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<h1 id="header"><a href="">abstractmachine</a></h1>

<h2>22 September, 2004</h2>
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<h3 class="storytitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark">The Signal</a></h3>
<div class="meta">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in exhibition" rel="category tag">exhibition</a>, <a href="" title="View all posts in hypertable" rel="category tag">hypertable</a>, <a href="" title="View all posts in algorithmic cinema" rel="category tag">algorithmic cinema</a>, <a href="" title="View all posts in podcast" rel="category tag">podcast</a> — Douglas Edric Stanley @ 17:31 pm </div>

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<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="The Signal, Douglas Edric Stanley @ Pompidou Center, September 2004" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="The Signal, Douglas Edric Stanley @ Pompidou Center, September 2004" /></a></p>

<li>Installation: The Signal</li>
<li>Concept+Design: Douglas Edric Stanley</li>
<li>Sound Design: Julien Hô Kim</li>
<li>Exhibition: <a href="¶m.idSource=FR_E-16950543f2e4bc3d93aa94faf8348f¶m.refStatus=nsr">Ecoute</a></li>
<li>Location: <a href="">Centre Georges Pompidou</a></li>
<li>Reception: September 21, 2004. 17h00</li>

<li>Dates: September 22, 2004 to January 17, 2005. 11h - 19h. Closed on Tuesdays</li>
<li>Curator: Boris Tissot</li>
<li><em>Update:</em> <a href="">The Signal (mp4 video)</a></li>

<p>“The Signal” is a unique audiovisual narrative, designed specifically for the <a href="">Abstract Machine Hypertable</a>. It maps the mysterious chain of infections that led to a poorly documented <em>telepathic virus</em> that spread throughout the United States of America in a historical period not so far removed from our own. Traces of this virus have been found in the strangest of milieu : in communications technologies, via teenager rituals, in mass media and advertising, through irrigation systems, in sound recordings, in political propaganda and urban myth paranoia, in sociological experiments, etc. “The Signal” charts the virus’ growth across the map of the United States, allowing the Hypertable to transform itself into a sort of war map, overlooking the spread of the contagion.</p>

<p>From a purely technological point of view, The Signal is a unique algorithmic cinema experiment. Over 10,000 video shots were culled from public archives, treated and injected into the <a href="">Concrescence</a> development software. A narration was added to each image, giving its context in relation to the story. Each image contains its own diegetic sound track, but is accompagnied by narration whenever possible (the program avoids cacaphony by singling out only related narrative information, and tries to give pause between each utterance). One all this data had been entered into the database, the software was then used to literally “teach” the computer the non-linear narrative relationships between the images. This allows the computer to make intelligent choices within the narrative material, in such a way that it can smoothly acompany the unpredictable movements of the public. As each image knows its relationship with other images in the database, it can easily modulate the arrival of new images to match narrative paths coherent with its own. This “concrescence” process is what gave the software platform its name, by the way. “The Signal” was created, therefore, to be one of the first proofs-of-concept of the feasability of the <a href="">Concrescence</a> platform.</p>

<p><img src="" alt="Julien Hô Kim & Douglas Edric Stanley @ Pompidou Center, September 2004" />
<img src="" alt="Keith Evans @ Pompidou Center, September 2004" /></p>

<p>I will be showing The Signal at the Pompidou Center, as part of the exhibition <a href="¶m.idSource=FR_E-16950543f2e4bc3d93aa94faf8348f¶m.refStatus=nsr">Ecoute</a> on sound as an artistic material. I wrote the story and designed the images starting from material from the <a href="">Internet Archive</a>. Sound design by <a href="">Julien Hô Kim</a>. Keith Evans of Silt fame (yes, that’s his back) spoke the narration.</p>

<p>For those that already saw the <a href="">hypertable prototype</a> at the <a href="">Festival Némo</a> or <a href="">H2TPM03</a>, you might be pleasantly suprised by the changes.</p>

<p>The Signal was co-produced by the <a href="">CIREN</a>, with the assistance of <a href="">Arcadi</a>, the DICREAM, and the SCAM.</p>

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<p>[…] (Image excerpt from The Signal) […]</p>

<p><cite>Pingback by <a href='' rel='external nofollow'>abstractmachine » Travel plans</a> — 18 July, 2007 @ <a href="#comment-40131">23:33 pm</a></cite> </p>



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3 réponses

Dalida Messages postés 6728 Date d'inscription mardi 14 mai 2002 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2016 921
29 févr. 2008 à 06:50

tu veux vérifier ton code HTML ?
baudryduchti Messages postés 5 Date d'inscription jeudi 28 février 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 février 2008
29 févr. 2008 à 10:43

Non, je veux juste savoir si le php est correct par rapport au html.
Dalida Messages postés 6728 Date d'inscription mardi 14 mai 2002 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 11 janvier 2016 921
29 févr. 2008 à 12:22

à priori oui, il ne fait que ré-écrire le code HTML.
pour vérifier réellement, place ton fichier sur un serveur et compare le code HTML servi avec le code HTML original.

mais je ne comprends pas bien l'intérêt.
si tu mets ton code HTML tel quel dans un fichier avec extension PHP, tu auras exactement le même résultat.