
pat085 Messages postés 116 Date d'inscription samedi 12 avril 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 avril 2010 - 27 avril 2008 à 01:00
 Anonyme - 2 août 2008 à 04:08
je ne trouve pas la clé dans la raffinerie de renegade.merci de me depanner.

1 réponse

Bonjour ; (Je cite : 'Cherche divin pour forums jeux vidéo ... bien payés' ) ; C & C,

Mission 11 sur 12

Il y a une clé verte dans la raffinerie dans "Command & Conquer : Renegade" pour l'accès à une porte en forme de mur située au nord. Une fois la porte ouverte, en passant par le passage de gauche, vous arriverez à une grande soucoupe volante.

mission 11 : Tomorrow's Technology Today ; dans Command & Conquer : "Renegade" :

1. Désactivez la forteresse des NOD
2. Désactivez le site SAM situé au Sud
3. Sabotez le temple des NOD
4. Récupérez la carte de sécurité de la base
5. Récupérez la clé d'accès à la porte Sud
6. Désactivez la raffinerie de Tibérium
7. Désactivez le site SAM à l'Est
8. Désactivez l'obélisque de puissance
9. Accèdez à la porte Nord
10. Désactivez la construction "Yard"
11. Détruisez la piste d'atterissage des hélicoptères "Apache"
12. Désactivez les silos de Tibérium
13. Désactivez le centre de communication
14. Accèdez à la porte Nord-Est

Recherche de 'Command & Conquer Renegade Mission 11 Tomorrow's Technology Today' :


Recherche multilingue ; avec Google comme le lien ci-dessus :

Mission 1 : The Scorpion Hunters
Mission 2 : Rescue and Retribution
Mission 3 : armored assault
Mission 4 : The Plot Erupts
Mission 5 : Stowaway
Mission 6 : Deadly Reunion
Mission 7 : The Grip of the Black Hand
Mission 8 : Obelisk of Oppression
Mission 9 : Evolution of Evil
Mission 10 : All Brains, All Brawn
Mission 11 : Tomorrow's Technology Today
Mission 12 : Stomping on Holy Ground

Command & Conquer Renegade est un jeu d'action rapide en 3D ...
Ce jeu a pour cadre l'univers fascinant de la saga Command and Conquer !

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                       (c) 2002 GrAwL [7th-Helix]
                             P R E S E N T S
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Game: Command & Conquer: Renegade
Type: Ultimate Guide
System: PC
Developer: Westwood
Publisher: EA Games
Genre: RTS/FPS
Looks like: Red Faction, Halo
Discs: 2
Version: 1.9 English
Author: GrAwL (Arjen Voogt)
E-mail: grawl2000 ----------- AT -----------
First ver.: 02/26/02
Last update: 03/16/02

Table of Contents

You'll find symbols next to some paragraphs and chapters in this TOC. The
symbols mean the following:

* = New
+ = Updated
X = Ne(X)t Version(s)
o = (O)nly this Version(s)

o[0] Note
o[0.1] Note

[1] Introduction & Stuff
[1.1] Introduction
[1.2] About
[1.3] Copyright
[1.4] System Requirements
+[1.5] History
[1.6] Next Version
+[1.7] Credits
[1.8] Sources
[1.9] How to contact me
[1.10] Other guides (FAQ's) from me
[1.11] Other games you'll like if you like this game
+[1.12] Where to find this guide
[1.13] Ratings
[1.14] About me

[2] Review
[2.1] Review

[3] Single Player
+[3.1] Mission 1 - The Scorpion Hunters
[3.2] Mission 2 - Rescue and Retribution
[3.3] Mission 3 - Armored Assault
[3.4] Mission 4 - The Plot Erupts
[3.5] Mission 5 - Stowaway
[3.6] Mission 6 - Deadly Reunion
[3.7] Mission 7 - The Grip of the Black Hand
[3.8] Mission 8 - Obelisk of Oppression
+[3.9] Mission 9 - Evolution of Evil
[3.10] Mission 10 - All Brains, No Brawn
+[3.11] Mission 11 - Tomorrow's Technology Today
[3.12] Mission 12 - Stomping on Holy Ground

[4] Tools and stuff
[4.1] Renegade Mix File Unpacker
+[4.2] Mission Unlocker
[4.3] The Sims: Renegade Skins Pack - Part 1
[4.4] Havoc Mask
[4.5] Renegade Fan Site Kit
[4.6] Renegade Multiplayer Demo v1.07
[4.7] Renegade Screensaver
[4.8] Renegade WinAmp Skin

[5] Mods
[5.1] First Mod Ever! (Camera Mod)

[6] Cheats
[6.1] Skirmish Cheat
X[6.2] Console Cheats
[6.3] 5 Stars for Every Mission

[7] Bugs
[7.1] Stuck in Mission 5
[7.2] Mendoza jumps through the ground in Mission 6
[7.3] Units on top of each other
[7.4] Trasmission Ended ?!?
*[7.5] Sydney is Stuck
*[7.6] Kill Petrova easily

[8] Hex-codes
[8.1] Savegames format

[9] Encyclopaedia
[9.1] Characters
[9.2] Buildings
[9.3] Vehicles
[9.4] Weapons

[10] FAQ
[10.1] Mobius to Surface (Mission 10)
[10.2] First and Third person switching
[10.3] Releasing the Prisoners (Mission 4)

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[0] Note

[0.1] Note

Hehe... I'm almost finished with this guide. I know I'm missing some
tertiary objectives, so if you know any, please let me know, so I can
finish this guide ;)
I also need those wacky console codes :p Those guys at the
forum didn't want to help me (not to mention they were swearing at
someone because he was posting cheats... dammit! If he wants to post
cheats, let this guy post his cheats. And for CjayC: It not your fault,
it's the fault of the ppl at the board. Your site is great!).
If you have any questions, mail them ASAP, because when the guide is
finished, I'll not update it anymore (maybe when a patch or something is
released... Something important...).
The multiplayer chapter will be finished next version.
If you want to place this guide on your site, take the time. I'll make
a special upload for you if you want to add it so your site ;)
That's all I have to say. Keep mailing me and cya l8r!

Ow btw: DLH... mail me! I want to be added in your database, but your
contribute part of the site doesn't work :p

/  "  \
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[1] Introduction & Stuff

Suite :

[3.11] Mission 11 - Tomorrow's Technology Today


The Ion Cannon Satellite must be targeted by a local beacon. Place the
Ion Cannon Beacon directly in front of the Temple of Nod. This should be
the last stand for Nod resistance in this area.

Hint: A friend in need...

[1] Sabotage Temple of Nod
[2] Access Southeastern Gate
[3] Acquire Base Security Card
[4] Disable Power Plant
[5] Access Northwestern Gate
[6] Disable Construction Yard
[7] Disable Communications Center
[8] Access Northeastern Gate
[1] Disable Southern SAM Site
[2] Disable Hand of Nod
[3] Disable Tiberium Refinery
[4] Disable Tiberium Silos
[5] Disable Western SAM Sites
[6] Disable Western Helipad
[7] Destroy Turrets
[1] Disable Obelisk

How: Again... desert all around...

* Primary: Sabotage Temple of Nod - The Ion Cannon Satellite must be
targeted by a local beacon. Place the Ion Cannon Beacon directly in front
of the Temple of Nod. This should be the last stand for Nod resistance in
this area. *

Walk around and grab all you can find. You lost quite some stuff in the
last mission.

* Secondary: Disable Southern SAM Site - GDI air units are having
difficulty approaching the southern side of the Nod base. Disable the
SAM Site to provide local air superiority for GDI. *

Walk a little further...

* Secondary: Disable Hand of Nod - Disabling of the Hand of Nod will
hamper Nod's ability to reinforce with elite units. Destroy the Hand of
Nod. *

Destroy the SAM Site with your rocketlauncher (watch out for the Turret).

* Primary: Access Southeastern Gate - GDI vehicles are pevented from
accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the security card needed to
open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
panel. *

* Primary: Acquire Base Security Card - A series of gates prevents the
GDI assualt team from progressing into the Nod base. A security card to
open these gates will most likely be found inside the Nod Tiberium
Refinery. *

Go inside the Hand of Nod and destroy the Terminal. The officer in the
room before the Terminal has a yellow keycard.

Now go back outside and follow the path up the hill.

* Secondary: Disable Tiberium Refinery - Disabling of the Nod Tiberium
Refinery will slow production of Nod units, which decreases the frequency
of reinforcements. Destroy the Nod Tiberium Refinery. *

Go inside the Reginery and destroy it.

Go back outside, and follow the path back. Kill the Black Hand to get the
green keycard.

Now open the gate (from the rear) that you couldn't open before.

A Missle Launcher will arrive. Enter it and attack the Obelisk (don't
move the Launcher).

* Tertiary: Disable Obelisk - Nod Obelisks are notorious for eliminating
ground units. Disabling this structure has created an easier approach to
the Temple of Nod. *

Destroy the SAM Site here and follow the path again. Walk to the gate on
the other side.

* Primary: Disable Power Plant - As the Power Plant is providing power to
the laser fence it must be disabled to proceed to the Temple of Nod
entrance. Disable the Power Plant. *

Now open the gate using the Control Panel and go left twice. You'll end
up by a UFO...

Go straight ahead and right.

* Primary: Access Northwestern Gate - GDI Vehicles are prevented from
accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the secutiry card needed to
open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
panel. *

Walk a little further...

* Primary: Disable Construction Yard - Destroy the Nod Construction Yard
to prevent other buildings from being repaired. This should allow you to
eliminate the Power Plant without interference. *

Open the gate on your right with the Control Panel.

Destroy the Air Strip, the Launcher and the SAM Site. Walk a little

* Secondary: Disable Tiberium Silos - Disabling the Nod Tiberium Silos
will hamper Nod production in this base facility. Destroy the Nod
Tiberium Silos. *

Walk accross the landing thing.

* Secondary: Disable Western SAM Sites - GDI air units are having
difficulty approaching the western side of the Nod base. Disable the SAM
Site to provide local air superiority for GDI. *

Go inside the Construction Yard and destroy the Terminal.

Now go outside and destroy the SAM Sites.

You see that irritating Apache flying around? Destroy it and also destroy
the Helipad.

* Secondary: Disable Western Helipad - Disabling the Nod Helipads will
reduce the numer of Apaches found. Destroy the Nod Helipad on the
western side of the base. *

Walk to the silos and destroy these.

Follow the path you see to discover another Nod base.

* Secondary: Destroy Turrets - A pair of Nod Turrets is located in this
area, defending the nearby Nod structures. Destroy both Nod Turrets. *

Grab your rocketlauncher and destroy the turrets from a distance.

* Primary: Disable Communications Center - Disabling the Nod
Communications Center will stop the signal interruptions preventing Ion
Cannon Satellites from targeting this area. Disable the Communications
Center. *

* Primary: Access Northeastern Gate - GDI vehicles are prevented from
accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the security card needed to
open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
panel. *

Walk to the gate and open it for the GDI forces.

Enter the Launcher and destroy the Communications Center.

Also destroy the Helipad you find here.

* Secondary: Disable Nothern Helipad - Disabling the Nod Helipads will
reduce the number of Apaches found. Disable the Nod Helipad on the
nothern side of the base. *

Now enter the Power Plant and disable it.

Search for the red keycard. You'll get it from the last Nod unit you
kill (thnx to Dominique for this). When you have it, go to the big
spacecraft enter it. Inside, you can find the Auto Volt Rifle (Thnx to
Three-Sloth, Blayhe, Muhammed, Skirrow and Dominique for this objective).

* Tertiary: Infiltrate Spacecraft - This strange vessel is obviosly not
of earthly origins. Fortunately, it is not a Nod vehicle. *

Now go back to the temple and sabotage it.

"I played this mission with the Mammoth tank. After you lower the first
gate you can go back to the (destroyed) Hand of Nod and enter the Mammoth
tank quite nice to destroy the Obelisk and the stealth tank and so on...

[3.12] Mission 12 - Stomping on Holy Ground

Suite :
