[JAVA] probléme d'applications JAVA

Gueibers Messages postés 52 Date d'inscription mercredi 28 décembre 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 août 2009 - 1 juin 2006 à 21:51
 thedooz - 21 nov. 2008 à 16:21
mon probléme est que je n'arrive a ouvrir aucune applications java. Pourtant j'ai essayé de l'installer le desinstaller plusieurs fois et j'ai essayé plusieur versions differents mais il ne marche toujours pas il me dit comme erreur dans la console il me dit
"charger : classe stormvue.StormVue.class introuvable.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: stormvue.StormVue.class
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 10 more
charger : classe ScrollItUp.class introuvable.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ScrollItUp.class
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 10 more
Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "Thread-6" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)"

Merci de bien vouloir m'aider, votre aide me sera vraiment utile ;).
A voir également:

1 réponse

I have the same problem. I will describe it further: The problem began on one computer after I updated Java. It occurs only on that computer and only with these same two applets, but it occurs in Firefox (versions through 3.0.1) and in Internet Explorer 6. I am currently using JRE 1.6.0_07. Using exactly the same versions of browsers and Java on a different machine (also the same version of Windows, 2000SP4), these applets load and run correctly.

I posted this problem on Tech Support Guys (https://forums.techguy.org/threads/solved-java-classnotfoundexception-on-2-applets-only.761857/

I have received no answers that work. Perhaps someone will be able to assist both of us.
I have discovered the problem with my machine, and StormVue and ScrollItUp applets now work correctly.

I had 20,590 files (in C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp) named jar_cache*.tmp. After I deleted all these files, the Java applets executed correctly, both in Firefox and in Internet Explorer.