattern of the VBS script virus VBS/IETitle.A
[NOTE] The file was moved to '484444f1.qua'!

End of the scan: dimanche 27 avril 2008 11:23
Used time: 37:42 min

The scan has been done completely.

4363 Scanning directories
239505 Files were scanned
78 viruses and/or unwanted programs were found
0 Files were classified as suspicious:
0 files were deleted
0 files were repaired
78 files were moved to quarantine
0 files were renamed
2 Files cannot be scanned
239427 Files not concerned
6949 Archives were scanned
2 Warnings
78 Notes
lol !

I'm scanning files with antivir. it found 2 warnings. I'm waiting it stops.

But i prefer speaking in french! I'm not english. And you?

pour le moment il en est à 60%. c'est long!!

ya mon PC qui fait des mises en quarantaines il sonne sans arret.

j'ai peur!!! il e détecte plus de 70 problémes....!
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 11:44
a oué,
Ba,t'a pas a avoir peur.
Si il te detecte des problemes,tu les corriges,et les Virus,soit tu les supprime soit tu les met en Quarantaine.
Tkt,pour l'instant,aucun Virus detecter,dans ton scan.
ok. merci, ça me rassure un peu. Mais mon problème est pas réglé.

please, Kill my virus, VIRUS_KILLER.

VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68
27 avril 2008 à 11:58
Puisque tu me le demande si gentillement.
Clique ici et telecharge le programme: http://www.softbkk.com/hacked_by_godzilla_remove_tools_,3,downloading/
ou bien : http://www.techsupportforum.com/sectools/sUBs/Flash_Disinfector.exe
Voila,j'espere que ton probleme sera regler!
Romi > VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015
27 avril 2008 à 12:56
ça a marché en deux secondes J'ai plus de problème. Le Hacked Godzilla a disparu !

You are a very good killer
VIRUS_KILLER Messages postés 2032 Date d'inscription samedi 22 décembre 2007 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 28 août 2015 68 > Romi
27 avril 2008 à 14:05
Thank's for this compliment.
May be iam a very good killer,but you are my best friend too.
Heureu,de t'avoir rendue service.
Si tu a un autre probleme n'hésite pas a m'envoyer un mail.
Allez a +
Et bonne continuation dans l'informatique!
Slt essaie de mettre sur on, dommage de pas s' en servir.
Search for rootkits..............: off