Problème dans le code

xtop59 Messages postés 56 Date d'inscription vendredi 24 mai 2013 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 avril 2017 - Modifié par jordane45 le 15/12/2015 à 00:08
sipherion Messages postés 1809 Date d'inscription lundi 22 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 19 décembre 2016 - 14 déc. 2015 à 16:13
Bonjour sur mon la page galerie no fonctionne pas il me dise : Galerie inconnue
mon cms est phptounrois


if (eregi("galerie.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
 die ("You cannot open this page directly");

if(!$config['galerie']) js_goto('?page=index');

$config['gallery_path'] = "./images/album/";
$config['gallery_max_filesize'] = 2000000;

# Checks if a file or directory is "new"
function is_new($filename) {
 global $config;

 if (!file_exists($filename)) return false;
 return (filectime($filename) > (time()-7*24*3600));

# Checks for permissions on either pictures, galleries, config files, etc...

function check_perms($filename) {
 global $strPermissionInvalide;

 if(!file_exists($filename)) return false;

 $fileperms = fileperms($filename);
 $isreadable = $fileperms & 4;

 if(is_file($filename)) {
  // pictures, thumbnails, config files and comments only need to be readable
  if (!$isreadable) show_warning("$strPermissionInvalide : $filename");
  return $isreadable;
 elseif(is_dir($filename)) {
  // galleries need to be both readable and executable
  $isexecutable = $fileperms & 1;
  if (! $isreadable || ! $isexecutable) show_warning("$strPermissionInvalide : $filename");
  return ( $isreadable && $isexecutable); // ($dirperms & 5) == 5 ?

 // default behavior: the filename does not exist
 return false;

# Checks if the filname exists, refers to a picture associated to a thumbnail
# and is granted the necessary access rigths

function is_picture($picture_filename, $galid) {
 global $config;

 $picture_path = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid/$picture_filename";
 $thumbnail_path = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid/_thb_$picture_filename";

 // check filename patterns
 if(eregi("^_thb_*", $picture_filename) || (!eregi(".jpg$", $picture_filename) && !eregi(".png$", $picture_filename) && !eregi(".gif$", $picture_filename))) return false;

 // does it exist, is it a regular file and does it have the expected permissions ?
 if(!check_perms($picture_path)) return false;

 // an associated thumbnail is required... same job again !
 if(!check_perms($thumbnail_path)) {

 return true;

# Checks if the directory corresponding the gallery is well-formed, exists
# and is granted the necessary access rights

function is_gallery($galid) {
 global $config;
 global $strPermissionInvalide;

 $picspath =  $config['gallery_path']."/$galid";

 // searching for hazardous patterns
 if(ereg("^/", $galid) || ereg("\.\.", $galid) || ereg("/$", $galid)) return false;

 // does it exist, is it a directory and does it have the expected permissions ?
 if(!check_perms($picspath)) {  
  return false;

 return true;

# returns an array containing info about the number of pictures in a given gallery
# $array[0] = total number of pictures
# $array[1] = number of new pictures

function count_pictures($galid) {
 global $config;

 $nbpics_total = 0;
 $nbpics_new = 0;
 $galdir = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid";

 $dir = @opendir($galdir);
 if(!$dir) return -1;

 while($file = readdir($dir)) {
  if(is_picture($file, $galid)) {
   if(is_new($galdir."/".$file)) $nbpics_new++;
 $nbpics_info[0] = $nbpics_total;
 $nbpics_info[1] = $nbpics_new;

 return $nbpics_info;

# Creates a sorted array of the thumbnails to diplay for a given gallery
# $galid - the gallery ID (must be always valid)
# $filter - the filter that defines the pictures to include in the list
# returns: a sorted array containing the thumbnails' basenames of the gallery

function create_pics_array($galid) {
 global $config;

 $picpath = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid/";


 while($file = readdir($dir)) {
  if(is_picture($file, $galid)) {
   $pics[$file] = $file;

 if(count($pics) > 0) {
  while (list ($key, $val) = each ($pics)) {

 return $picsk;

function create_thumb($name,$th_name,$th_height) {
 global $config;
 global $strPermissionInvalide,$strExtensionNonSupporte;
 $im = '';

 if(extension_loaded('gd')) {

  $data = @GetImageSize($name,$info);

  if($data==NULL) {
   show_warning("$strPermissionInvalide : $name");
  else {
   switch($data[2])  // open permission needed
   {   case 1: $imgtype = 'GIF';
      $im = @imagecreatefromgif($name); break; // GIF
    case 2: $imgtype = 'JPEG';
      $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($name); break; // JPG
    case 3: $imgtype = 'PNG';
      $im = @imagecreatefrompng($name); break;  // PNG
   if ($im == '') {
    show_warning("$strExtensionNonSupporte : $imgtype");
   else {
    $nw=round($w * $th_height / $h);

    if(function_exists("ImageCreateTrueColor")) {   // GD 2.0 or up
     $ni = ImageCreateTrueColor($nw,$nh);
    else {                           // GD version < 2

    switch ($imgtype) {
     //case  'GIF': @ImageGif($ni,$th_name);break;
     case  'JPG': @ImageJpeg($ni,$th_name);break;
     case  'PNG': @ImagePng($ni,$th_name);break;
     default: @ImageJpeg($ni,$th_name); break;
    $result = 'OK';
 return $result;

# Recursive function to display all galleries as a hierarchy

function display_gallery_dir($galid,$picid=0) {
 global $config;
 global $strGalerieInconnue,$strCategories,$strSousCategories,$strImages,$strDescription;

 $galdir = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid";
 $dir = @opendir($galdir);
 $gals = array();

 while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
  // need management for unreadable dirs
  if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir("$galdir/$file")) {
   $gals[count($gals)] = $file;

 if(count($gals) > 0) sort($gals);
 if($galid || $max) {
  echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=bordure1 width=80%><tr><td>";
  echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%>";
  echo "<tr><td class=titlecategorie align=center>";
  if($galid) {
   echo "<table><tr><td class=titlecategorie>$strCategories :</td>";
   echo "<td><a href=\"?page=galerie\"><img src=\"images/dir.gif\" border=0></a></td>";
   $arraygal = explode("/", $galid);
   $linkgal = "$arraygal[0]";
   for ($i=0; $i<count($arraygal); $i++) {
    $labelgal = ereg_replace("_", " ", $arraygal[$i]);
    echo "<td><img src=\"images/next.gif\" align=absmidlle></td><td class=titlecategorie><a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$linkgal\">$labelgal</a></td>";
    $linkgal .= "/".$arraygal[$i+1];
   echo "</tr></table><br>";
  if($max && !$picid) {
   echo "$strSousCategories :<br>";
   echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 border=0>";
   while(list ($key, $val) = each ($gals)) {
    $file = $val;
    $gallery_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $file);
    if ($galid == "") $sub_galid = $file;
    else $sub_galid = $galid."/".$file;
    $nbpics_info = count_pictures($sub_galid);
    $nb_pics = $nbpics_info[0];
    $nb_new_pics = $nbpics_info[1];
    $new_pictures = "";
    if($nb_pics == $nb_new_pics && $nb_pics!=0) $new_pictures = "<img src=\"images/new.gif\" border=\"0\"> ";
    if($counter%$config['col_categories'] == 0) echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td valign=\"top\">";
    echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr>";
    echo "<td valign=top><a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$sub_galid\"><img src=\"images/dir.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"top\"></a> </td>";
    echo "<td class=\"text2\" width=120>";
    echo "<a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$sub_galid\"><b>$gallery_name</b></a> $new_pictures<br>";
    echo "<i>$strImages</i> : <b>$nb_pics</b><br>";
    $msg_file = "$galdir/$file/";
    if (check_perms($msg_file)) {
     echo "<i>$strDescription</i> :";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr></table>";
    echo "</td>";
    if($counter%$config['col_categories'] == $config['col_categories']-1) echo "</tr>";
   echo "</table>";
  echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";


function display_pic($galid, $pcid, $start=1) {

 global $config;
 global $strRetour,$strGalerieInconnue,$strImageInconnue;

 $pics = create_pics_array($galid);
 $nb_pics = count($pics);
 $picture_path = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid/";
 $picture_name = $pics[$pcid];
 $picture_url = $picture_path.$picture_name;
 $picture_msg = "$";
 $gallery_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $galid);
 $gallery_name = ereg_replace("/", " >> ", $gallery_name);

 if(($pcid < 0) || ($pcid > $nb_pics-1) || $pcid == "")
 elseif(!is_picture($picture_name, $galid))
 else {

  $dim = getimagesize($picture_url);
  $previous = $pcid - 1;
  $next = $pcid + 1;

  display_gallery_dir($galid, $pcid);

  echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=5 align=\"center\">";
  // Client side zoom buttons
  if (count($zoom_factors) > 0) {
   echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><A NAME=\"pic\" id=\"id_picture_navi\"></a>";

   for ($i=0; $i<count($zoom_factors); $i++) {
    $new_height = (int)($dim[1]*$zoom_factors[$i]/100);
    $new_width = (int)($dim[0]*$zoom_factors[$i]/100);
    echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"action\" value=\" ".$zoom_factors[$i]."% \" ";
    echo "onClick=\"document.getElementById('id_picture').setAttribute('height', $new_height); ";
    echo "document.getElementById('id_picture').setAttribute('width', $new_width); ";
    echo "document.getElementById('id_picture_navi').scrollIntoView();\">\n";
   echo "</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"text2\">";
  if ($previous > 0) echo "<a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$galid&p=$previous&start=$start\"><img src=\"images/back.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
  echo "<font color=red> ".($pcid+1)."</font> / $nb_pics ";
  if ($next <= $nb_pics-1)echo "<a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$galid&p=$next&start=$start\"><img src=\"images/next.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
  echo "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"text2\"><br>";
  echo "<img id=\"id_picture\" src=\"$picture_url\" WIDTH=\"$dim[0]\" HEIGHT=\"$dim[1]\" alt=\"$picture_url\" class=\"\">";
  echo "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"text2\">";
  if(check_perms($picture_msg) ) {
  else echo " ";
  echo "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";

  echo "<br><img src=\"images/back.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle> <a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$galid&start=$start\" class=action>$strRetour</a><br>";

function display_thumbnails($galid, $picid, $start=0) {
 global $config,$s_joueur;
 global $strRetour,$strConfirmEffacerFile,$strS,$strPasDImage;

 $picspath = $config['gallery_path']."/$galid/";
 $pics = create_pics_array($galid);
 $nbpics = count($pics);
 if($nbpics!=0) {

  if (!$start) $start=0;
  $counter = 0;
  $offset_start= $start;
  $offset_stop = $offset_start + $config['nb_gallery_thumb'];
  if ($offset_stop > $nbpics) $offset_stop = $nbpics;
  echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" align="center">';
  echo "<tr><td class=text2 colspan=\"".$config['col_gallery_thumb']."\" align=center>".navigateur($start,$nb_max,$nb_total,"?page=galerie&g=$galid&start=%d")."<br><br></td></tr>";
  for ($i = $offset_start; $i < $offset_stop; $i++) {
   $picture_name = $pics[$i];
   $picurl = $picspath.$picture_name;
   $thumbname = "_thb_".$pics[$i];
   $thumburl = $picspath.$thumbname;
   $picdim = getimagesize($picurl);
   $thumbdim = getimagesize($thumburl);
   $picsize = (int) (filesize($picurl) / 1024);
   $picindex = $i + 1; // index that is displayed
   if($counter%$config['col_gallery_thumb'] == 0) echo "<tr>";
   echo '<td align="center" valign="top" class="text2">';
   if(is_new($picurl)) echo '<img src="images/new.gif" border="0"><br>';
   echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
   echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><img src="images/photo_top.gif" width="42" height="8"></td></tr>';
   echo '<tr>';
   echo '<td width="8" valign="top"><img src="images/photo_left.gif" height="35" width="8"></td>';
   echo '<td>';
   echo "<a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$galid&p=$i&start=$start\">";
   echo "<img src=\"$thumburl\" WIDTH=\"$thumbdim[0]\" HEIGHT=\"$thumbdim[1]\" alt=\"$picture_name\" border=\"0\"></a>";
   echo '</td>';
   echo '<td width="8" valign="bottom"><img src="images/photo_right.gif" height="35" width="8"></td>';
   echo '</tr>';
   echo '<tr><td colspan="3" align="right"><img src="images/photo_bottom.gif" width="42" height="8"></td></tr>';
   echo '</table>';
   echo "[ $picdim[0]x$picdim[1] - $picsize KB ]"; 
   if($grade['a']=='a'||$grade['b']=='b'||$grade['q']=='q') echo " <a href=\"?page=galerie&op=delete&g=$galid&filename=$picture_name\" onclick=\"return confirm('$strConfirmEffacerFile');\">[$strS]</a>";
   echo "</td>";
   if($counter%$config['col_gallery_thumb']==$config['col_gallery_thumb']-1) echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";
 elseif($galid) {
  echo '<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">';
  echo "<tr><td class=title>$strPasDImage</td></tr>";
  echo '</table>';

function display_gal($galid, $start=1) {
 global $s_joueur,$config;
 global $strGalerieInconnue,$strUploaderFichier,$strFichier,$strEnvoyer,$strUploadFichierConsignes,$strRetour,$grade;

 if(!is_gallery($galid)) {
 else {

  display_thumbnails($galid, "", $start);

  if(($grade['a']=='a'||$grade['b']=='b'||$grade['q']=='q')  && $galid != "") {
   echo "<form name=input action=\"?page=galerie&op=upload&g=$galid\" method=post enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
   echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=bordure2><tr><td>";
   echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>";
   echo "<tr><td class=headerfiche>$strUploaderFichier $galid</td></tr>";
   echo "<tr><td>";
   echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border=0 width=100%>";
   echo "<tr>";
   echo "<td class=titlefiche>$strFichier <font color=red><b>*</b></font> :</td>";
   echo "<td class=textfiche><input type=file name=userfile size=40 maxlength=80></td>";
   echo "</tr>";
   echo "<tr><td class=footerfiche align=center colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"$strEnvoyer\"></td></tr>";
   echo "</table>";
   echo "</td></tr></table>";
   echo "</td></tr></table>";
   echo "</form>";


  $arraygal = explode("/", $galid);
  $linkgal="$arraygal[0]"; // to avoid the first "/"

  if($galid) {
   for ($i=1; $i<count($arraygal)-1; $i++) {
    $linkgal .= "/".$arraygal[$i];

   if(count($arraygal)==1) $linkgal="";

   echo "<br><img src=\"images/back.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle> <a href=\"?page=galerie&g=$linkgal\" class=action>$strRetour</a><br>";
   echo "<br><img src=\"images/back.gif\" border=0 align=align=absmiddle> <a href=\"javascript:back()\" class=action>$strRetour</a><br>";


# Main

echo "<p class=title>.:: $strGalerie ::.</p>";

$param_galid = isset($_GET['g']) ? $_GET['g']:'';
$param_picid = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p']:'';
$param_page = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start']:'';


* Post d'un fichier

if($op=="upload") {

 /*** verification securite ***/
 if ($grade['a']!='a'&&$grade['b']!='b'&&$grade['q']!='q') {js_goto($PHP_SELF);} 

 $uploadc = new Upload();
 $uploadc->maxupload_size = $config['gallery_max_filesize'];
 $field_filename = trim($uploadc->getFileName("userfile"));

 if($field_filename && (eregi(".jpg$", $field_filename) || eregi(".png$", $field_filename) || eregi(".gif$", $field_filename)))
  if($uploadc->save($destination, "userfile", true)) {
   is_picture($field_filename, $param_galid);
  else {
 else {
  show_warning("$strFichierInvalide : $field_filename");



* Effacement d'un fichier

elseif($op=='delete') {

 /*** verification securite ***/
 if ($grade['a']!='a'&&$grade['b']!='q'&&$grade['c']!='q') {js_goto($PHP_SELF);} 
 $filename=str_replace( "/", "", $filename);





* affichage main

else {

 if($param_picid=='') {
   display_gal($param_galid, $param_page);
 else {
  display_pic($param_galid, $param_picid, $param_page);



1 réponse

sipherion Messages postés 1809 Date d'inscription lundi 22 octobre 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 19 décembre 2016 285
14 déc. 2015 à 16:13

Ca ne sert à rien de balancer comme ça tout le code de la page PHP qui est censé te donner accès à ta galerie... C'est illisible et surtout inutile.

Je ne connais pas ce CMS mais je pense que tu devrais trouver de l'aide sur son Github, je suis prêt à te garantir à 99% que le problème ne vient pas du code PHP mais plutôt de ta configuration du CMS et de la galerie en question.