Microsoft Outlook 2010 sous xp
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 27 septembre 2012
Dernière intervention
14 avril 2013
27 sept. 2012 à 12:37
josque Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription jeudi 27 septembre 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 avril 2013 - 14 avril 2013 à 15:20
josque Messages postés 2 Date d'inscription jeudi 27 septembre 2012 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 avril 2013 - 14 avril 2013 à 15:20
A voir également:
- Microsoft Outlook 2010 sous xp
- Microsoft office - Guide
- Oubliez Microsoft Office ! Cet équivalent totalement gratuit est parfait pour l'école, la maison et le bureau - Guide
- Télécharger microsoft office 2010 avec clé d'activation gratuit - Télécharger - Sécurité
- Telecharger microsoft store - Guide
- Installer windows 10 sans compte microsoft - Guide
1 réponse
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 27 septembre 2012
Dernière intervention
14 avril 2013
14 avril 2013 à 15:20
14 avril 2013 à 15:20
Incomplet et surtout comment le faire tourner ? merci de votre aide
réponse à
En partie, voir et essayer :
Public Sub PickerDialogDemo()
Dim dlg As Office.PickerDialog
Set dlg = Application.PickerDialog
dlg.Title = "Select a user to e-mail"
' PEOPLEDATAHANDLER.DLL is an in-process COM DLL that provides
' the data handler implementation used in this example.
' Currently this is the only documented handler available for use.
Dim peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID As String
peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID = "{000CDF0A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
dlg.DataHandlerId = peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID
Dim pickerProps As Office.PickerProperties
Set pickerProps = dlg.Properties
Dim pickerProp As Office.PickerProperty
Dim pickerID As String
pickerID = "SiteUrl"
Dim sharepointURL As String
' Change the following URL to a valid
' SharePoint server URL to which you have access rights.
' This example was tested against a SharePont 2010 Server.
sharepointURL = "http://my"
Set pickerProp = pickerProps.Add(pickerID, sharepointURL, _
Dim dlgResults As Office.PickerResults
' When the code shows the dialog, search for at least one user
' and then add at least one user before closing the PickerDialog.
` What does that True parameter mean?
Set dlgResults = dlg.Show(True)
If Not dlgResults Is Nothing Then
' The user selected at least one item so the
' code will create a new MailItem.
Dim newMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set newMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = "PickerDialog Demo"
Dim result As Office.PickerResult
For Each result In dlgResults
' If the result is a user, add them as a recipient
' to the new mail message.
If result.Type = "User" Then
newMail.Recipients.Add result.DisplayName
End If
' Validate the users' display names added to the list
' of mail recipients.
' Retrieve a reference to the Inspector for the mail message
' and display it. Note that you might need to navigate away from
' the VBA editor to see the message.
Dim mailInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Set mailInspector = newMail.GetInspector
' If you click Cancel, the code falls through here.
End If
End Sub
réponse à
En partie, voir et essayer :
Public Sub PickerDialogDemo()
Dim dlg As Office.PickerDialog
Set dlg = Application.PickerDialog
dlg.Title = "Select a user to e-mail"
' PEOPLEDATAHANDLER.DLL is an in-process COM DLL that provides
' the data handler implementation used in this example.
' Currently this is the only documented handler available for use.
Dim peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID As String
peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID = "{000CDF0A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
dlg.DataHandlerId = peopleDataHandlerServerCLSID
Dim pickerProps As Office.PickerProperties
Set pickerProps = dlg.Properties
Dim pickerProp As Office.PickerProperty
Dim pickerID As String
pickerID = "SiteUrl"
Dim sharepointURL As String
' Change the following URL to a valid
' SharePoint server URL to which you have access rights.
' This example was tested against a SharePont 2010 Server.
sharepointURL = "http://my"
Set pickerProp = pickerProps.Add(pickerID, sharepointURL, _
Dim dlgResults As Office.PickerResults
' When the code shows the dialog, search for at least one user
' and then add at least one user before closing the PickerDialog.
` What does that True parameter mean?
Set dlgResults = dlg.Show(True)
If Not dlgResults Is Nothing Then
' The user selected at least one item so the
' code will create a new MailItem.
Dim newMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set newMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = "PickerDialog Demo"
Dim result As Office.PickerResult
For Each result In dlgResults
' If the result is a user, add them as a recipient
' to the new mail message.
If result.Type = "User" Then
newMail.Recipients.Add result.DisplayName
End If
' Validate the users' display names added to the list
' of mail recipients.
' Retrieve a reference to the Inspector for the mail message
' and display it. Note that you might need to navigate away from
' the VBA editor to see the message.
Dim mailInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Set mailInspector = newMail.GetInspector
' If you click Cancel, the code falls through here.
End If
End Sub