Flash-player sosu backtrack

lolatilacaramella Messages postés 59 Date d'inscription dimanche 10 août 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 25 juillet 2009 - 22 mars 2009 à 11:17
 mohax - 26 sept. 2011 à 17:50
j'ai teelcharger le paquet '' plash_player_10_linux" format '' tar.gz "
j'ai suivi la prcedure de l'instalation
et je l'ai reuissi mais le problm que cette page s'affiche '' get the latest version flashplayer "
est ce quelq'un peut m'aider
merci d'avance
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2 réponses

Voici les instructions à suivre pour Back Tack 3

Il faut d'abord executer le code suivant (Attention de bien copier les deux ligne ENSEMBLE dans leur totalité !

wget https://helpx.adobe.com/shockwave/shockwave-end-of-life-faq.html && tar xzf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_10_linux && flashplayer-installer

voici toutes les procedures de l'installation (Shell - Konsole):

bt install_flash_player_10_linux # wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && tar xzf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_10_linux && flashplayer-installer
--22:10:45-- http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
=> `install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz'
Resolving fpdownload.macromedia.com...
Connecting to fpdownload.macromedia.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3,994,294 (3.8M) [application/x-gzip]

100%[======================================================================================================================================>] 3,994,294 524.54K/s ETA 00:00

22:10:53 (494.39 KB/s) - `install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz' saved [3994294/3994294]

Copyright(C) 2002-2009 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved.

Adobe Flash Player 10 for Linux

Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed on this machine.

You are running the Adobe Flash Player installer as the "root" user.
Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed system-wide.

Support is available at https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

To install Adobe Flash Player 10 now, press ENTER.

To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C.

NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running.

Press ENTER to continue...

Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,
or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/mozilla

WARNING: An older version of the Adobe Flash Player has been detected in
The installer will overwrite this existing binary.

----------- Install Action Summary -----------

Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed in the following directory:

Browser installation directory = /usr/lib/mozilla

Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): y

Installation complete.

Perform another installation? (y/n): n

Please log out of this session and log in for the changes to take effect.

The Adobe Flash Player installation is complete.

bt install_flash_player_10_linux #

A+ Dieter
Voici les instructions à suivre pour Back Tack 3

Il faut d'abord executer le code suivant (Attention de bien copier les lignes ENSEMBLE ( GRAS ) dans leur totalité !

wget https://helpx.adobe.com/shockwave/shockwave-end-of-life-faq.html && tar xzf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_10_linux && flashplayer-installer

voici toutes les procedures de l'installation:

bt install_flash_player_10_linux # wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && tar xzf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_10_linux && flashplayer-installer
--22:10:45-- http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
=> `install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz'
Resolving fpdownload.macromedia.com...
Connecting to fpdownload.macromedia.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3,994,294 (3.8M) [application/x-gzip]

100%[======================================================================================================================================>] 3,994,294 524.54K/s ETA 00:00

22:10:53 (494.39 KB/s) - `install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz' saved [3994294/3994294]

Copyright(C) 2002-2009 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved.

Adobe Flash Player 10 for Linux

Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed on this machine.

You are running the Adobe Flash Player installer as the "root" user.
Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed system-wide.

Support is available at https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

To install Adobe Flash Player 10 now, press ENTER.

To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C.

NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running.

Press ENTER to continue...

Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,
or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/mozilla

WARNING: An older version of the Adobe Flash Player has been detected in
The installer will overwrite this existing binary.

----------- Install Action Summary -----------

Adobe Flash Player 10 will be installed in the following directory:

Browser installation directory = /usr/lib/mozilla

Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): y

Installation complete.

Perform another installation? (y/n): n

Please log out of this session and log in for the changes to take effect.

The Adobe Flash Player installation is complete.

bt install_flash_player_10_linux #
probleme qd je recopie ton lien il y a un probleme avec le lien internet et surtout les "..." a la fin. cela me fait une erreur 404