Grave problème DNS
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
samedi 5 mars 2016
Dernière intervention
5 mars 2016
5 mars 2016 à 05:54
Bachir - 16 juil. 2016 à 01:23
Bachir - 16 juil. 2016 à 01:23
A voir également:
- Grave problème DNS
- Changer dns - Guide
- Dns gratuit - Guide
- Clear dns cache - Guide
- Dns bouygues - Accueil - Guide box et connexion Internet
- Dns jumper avis - Télécharger - Serveurs
1 réponse
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Dernière intervention
17 février 2019
1 604
Modifié par Dori@n le 5/03/2016 à 08:46
Modifié par Dori@n le 5/03/2016 à 08:46
Si tu as Avast regarde ici :
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Télécharge Complète Internet sur ton Bureau.
Décompresse le dossier zip sur ton Bureau.
Ouvre le dossier comintrep_2103
Clic droit sur ComIntRep si tu es en 32 bits, puis Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
Clic droit sur ComIntRep_x64 si tu es en 64 bits, puis Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
Coche ces cases et clique sur GO:
Laisse travailler l'outil jusqu'à la fin de la réparation.
Un redémarrage du pc sera nécessaire.
Clique sur OK.
Après avoir redémarré, un rapport nommé "ComIntRepair.txt" sera créé dans le dossier Logging.
Le dossier se trouve dans comintrep_2103\Logging.
Poste le rapport dans ta prochaine réponse.
Si tu as Avast regarde ici :
Sinon tente cela :
Télécharge Complète Internet sur ton Bureau.
Décompresse le dossier zip sur ton Bureau.
Ouvre le dossier comintrep_2103
Clic droit sur ComIntRep si tu es en 32 bits, puis Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
Clic droit sur ComIntRep_x64 si tu es en 64 bits, puis Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
Coche ces cases et clique sur GO:
Laisse travailler l'outil jusqu'à la fin de la réparation.
Un redémarrage du pc sera nécessaire.
Clique sur OK.
Après avoir redémarré, un rapport nommé "ComIntRepair.txt" sera créé dans le dossier Logging.
Le dossier se trouve dans comintrep_2103\Logging.
Poste le rapport dans ta prochaine réponse.
Le courage de la goutte d'eau, c'est qu'elle ose tomber dans le désert.
16 juil. 2016 à 01:23
Voici ce que personnellement le rapport m'indique :
16/07/2016 01:15:18] Resetting all TCP/IP Interfaces, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:22] TCP/IP interfaces reset successful.
[16/07/2016 01:15:24] TCP/IP v6 interfaces reset successful.
[16/07/2016 01:15:24] You may need to restart your computer for the settings to take effect.
[16/07/2016 01:15:24] Finished resetting the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
[16/07/2016 01:15:24] Attempting to reset Winsock catalog, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:26] Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
[16/07/2016 01:15:26] Finished repairing Winsock
[16/07/2016 01:15:26] Releasing TCP/IP connections, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:27] Successfully released TCP/IP connections.
[16/07/2016 01:15:27] Renewing TCP/IP connections, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:32] Successfully renewed TCP/IP adapters.
[16/07/2016 01:15:32] Configuring the Windows Event Log Service, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Windows Event Log Service Configured.
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Starting the Windows Event Log Service.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Windows Event Log Service Started Successfully.
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Flushing DNS Resolver Cache, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Successfully flushed DNS Resolver Cache.
[16/07/2016 01:15:38] Refreshing all DHCP leases and re-registering DNS names, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:44] Registration of the DNS resource records has been initiated.
[16/07/2016 01:15:44] Note: Any errors will be reported in the 'Event Viewer' in about 15 minutes.
[16/07/2016 01:15:44] Note: Click on 'File' and then 'Event Viewer...' to open the Event Viewer.
[16/07/2016 01:15:44] Repairing Internet Explorer 11.0.9600, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:15:46] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\DiagnosticsHub_is.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:46] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\DiagnosticsTap.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:47] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\F12.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:48] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\F12Tools.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:48] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\hmmapi.dll"' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:49] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iedvtool.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:50] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:51] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\msdbg2.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:51] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\pdm.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:51] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\pdmproxy100.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:51] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\perf_nt.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:51] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\perfcore.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Timeline_is.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: actxprxy.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: asctrls.ocx' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: browseui.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: cdfview.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: comcat.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: comctl32.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:52] RegSvr32.exe: corpol.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: cryptdlg.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\custsat.dll"' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: digest.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: dispex.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: dxtmsft.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: dxtrans.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:53] RegSvr32.exe: extmgr.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:54] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\hmmapi.dll"' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:54] RegSvr32.exe: hlink.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:54] RegSvr32.exe: ieaksie.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:55] RegSvr32.exe: ieapfltr.dll' Error number: 0x80070005
[16/07/2016 01:15:55] RegSvr32.exe: iedkcs32.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:55] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iedvtool.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:56] RegSvr32.exe: iedvtool.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:56] RegSvr32.exe: ieframe.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:57] RegSvr32.exe: iepeers.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:57] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:57] RegSvr32.exe: ieproxy.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:58] RegSvr32.exe: iesetup.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:58] RegSvr32.exe: imgutil.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:58] RegSvr32.exe: inetcpl.cpl' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:58] RegSvr32.exe: inetcpl.cpl' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:15:59] RegSvr32.exe: initpki.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:15:59] RegSvr32.exe: inseng.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:15:59] RegSvr32.exe: jscript.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:00] RegSvr32.exe: licmgr10.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:00] RegSvr32.exe: mlang.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:00] RegSvr32.exe: mobsync.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:00] RegSvr32.exe: msapsspc.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:01] RegSvr32.exe: mscoree.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:01] RegSvr32.exe: mscorier.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:01] RegSvr32.exe: mscories.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:02] RegSvr32.exe: msdbg2.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:02] RegSvr32.exe: mshta.exe' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:02] RegSvr32.exe: mshtml.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:02] RegSvr32.exe: mshtmled.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:02] RegSvr32.exe: msident.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: msieftp.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: msnsspc.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: msr2c.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: msrating.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: mstime.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:03] RegSvr32.exe: msxml.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:04] RegSvr32.exe: ole32.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:04] RegSvr32.exe: oleacc.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:04] RegSvr32.exe: occache.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:05] RegSvr32.exe: oleaut32.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:06] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\pdm.dll"' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:06] RegSvr32.exe: plugin.ocx' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:06] RegSvr32.exe: pngfilt.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:07] RegSvr32.exe: proctexe.ocx' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:07] RegSvr32.exe: scrobj.dll' Error number: 0x80070005
[16/07/2016 01:16:07] RegSvr32.exe: sendmail.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:08] RegSvr32.exe: setupwbv.dll' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:08] RegSvr32.exe: shdocvw.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:08] RegSvr32.exe: tdc.ocx' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:09] RegSvr32.exe: url.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:10] RegSvr32.exe: urlmon.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:10] RegSvr32.exe: urlmon.dll,NI,HKLM' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:11] RegSvr32.exe: vbscript.dll' registration succeeded.
[16/07/2016 01:16:11] RegSvr32.exe: "C:\Program Files\microsoft shared\vgx\vgx.dll"' Specified module not found
[16/07/2016 01:16:11] RegSvr32.exe: webcheck.dll' Module loaded but entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
[16/07/2016 01:16:11] Finished repairing Internet Explorer 11.0.9600
[16/07/2016 01:16:11] Resetting the Windows Firewall configuraton, Please wait.....
[16/07/2016 01:16:15] Windows Firewall configuration reset successful.
[16/07/2016 01:16:15] Finished resetting the Windows Firewall configuraton.
[16/07/2016 01:16:15] You will need to reboot your computer before the settings will take effect.
[16/07/2016 01:16:25] Your computer is restarting now.....