Messages postés119Date d'inscriptionsamedi 30 mai 2015StatutMembreDernière intervention 8 mars 2019
26 juil. 2015 à 20:42
haier66 -
30 oct. 2015 à 07:15
bonjour, j'ai depuis plusieur jour un probleme avec mon serveur bukkit 1.8.
mon probleme est que j'ai le plugin chestcommands mais que je n'arrive pas a avoir els permissions. je combine le plugin avec CustomJoinItems, sa a peut etre un rapport ;)
quand je suis op tout fonctionne, quand je me deop et me met en nouveau ça me dit que je n'ai pas la permission chestcommands.open.teleporteur.yml :/ je suis sur le bon mon normalement xD merci d'avance pour votre grand service
config chestcommands :
###################### #+ +# # MENU SETTINGS # #+ +# ######################
# name - appears as the title - REQUIRED name: '&f&kaa&r&4&lTeleporteur&r&f&kaa'
# rows - the number of rows of the chest - REQUIRED rows: 5
# command - OPTIONAL (you can remove this or set it to '') # Bind multiple commands using ; (command: 'menu; m; me') command: 'teleporteur'
# auto-refresh - OPTIONAL # How frequently the menu will be refreshed, in seconds. # Useful if you have variables in items' descriptions. auto-refresh: 5
# This command command will be execute when the menu is opened. # Supports all the icon command types. open-action: 'sound: note pling'
# open-with-item - OPTIONAL # The menu will open only right-clicking with orange wool [35:1] open-with-item: id: 399 left-click: true right-click: true
second-item: name: '&r&7[&l&4Vue de haut&r&7]' id: 288 slot: 7 lore: - '&6Clic pour avoir un avant gout du &llobby&r&6...' command: 'warp topview' cooldown-seconds: 1 permission: 'customjoinitems.topview' give-at-respawn: true first-join-only: false allow-drop: false block-movement: false give-on-world-change: false # second-item: # name: '&cAnother Item' # id: 352 # lore: # - '&7If you don''t set the permission, the item' # - '&7will be given to everyone. If you don''t' # - '&7specify a slot, the item will be in the' # - '&7first empty.' # command: 'me Hello, I''m new to this server!' # cooldown-seconds: 5 # all-the-possible-nodes: # name: '&eConfig Item' # id: 339 # slot: 1 # data-value: 0 # lore: # - '&7This item contains all the existing config nodes.' # - '&7Open items.yml to see it.' # command: 'console: tell %player% This is; console: tell %player% a test.' # permission: 'customjoinitems.admin' # cooldown-seconds: 5 # give-at-respawn: true # first-join-only: false # allow-drop: false # block-movement: false # disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end # give-on-world-change: true
permission groupmanager :
# Group inheritance # # Any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups # and are inherited from the GlobalGroups.yml. # # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world # and are defined in the this groups.yml file. # # Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote'
26 juil. 2015 à 23:26