Msn messanger virus
A voir également:
- Msn messanger virus
- Telecharger msn - Télécharger - Messagerie
- virus - Accueil - Guide virus
- Svchost.exe virus - Guide
- Msn actu - Télécharger - Médias et Actualité
- Telecharger messanger - Télécharger - Messagerie
6 réponses
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
16 nov. 2007 à 13:15
16 nov. 2007 à 13:15
Télécharge (de !aur3n7 et Regis59) sur le bureau :
[i]Conseil : Toujours télécharger avant utilisation pour profiter des dernières mises à jour.[/i]
Remarque: Il est possible que l'antivirus détécte un virus au téléchargement, il s'agit de Process.exe qui est un faux positif.
Décompresse-le (clic droit : Extraire ici).
A la racine du système, déplace le dossier décompressé, comme suit :
Ouvre-le et double clique sur le fichier MSNFix.bat
- Exécutez l'option R.
- Si l'infection est détectée, un message l'indiquera et il suffira de presser une touche pour lancer le nettoyage.
- Sauvegarde ce rapport puis fais-en un copier/coller sur le forum, ainsi qu'un scan HijackThis fait en mode normal.
- Le rapport sera enregistré dans le même dossier que MSNFix sous forme date_heure.txt
Poste-le dans une réponse.
Note :
Si une erreur de suppression est détectée un message s'affichera demandant de redémarrer l'ordinateur afin de terminer les opérations.
Dans ce cas il suffit de redémarrer l'ordinateur en mode normal
Sauvegarder et fermer le rapport pour que Windows termine de se lancer normalement.
Télécharge (de !aur3n7 et Regis59) sur le bureau :
[i]Conseil : Toujours télécharger avant utilisation pour profiter des dernières mises à jour.[/i]
Remarque: Il est possible que l'antivirus détécte un virus au téléchargement, il s'agit de Process.exe qui est un faux positif.
Décompresse-le (clic droit : Extraire ici).
A la racine du système, déplace le dossier décompressé, comme suit :
Ouvre-le et double clique sur le fichier MSNFix.bat
- Exécutez l'option R.
- Si l'infection est détectée, un message l'indiquera et il suffira de presser une touche pour lancer le nettoyage.
- Sauvegarde ce rapport puis fais-en un copier/coller sur le forum, ainsi qu'un scan HijackThis fait en mode normal.
- Le rapport sera enregistré dans le même dossier que MSNFix sous forme date_heure.txt
Poste-le dans une réponse.
Note :
Si une erreur de suppression est détectée un message s'affichera demandant de redémarrer l'ordinateur afin de terminer les opérations.
Dans ce cas il suffit de redémarrer l'ordinateur en mode normal
Sauvegarder et fermer le rapport pour que Windows termine de se lancer normalement.
bonsoir, merci pour ta reponse, la seule chose que le rapport me marque, c :Unable to open the file "\dosx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\debug.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskperf.exe
Unable to open the file "\diskpart.exe
Unable to open the file "\dllhst3g.exe
Unable to open the file "\dllhost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\doskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpnsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwatson.exe
Unable to open the file "\drwtsn32.exe
Unable to open the file "\javaw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dwwin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdplay.exe"
Unable to open the file "\edlin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\esentutl.exe
Unable to open the file "\eventvwr.exe
Unable to open the file "\exe2bin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\expand.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fastopen.exe
Unable to open the file "\fc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\find.exe"
Unable to open the file "\finger.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fixmapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\forcedos.exe
Unable to open the file "\fsutil.exe"
Unable to open the file "\gdi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\findstr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX.EXE
Unable to open the file "\help.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msiexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hostname.exe
Unable to open the file "\iexpress.exe
Unable to open the file "\uwdf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipsec6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wdfmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\label.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lights.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lodctr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpq.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\magnify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\makecab.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mem.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mountvol.exe
Unable to open the file "\mpnotify.exe
Unable to open the file "\mrinfo.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mscdexnt.exe
Unable to open the file "\msswchx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt1.exe
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nbtstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netdde.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\nlsfunc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\swreg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pathping.exe
Unable to open the file "\perfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaws.exe"
Unable to open the file "\print.exe"
Unable to open the file "\progman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ctfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasautou.exe
Unable to open the file "\rasdial.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcimlby.exe"
Unable to open the file "\recover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regedt32.exe
Unable to open the file "\regwiz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regsvr32.exe
Unable to open the file "\replace.exe"
Unable to open the file "\route.exe"
Unable to open the file "\routemon.exe
Unable to open the file "\rsm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmsink.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsvp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rtcshare.exe
Unable to open the file "\runas.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\savedump.exe
Unable to open the file "\setver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sfc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\share.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shmgrate.exe
Unable to open the file "\shrpubw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sprestrt.exe
Unable to open the file "\subst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syncapp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysedit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\systray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysocmgr.exe
Unable to open the file "\taskman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcmsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\taskmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcpsvcs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert6.exe
Unable to open the file "\osk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\unlodctr.exe
Unable to open the file "\user.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verifier.exe
Unable to open the file "\vssadmin.exe
Unable to open the file "\w32tm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wextract.exe
Unable to open the file "\wiaacmgr.exe
Unable to open the file "\winhlp32.exe
Unable to open the file "\winmsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winspool.exe
Unable to open the file "\deluidrv.exe
Unable to open the file "\wowdeb.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wowexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpabaln.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wupdmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\telnet.exe"
Unable to open the file "\migpwd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lnkstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pentnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\usrmlnka.exe
Unable to open the file "\usrprbda.exe
Unable to open the file "\usrshuta.exe
Unable to open the file "\osuninst.exe
Unable to open the file "\NeroCheck.ex
Unable to open the file "\delentry.exe
Unable to open the file "\cmd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svhoskil.exe
Unable to open the file "\userinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\sessmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spoolsv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\extrac32.exe
Unable to open the file "\usbmonit.exe
Unable to open the file "\rdpclip.exe"
Unable to open the file "\autolfn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mnmsrvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WudfHost.exe
Unable to open the file "\dxdiag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\packager.exe
Unable to open the file "\dfrgfat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WISPTIS.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\dmremote.exe
Unable to open the file "\tzchange.exe
Unable to open the file "\dumprep.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ahui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\autofmt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgntfs.exe
Unable to open the file "\diantz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\krnl386.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpvsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\dvdupgrd.exe
Unable to open the file "\fontview.exe
Unable to open the file "\swsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipv6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verclsid.exe
Unable to open the file "\nddeapir.exe
Unable to open the file "\notepad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntvdm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fltmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcconf.exe
Unable to open the file "\auditusr.exe
Unable to open the file "\rdshost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\redir.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rundll32.exe
Unable to open the file "\sethc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shutdown.exe
Unable to open the file "\sigverif.exe
Unable to open the file "\skeys.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndrec32.exe
Unable to open the file "\upnpcont.exe
Unable to open the file "\ntoskrnl.exe
Unable to open the file "\npnsdad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dumphive.exe
Unable to open the file "\wmpstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xcopy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spnpinst.exe
Unable to open the file "\WgaTray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Msn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\services.exe
Unable to open the file "\tourstart.ex
Unable to open the file "\scardsvr.exe
Unable to open the file "\dxdllreg.exe
Unable to open the file "\nslookup.exe
Unable to open the file "\swxcacls.exe
Unable to open the file "\locator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpnpinst.exe
Unable to open the file "\winver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winlogon.exe
Unable to open the file "\rcp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\VCCLSID.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\vssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmmon32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\utilman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ups.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dcomcnfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\msdtc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msfeedssync.
Unable to open the file "\ie4uinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\logoff.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qappsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regini.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shadow.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svchost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsdiscon.exe
Unable to open the file "\stimon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsshutdn.exe
Unable to open the file "\tskill.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdsaddin.exe
Unable to open the file "\reset.exe"
Unable to open the file "\freecell.exe
Unable to open the file "\mshearts.exe
Unable to open the file "\winmine.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spider.exe"
Unable to open the file "\calc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smlogsvc.exe
Unable to open the file "\charmap.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winchat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sdbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndvol32.exe
Unable to open the file "\ntkrnlpa.exe
Unable to open the file "\write.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WinFXDocObj.
Unable to open the file "\runonce.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\reg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasphone.exe
Unable to open the file "\ipxroute.exe
Unable to open the file "\qprocess.exe
Unable to open the file "\proquota.exe
Unable to open the file "\ping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcad32.exe
Unable to open the file "\xpsp1hfm.exe
Unable to open the file "\wpdshextauto
Unable to open the file "\netstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\narrator.exe
Unable to open the file "\ieudinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\mstinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mspaint.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mplay32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mobsync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lsass.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logonui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipconfig.exe
Unable to open the file "\imapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\grpconv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hpzipm12.exe
Unable to open the file "\hpzinw12.exe
Unable to open the file "\eudcedit.exe
Unable to open the file "\dplaysvr.exe
Unable to open the file "\defrag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ddeshare.exe
Unable to open the file "\csrss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cisvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\at.exe"
Unable to open the file "\actmovie.exe
Unable to open the file "\wscntfy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spupdwxp.exe
Unable to open the file "\smbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\slserv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\slrundll.exe
Unable to open the file "\powercfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\fsquirt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\VTTimer.exe"
Unable to open the file "\faxpatch.exe
Unable to open the file "\VTuninst.exe
Unable to open the file "\blastcln.exe
Unable to open the file "\proxycfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\logman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Process.exe"
Unable to open the file "\SrchSTS.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Domino.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ati2sgag.exe
Unable to open the file "\VMCap323.exe
Unable to open the file "\VMSnap23.exe
Unable to open the file "\setupfilter.
Unable to open the file "\PnkBstrA.exe
Unable to open the file "\PnkBstrB.exe
Unable to open the file "\Ati2mdxx.exe
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX(2).
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX(3).
Unable to open the file "\xmlinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\debug.exe"
Unable to open the file "\diskperf.exe
Unable to open the file "\diskpart.exe
Unable to open the file "\dllhst3g.exe
Unable to open the file "\dllhost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\doskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpnsvr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\drwatson.exe
Unable to open the file "\drwtsn32.exe
Unable to open the file "\javaw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dwwin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dmadmin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dvdplay.exe"
Unable to open the file "\edlin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\esentutl.exe
Unable to open the file "\eventvwr.exe
Unable to open the file "\exe2bin.exe"
Unable to open the file "\expand.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fastopen.exe
Unable to open the file "\fc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\find.exe"
Unable to open the file "\finger.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fixmapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\forcedos.exe
Unable to open the file "\fsutil.exe"
Unable to open the file "\gdi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\findstr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX.EXE
Unable to open the file "\help.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msiexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hostname.exe
Unable to open the file "\iexpress.exe
Unable to open the file "\uwdf.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipsec6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wdfmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\label.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lights.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lodctr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpq.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lpr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\magnify.exe"
Unable to open the file "\makecab.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mem.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mountvol.exe
Unable to open the file "\mpnotify.exe
Unable to open the file "\mrinfo.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mscdexnt.exe
Unable to open the file "\msswchx.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt1.exe
Unable to open the file "\wuauclt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\nbtstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netdde.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\nlsfunc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\swreg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pathping.exe
Unable to open the file "\perfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ping6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\javaws.exe"
Unable to open the file "\print.exe"
Unable to open the file "\progman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ctfmon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasautou.exe
Unable to open the file "\rasdial.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rcimlby.exe"
Unable to open the file "\recover.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regedt32.exe
Unable to open the file "\regwiz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regsvr32.exe
Unable to open the file "\replace.exe"
Unable to open the file "\route.exe"
Unable to open the file "\routemon.exe
Unable to open the file "\rsm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmsink.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsmui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rsvp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rtcshare.exe
Unable to open the file "\runas.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\savedump.exe
Unable to open the file "\setver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sfc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\share.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shmgrate.exe
Unable to open the file "\shrpubw.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sprestrt.exe
Unable to open the file "\subst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syncapp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysedit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\syskey.exe"
Unable to open the file "\systray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sysocmgr.exe
Unable to open the file "\taskman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcmsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\taskmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tcpsvcs.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert6.exe
Unable to open the file "\osk.exe"
Unable to open the file "\unlodctr.exe
Unable to open the file "\user.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verifier.exe
Unable to open the file "\vssadmin.exe
Unable to open the file "\w32tm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wextract.exe
Unable to open the file "\wiaacmgr.exe
Unable to open the file "\winhlp32.exe
Unable to open the file "\winmsd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winspool.exe
Unable to open the file "\deluidrv.exe
Unable to open the file "\wowdeb.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wowexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpabaln.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wupdmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\telnet.exe"
Unable to open the file "\migpwd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lnkstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\pentnt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\usrmlnka.exe
Unable to open the file "\usrprbda.exe
Unable to open the file "\usrshuta.exe
Unable to open the file "\osuninst.exe
Unable to open the file "\NeroCheck.ex
Unable to open the file "\delentry.exe
Unable to open the file "\cmd.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svhoskil.exe
Unable to open the file "\userinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\sessmgr.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spoolsv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\extrac32.exe
Unable to open the file "\usbmonit.exe
Unable to open the file "\rdpclip.exe"
Unable to open the file "\autolfn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mnmsrvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WudfHost.exe
Unable to open the file "\dxdiag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\packager.exe
Unable to open the file "\dfrgfat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WISPTIS.EXE"
Unable to open the file "\dmremote.exe
Unable to open the file "\tzchange.exe
Unable to open the file "\dumprep.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ahui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\autofmt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dfrgntfs.exe
Unable to open the file "\diantz.exe"
Unable to open the file "\krnl386.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dpvsetup.exe
Unable to open the file "\dvdupgrd.exe
Unable to open the file "\fontview.exe
Unable to open the file "\swsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipv6.exe"
Unable to open the file "\verclsid.exe
Unable to open the file "\nddeapir.exe
Unable to open the file "\notepad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ntvdm.exe"
Unable to open the file "\fltmc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcconf.exe
Unable to open the file "\auditusr.exe
Unable to open the file "\rdshost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\redir.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rundll32.exe
Unable to open the file "\sethc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shutdown.exe
Unable to open the file "\sigverif.exe
Unable to open the file "\skeys.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndrec32.exe
Unable to open the file "\upnpcont.exe
Unable to open the file "\ntoskrnl.exe
Unable to open the file "\npnsdad.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dumphive.exe
Unable to open the file "\wmpstub.exe"
Unable to open the file "\xcopy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spnpinst.exe
Unable to open the file "\WgaTray.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Msn.exe"
Unable to open the file "\services.exe
Unable to open the file "\tourstart.ex
Unable to open the file "\scardsvr.exe
Unable to open the file "\dxdllreg.exe
Unable to open the file "\nslookup.exe
Unable to open the file "\swxcacls.exe
Unable to open the file "\locator.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ftp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\wpnpinst.exe
Unable to open the file "\winver.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winlogon.exe
Unable to open the file "\rcp.exe"
Unable to open the file "\VCCLSID.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mstsc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\vssvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cmmon32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\utilman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mshta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ups.exe"
Unable to open the file "\dcomcnfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\msdtc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msfeedssync.
Unable to open the file "\ie4uinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\logoff.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tracert.exe"
Unable to open the file "\msg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qappsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\qwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\regini.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rwinsta.exe"
Unable to open the file "\shadow.exe"
Unable to open the file "\svchost.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tscon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsdiscon.exe
Unable to open the file "\stimon.exe"
Unable to open the file "\tsshutdn.exe
Unable to open the file "\tskill.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rdsaddin.exe
Unable to open the file "\reset.exe"
Unable to open the file "\freecell.exe
Unable to open the file "\mshearts.exe
Unable to open the file "\winmine.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sol.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spider.exe"
Unable to open the file "\calc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\smlogsvc.exe
Unable to open the file "\charmap.exe"
Unable to open the file "\setup.exe"
Unable to open the file "\winchat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sdbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\sndvol32.exe
Unable to open the file "\ntkrnlpa.exe
Unable to open the file "\write.exe"
Unable to open the file "\WinFXDocObj.
Unable to open the file "\runonce.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rexec.exe"
Unable to open the file "\reg.exe"
Unable to open the file "\rasphone.exe
Unable to open the file "\ipxroute.exe
Unable to open the file "\qprocess.exe
Unable to open the file "\proquota.exe
Unable to open the file "\ping.exe"
Unable to open the file "\odbcad32.exe
Unable to open the file "\xpsp1hfm.exe
Unable to open the file "\wpdshextauto
Unable to open the file "\netstat.exe"
Unable to open the file "\netsh.exe"
Unable to open the file "\net1.exe"
Unable to open the file "\narrator.exe
Unable to open the file "\ieudinit.exe
Unable to open the file "\mstinit.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mspaint.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mplay32.exe"
Unable to open the file "\mobsync.exe"
Unable to open the file "\lsass.exe"
Unable to open the file "\logonui.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ipconfig.exe
Unable to open the file "\imapi.exe"
Unable to open the file "\grpconv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\hpzipm12.exe
Unable to open the file "\hpzinw12.exe
Unable to open the file "\eudcedit.exe
Unable to open the file "\dplaysvr.exe
Unable to open the file "\defrag.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ddeshare.exe
Unable to open the file "\csrss.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cscript.exe"
Unable to open the file "\clipsrv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\cisvc.exe"
Unable to open the file "\at.exe"
Unable to open the file "\actmovie.exe
Unable to open the file "\wscntfy.exe"
Unable to open the file "\spupdwxp.exe
Unable to open the file "\smbinst.exe"
Unable to open the file "\slserv.exe"
Unable to open the file "\slrundll.exe
Unable to open the file "\powercfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\fsquirt.exe"
Unable to open the file "\VTTimer.exe"
Unable to open the file "\faxpatch.exe
Unable to open the file "\VTuninst.exe
Unable to open the file "\blastcln.exe
Unable to open the file "\proxycfg.exe
Unable to open the file "\logman.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Process.exe"
Unable to open the file "\SrchSTS.exe"
Unable to open the file "\Domino.exe"
Unable to open the file "\ati2sgag.exe
Unable to open the file "\VMCap323.exe
Unable to open the file "\VMSnap23.exe
Unable to open the file "\setupfilter.
Unable to open the file "\PnkBstrA.exe
Unable to open the file "\PnkBstrB.exe
Unable to open the file "\Ati2mdxx.exe
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX(2).
Unable to open the file "\ATI2EVXX(3).
Unable to open the file "\xmlinst.exe"
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
16 nov. 2007 à 19:47
16 nov. 2007 à 19:47
Tu es sur d'avoir appliqué ce que je t'ai indiqué ?
Tu es sur d'avoir appliqué ce que je t'ai indiqué ?
c peux être a la racine du système que j'ai pas compris,merci de me dire quoi faire, désole suis debutant cordialement pepitosxm
c peux être a la racine du système que j'ai pas compris,merci de me dire quoi faire, désole suis debutant cordialement pepitosxm
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 20 mai 2004
Dernière intervention
6 mars 2010
16 nov. 2007 à 23:15
16 nov. 2007 à 23:15
Installes-le sur le bureau.
Et reprends la suite.
Décompresse etc...
Et reprends la suite.
Décompresse etc...