Speedtouch usb

bigbluesss - 11 déc. 2003 à 23:03
 bigbluessss - 15 déc. 2003 à 14:39

J'ai déjà installé plusieurs fois un modem alcatel speedtouch usb sans le moindre probleme.
J'ai installé récemment la SuSe 9.0 via un ftp de suse. Pour cela j'ai utilisé un modem ethernet d'un ami, vu que pas possible avec un usb.
Enfin soit, j'installe mon alcatel comme d'habitude mais voici ce que j'ai :

modprobe usb-uhci

/lib/modules/2.4.21-144-athlon/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o: init_module: No such device

Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.

You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg

/lib/modules/2.4.21-144-athlon/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.21-144-athlon/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o failed

/lib/modules/2.4.21-144-athlon/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o: insmod usb-uhci failed

Another program/driver is already accessing the modem..
ppp0: error fetching interface information: Device not found

Quelqu un aurait une ptite idée ???
Merci d'avance.
A voir également:

4 réponses

J'ai une petite idée (car ca fait 5 distros différentes que j'installe) et actuellement j'en ai 3 + Win sur le MEME disk.

Le 1er message d'erreur concernant usb-uhci est pas gênant pour le speedtouch, tu peux l'ignorer.

Another Program is accessing the modem ==> j'avais ce message d'erreur sur Mandrake 9.1 (ou etait-ce la 8.2 ?) et je ne parvenais pas à lancer pppd car effectivement il avait DEJA été lancé.

Pour résoudre, tu fais ps -A et tu kill (-9) la ou les tâches qui utilisent ppp. Il faut ensuite relancer à la main le script de connexion (ou pppd call adsl etc).
J'avais du aussi aller documenter manuellement mon fichier pap-secrets pour y placer mon login et mon code de connexion car le script ne l'avait jamais fait.

En espérant que ca puisse t'aider :)
J'avais déjà fait un ps aux, voici ce qui se passe :
linux:~ # ps aux
root 1 0.8 0.0 620 256 ? S 11:35 0:04 init [5]
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [keventd]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SWN 11:35 0:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [kswapd]
root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [bdflush]
root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [kupdated]
root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [kinoded]
root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [mdrecoveryd]
root 11 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:35 0:00 [kreiserfsd]
root 845 0.0 0.1 1560 624 ? S 11:36 0:00 /sbin/syslogd
root 848 0.0 0.2 2376 1424 ? S 11:36 0:00 /sbin/klogd -c 1 -2
root 907 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 11:36 0:00 [khubd]
root 1701 0.0 0.1 1716 700 ? S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/resmgrd
bin 1744 0.0 0.0 1524 416 ? S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/portmap
root 1817 0.0 0.1 1504 580 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/acpid
lp 1904 0.0 0.5 5848 2832 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd
root 1926 0.0 0.3 4916 1648 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -o PidFile=/var/run/sshd.init.pid
root 1979 0.0 0.2 4168 1348 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/lib/postfix/master
postfix 1982 0.0 0.2 4204 1320 ? S 11:37 0:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u
postfix 1983 0.0 0.2 4224 1348 ? S 11:37 0:00 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
root 2176 0.0 0.1 1708 696 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
root 2178 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2179 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2180 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2181 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2182 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2183 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2184 0.0 0.1 12272 780 ? S 11:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 2285 0.0 0.1 2708 680 ? S 11:37 0:00 /opt/kde3/bin/kdm
root 2338 0.3 2.1 94664 10876 ? S 11:37 0:01 /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt7 -auth /var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-
root 2340 0.0 0.2 2324 1140 ? S 11:37 0:00 login -- root
root 2341 0.0 0.0 1500 512 tty2 S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2
root 2342 0.0 0.0 1500 512 tty3 S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3
root 2343 0.0 0.0 1500 512 tty4 S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4
root 2344 0.0 0.0 1500 512 tty5 S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5
root 2345 0.0 0.1 1500 516 tty6 S 11:37 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6
root 2346 0.0 0.3 3536 1580 ? S 11:37 0:00 -:0
root 2366 0.0 0.3 2804 1620 tty1 S 11:37 0:00 -bash
root 3134 0.0 0.2 2672 1204 ? S 11:40 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/X11R6/bin/kde
root 3164 0.0 0.1 2152 704 ? S 11:40 0:00 gpg-agent --daemon --no-detach --keep-display /bin/bash /etc/X
root 3181 0.0 1.8 22004 9372 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: Running...
root 3184 0.0 1.8 21776 9468 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid
root 3187 0.0 2.0 23084 10600 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: klauncher
root 3190 0.0 2.4 24344 12676 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kded
root 3198 0.4 1.2 10012 6624 ? S 11:41 0:01 /opt/kde3/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 5 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f
root 3200 0.0 2.9 29292 15420 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: knotify
root 3201 0.0 0.0 1488 332 ? S 11:41 0:00 kwrapper ksmserver
root 3203 0.0 2.3 23164 12000 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: ksmserver
root 3204 0.1 2.7 25456 14192 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kwin -session 117f000002000107097391600000051430000_1
root 3205 0.0 1.1 26852 6076 ? S 11:41 0:00 xmms
root 3207 0.0 2.5 24256 13356 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kwrited
root 3209 0.1 2.9 26020 15284 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kdesktop
root 3211 0.0 1.1 26852 6076 ? S 11:41 0:00 xmms
root 3212 0.0 1.1 26852 6076 ? S 11:41 0:00 xmms
root 3214 0.0 1.8 22076 9776 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kio_file file /tmp/ksocket-root/klauncherWGSglc.slave
root 3215 0.1 3.0 26684 15724 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kicker
root 3216 0.0 1.8 22076 9776 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kio_file file /tmp/ksocket-root/klauncherWGSglc.slave
root 3217 0.0 1.8 22076 9772 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: kio_file file /tmp/ksocket-root/klauncherWGSglc.slave
root 3219 0.1 2.4 23812 12852 ? S 11:41 0:00 appletproxy --configfile clock_panelapplet_eguop6xbvsybb6vfgxp
root 3222 0.1 2.6 25068 13648 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: klipper
root 3225 0.1 2.6 25108 13748 ? S 11:41 0:00 kamix
root 3232 0.0 1.1 26852 6076 ? S 11:41 0:00 xmms
root 3233 0.1 2.5 24028 13236 ? S 11:41 0:00 susewatcher -caption SuSE Watcher -icon kinternet.png -miniico
root 3234 0.5 2.8 26172 14768 ? S 11:41 0:01 suseplugger -caption SuSE Hardware Tool -icon hi22-action-hard
root 3244 0.1 3.0 26540 15676 ? S 11:41 0:00 kdeinit: konqueror --preload
root 3246 0.0 2.2 23028 11668 ? S 11:41 0:00 kalarmd --login
root 3247 0.4 3.0 27384 15900 ? S 11:41 0:01 kdeinit: konsole
root 3248 0.0 0.3 2816 1656 pts/1 S 11:41 0:00 /bin/bash
root 3263 0.0 0.4 3584 2068 pts/1 S 11:42 0:00 vi /etc/modules.conf
root 3264 0.6 0.3 2816 1628 pts/2 S 11:44 0:00 /bin/bash
root 3272 0.0 0.1 2668 716 pts/2 R 11:44 0:00 ps aux
. Je ne vois pas de service qui utilises le ppp0.

J ai également fait un lsmod; voice :

linux:/windows/E # lsmod
Module Size Used by Not tainted
nls_iso8859-1 2844 1 (autoclean)
nls_cp437 4348 1 (autoclean)
vfat 11052 1 (autoclean)
fat 32792 0 (autoclean) [vfat]
snd-seq 41424 1 (autoclean)
snd-mixer-oss 15576 0 (autoclean)
n_hdlc 6592 0 (autoclean)
ppp_synctty 5728 0 (autoclean)
ppp_generic 20380 0 (autoclean) [ppp_synctty]
slhc 5360 0 (autoclean) [ppp_generic]
usbserial 19836 0 (autoclean) (unused)
isa-pnp 32712 0 (unused)
parport_pc 28648 1 (autoclean)
lp 6304 0 (autoclean)
parport 25608 1 (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
ipv6 227392 -1 (autoclean)
key 70456 0 (autoclean) [ipv6]
thermal 6180 0 (unused)
processor 8312 0 [thermal]
fan 1472 0 (unused)
button 2380 0 (unused)
battery 5600 0 (unused)
ac 1696 0 (unused)
snd-usb-audio 48448 0
snd-intel8x0 22020 5
snd-pcm 74148 1 [snd-usb-audio snd-intel8x0]
snd-timer 17024 0 [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-ac97-codec 45400 0 [snd-intel8x0]
snd-mpu401-uart 4128 0 [snd-intel8x0]
snd-rawmidi 15968 0 [snd-usb-audio snd-mpu401-uart]
snd-seq-device 4528 0 [snd-seq snd-rawmidi]
snd-page-alloc 6676 0 [snd-intel8x0 snd-pcm]
snd 40388 4 [snd-seq snd-mixer-oss snd-usb-audio snd-intel8x0 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-ac97-codec snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
soundcore 3940 0 [snd]
pwc 44656 0
videodev 6272 1 [pwc]
hid 21444 0 (unused)
speedtch 9808 0 (unused)
st 29648 0 (autoclean) (unused)
sr_mod 14616 0 (autoclean)
sg 35232 0 (autoclean)
keybdev 2156 0 (unused)
mousedev 4340 1
joydev 5440 0 (unused)
evdev 3840 0 (unused)
input 3488 0 [hid keybdev mousedev joydev evdev]
usb-ohci 19848 0 (unused)
ehci-hcd 18028 0 (unused)
usbcore 64364 1 [usbserial snd-usb-audio pwc hid speedtch usb-ohci ehci-hcd]
raw1394 18288 0 (unused)
ieee1394 188260 0 [raw1394]
ne2k-pci 5248 1
8390 6608 0 [ne2k-pci]
ide-scsi 11056 0
scsi_mod 100788 4 [st sr_mod sg ide-scsi]
ide-cd 32416 0
cdrom 29216 0 [sr_mod ide-cd]
reiserfs 217236 7

14 déc. 2003 à 17:14
Quelqu un a t il une petite idée ?
Hmm voici les logs de /var/log/messages lorsque je lance mon script de démarrage :

Dec 15 12:27:15 linux kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the Universi
ty of California
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux kernel: HDLC line discipline: version $Revision: 3.3 $, ma
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux kernel: N_HDLC line discipline registered.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 1
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2757]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2757]: No previous instance found
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2757]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2757]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2757), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 2
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2774]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2774]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2774]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2774), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2793]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2793]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2793]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2793), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 4
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2810]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2810]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2810]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 5
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2810), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2866]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2866]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2866]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 6
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2866), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2885]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2885]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2885]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 7
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2885), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2922]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2922]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2922]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 8
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2922), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2939]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2939]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2939]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 9
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2939), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2981]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2981]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[2981]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 10
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 2981), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3012]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3012]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3012]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 11
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3012), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3040]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3040]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3040]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 12
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3040), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3070]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3070]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3070]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 13
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3070), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3077]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3077]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppoa3[3077]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:15 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 14
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3077), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3094]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3094]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3094]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 15
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3094), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3143]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3143]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3143]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 16
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3143), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3179]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3179]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3179]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 17
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3179), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3208]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3208]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3208]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 18
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3208), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3225]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3225]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3225]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 19
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3225), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3256]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3256]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3256]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 20
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3256), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3273]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3273]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3273]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 21
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3273), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3307]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3307]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3307]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 22
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3307), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3336]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3336]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3336]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 23
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3336), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3366]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3366]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3366]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 24
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi
8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3366), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3378]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3378]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3378]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: using channel 25
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi 8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3378), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3390]: PPPoA3 version 20011007 started by root (uid 0)
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3390]: Control thread ready
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppoa3[3390]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Modem hangup
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Connection terminated.
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vp i 8 -vci 35, pid 3390
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Script /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -c -vpi 8 -vci 35 finished (pid 3390), status = 0xff00
Dec 15 12:27:16 linux pppd[2755]: Exit.
Dec 15 12:40:18 linux -- MARK --