E_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Error avec AdonisJs et Google oAuth
Messages postés11Date d'inscriptionmardi 30 avril 2019StatutMembreDernière intervention28 novembre 2024
Modifié le 28 nov. 2024 à 18:09
J'ai créé un projet avec adonisJs. J'utilise google oAuth et les sessions pour gérer l'authentification. Lorsque je me connecte l'utilisateur est bien authentifié et inséré en base mais lorsque je lance un appel postman protégé par mon auth_middleware, la session est vide et j'obtiens cette erreur 401 E_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS. const isAuthenticated = await ctx.auth.check() est vide. Pourtant, je passe bien l'accessToken via postman.
import { Authenticators } from '@adonisjs/auth/types'
import { HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http'
import { NextFn } from '@adonisjs/core/types/http'exportdefaultclass AuthMiddleware {/** * The URL to redirect to, when authentication fails */
redirectTo ='/auth/google/login'
async handle(
ctx: HttpContext,
next: NextFn,
options:{ guards?:(keyof Authenticators)[]}={}){try{const guards = options.guards ||['web']// Authentification explicite
await ctx.auth.authenticateUsing(guards,{
loginRoute:this.redirectTo,})const isAuthenticated = await ctx.auth.check()if(!isAuthenticated){return ctx.response.status(401).send('Unauthorized')}returnnext()}catch(error){
console.error('Authentication Error:', error)return ctx.response.redirect(this.redirectTo)}}}
userModel :
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import hash from '@adonisjs/core/services/hash'
import { compose } from '@adonisjs/core/helpers'
import { BaseModel, column, hasMany } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'
import { withAuthFinder } from '@adonisjs/auth/mixins/lucid'
import { DbAccessTokensProvider } from '@adonisjs/auth/access_tokens'
import Rooms from './rooms.js'
import type { HasMany } from '@adonisjs/lucid/types/relations'
import Guests from './guests.js'const AuthFinder =withAuthFinder(()=> hash.use('scrypt'),{
passwordColumnName:'password',})exportdefaultclass User extendscompose(BaseModel, AuthFinder){
@column({ isPrimary:true})public id!: number
@column()public googleId!: string
@column()public email!: string
@column()public name?: string |null
@column()public avatar?: string |null
@column()public accessToken?: string |null
@column()public refreshToken?: string |***@***me({ autoCreate:true})public createdAt!:***@***me({ autoUpdate:true})public updatedAt!: DateTime
@hasMany(()=> Rooms)public rooms!: HasMany<typeof Rooms>
@hasMany(()=> Guests)public guests!: HasMany<typeof Guests>static accessTokens = DbAccessTokensProvider.forModel(User)}
auth :
import { defineConfig } from '@adonisjs/auth'
import { sessionGuard, sessionUserProvider } from '@adonisjs/auth/session'
import type { InferAuthEvents, Authenticators } from '@adonisjs/auth/types'const authConfig =defineConfig({default:'web',
model:()=>import('#models/user'),}),}),},})exportdefault authConfig
/** * Inferring types from the configured auth * guards. */
declare module '@adonisjs/auth/types'{exportinterface Authenticators extends InferAuthenticators<typeof authConfig>{}}
declare module '@adonisjs/core/types'{interface EventsList extends InferAuthEvents<Authenticators>{}}
session :
import env from '#start/env'
import { defineConfig, stores } from '@adonisjs/session'const sessionConfig =defineConfig({
cookieName:'adonis-session',/** * When set to true, the session id cookie will be deleted * once the user closes the browser. */
clearWithBrowser:false,/** * Define how long to keep the session data alive without * any activity. */
age:'2h',/** * Configuration for session cookie and the * cookie store */
sameSite:false,},/** * The store to use. Make sure to validate the environment * variable in order to infer the store name without any * errors. */
store: env.get('SESSION_DRIVER'),/** * List of configured stores. Refer documentation to see * list of available stores and their config. */
cookie: stores.cookie(),},})exportdefault sessionConfig
A voir également:
E_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Error avec AdonisJs et Google oAuth