Voulant jouer à un prometteur petit jeu en ligne ( http://haxball.appspot.com/faq.html ), j'ai essayé ce dernier mais des problèmes font que je ne peux me connecter qu'à très peu voir aucune partie pour jouer. D'après le FAQ en anglais, le problème est récurrent avec pas mal de personnes :
" I can't connect to any rooms! It gets stuck at the "Connecting to host" phase.
If you're experiencing problems connecting to host then you are one of the unfortunate few people who have evil routers.
The reason you have this problem is because the NAT hole punching tech used to make P2P connections in Flash is not compatible with your network topology. This is not a problem with the game, it is a problem with Flash, there is nothing the dev can do about it.
Players have reported a few ways to solve this problem:
* Forwarding all the UDP ports in the range 1024..65535 (a lot I know, Flash will pick one at random from that range).
* If you are behind two routers enable UPnP in the first one.
* Configure your router to point to your computer as a DMZ host.
* Removing your router from the equation entirely and connect directly to the internet.
* If you are unable to enact the above fixes, don't worry, there are some hosts that you will always be able to connect to, make sure to try every game available. You will be able to connect to at least one of them.
Le problème, c'est que je comprends pas trop ces consignes ( et c'est pas vraiment parce qu'elles sont en anglais ) je comprends pas comment faire pour résoudre ces solutions exactement ( comment mettre les ports UDP.. enfin, j'm'y connais pas trop quoi !
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