Convertir fichier MVI en fichier WMA
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
dimanche 20 janvier 2008
Dernière intervention
20 janvier 2008
20 janv. 2008 à 11:07
kate59588 - 21 avril 2010 à 10:03
kate59588 - 21 avril 2010 à 10:03
A voir également:
- Convertir fichier MVI en fichier WMA
- Fichier rar - Guide
- Comment réduire la taille d'un fichier - Guide
- Comment ouvrir un fichier epub ? - Guide
- Ouvrir fichier .bin - Guide
- Fichier iso - Guide
1 réponse
Well, I also owns a Canon Ixus 65 camcorder which generates MVI video.
And many of us would like to edit camcorder video with WMV. However, Windows Movie Maker does not recognize MVI files. When i try to import them to WMV, it says "C:\ENLISH\MVI_3376.avi could not be imported. The selected file is not valid or is corrupted."
After several attempts, finally I found a solution on Google.
Well, what you should do is to convert your camcorder MVI video to WMV or AVI first with a video converter program, then import the converted videos to WMV for further editing.
Here is a guide about:
It might be helpful to you.
And many of us would like to edit camcorder video with WMV. However, Windows Movie Maker does not recognize MVI files. When i try to import them to WMV, it says "C:\ENLISH\MVI_3376.avi could not be imported. The selected file is not valid or is corrupted."
After several attempts, finally I found a solution on Google.
Well, what you should do is to convert your camcorder MVI video to WMV or AVI first with a video converter program, then import the converted videos to WMV for further editing.
Here is a guide about:
It might be helpful to you.