Convertir de longuage assembleur en pascal

chalil - 4 févr. 2011 à 13:36
chalil Messages postés 1 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 février 2011 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 février 2011 - 5 févr. 2011 à 13:52

mes amies je un projet dans je fabrique un horloge a affichage numerique .mais je un probleme .se de traduire le programe de longage assembleure to longage pascale qui je fait l' entre dans le circuit 16F84A pour cela je vous demande de me aidez ..svp!! le programe c' est :

LIST p=16F84 ; PIC16F844 is the target processor

#include "P16F84.INC" ; Include header file

CBLOCK 0x10 ; Temporary storage

; Constants for bit allocation. The BIT_x constants are actual bit numbers and
; the MASK_x are bit masks for the same bit.

BIT_H24 EQU H'0000'
BIT_PM EQU H'0001'

MASK_H24 EQU H'0001'

; Macro to generate a MOVLW instruction that also causes a model break:
break MACRO arg
DW 0x3100 | (arg & H'FF')

entrypoint goto initialise

intvector goto clock

initialise ; Register set up:
clrw ; Zero.
movwf PORTA ; Ensure PORTA is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
movlw H'1F' ; Mask for PORTA inputs/outputs.
movwf TRISA ; Set TRISA register.
movlw H'01' ; Mask for PORTA inputs/outputs.
movwf TRISB ; Set TRISB register.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Reselect Bank 0.

; Initialise clock:
clrf state
bsf state,BIT_HSB
movlw D'0'
movwf hours
movlw D'0'
movwf mins
movlw D'0'
movwf secs

; Clear 50Hz tick count:
clrf ticks

; Clear interrupt disable count (idc) semaphore:
clrf idc

; Initialise display:
call wr_hours
call wr_mins
call wr_secs
call wr_state

; Finally initialise interrupts for clock on RB0/INT pin:
movlw H'90'
movwf INTCON

start ; When not processing an interrupt we sit and check input pins:
call chk_tset ; Time set select active?
call chk_hsel ; H12/H24 display format select active?
goto start

; Interrupt handler. We come here for every tick of the time base.

clock ; Toggle half-second flag and set state outputs:
incf ticks,F ; Increment clock ticks.
movf ticks,W ; Get ticks value.
sublw D'25' ; Is it 25 (W=25-W)?
btfss STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
goto endclock ; Return.

toggle_hs ; Half second - toggle HS flag, write it and return:
clrf ticks ; Reset timebase,
movf state,W ; Get state.
xorlw MASK_HSB ; Toggle half-second bit.
movwf state ; Save it back to register.
call wr_state ; Display it.
movf state,W ; Get state.
btfss state,BIT_HSB ; Is bit now clear?
goto endclock ; Return.

inc_secs ; Incrmement seconds...
incf secs,F ; Increment seconds count.
movf secs,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
goto reset_secs ; Clear seconds, increment minutes.
call wr_secs ; Write seconds it to display.
goto endclock ; Done.

reset_secs clrf secs
call wr_secs ; Write seconds to display.

incf mins,F ; Increment minute count.
movf mins,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
goto reset_mins ; Clear minutes, increment hours.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes it to display.
goto endclock ; Done.

reset_mins clrf mins ; Reset minute count to zero.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes to display.

call inc_hours ; Increment hours, display it with PM flag.

endclock movlw H'90'
movwf INTCON
retfie ; Return

; Subroutine. Check the state of the HSEL input and set h12/h24 format as
; required.

chk_hsel btfsc PORTA,BIT_HSEL ; Test 12/24 select.
goto set_h12 ; H12 set so switch to 12 hour format.
; fall through ; H12 not set so switch to 24 hour format.

set_h24 btfsc state,BIT_H24 ; Are we on 12 hour format?
retlw 0 ; No, so no need to do anything...

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bsf state,BIT_H24 ; Clear h12 flag.

movf hours,W ; Get hours value.
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12:xx?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
clrf hours ; Reset to zero.
movf hours,W ; Get hours value.
btfsc state,BIT_PM ; Is the PM indicator set?
addlw D'12' ; Add 12 to get 24 hour value.
movwf hours ; Save result (does nothing for AM).
bcf state,BIT_PM ; Clear PM flag.
call wr_hours ; Write hours.
call wr_state ; Write H12 state and PM state.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

set_h12 btfss state,BIT_H24 ; Are we on 12 hour format?
retlw 0 ; Yes, so no need to do anything...

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bcf state,BIT_H24 ; Set h12 flag.

movf hours,W ; Get hour value.
sublw D'11' ; W=11-W. C is clear for a borrow (W>=12).
btfss STATUS,C ; Test carry flag.
goto set_h12_pm ; Set PM.

set_h12_am bcf state,BIT_PM ; Clear PM bit.
movf hours,W ; Get hours.
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Is it zero?
addlw D'12' ; Yes, add 12 to get 00:xx to 12:xx.
movwf hours ; Save any result.
call wr_hours ; Display hours.
call wr_state ; Display H12 and PM states.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

set_h12_pm bsf state,BIT_PM ; Set PM bit.
movlw D'12' ; Constant.
subwf hours,F ; hours=hours-12 (23..12 -> 11..0).
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Zero set?
movwf hours ; Yes, so reset to '12'.
call wr_hours ; No, so leave hours alone and display it.
call wr_state ; Display H12 and PM states.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

chk_hsel_iec decfsz idc,F ; Decrement idc. If zero we can reenable interrupts.
retlw 1 ; Return without enabling interrupts.

chk_hsel_done movlw H'90' ; Constant for GIE and T0IE.
movwf INTCON ; Set interrupt register.
retlw 1 ; Return.

chk_tset btfsc PORTA,BIT_TSET ; Set mode?
retlw 0

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bsf state,BIT_SET ; Set the 'set mode' bit.
clrf secs ; Setting time resets seconds count.
call wr_secs ; Display it.
bcf state,BIT_HSB ; Clear seconds toggle.
call wr_state ; Update the state output latch.

set_loop call chk_hsel ; Check for H12/H24 display change.
btfss PORTA,BIT_MSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_mins ; Bit not set, switch closed, set minutes.
btfss PORTA,BIT_HSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_hours ; Bit not set, switch closed, set hours.
btfss PORTA,BIT_TSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_loop ; Bit not set, switch closed, loop.

bcf state,BIT_SET ; Clear the 'set mode' bit.
call wr_state ; Update the state output latch.

chk_tset_idc decfsz idc,F ; Decrement idc. If zero we can reenable interrupts.
retlw 1 ; Return without enabling interrupts.
chk_tset_done movlw H'90' ; Constant for GIE and T0IE.
movwf INTCON ; Set interrupt register.
retlw 1 ; Return.

set_mins incf mins,F ; Increment minute count.
movf mins,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf mins ; Clear minutes.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes.

debounce_mset btfss PORTA,BIT_MSET ; Wait for MSET button to be released.
goto debounce_mset ; Loop.
goto set_loop ; Released so recheck buttons.

set_hours call inc_hours ; Increment hours and display.
debounce_hset btfss PORTA,BIT_HSET ; Wait for HSET button to be released.
goto debounce_hset ; Loop.
goto set_loop ; Released so recheck buttons.

; Increment hours, set PM indicator bit as necessary.

inc_hours btfsc state,BIT_H24 ; 12h display?
goto reset_on24 ; No, so we reset when we get to 24.

reset_on12 movf hours,W ; Get hours
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12 (W=12-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf hours ; Clear hours.
incf hours,F ; Increment hours.
call wr_hours ; Write it.
movf hours,W ; Get hours
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12 (W=12-W)?
btfss STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
return ; Zero not set, so not 12, so return.
movlw MASK_PM ; Get PM state bit mask.
xorwf state,F ; Toggle PM state bit in state.
call wr_state ; Update state outputs.
return ; Return.

reset_on24 incf hours,F ; Incrment hours.
movf hours,W ; Get it in W.
sublw D'24' ; Is it 24 (W=24-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf hours ; Clear hours 24->0.
call wr_hours ; Write hours to display.

; Get seconds value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_secs movf secs,W ; Get seconds.
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x0A ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x0C ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Get minutes value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_mins movf mins,W ; Get minutes value.
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x06 ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x08 ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Get hours value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_hours movf hours,W ; Get hours value/
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x02 ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x04 ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Write state bits to state latch.
wr_state swapf state,W ; Get state bits in to W<4:1>.
iorlw 0x0E ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe by selecting Q0.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.

; Routine to convert a binary value (0..63) in to a BCD pair. The result is
; returned in W. The lookup is done as a 'calculated goto' by modifying PCL
; (the lower eight bits of the program counter). PCL is only eight bits wide
; with the top five bits coming from the PCLATH register. We use an ORG
; statement to ensure that addition of the offset (0..63) to the table address
; doesn't overflow the PCL register (any overflow would be lost and would result
; in a jump to some other part of the code).

ORG 0x0100

bin2bcd clrf PCLATH ; Clear PCLATH.
bsf PCLATH,0 ; Set bit zero so that goto yields an
; address 0x01xx.
andlw H'3F' ; Ensure we limit lookup.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.

retlw 0x00
retlw 0x01
retlw 0x02
retlw 0x03
retlw 0x04
retlw 0x05
retlw 0x06
retlw 0x07
retlw 0x08
retlw 0x09
retlw 0x10
retlw 0x11
retlw 0x12
retlw 0x13
retlw 0x14
retlw 0x15
retlw 0x16
retlw 0x17
retlw 0x18
retlw 0x19
retlw 0x20
retlw 0x21
retlw 0x22
retlw 0x23
retlw 0x24
retlw 0x25
retlw 0x26
retlw 0x27
retlw 0x28
retlw 0x29
retlw 0x30
retlw 0x31
retlw 0x32
retlw 0x33
retlw 0x34
retlw 0x35
retlw 0x36
retlw 0x37
retlw 0x38
retlw 0x39
retlw 0x40
retlw 0x41
retlw 0x42
retlw 0x43
retlw 0x44
retlw 0x45
retlw 0x46
retlw 0x47
retlw 0x48
retlw 0x49
retlw 0x50
retlw 0x51
retlw 0x52
retlw 0x53
retlw 0x54
retlw 0x55
retlw 0x56
retlw 0x57
retlw 0x58
retlw 0x59
retlw 0x60
retlw 0x61
retlw 0x62
retlw 0x63

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6 réponses

enark78 Messages postés 417 Date d'inscription mardi 2 février 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 juillet 2012 17
4 févr. 2011 à 13:42
c'est dommage, le titre du précédent post était mieux écrit
traduction de longage assembleur to longage pascal
enark78 Messages postés 417 Date d'inscription mardi 2 février 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 juillet 2012 17
4 févr. 2011 à 16:01
oui bien sur
je vous remerciez!! cette projet sera notera la fin de cette année pour cela je vous demande de aidez de me traduire cette programme
LIST p=16F84 ; PIC16F844 is the target processor

#include "P16F84.INC" ; Include header file

CBLOCK 0x10 ; Temporary storage

; Constants for bit allocation. The BIT_x constants are actual bit numbers and
; the MASK_x are bit masks for the same bit.

BIT_H24 EQU H'0000'
BIT_PM EQU H'0001'

MASK_H24 EQU H'0001'

; Macro to generate a MOVLW instruction that also causes a model break:
break MACRO arg
DW 0x3100 | (arg & H'FF')

entrypoint goto initialise

intvector goto clock

initialise ; Register set up:
clrw ; Zero.
movwf PORTA ; Ensure PORTA is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
movlw H'1F' ; Mask for PORTA inputs/outputs.
movwf TRISA ; Set TRISA register.
movlw H'01' ; Mask for PORTA inputs/outputs.
movwf TRISB ; Set TRISB register.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Reselect Bank 0.

; Initialise clock:
clrf state
bsf state,BIT_HSB
movlw D'0'
movwf hours
movlw D'0'
movwf mins
movlw D'0'
movwf secs

; Clear 50Hz tick count:
clrf ticks

; Clear interrupt disable count (idc) semaphore:
clrf idc

; Initialise display:
call wr_hours
call wr_mins
call wr_secs
call wr_state

; Finally initialise interrupts for clock on RB0/INT pin:
movlw H'90'
movwf INTCON

start ; When not processing an interrupt we sit and check input pins:
call chk_tset ; Time set select active?
call chk_hsel ; H12/H24 display format select active?
goto start

; Interrupt handler. We come here for every tick of the time base.

clock ; Toggle half-second flag and set state outputs:
incf ticks,F ; Increment clock ticks.
movf ticks,W ; Get ticks value.
sublw D'25' ; Is it 25 (W=25-W)?
btfss STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
goto endclock ; Return.

toggle_hs ; Half second - toggle HS flag, write it and return:
clrf ticks ; Reset timebase,
movf state,W ; Get state.
xorlw MASK_HSB ; Toggle half-second bit.
movwf state ; Save it back to register.
call wr_state ; Display it.
movf state,W ; Get state.
btfss state,BIT_HSB ; Is bit now clear?
goto endclock ; Return.

inc_secs ; Incrmement seconds...
incf secs,F ; Increment seconds count.
movf secs,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
goto reset_secs ; Clear seconds, increment minutes.
call wr_secs ; Write seconds it to display.
goto endclock ; Done.

reset_secs clrf secs
call wr_secs ; Write seconds to display.

incf mins,F ; Increment minute count.
movf mins,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
goto reset_mins ; Clear minutes, increment hours.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes it to display.
goto endclock ; Done.

reset_mins clrf mins ; Reset minute count to zero.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes to display.

call inc_hours ; Increment hours, display it with PM flag.

endclock movlw H'90'
movwf INTCON
retfie ; Return

; Subroutine. Check the state of the HSEL input and set h12/h24 format as
; required.

chk_hsel btfsc PORTA,BIT_HSEL ; Test 12/24 select.
goto set_h12 ; H12 set so switch to 12 hour format.
; fall through ; H12 not set so switch to 24 hour format.

set_h24 btfsc state,BIT_H24 ; Are we on 12 hour format?
retlw 0 ; No, so no need to do anything...

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bsf state,BIT_H24 ; Clear h12 flag.

movf hours,W ; Get hours value.
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12:xx?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
clrf hours ; Reset to zero.
movf hours,W ; Get hours value.
btfsc state,BIT_PM ; Is the PM indicator set?
addlw D'12' ; Add 12 to get 24 hour value.
movwf hours ; Save result (does nothing for AM).
bcf state,BIT_PM ; Clear PM flag.
call wr_hours ; Write hours.
call wr_state ; Write H12 state and PM state.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

set_h12 btfss state,BIT_H24 ; Are we on 12 hour format?
retlw 0 ; Yes, so no need to do anything...

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bcf state,BIT_H24 ; Set h12 flag.

movf hours,W ; Get hour value.
sublw D'11' ; W=11-W. C is clear for a borrow (W>=12).
btfss STATUS,C ; Test carry flag.
goto set_h12_pm ; Set PM.

set_h12_am bcf state,BIT_PM ; Clear PM bit.
movf hours,W ; Get hours.
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Is it zero?
addlw D'12' ; Yes, add 12 to get 00:xx to 12:xx.
movwf hours ; Save any result.
call wr_hours ; Display hours.
call wr_state ; Display H12 and PM states.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

set_h12_pm bsf state,BIT_PM ; Set PM bit.
movlw D'12' ; Constant.
subwf hours,F ; hours=hours-12 (23..12 -> 11..0).
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Zero set?
movwf hours ; Yes, so reset to '12'.
call wr_hours ; No, so leave hours alone and display it.
call wr_state ; Display H12 and PM states.
goto chk_hsel_iec ; Done.

chk_hsel_iec decfsz idc,F ; Decrement idc. If zero we can reenable interrupts.
retlw 1 ; Return without enabling interrupts.

chk_hsel_done movlw H'90' ; Constant for GIE and T0IE.
movwf INTCON ; Set interrupt register.
retlw 1 ; Return.

chk_tset btfsc PORTA,BIT_TSET ; Set mode?
retlw 0

bcf INTCON,GIE ; Disable interrupts.
incf idc,F ; Increment count of number of disables.
bsf state,BIT_SET ; Set the 'set mode' bit.
clrf secs ; Setting time resets seconds count.
call wr_secs ; Display it.
bcf state,BIT_HSB ; Clear seconds toggle.
call wr_state ; Update the state output latch.

set_loop call chk_hsel ; Check for H12/H24 display change.
btfss PORTA,BIT_MSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_mins ; Bit not set, switch closed, set minutes.
btfss PORTA,BIT_HSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_hours ; Bit not set, switch closed, set hours.
btfss PORTA,BIT_TSET ; If pin is high then switch is open.
goto set_loop ; Bit not set, switch closed, loop.

bcf state,BIT_SET ; Clear the 'set mode' bit.
call wr_state ; Update the state output latch.

chk_tset_idc decfsz idc,F ; Decrement idc. If zero we can reenable interrupts.
retlw 1 ; Return without enabling interrupts.
chk_tset_done movlw H'90' ; Constant for GIE and T0IE.
movwf INTCON ; Set interrupt register.
retlw 1 ; Return.

set_mins incf mins,F ; Increment minute count.
movf mins,W ; Get it into W.
sublw D'60' ; Is it 60 (W=60-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf mins ; Clear minutes.
call wr_mins ; Write minutes.

debounce_mset btfss PORTA,BIT_MSET ; Wait for MSET button to be released.
goto debounce_mset ; Loop.
goto set_loop ; Released so recheck buttons.

set_hours call inc_hours ; Increment hours and display.
debounce_hset btfss PORTA,BIT_HSET ; Wait for HSET button to be released.
goto debounce_hset ; Loop.
goto set_loop ; Released so recheck buttons.

; Increment hours, set PM indicator bit as necessary.

inc_hours btfsc state,BIT_H24 ; 12h display?
goto reset_on24 ; No, so we reset when we get to 24.

reset_on12 movf hours,W ; Get hours
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12 (W=12-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf hours ; Clear hours.
incf hours,F ; Increment hours.
call wr_hours ; Write it.
movf hours,W ; Get hours
sublw D'12' ; Is it 12 (W=12-W)?
btfss STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag.
return ; Zero not set, so not 12, so return.
movlw MASK_PM ; Get PM state bit mask.
xorwf state,F ; Toggle PM state bit in state.
call wr_state ; Update state outputs.
return ; Return.

reset_on24 incf hours,F ; Incrment hours.
movf hours,W ; Get it in W.
sublw D'24' ; Is it 24 (W=24-W)?
btfsc STATUS,Z ; Test zero flag, skip clear if no set.
clrf hours ; Clear hours 24->0.
call wr_hours ; Write hours to display.

; Get seconds value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_secs movf secs,W ; Get seconds.
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x0A ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x0C ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Get minutes value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_mins movf mins,W ; Get minutes value.
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x06 ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x08 ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Get hours value, split to get BCD pair and write to port.
wr_hours movf hours,W ; Get hours value/
call bin2bcd ; Convert to BCD.
movwf bcd ; Save result.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask BCD pair to leave upper digit in W upper nibble.
iorlw 0x02 ; Select strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe (by selecting Q0).
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
swapf bcd,W ; Get lower BCD digit in to W upper nibble.
andlw 0xF0 ; Mask of strobe selection bits.
iorlw 0x04 ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
return ; Return.

; Write state bits to state latch.
wr_state swapf state,W ; Get state bits in to W<4:1>.
iorlw 0x0E ; Set WR strobe.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.
andlw 0xF0 ; Clear strobe by selecting Q0.
movwf PORTB ; Write to PORTB.

; Routine to convert a binary value (0..63) in to a BCD pair. The result is
; returned in W. The lookup is done as a 'calculated goto' by modifying PCL
; (the lower eight bits of the program counter). PCL is only eight bits wide
; with the top five bits coming from the PCLATH register. We use an ORG
; statement to ensure that addition of the offset (0..63) to the table address
; doesn't overflow the PCL register (any overflow would be lost and would result
; in a jump to some other part of the code).

ORG 0x0100

bin2bcd clrf PCLATH ; Clear PCLATH.
bsf PCLATH,0 ; Set bit zero so that goto yields an
; address 0x01xx.
andlw H'3F' ; Ensure we limit lookup.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.

retlw 0x00
retlw 0x01
retlw 0x02
retlw 0x03
retlw 0x04
retlw 0x05
retlw 0x06
retlw 0x07
retlw 0x08
retlw 0x09
retlw 0x10
retlw 0x11
retlw 0x12
retlw 0x13
retlw 0x14
retlw 0x15
retlw 0x16
retlw 0x17
retlw 0x18
retlw 0x19
retlw 0x20
retlw 0x21
retlw 0x22
retlw 0x23
retlw 0x24
retlw 0x25
retlw 0x26
retlw 0x27
retlw 0x28
retlw 0x29
retlw 0x30
retlw 0x31
retlw 0x32
retlw 0x33
retlw 0x34
retlw 0x35
retlw 0x36
retlw 0x37
retlw 0x38
retlw 0x39
retlw 0x40
retlw 0x41
retlw 0x42
retlw 0x43
retlw 0x44
retlw 0x45
retlw 0x46
retlw 0x47
retlw 0x48
retlw 0x49
retlw 0x50
retlw 0x51
retlw 0x52
retlw 0x53
retlw 0x54
retlw 0x55
retlw 0x56
retlw 0x57
retlw 0x58
retlw 0x59
retlw 0x60
retlw 0x61
retlw 0x62
retlw 0x63


merci d'avant!

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enark78 Messages postés 417 Date d'inscription mardi 2 février 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 12 juillet 2012 17
4 févr. 2011 à 16:11
de rien d'après
chalil Messages postés 1 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 février 2011 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 5 février 2011
5 févr. 2011 à 13:52
je suis dans l'attente de votre reponce