Paroles The Feel Good Song, Hollywood Music

pivalone13 Messages postés 78 Date d'inscription dimanche 22 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 novembre 2016 - 22 mars 2009 à 13:31
 wouass - 29 mai 2009 à 12:45
Bonjour à tous, j'aimerais savoir où trouver les paroles de la chanson :" The Feel Godd Song" de Hollywood Music, voici la chanson sans les paroles :
A voir également:

2 réponses

The Feel Good Song

*Well, it's a feel good song,
It shouldn't take too long
to learn the melody.
So won't you sing with me?

I got my guitar here,
I bought a 6-pack of beer,
We'll tell a joke or two,
and share some feel-good tears.*

well,It's a feel-good day,
I smell the ocean's break,
The sun's peek and flew,
And I just got paid.
I got some friends coming down
from the other side of the town,
We're gonna barbecue,
and throw the football around.

I think about your smile,
when I can't hold you hand.
It's hard to walk a mile
with you alone in the sand.

Over come by all emotions.
I fell good.
I shared some feel-good tears.

*A combination of all situations
is to remember the way I want to.
Mostly I was happy.
I shared a feel-good tear when I think of you.**

When the week is done
I'm gonna lay out in the sun.
I'm gonna take my girl out
and we're gonna have fun.

I've worked for 3 years straight,
and I haven't had a break.
I just got me a raise
and two-weeks vocations paid

Difficile a trouver les paroles, pourtant la chanson est GENIAL ! xD
Quelques corrections :

We'll tell a joke or two
And shed some feel good tears. (to shed a tear = verser une larme, comme dans "Stand by me")

Well it's a feel good day
I smell the ocean's spray (=la bruine)
The sun is peaking through (~=pointe son nez)
And I just got paid

Et :

A combination of all situations
Remember it the way I want to
Mostly I was happy, I shed a feel good tear
When I think of you

Et à la dernière ligne, il chante just "two weeks vacations paid", sans le "and" au début.

Du bonheur en boîte cette chanson !

Les paroles sont difficiles à trouver mais faciles à comprendre pour un anglophone étant donné qu'il chante super clairement.
wouass > wouass
29 mai 2009 à 12:45
aïe, j'ai réussi à me planter :

The sun is peeking through

qui veut dire "guigner" alors que "peaking" se traduit par "culminer"
pivalone13 Messages postés 78 Date d'inscription dimanche 22 mars 2009 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 novembre 2016 1
26 avril 2009 à 20:14
Merci beaucoup =DD