21 juil. 2014 à 08:14
Messages postés1377Date d'inscriptionmercredi 18 mars 2009StatutMembreDernière intervention 5 mars 2020
21 juil. 2014 à 20:09
Bonjour, j'ai un tableau dont les données sont récupéré à partir d'une base de données .pour chaque ligne j'ai un boutton modifier .en cliquant sur modifier une formulaire s 'affiche avec les données de la ligne .lorsque je modifie les données ,et je clique sur update rien ne se passe et pas de modification.pouvez vous m'aider.Merci
if(isset($_SESSION['connect'])) {
$connect = mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Identifiants incorrects'); mysql_select_db("pfe") or die ('Base de données incorrecte');
//verifier la date et l'heure si disponibles ou non
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) as nb FROM formation WHERE date_fin >="'.$date_conv_deb.'" AND date_deb <= "'.$date_conv_fin.'" ;';
$req = mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL !<br />'.$sql.'<br />'.mysql_error());
//$data = mysql_fetch_array($req);
if (nb==0) {
//si disponible on insere dans la BD
$sql = 'UPDATE formation SET titre='.mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(trim($_POST['titre'])))).',
WHERE id_formation='.(int)$_GET["param"].';';
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL !'.$sql.'<br />'.mysql_error());
$sq = 'UPDATE enseigne_formation SET id_format='.mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($_POST['formateur']))).' WHERE id_ensform='.(int)$_GET["parametre1"].'';
$re=mysql_query($sq) or die('Erreur SQL !'.$sq.'<br />'.mysql_error());
//if(false!=$res && false!=$re){
// on affiche le résultat pour le visiteur
echo"<center><font color=green><br><br><br><h2>training successfully updated !</h2></font><br></center>; <br/>
echo"<center><font color=red><br><br><br><h2>Unvailable Date !</h2></font><br></center>; <br/>
echo"<center><font color=red><br><br><br><h2>you should Start date less than End date OR unvailable date!</h2></font><br></center>; <br/>
echo"<center><font color=red><br><br><br><h2>you should fill all the blanks !</h2></font><br></center>; <br/>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
// Project: Dynamic Date Selector (DtTvB) - 2006-03-16
// Script featured on JavaScript Kit-
// Code begin...
// Set the initial date.
var ds_i_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_i_date.getMonth() + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_i_date.getFullYear();
// Get Element By Id
function ds_getel(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Get the left and the top of the element.
function ds_getleft(el) {
var tmp = el.offsetLeft;
el = el.offsetParent
while(el) {
tmp += el.offsetLeft;
el = el.offsetParent;
return tmp;
function ds_gettop(el) {
var tmp = el.offsetTop;
el = el.offsetParent
while(el) {
tmp += el.offsetTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
return tmp;
// Output Element
var ds_oe = ds_getel('ds_calclass');
// Container
var ds_ce = ds_getel('ds_conclass');
// Output Buffering
var ds_ob = '';
function ds_ob_clean() {
ds_ob = '';
function ds_ob_flush() {
ds_oe.innerHTML = ds_ob;
function ds_echo(t) {
ds_ob += t;
var ds_element; // Text Element...
var ds_monthnames = [
'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin',
'Juillet', 'Aout', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'
]; // You can translate it for your language.
var ds_daynames = [
'Dim', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Me', 'Jeu', 'Ven', 'Sam'
]; // You can translate it for your language.
function ds_template_day_row(t) {
return '<td class="ds_subhead">' + t + '</td>';
// Define width in CSS, XHTML 1.0 Strict doesn't have width property for it.
function ds_template_new_week() {
return '</tr><tr>';
function ds_template_day(d, m, y) {
return '<td class="ds_cell" onclick="ds_onclick(' + d + ',' + m + ',' + y + ')">' + d + '</td>';
// Define width the day row.
function ds_template_main_below() {
return '</tr>'
+ '</table>';
// This one draws calendar...
function ds_draw_calendar(m, y) {
// First clean the output buffer.
// Here we go, do the header
ds_echo (ds_template_main_above(ds_monthnames[m - 1] + ' ' + y));
for (i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
ds_echo (ds_template_day_row(ds_daynames[i]));
// Make a date object.
var ds_dc_date = new Date();
ds_dc_date.setMonth(m - 1);
if (m == 1 || m == 3 || m == 5 || m == 7 || m == 8 || m == 10 || m == 12) {
days = 31;
} else if (m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11) {
days = 30;
} else {
days = (y % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28;
var first_day = ds_dc_date.getDay();
var first_loop = 1;
// Start the first week
ds_echo (ds_template_new_week());
// If sunday is not the first day of the month, make a blank cell...
if (first_day != 0) {
ds_echo (ds_template_blank_cell(first_day));
var j = first_day;
for (i = 0; i < days; i ++) {
// Today is sunday, make a new week.
// If this sunday is the first day of the month,
// we've made a new row for you already.
if (j == 0 && !first_loop) {
// New week!!
ds_echo (ds_template_new_week());
// Make a row of that day!
ds_echo (ds_template_day(i + 1, m, y));
// This is not first loop anymore...
first_loop = 0;
// What is the next day?
j ++;
j %= 7;
// Do the footer
ds_echo (ds_template_main_below());
// And let's display..
// Scroll it into view.
// A function to show the calendar.
// When user click on the date, it will set the content of t.
function ds_sh(t) {
// Set the element to set...
ds_element = t;
// Make a new date, and set the current month and year.
var ds_sh_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_sh_date.getMonth() + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_sh_date.getFullYear();
// Draw the calendar
ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
// To change the position properly, we must show it first. = '';
// Move the calendar container!
the_left = ds_getleft(t);
the_top = ds_gettop(t) + t.offsetHeight; = the_left + 'px'; = the_top + 'px';
// Scroll it into view.
// Hide the calendar.
function ds_hi() { = 'none';
// Moves to the next month...
function ds_nm() {
// Increase the current month.
ds_c_month ++;
// We have passed December, let's go to the next year.
// Increase the current year, and set the current month to January.
if (ds_c_month > 12) {
ds_c_month = 1;
// Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
// Moves to the previous month...
function ds_pm() {
ds_c_month = ds_c_month - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid.
// We have passed January, let's go back to the previous year.
// Decrease the current year, and set the current month to December.
if (ds_c_month < 1) {
ds_c_month = 12;
ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid.
// Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
// Moves to the next year...
function ds_ny() {
// Increase the current year.
// Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
// Moves to the previous year...
function ds_py() {
// Decrease the current year.
ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid.
// Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
// Format the date to output.
function ds_format_date(d, m, y) {
// 2 digits month.
m2 = '00' + m;
m2 = m2.substr(m2.length - 2);
// 2 digits day.
d2 = '00' + d;
d2 = d2.substr(d2.length - 2);
// return y + '-' + m2 + '-' + d2;
return d2 + '-' + m2 + '-' + y;
// When the user clicks the day.
function ds_onclick(d, m, y) {
// Hide the calendar.
// Set the value of it, if we can.
if (typeof(ds_element.value) != 'undefined') {
ds_element.value = ds_format_date(d, m, y);
// Maybe we want to set the HTML in it.
} else if (typeof(ds_element.innerHTML) != 'undefined') {
ds_element.innerHTML = ds_format_date(d, m, y);
// I don't know how should we display it, just alert it to user.
} else {
alert (ds_format_date(d, m, y));
<td width="322" colspan="2"><h2>Update Training : </h2></td>
$connect = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die ('Identifiants incorrects'); mysql_select_db("pfe") or die ('Base de données incorrecte');
$sql='SELECT titre, date_deb, date_fin,prix, heure,description,nom,prenom FROM enseigne_formation EF,formation FT, formateur F where EF.id_forma=FT.id_formation AND EF.id_format=F.id_formateur AND EF.id_ensform="'.$_GET["parametre1"].'"' ;
$reponse=mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL !'.$sql.'<br />'.mysql_error());
while ($donnees = mysql_fetch_array($reponse)) {
si rien s'est passé, c'est que la requête ne s'est pas exécuté.
pour éviter tout problème de doute sur la syntaxe des requêtes SQL, fais un echo de ta requête finale, copies colles ce qui est affiché et exécutes là directement sur ton SGBDR
cette méthode est très utile