Script shell de tracage des courbe

Afoufa - 23 avril 2008 à 16:38
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 - 3 mai 2008 à 01:35
je cherche un script shell qui trace une courbe a partir du contenu d'un fichier log
A voir également:

14 réponses

mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
23 avril 2008 à 16:58
Le plus simple c'est simplement d'utiliser gnuplot après avoir extrait à l'aide d'un script un fichier de point à partir de ton fichier de log.

Bonne chance
je vous explique mon probleme: je suis entrain d'etudier un logiciel de surveillance:Nagios ce logiciel stocke les resultats de surveillance dans des fichiers log alors il faut que j'exploite ces resultat sous forme de courbe mais j'arrive pas à le faire
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
23 avril 2008 à 17:13
Justement quel est le format de ton fichier de log ?
Que veux tu tracer et par rapport à quoi ?
Tu peux commencer à te faire une idée sur gnuplot en regardant les exemple donnés ici :

Bonne chance
Le fichier est d'extension .log et concernant parrapport a quoi c 'est de tracer la courbe de l'etat de service par rapprt a la date
et pour ta reponce j'ai jamais entendu de gnuplot je suis debutante en linux
alos SVP aidez moi

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
je'espere que vous pouvez m'aider meme apres une semaine
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
23 avril 2008 à 23:41
Donc l'idée c'est que la il va falloir apprendre
1) à extraire du fichier de log un fichier par service (date / état)
2) passer ce fichier à gnuplot

Dans un premier jet il est indispensable que tu apprennes à utiliser gnuplot (cf site que je t'ai donné + nombreux tutoriels sur internet) et que tu apprennes à parser un fichier.

Pour parser un fichier tu procéder de différentes manières et avec différents langages : du bash et du shell si c'est un script "simple", pour les choses plus complexes (par exemple basé sur des expressions régulières, regarde du côté du python, du ruby, ou du perl)

Bonne chance
pour votre solution je vous envoi le contenu du fichier pour que vous pouvez m'aider
je vous remercie d'avance
dites moi si c possible pour que je t'envoi le contenu de fichier
voici le contenu de fichier:
[1208469600] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
[1208469600] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208469600] CURRENT HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;10;No route to host
[1208469600] CURRENT HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208469600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208469600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208469600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208469600] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208469914] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "Meta_Module" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208469914] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208469904" "Meta_Module" "meta_1" "**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ DBI connect(database=oreon:host=localhost,oreon,...) failed: Access denied for user oreon@localhost (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54." "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208471254] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[1208472167] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472170] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472173] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472176] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472179] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472182] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472185] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472188] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472191] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472194] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472194] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208472154" "DNS" "serveur DNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472617] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472620] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472623] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472626] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472629] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472632] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472635] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472638] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472641] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472644] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472644] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208472604" "DNS" "tcp+udp" "check_TCP: Le numro du port doit tre un entier positif" "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208472828] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2603)
[1208472828] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208472828] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2604)
[1208472828] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208472828] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208472828] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208472828] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208472828] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208472828] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208472850] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208472850] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2604)
[1208504553] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2579)
[1208504553] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208504553] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2580)
[1208504553] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208504553] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208504553] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208504553] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208504553] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208504553] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208546278] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2613)
[1208546278] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208546278] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2614)
[1208546278] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208546278] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208546278] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208546278] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208546278] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208546278] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208546300] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208546300] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2614)
[1208777864] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2580)
[1208777865] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208777865] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2581)
[1208777865] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208777865] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208777865] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208777865] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208777865] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208777865] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208778778] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778782] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778785] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778788] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778791] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778794] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778797] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778800] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778803] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778806] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208778806] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208778765" "DNS" "serveur DNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779219] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779222] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779225] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779228] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779231] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779234] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779237] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779240] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779243] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779246] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779246] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208779215" "DNS" "tcp+udp" "check_TCP: Le numro du port doit tre un entier positif" "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779679] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779682] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779685] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779688] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779691] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779694] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779697] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779700] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779703] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779706] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208779706] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208779665" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208780116] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "Meta_Module" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208780116] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208780115" "Meta_Module" "meta_1" "**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ DBI connect(database=oreon:host=localhost,oreon,...) failed: Access denied for user oreon@localhost (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54." "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208781465] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[1208782819] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782822] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782825] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782828] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782831] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782834] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782837] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782840] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782843] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782846] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208782846] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208782815" "DNS" "tcp+udp" "check_TCP: Le numro du port doit tre un entier positif" "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783279] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783282] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783285] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783288] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783291] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783294] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783297] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783300] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783303] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783306] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783306] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208783265" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783716] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "Meta_Module" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208783716] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208783715" "Meta_Module" "meta_1" "**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ DBI connect(database=oreon:host=localhost,oreon,...) failed: Access denied for user oreon@localhost (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54." "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208785065] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[1208786419] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786422] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786425] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786428] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786431] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786434] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786437] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786440] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786443] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786446] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786446] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208786415" "DNS" "tcp+udp" "check_TCP: Le numro du port doit tre un entier positif" "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786879] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786882] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786885] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786888] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786891] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786894] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786897] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786900] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786903] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786906] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208786906] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208786865" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208787316] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "Meta_Module" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208787316] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208787315" "Meta_Module" "meta_1" "**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ DBI connect(database=oreon:host=localhost,oreon,...) failed: Access denied for user oreon@localhost (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54." "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208788665] Auto-save of retention data completed successfully.
[1208788683] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208788683] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2581)
[1208791535] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2582)
[1208791535] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208791535] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2583)
[1208791535] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208791535] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208791535] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208791535] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208791535] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208791535] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208792748] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792751] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792754] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792757] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792760] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792763] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792766] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792769] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792772] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792776] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208792776] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208792735" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208793172] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208793172] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2583)
[1208794979] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2583)
[1208794979] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208794979] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2584)
[1208794979] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208794979] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208794979] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208794979] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208794979] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208794979] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208795477] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208795477] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2584)
[1208796163] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2577)
[1208796163] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208796163] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2578)
[1208796163] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208796163] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208796163] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208796163] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208796163] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208796163] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208796341] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208796341] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2578)
[1208843380] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2583)
[1208843380] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208843380] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2584)
[1208843380] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208843380] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208843380] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208843380] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208843380] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208843380] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208844218] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208844218] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2584)
[1208848383] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2592)
[1208848383] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208848384] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2595)
[1208848384] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208848384] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208848384] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208848384] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208848384] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208848384] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208849597] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849600] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849603] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849606] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849609] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849612] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849616] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849619] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849622] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849625] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208849625] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208849584" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850185] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "Meta_Module" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850185] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208850184" "Meta_Module" "meta_1" "**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ DBI connect(database=oreon:host=localhost,oreon,...) failed: Access denied for user oreon@localhost (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54." "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850788] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850791] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850794] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850797] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850800] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850803] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850806] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850809] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850812] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850815] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208850815] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208850784" "DNS" "tcp+udp" "check_TCP: Le numro du port doit tre un entier positif" "UNKNOWN" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208851049] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208851049] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2595)
[1208852696] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2578)
[1208852696] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208852696] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2579)
[1208852696] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS;DOWN;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208852696] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208852696] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serveur DNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208852696] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;serviceDNS;CRITICAL;HARD;1;No route to host
[1208852696] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS;tcp+udp;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;check_TCP: Le numéro du port doit être un entier positif
[1208852696] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208853909] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853912] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853915] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853918] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853921] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853924] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853927] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853930] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853933] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853936] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208853936] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "1208853896" "DNS" "serviceDNS" "No route to host" "CRITICAL" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854190] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208854190] Successfully shutdown... (PID=2579)
[1208854191] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=3857)
[1208854191] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208854191] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=3858)
[1208854191] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208854191] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;http;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854191] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;serveur DNS;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854191] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;serviceDNS;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854191] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;tcp+udp;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854191] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "DBI connect('database=oreon:host=localhost','oreon',...) failed: Access denied for user 'oreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at (eval 1) line 54".
[1208854192] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS1" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854251] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS1" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854312] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS1" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854372] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS1" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854431] Warning: Attempting to execute the command "/usr/local/nagios/libexec//process-service-perfdata "" "DNS1" "" "" "" """ resulted in a return code of 127. Make sure the script or binary you are trying to execute actually exists...
[1208854442] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
[1208854442] Successfully shutdown... (PID=3858)
[1208854570] Nagios 2.6 starting... (PID=2596)
[1208854570] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1208854570] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=2597)
[1208854570] INITIAL HOST STATE: DNS1;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Paquets perdus = 0%, RTA = 338.92 ms
[1208854570] INITIAL HOST STATE: Meta_Module;UP;HARD;1;
[1208854570] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;http;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854570] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;serveur DNS;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854570] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;serviceDNS;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854570] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: DNS1;tcp+udp;OK;HARD;1;(Service assumed to be ok)
[1208854570] INITIAL SERVICE STATE: Meta_Module;meta_1;UNKNOWN;HARD;10;**ePN /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_meta_servi
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
24 avril 2008 à 17:39
Ok et pour cet exemple tu veux extraire quoi comme genre de points ?
merci d'accepter m'aider
pour cet exemple je veux extraire "host state "et "service state" parrapport a la date de supervision
je veux extraire host state et service state parraport a la date de supervision
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
26 avril 2008 à 14:09
Déjà tu peux facilement extraire les lignes "host state" avec un grep :
grep "HOST STATE" mon_fichier.log

Ensuite à l'aide d'awk ou d'une expression régulière tu peux facilement extraire les morceaux qui t'intéressent.Ca c'est si tu écris ton script en shell.

Sinon tu lis le fichier et tu le lis ligne par ligne. Puis à l'aide d'expressions régulières tu regardes si la ligne t'intéresse et tu en extrais les morceaux qui t'intéressent. C'est assez facile à faire en python, et python est simple à prendre en main. Il y a d'autres langages adaptés (perl, ruby) donc tu vois que tu as l'embarras du choix. Je t'invite à regarder un tutoriel dans un de ces langages pour apprendre les expressions régulières.
j'ai essayé avec ta solution mais j'arrive pas
je suis entrain de programmer en java alors si vous avez une idée comment tracer une courbe a partir d'un fichier log a l'aide de java alors aidez moi
mamiemando Messages postés 33274 Date d'inscription jeudi 12 mai 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 20 septembre 2024 7 783
3 mai 2008 à 01:35
Désolé java n'est pas vraiment ma tasse de thé, mais le principe consiste à lire le fichier ligne par ligne et a vérifier si celle ci vérifie un motif donné par une expression régulière. Cette même ligne permettra d'extraire les lignes qui t'intéresse. Je t'invite vivement à chercher un tutoriel à ce sujet, car sinon tu n'as pas fini de ramer.

Bonne chance