Problème de code sur define.php

infosam13 Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription lundi 9 octobre 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 9 octobre 2017 - 9 oct. 2017 à 13:45
Pitet Messages postés 2826 Date d'inscription lundi 11 février 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2022 - 11 oct. 2017 à 16:44
Bonjour ,
Apres l'installation de OCS sur un serveur 2012 R2
Je souhaitai installer GLPI.
http://localhost (serveur)/glpi/
le message suivant apparaît:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\inc\define.php on line 86
Voici mon fichier qui me semble correct.
Auriez vous une idée
A voir également:

4 réponses

infosam13 Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription lundi 9 octobre 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 9 octobre 2017 1
9 oct. 2017 à 17:30

J'ai téléchargé la Version de GLPI 9.1.6
Et merci pour la réponse j'ai testé en retirant la ligne 85 cela n'a rien changé.
jordane45 Messages postés 38451 Date d'inscription mercredi 22 octobre 2003 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 9 mars 2025 4 739
9 oct. 2017 à 16:46

Déjà... il est préférable de nous coller le code directement sur le forum (en utilisant les balises de code pour la coloration syntaxique..... ) au lieu de nous en mettre une image !
Cela nous permet, entre autre, de pouvoir faire des copier/coller .......

Ensuite... vire les commentaires qui sont à la ligne 85 et regarde si ça ne marche pas mieux...

infosam13 Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription lundi 9 octobre 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 9 octobre 2017 1
9 oct. 2017 à 17:28
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
 * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Teclib' and contributors.
 * based on GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This file is part of GLPI.
 * GLPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GLPI. If not, see <>.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

/** @file
* @brief

if (file_exists(GLPI_CONFIG_DIR . '/local_define.php')) {
   require_once GLPI_CONFIG_DIR . '/local_define.php';

// Current version of GLPI
define('GLPI_VERSION', '9.2');
if (substr(GLPI_VERSION, -4) === '-dev') {
   //for dev version
   define('GLPI_PREVER', str_replace('-dev', '', GLPI_VERSION));
      GLPI_PREVER . '@' . sha1_file(GLPI_ROOT . '/install/mysql/glpi-empty.sql')
} else {
   //for stable version
   define("GLPI_SCHEMA_VERSION", '9.2');
define('GLPI_MIN_PHP', '5.6.0');
define('GLPI_YEAR', '2017');
if (!defined('GLPI_DEMO_MODE')) {
   define('GLPI_DEMO_MODE', '0');
if (!defined('GLPI_USE_CSRF_CHECK')) {
   define('GLPI_USE_CSRF_CHECK', '1');
define("GLPI_CSRF_EXPIRES", "7200");
define("GLPI_CSRF_MAX_TOKENS", "100");

//Define a global recipient address for email notifications
//define('GLPI_FORCE_MAIL', 'me@localhost');

// for compatibility with mysql 5.7
// TODO: this var need to be set to 0 after review of all sql queries)

// rights
define("READ", 1);
define("UPDATE", 2);
define("CREATE", 4);
define("DELETE", 8);
define("PURGE", 16);
define("READNOTE", 32);
define("UPDATENOTE", 64);
define("UNLOCK", 128);

// dictionnaries
// 0 Name - 1 lang file - 2 extjs - 3 tiny_mce - 4 english lang name
$CFG_GLPI['languages'] =  
      ['ar_SA' => ['العَرَبِيَّةُ',        '','ar',    'ar','arabic'     , 103],
            'bg_BG' => ['Български',            '','bg',    'bg','bulgarian'  , 2],
            'id_ID' => ['Bahasa Indonesia',     '','id',    'id','indonesian' , 2],
            'ms_MY' => ['Bahasa Melayu',        '','ms',    'ms','malay'      , 2],
            'ca_ES' => ['Català',               '','ca',    'ca','catalan'    , 2], // ca_CA
            'cs_CZ' => ['Čeština',              '','cs',    'cs','czech'      , 10],
            'de_DE' => ['Deutsch',              '','de',    'de','german'     , 2],
            'da_DK' => ['Dansk',                '','da',    'da','danish'     , 2]     , // dk_DK
            'et_EE' => ['Eesti',                '','et',    'et','estonian'   , 2], // ee_ET
            'en_GB' => ['English',              '','en-GB', 'en','english'    , 2],
            'en_US' => ['English (US)',         '','en-GB', 'en','english'    , 2],
            'es_AR' => ['Español (Argentina)',  '','es',    'es','spanish'    , 2],
            'es_CO' => ['Español (Colombia)',   '','es',    'es','spanish'    , 2],
            'es_ES' => ['Español (España)',     '','es',    'es','spanish'    , 2],
            'es_419' => ['Español (América Latina)', '','es',    'es','spanish' , 2],
            'es_MX' => ['Español (Mexico)',     '','es',    'es','spanish'    , 2],
            'es_VE' => ['Español (Venezuela)',  '','es',    'es','spanish'    , 2],
            'eu_ES' => ['Euskara',              '','eu',    'en','basque'     , 2],
            'fr_FR' => ['Français',             '','fr',    'fr','french'     , 2],
            'gl_ES' => ['Galego',               '','gl',    'gl','galician'   , 2],
            'el_GR' => ['Ελληνικά',             '','el',    'el','greek'      , 2], // el_EL
            'he_IL' => ['עברית',                 '','he',    'he','hebrew'     , 2], // he_HE
            'hr_HR' => ['Hrvatski',             '','hr',    'hr','croatian'   , 2],
            'hu_HU' => ['Magyar',               '','hu',    'hu','hungarian'  , 2],
            'it_IT' => ['Italiano',             '','it',    'it','italian'    , 2],
            'lv_LV' => ['Latviešu',             '','lv',    'lv','latvian'    , 2],
            'lt_LT' => ['Lietuvių',             '','lt',    'lt','lithuanian' , 2],
            'nl_NL' => ['Nederlands',           '','nl',    'nl','dutch'      , 2],
            'nb_NO' => ['Norsk (Bokmål)',       '','no',    'nb','norwegian'  , 2], // no_NB
            'nn_NO' => ['Norsk (Nynorsk)',      '','no',    'nn','norwegian'  , 2], // no_NN
            'fa_IR' => ['فارسی',                '','fa',    'fa','persian'    , 2],
            'pl_PL' => ['Polski',               '','pl',    'pl','polish'     , 2],
            'pt_PT' => ['Português',            '','pt',    'pt','portuguese' , 2],
            'pt_BR' => ['Português do Brasil',  '','pt-BR', 'pt','brazilian portuguese'    , 2],
            'ro_RO' => ['Română',               '','ro',    'en','romanian'    , 2],
            'ru_RU' => ['Русский',              '','ru',    'ru','russian'    , 2],
            'sk_SK' => ['Slovenčina',           '','sk',    'sk','slovak'    , 10],
            'sl_SI' => ['Slovenščina',          '','sl',    'sl','slovenian slovene'    , 2],
            'sr_RS' => ['Srpski',               '','sr',    'sr','serbian'    , 2],
            'fi_FI' => ['Suomi',                '','fi',    'fi','finish'    , 2],
            'sv_SE' => ['Svenska',              '','sv',    'sv','swedish'    , 2],
            'vi_VN' => ['Tiếng Việt',           '','vi',    'vi','vietnamese'    , 2],
            'th_TH' => ['ภาษาไทย',              '','th',    'th','thai'    , 2],
            'tr_TR' => ['Türkçe',               '','tr',    'tr','turkish'    , 2],
            'uk_UA' => ['Українська',           '','uk',    'en','ukrainian'    , 2], // ua_UA
            'ja_JP' => ['日本語',                '','ja',    'ja','japanese'    , 2],
            'zh_CN' => ['简体中文',              '','zh-CN', 'zh','chinese'    , 2],
            'zh_TW' => ['繁體中文',              '','zh-TW', 'zh','chinese'    , 2],];


// Init to store glpi itemtype / tables link
$CFG_GLPI['glpitables'] = [];

define("NOT_AVAILABLE", 'N/A');

// key used to crypt passwords in DB for external access : proxy / smtp / ldap /  mailcollectors
// This key is not used to crypt user's passwords
// If you hav to define passwords again
define("GLPIKEY", "GLPI£i'snarss'ç");

if (!defined('GLPI_TELEMETRY_URI')) {
   define('GLPI_TELEMETRY_URI', '');

define("MINUTE_TIMESTAMP", 60);
define("HOUR_TIMESTAMP", 3600);
define("DAY_TIMESTAMP", 86400);
define("WEEK_TIMESTAMP", 604800);
define("MONTH_TIMESTAMP", 2592000);

//Management modes

//Mail send methods
define("MAIL_MAIL", 0);
define("MAIL_SMTP", 1);
define("MAIL_SMTPSSL", 2);
define("MAIL_SMTPTLS", 3);

define("INFO", 0);
define("ERROR", 1);
define("WARNING", 2);


define("ERROR_NOT_FOUND", 1);
define("ERROR_RIGHT", 2);
define("ERROR_COMPAT", 3);
define("ERROR_ON_ACTION", 4);

// For plugins
$PLUGIN_HOOKS     = [];
$LANG             = [];

$CFG_GLPI["unicity_types"]                = ['Budget', 'Computer', 'Contact', 'Contract',
                                                  'Infocom', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Supplier','User', 'Certicate'];

$CFG_GLPI["state_types"]                  = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'SoftwareLicense',

$CFG_GLPI["asset_types"]                  = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'SoftwareLicense',

$CFG_GLPI["project_asset_types"]          = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'DeviceMotherboard', 'DeviceProcessor', 'DeviceMemory',
                                                  'DeviceHardDrive', 'DeviceNetworkCard', 'DeviceDrive',
                                                  'DeviceControl', 'DeviceGraphicCard', 'DeviceSoundCard',
                                                  'DevicePci', 'DeviceCase', 'DevicePowerSupply', 'DeviceGeneric',
                                                  'DeviceBattery', 'DeviceFirmware',

$CFG_GLPI["document_types"]               = ['Budget', 'CartridgeItem', 'Change', 'Computer',
                                                  'ConsumableItem', 'Contact', 'Contract',
                                                  'Document', 'Entity', 'KnowbaseItem', 'Monitor',
                                                  'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                                  'Printer', 'Problem', 'Project', 'ProjectTask',
                                                  'Reminder', 'Software', 'Line',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Supplier', 'Ticket','User',

$CFG_GLPI["consumables_types"]            = ['Group', 'User'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevices"]                  = ['Item_DevicePowerSupply', 'Item_DevicePci',
                                                  'Item_DeviceCase', 'Item_DeviceGraphicCard',
                                                  'Item_DeviceMotherBoard', 'Item_DeviceNetworkCard',
                                                  'Item_DeviceSoundCard', 'Item_DeviceControl',
                                                  'Item_DeviceHardDrive', 'Item_DeviceDrive', 'Item_DeviceMemory',
                                                  'Item_DeviceProcessor', 'Item_DeviceGeneric',
                                                  'Item_DeviceBattery', 'Item_DeviceFirmware', 'Item_DeviceSimcard',

$CFG_GLPI["contract_types"]               = array_merge(['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Project', 'Line',
                                                  'Software', 'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'],

$CFG_GLPI["directconnect_types"]          = ['Monitor', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI["infocom_types"]                = ['Cartridge', 'CartridgeItem', 'Computer',
                                                  'Consumable', 'ConsumableItem', 'Monitor',
                                                  'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                                  'Printer', 'Software', 'SoftwareLicense',
                                                  'Line', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["reservation_types"]            = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software'];

$CFG_GLPI["linkuser_types"]               = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["linkgroup_types"]              = ['Computer', 'Consumable', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["linkuser_tech_types"]          = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["linkgroup_tech_types"]         = ['Computer', 'Consumable', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["location_types"]               = ['Budget', 'CartridgeItem', 'ConsumableItem',
                                                  'Computer', 'Monitor', 'Netpoint',
                                                  'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                                  'Printer', 'Software', 'SoftwareLicense',
                                                  'Ticket', 'User', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["ticket_types"]                 = ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                                  'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer', 'Software',
                                                  'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate',

$CFG_GLPI["link_types"]                   = ['Budget', 'CartridgeItem', 'Computer',
                                                  'ConsumableItem', 'Contact', 'Contract', 'Monitor',
                                                  'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                                  'Printer', 'Software', 'Supplier', 'User', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["dictionnary_types"]            = ['ComputerModel', 'ComputerType', 'Manufacturer',
                                                  'MonitorModel', 'MonitorType',
                                                  'NetworkEquipmentModel', 'NetworkEquipmentType',
                                                  'OperatingSystem', 'OperatingSystemServicePack',
                                                  'OperatingSystemVersion', 'PeripheralModel',
                                                  'PeripheralType', 'PhoneModel', 'PhoneType',
                                                  'Printer', 'PrinterModel', 'PrinterType',
                                                  'Software', 'OperatingSystemArchitecture',
                                                  'OperatingSystemKernel', 'OperatingSystemKernelVersion',

$CFG_GLPI["helpdesk_visible_types"]       = ['Software'];

$CFG_GLPI["networkport_types"]            = ['Computer', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral',
                                                  'Phone', 'Printer'];

// Warning : the order is used for displaying different NetworkPort types ! Keep it !
$CFG_GLPI['networkport_instantiations']   = ['NetworkPortEthernet', 'NetworkPortWifi' ,
                                                  'NetworkPortAggregate', 'NetworkPortAlias',
                                                  'NetworkPortDialup',   'NetworkPortLocal',

$CFG_GLPI['device_types']                 = ['DeviceMotherboard', 'DeviceFirmware', 'DeviceProcessor',
                                                  'DeviceMemory', 'DeviceHardDrive', 'DeviceNetworkCard',
                                                  'DeviceDrive', 'DeviceBattery', 'DeviceGraphicCard',
                                                  'DeviceSoundCard', 'DeviceControl', 'DevicePci',
                                                  'DeviceCase', 'DevicePowerSupply', 'DeviceGeneric',
                                                  'DeviceSimcard', 'DeviceSensor'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevices_types"]            = ['Computer', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral',
                                                  'Phone', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevices_itemaffinity"]     = ['Computer'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevicememory_types"]       = ['Computer', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevicepowersupply_types"]  = ['Computer', 'NetworkEquipment'];

$CFG_GLPI["itemdevicenetworkcard_types"]  = ['Computer', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdeviceharddrive_types']    = ['Computer', 'Peripheral'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdevicebattery_types']      = ['Computer', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdevicefirmware_types']     = ['Computer', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdevicesimcard_types']      = ['Computer', 'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Printer'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdevicegeneric_types']      = ['*'];

$CFG_GLPI['itemdevicesensor_types']       = ['Computer', 'Peripheral'];

$CFG_GLPI["notificationtemplates_types"]  = ['CartridgeItem', 'Change', 'ConsumableItem',
                                             'Contract', 'Crontask', 'DBConnection',
                                             'FieldUnicity', 'Infocom', 'MailCollector',
                                             'ObjectLock', 'PlanningRecall', 'Problem',
                                             'Project', 'ProjectTask', 'Reservation',
                                             'SoftwareLicense', 'Ticket', 'User',
                                             'SavedSearch_Alert', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI["union_search_type"]            = ['ReservationItem' => "reservation_types",
                                                  'AllAssets'       => "asset_types"];

$CFG_GLPI["systeminformations_types"]     = ['AuthLDAP', 'DBConnection', 'MailCollector',

$CFG_GLPI["rulecollections_types"]        = ['RuleImportEntityCollection',

// Items which can planned something
$CFG_GLPI['planning_types']               = ['ChangeTask', 'ProblemTask', 'Reminder',
                                                  'TicketTask', 'ProjectTask'];
$CFG_GLPI['planning_add_types']           = ['Reminder'];

$CFG_GLPI["globalsearch_types"]           = ['Computer', 'Contact', 'Contract',
                                                  'Document',  'Monitor',
                                                  'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                                  'Printer', 'Software', 'SoftwareLicense',
                                                  'Ticket', 'Problem', 'Change',
                                                  'User', 'Group', 'Project', 'Supplier',
                                                  'Budget', 'Certificate'];

// New config options which can be missing during migration
$CFG_GLPI["number_format"]  = 0;
$CFG_GLPI["decimal_number"] = 2;

// Default debug options : may be locally overriden
$CFG_GLPI["debug_sql"] = $CFG_GLPI["debug_vars"] = $CFG_GLPI["debug_lang"] = 1;

// User Prefs fields which override $CFG_GLPI config
$CFG_GLPI['user_pref_field'] = ['backcreated', 'csv_delimiter', 'date_format',
                                     'default_requesttypes_id', 'display_count_on_home',
                                     'duedatecritical_less', 'duedatecritical_unit',
                                     'duedateok_color', 'duedatewarning_color',
                                     'duedatewarning_less', 'duedatewarning_unit',
                                     'followup_private', 'is_ids_visible',
                                     'keep_devices_when_purging_item', 'language', 'list_limit',
                                     'lock_autolock_mode', 'lock_directunlock_notification',
                                     'names_format', 'notification_to_myself',
                                     'number_format', 'pdffont', 'priority_1',
                                     'priority_2', 'priority_3', 'priority_4', 'priority_5',
                                     'priority_6', 'refresh_ticket_list', 'set_default_tech',
                                     'set_default_requester', 'show_count_on_tabs',
                                     'show_jobs_at_login', 'task_private', 'task_state',
                                     'use_flat_dropdowntree', 'layout', 'ticket_timeline',
                                     'ticket_timeline_keep_replaced_tabs', 'palette',

$CFG_GLPI['layout_excluded_pages'] = ["profile.form.php",

$CFG_GLPI['lock_lockable_objects'] = ['Budget',  'Change', 'Contact', 'Contract', 'Document',
                                           'CartridgeItem', 'Computer', 'ConsumableItem', 'Entity',
                                           'Group', 'KnowbaseItem', 'Line', 'Link', 'Monitor',
                                           'NetworkEquipment', 'NetworkName', 'Peripheral', 'Phone',
                                           'Printer', 'Problem', 'Profile', 'Project', 'Reminder',
                                           'RSSFeed', 'Software', 'Supplier', 'Ticket', 'User',
                                           'SoftwareLicense', 'Certificate'];

$CFG_GLPI['inventory_lockable_objects'] = ['Computer_Item',  'Computer_SoftwareLicense',
                                           'Computer_SoftwareVersion', 'ComputerDisk', 'ComputerVirtualMachine',
                                           'NetworkPort', 'NetworkName', 'IPAddress'];

$CFG_GLPI["kb_types"]              = ['Budget', 'Change', 'Computer',
                                           'Contract', 'Entity',
                                           'Monitor', 'NetworkEquipment',
                                           'Peripheral', 'Phone', 'Printer',
                                           'Problem', 'Project', 'Software',
                                           'SoftwareLicense', 'Supplier',
                                           'Ticket', 'Certificate'];
$CFG_GLPI["certificate_types"]     = ['Computer',
                                      'NetworkEquipment', 'Peripheral',
                                      'Phone', 'Printer',
                                      'SoftwareLicense', 'User'];

$CFG_GLPI['javascript'] = [
   'central'   => [
      'central'   => ['fullcalendar']
   'helpdesk'  => [
      'planning'  => ['fullcalendar', 'colorpicker', 'tinymce'],
      'ticket'    => ['rateit', 'tinymce'],
      'problem'   => ['tinymce'],
      'change'    => ['tinymce'],
      'stat'      => ['charts']
   'tools'     => [
      'project'      => ['gantt'],
      'knowbaseitem' => ['tinymce'],
      'reminder'     => ['tinymce']
   'config'    => [
      'config'    => ['colorpicker'],
      'commondropdown'  => [
         'ProjectState'       => ['colorpicker'],
         'SolutionTemplate'   => ['tinymce']
      'notification'    => [
         'notificationtemplate' => ['tinymce']
   'admin'     => ['colorpicker', 'clipboard'],
   'preference'=> ['colorpicker', 'clipboard'],

//Maximum time, in miliseconds a saved search should not exeed
//so we count it on display (using automatic mode).
$CFG_GLPI['max_time_for_count'] = 200;

Pitet Messages postés 2826 Date d'inscription lundi 11 février 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2022 526
Modifié le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:45

Depuis la version 5.4 de PHP, il est possible de déclarer des tableaux avec la "syntaxe courte" :
$tableau = [0,1,2,3,4];
// avant PHP 5.4 :
// $tableau = array(0,1,2,3,4);

Si tu utilises la syntaxe courte pour déclarer les tableaux avant PHP 5.4, tu obtiens l'erreur "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '['", ce qui semble bien correspondre à ton problème.

Vérifie la version de PHP que tu utilises et met à jour en utilisant une version plus récente :

Bonne journée