Comprendre un fichier perl

Mariness Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 18 avril 2011 - 14 mars 2011 à 10:57
Mariness Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 18 avril 2011 - 30 mars 2011 à 12:05

Je suis débutante en langage de script perl et je veux comprendre un fichier de configuration écrit en perl (le code ci-dessous). Si vous pouvez m'aider à le faire ?
Meci bien et bonne journée.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# New Perl changelog:
# 27/01/09 : HH - meilleure utilisation de $stvers,
#                 ajout de la targetpack (STMCROOT) pour ST 2.3
# 21/11/08 : CM - suppression de variables d'environnement inutiles
# 12/12/07 : CC - ajout d'un argument optionnel pour choisir entre ST 2.0 et 2.2
# 03/12/07 : CC - fin du portage en Perl
# 29/11/07 : SC - creation en Perl
# Previous changelog in tcsh:
# 25/10/07 : SDM - TMPDIR redirige vers compte perso /users/<name>/tmp
# 12/07/07 : SDM - nouveaux HOME_PATH sur le nouveau serveur
# 06/07/07 : SDM - suppression de la vérification sur positionnement initial des variables
# 06/07/07 : SDM - changement de localisation des targets dans le serveur NFS
# 18/06/07 : SDM - suppression de la gestion d'argument car problématique
# 15/06/07 : SDM - non lancement du script si le shell est déjà à jour
# 14/06/07 : SDM - ajout du mode verbose "-v"
# 11/06/07 : SDM - recherche de TARGET_IP, NFS_SERVER_IP, etc... dans les variables d'env
#                  avant de poser les questions
# 11/06/07 : SDM - ajout du path pour sh4-linux-gcc

# This script is designed so that its output is 'eval'ed by a shell
# like this:
# eval '~/'
# This is why user messages are printed on STDERR instead of STDOUT.
# This script is designed so that only one perl script has to be
# maintained for people using both bash and tcsh compatible shells.

use strict;
use warnings;

# variables
my $version = "2.0.3";
my $echo_level = 1; # set to 1 for debug

# Check that we are running in a terminal.
# If this is not the case, we abort because we don't want to create
# problem when using "scp" or tools like that.
# Note that we have to test STDERR, not STDOUT,
# because the script should be 'eval'ed by the parent shell.
exit 0 unless (-t STDERR);

# Check arguments to this script.
my $usage = "Usage: eval \'$0 [VERSION]\'\n" ;
die $usage if (@ARGV > 1);

my $stvers = $ARGV[0] || '2.2';

my %valid = ('20' => '2.0', '2.0' => '2.0',
	     '22' => '2.2', '2.2' => '2.2',
	     '23' => '2.3', '2.3' => '2.3');

die "$usage\tVERSION should be any of: " . join(", ", sort keys %valid) . "\n"
	unless ($valid{$stvers});


# set-env info
print STDERR " (environment variables util) $version\n";

# User info
my $name = 'echo ~ | cut -d/ -f3';
chomp $name;
my $matricule = $ENV{LOGNAME};

print STDERR "Welcome: $matricule ($name)\n" if ($echo_level == 1);

# Shell
my $shell = parent_shell();

# Tmp files redirection
# to avoid using /tmp that is limited on the compilation server...
my $TMPDIR = "$ENV{HOME}/tmp";
'mkdir -p $TMPDIR' unless (-d $TMPDIR);
set_env_parent('TMPDIR', $TMPDIR);
print STDERR "temp directory = $TMPDIR...\t\t\t-->[ok]\n";

# Network configuration
my $config = "$ENV{HOME}/stprobe.env";

# Check values from environnement.

# Put environnement variables values in a hash.
my %address;
@address{@ip_var} = @ENV{@ip_var};

print STDERR "Checking configuration file...\t\t\t\t";
my $write_config = 0;
if (-f $config) {
	# Read config file.
	open(INPUT,"< $config") or die "Cannot open '$config' for reading: $!";
	my @data = <INPUT>;
	chomp @data;

	# Parse config file.
	foreach my $d (@data) {
		next unless ($d);
		my ($key, $val) = split('=', $d);
		# Remove spaces from keys and vals.
		$key =~ s/\s//g;
		$val =~ s/\s//g;
		# Check we have good keys and vals.
		if(exists $address{$key}) {
			die "Bad value '$val' in $config." unless (check_ip_address($val));
			$address{$key} = $val unless ($address{$key});
	print STDERR "-->[ok]\n";
} else {
	print STDERR "-->None found, we will write it.\n";
	$write_config = 1;

# Ask for ip addresses that are still missing.
foreach my $n (@ip_var) {
	next if ($address{$n});
	$address{$n} = ask_for_ip($n);

if ($write_config) {
	print STDERR "Saving configuration to $config ...\t\t\t\t";

	open(OUTPUT,">> $config") or die "Cannot open '$config' for writing: $!";

	foreach my $n (@ip_var) {
		my $a = $address{$n};
		print OUTPUT "$n=$a\n";
		set_env_parent($n, $a);


	print STDERR "-->[ok]\n";

# JTAG info
my $SONDE_IP = 'cat $config | grep PROBE | cut -d= -f2';
set_env_parent('SONDE_IP', $SONDE_IP);

# Board info
my $BOARD_NAME = "stb_$name";
set_env_parent('BOARD_NAME', $BOARD_NAME);

# PATH environment variable
my $compil_server = ('hostname' =~ m/osn08002/);
my $HOME_PATH = $compil_server ? "/data/$matricule" : "/home/$name";
set_env_parent('HOME_PATH', $HOME_PATH);

# Adding sh4 tools to path
print STDERR "Checking ST toolkit...\t\t\t\t\t";
my $ST_toolkit_path = $compil_server ? "/apps/ST" : "/opt/STM";
if (! -d $ST_toolkit_path) {
	print STDERR "-->[failed]\n";
	print STDERR "Can't find ST toolkit on '$ST_toolkit_path'.";
	print STDERR "Exiting  on critical error.";
	exit 1;
print STDERR  "-->[ok]\n";
# my $ST40BIN_PATH = "$ST_toolkit_path/ST40R4.1.1/bin";
# set_env_parent('ST40BIN_PATH', $ST40BIN_PATH);

# For mkcramfs and mkfs.jffs2
my $stlinux = "STLinux-$stvers";
print STDERR "Checking $stlinux toolkit...\t\t\t\t";
my $STLinux_toolkit_path = "$ST_toolkit_path/$stlinux";
if (! -d $STLinux_toolkit_path) {
	print STDERR "-->[failed]\n";
	print STDERR "Yickjes ! Can't find '$stlinux' toolkit on '$STLinux_toolkit_path'.\n";
	exit 1;
print STDERR  "-->[ok]\n";
# my $ST_SBIN_PATH = "$STLinux_toolkit_path/host/bin";
# set_env_parent('ST_SBIN_PATH', $ST_SBIN_PATH);

if ($stvers == "2.3" )
	print STDERR "Using STLinux 2.3, checking for targetpack...\t\t";
	my $STMCROOT = "STMCR1.3.1" if ($stvers == "2.3");
	$STMCROOT = "$ST_toolkit_path/$STMCROOT";
	if ( ! -d $STMCROOT ) {
			print STDERR "-->[failed]\n";
			print STDERR "Can't find targetpack '$STMCROOT' under $ST_toolkit_path'.\n";
			exit 1;
	print STDERR "-->[ok]\n";
	set_env_parent('STMCROOT', $STMCROOT);

# For sh4-linux-gcc
print STDERR "Checking $stlinux devkit for sh4 architecture...\t";
my $STLinux_devkit_path = "$ST_toolkit_path/$stlinux/devkit/sh4";
if (! -d $STLinux_toolkit_path) {
	print STDERR "-->[failed]\n";
	print STDERR "Can't find '$stlinux' devkit for sh4 architecture ";
	print STDERR "on '$STLinux_devkit_path'.";
	print STDERR "Exiting  on critical error.";
	exit 1;
print STDERR  "-->[ok]\n";
# my $SH4BIN_PATH = "$STLinux_devkit_path/bin";
# set_env_parent('SH4BIN_PATH', $SH4BIN_PATH);

#print STDERR "Updating path...\t\t\t\t\t-->[ok]\n";
#set_env_parent('PATH', $PATH);

print STDERR "Updating environment variables...\t\t\t";

# Setting targets.
my $TARGET_PATH = "$HOME_PATH/target";
set_env_parent('TARGET_PATH', $TARGET_PATH);

# Compilation
my $COMP = "ARCH=sh CROSS_COMPILE=sh4-linux-";
set_env_parent('COMP', $COMP);
my $MAKEFLAGS = "--no-print-directory --no-builtin-rules --no-builtin-variables";
set_env_parent('MAKEFLAGS', $MAKEFLAGS);

my $KERNEL_PATH = "$HOME_PATH/kernel";
set_env_parent('KERNEL_PATH', $KERNEL_PATH);
my $KERNEL_PATH_BASE = "$HOME_PATH/kernel_";
my $SET_ENV_TAG = "$version)";
set_env_parent('SET_ENV_TAG', $SET_ENV_TAG);

print STDERR "-->[ok]\n";

# print info
if ($echo_level == 1) {
	print STDERR "SONDE_IP               = $SONDE_IP\n";
	print STDERR "TARGET                 = $address{TARGET}\n";
	print STDERR "NFS_SERVER             = $address{NFS_SERVER}\n";
	print STDERR "GATEWAY                = $address{GATEWAY}\n";
	print STDERR "NETMASK                = $address{NETMASK}\n";
# 	print STDERR "ST_SBIN_PATH           = $ST_SBIN_PATH\n";
# 	print STDERR "ST40BIN_PATH           = $ST40BIN_PATH\n";
# 	print STDERR "SH4BIN_PATH            = $SH4BIN_PATH\n";
	print STDERR "TARGET_PATH            = $TARGET_PATH\n";
	print STDERR "KERNEL_PATH            = $KERNEL_PATH\n";

# FONCTIONS used above

sub check_env_variables {
	foreach my $n (@_) {
		die "Bad value '$ENV{$n}' for environnement variable '$n'."
			if ($ENV{$n} and not check_ip_address($ENV{$n}));

sub parent_shell {
	my $p = getppid();

	# We search for the ppid at the beginning of the ps results.
	my ($cmd) = grep { m/^\s*$p / } 'ps -eo pid,cmd';
	chomp $cmd;
	$cmd =~ s/^\s//g;

	# We must get rid of the ppid to get the basename.
	my ($ppid, $name) = split(' ', $cmd);
	$name = 'basename -- $name';
	chomp $name;

	return $name;

sub set_env_parent {
	my ($var, $val) = @_;

	# print STDERR "Using shell: $shell\n";

	if ($shell =~ m/csh/) {
		print "setenv $var '$val' ; \n";
	} else {
		print "export $var='$val' ; \n";

sub check_ip_address {
	my ($address) = @_;

	# Check general format.
	if ($address !~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/) {
		print STDERR "IP address should contain 4 numbers ";
		print STDERR "separated by spaces.\n";

	my @ip = ($1, $2, $3, $4);

	# Check each number.
	foreach my $elem (@ip) {
		if ($elem < 0 or $elem > 255) {
			print STDERR "IP address element '$elem' ";
			print STDERR "should be between 0 and 255.\n";

	return join('.', @ip);

sub ask_for_ip {
	my ($name) = @_;

	my $ip;
	do {
		print STDERR "Please enter $name:\n";
		$ip = <STDIN>;
		$ip = check_ip_address($ip);
	} until ($ip);

	return $ip;

sub save_config {
        my($var, $val) = @_;

	print STDERR "Saving configuration to $config ...\t\t\t\t";
	open(OUTPUT,">> $config") or die "Cannot open '$config' for writing: $!";
	print OUTPUT "$var=$val\n";
	print STDERR "-->[ok]\n";
A voir également:

2 réponses

lami20j Messages postés 21331 Date d'inscription jeudi 4 novembre 2004 Statut Modérateur, Contributeur sécurité Dernière intervention 30 octobre 2019 3 567
20 mars 2011 à 09:06

Il y a plein des choses dans ce fichier qui est plutôt un script et pas un fichier de configuration.

Pour le comprendre il ne suffit pas connaître le langage mais aussi l'environnement GNU/Linux.

D'où viens ce script?
Mariness Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 18 avril 2011
30 mars 2011 à 12:05

Merci bien, évidemment je dois maitriser l'environnement GNU/Linux. Je fais mon stage de pfe à Sagem. Merci pour votre aide :)