Trasnfert de data entre 2 ordinateur portable - pilote
15 nov. 2023 à 16:19
Messages postés1457Date d'inscriptionmercredi 9 mars 2022StatutMembreDernière intervention17 février 2025
19 nov. 2023 à 10:56
Récemment un des ordinateurs que je possède à été victime d'un accident et est complètement plié avec l'écran HS, comme il y a beaucoup de programme dessus que je ne suis plus sûr de pouvoir bien récupérer je me suis dis que le plus simple serait de cloner le disque dur pour pouvoir l'installer sur un autre ordinateur portable.
Le soucis est que le nouvel ordinateur portable est un Fujitsu et l'ancien un Thinkpad, je savais très bien qu'il y aurait un problème de pilote si je changeait d'ordinateur, comme attendu le touchpad n'est pas fonctionnel sur l'ordinateur cloné. J'ai téléchargé les pilotes sur le site officiel d Fujitsu et je ne sais pas comment installé les pilotes avec le fichier que j'ai reçu,...
Il y a plusieurs fichiés avec plusieurs extension mais je ne comprends pas ce que je suis censé en faire... il y a un .cat un .sys .inf et un .dll suis-je censé mettres les fichiés dans le le folder des drivers?
Le fait de faire windows Update à réglé pas mal de soucis mais il reste encore 2-3 petit soucis.
OS : Windows 11
Portable : LIFEBOOK E5512
Voici les instruction du Readme, il est marque à l'étape 4 d'installer le e1d.inf mais je n'ai pas cette option...
Installation procedure
Intel(R) I217/I218/I219 Gigabit LAN Driver (64-bit version)
This text is a description of the installation procedure of the software of
the title.
The composition of this text is as follows.
1. Notes this text is read
2. Installation procedure
3. Installation confirmation procedure
4. Uninstallation procedure
5. Setup steps of parameter
6. Setup steps of Wakeup On LAN
7. Trademark and copyright
Please read attached "readme_EN.txt" before installing this software.
- 1.Notes this text is read
¥It is necessary to read "Click" in this text in a different way as
"Doubleclick" according to the setting of this product used.
¥It is necessary to read "Click" in a different way as "Tap" at the touch
Moreover, it is necessary to read "Right click" in a different way as
"Long push".
- 2.Installation procedure
¥Intel(R) I217/I218/I219 Gigabit LAN Driver (64-bit version)
- <Point!>
!Please click "Cancel" when it is displayed, "New hardware was found".
- <Point!>
!Please set it in each drive of the main body when this driver is stored
in CD-ROM etc.
1)The sign-in is done by the Administrator.
2)Right-click "Start" button, and click "File Explorer".
3)It moves to the drive and the folder where this driver is stored.
4)"e1d" or "e1d.inf" is right-clicked, and "Install" is clicked
from the displayed menu.
- There are two or more files displayed as "e1d" when this product
used is a setting of "The registered extension is not displayed".
Please right-click another file when "Install" is not included in the
menu that does the right-click and is displayed.
It is displayed, "The operation completed successfully".
5)"OK" is clicked.
6)All open windows are shut.
7)Right-click "Start" button, and click "Device Manager".
8)"Network adapters" is double-clicked, and the device displayed by either
of the following name is double-clicked.
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (15) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-V"
The property of the selected device is displayed.
9)"Advanced" tab is clicked.
10)"Energy Efficient Ethernet" is clicked by "Property" and "Value" is set
to "Off" when connecting it with the networking gear (Hub etc.) that does
not correspond to "Energy Efficient Ethernet" function.
- <Point>
!It is necessary to make the setting of the connected networking gear
"On" to use "Energy Efficient Ethernet" function.
11)"OK" is clicked.
12)All open windows are shut.
13)The computer is rebooted.
The driver's installation is completed above.
- 3.Installation confirmation procedure
¥Intel(R) I217/I218/I219 Gigabit LAN Driver (64-bit version)
1)Right-click "Start" button, and click "Device Manager".
2)"Network adapters" is double-clicked, and the device displayed by either
of the following name is double-clicked.
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (15) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-V"
The property of the selected device is displayed.
3)"Driver" tab is clicked.
4)It is confirmed that "Driver Version" is "".
5)"Driver Details" is clicked.
"Driver File Details" dialog is displayed.
6)It is confirmed that "File version" is "".
7)If "Version" is "", and "File version" is "", it is
correctly installed.
- When it hooks up to the Internet or the driver of another version has
already been installed, the above-mentioned and the differing version
might be displayed.
8)"OK" is clicked.
"OK" of the properties dialog of the device is clicked, and the property
is terminated.
- 4.Uninstallation procedure
Uninstallation is not supported.
- 5.Setup steps of parameter
- Please match the set parameter to the environment used.
1)Right-click "Start" button, and click "Device Manager".
2)"Network adapters" is double-clicked, and the device displayed by either
of the following name is double-clicked.
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (15) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-V"
The property of the selected device is displayed.
3)The item changed by "Property" of "Advanced" tab is clicked and "Value"
is set.
- Setting of Speed & Duplex
Please change to the setting suitable for the connected networking gear
when the link lamp of the networking gear does not light, and it is not
possible to connect it with the server etc. of the network when the
computer is connected with the networking gear such as hubs.
1.0 Gbps Full Duplex c It communicates at the same time by using
a special line for "Transmission" and
"Reception" at the speed of 1000Mbps.
100 Mbps Full Duplex c It communicates at the same time by using
a special line for "Transmission" and
"Reception" at the speed of 100Mbps.
100 Mbps Half Duplex c It communicates at the speed of 100Mbps
every "Transmission" and "Reception".
10 Mbps Full Duplex c It communicates at the same time by using
a special line for "Transmission" and
"Reception" at the speed of 10Mbps.
10 Mbps Half Duplex c It communicates at the speed of 10Mbps
every "Transmission" and "Reception".
Auto Negotiation c It communicates with the networking gear
and "Transmission rate" and "Communication
method" are decided automatically.
- <Point>
!It is necessary to set the setting of the connected networking gear
to Full Duplex when setting it to Full Duplex.
- Setting of Locally Administered Address
When a Locally Administered Address is used, 12 hexadecimal digits that
start from "Value" of Locally Administered Address by "02" are input.
- <Point>
! The Wakeup On LAN function might not operate normally in the
environment that sets a local address.
- Setting of Flow Control
When the Flow Control function is used, the networking gear such as hubs
should also effectively set the Flow Control function.
Please confirm the specification of the connected networking gear about
details of the Flow Control function.
Disabled c The Flow Control function is not used.
Rx Enabled c The reception of the Flow Control packet becomes
possible, and the Flow Control is done.
Rx & Tx Enabled c The sending and receiving of the Flow Control
packet becomes possible, and the Flow Control
is done.
Tx Enabled c The transmission of the Flow Control packet
becomes possible, and the Flow Control is done.
- Setting of System Idle Power Saver
The link speed changes synchronizing with "Turn off the display" that is
the power-saving feature of the computer when "System Idle Power Saver"
is set to "Enabled".
- <Point>
!The link speed might change while even communicating. In that case,
the communication might be cut, and set this function to "Disabled",
please when you download the bulk file.
- Setting of Protocol ARP Offroad and Protocol NS Offroad
In the environment that uses the Wakeup On LAN function, the method of the
response to IPv4 ARP and IPv6 NS is set.
Enabled c The response is returned without doing the computer in Wakeup.
Disabled c The computer is done in Wakeup and the response is returned.
- <Point>
!When "Network" is set to "Private network" by "View your active
networks",this function is effective.
- <Point>
!When the Wakeup On LAN function by ARP is used, it is necessary to
set this function to "Off".
4)"OK" is clicked.
5)All open windows are shut.
6)The computer is rebooted.
- 6.Setup steps of Wakeup On LAN
1)Right-click "Start" button, and click "Device Manager".
2)"Network adapters" is double-clicked, and the device displayed by either
of the following name is double-clicked.
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (6) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (8) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (9) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (12) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (13) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (15) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (16) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (18) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (19) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (22) I219-V"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-LM"
"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (23) I219-V"
The property of the selected device is displayed.
3)"Enable PME" is clicked by "Property" of "Advanced" tab and "Value" is set
to "Enabled".
4)The following two of the "Power Management" tab are checked.
¥Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
¥Allow this device to wake the computer
- <Point>
!Please set the following setting according to the environment used.
¥Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer
5)"OK" is clicked.
6)All open windows are shut.
- <Point>
!The Wakeup On LAN function might not operate normally when it shifts
without linking with the networking gear such as hubs in the state of
the power saving, and the link with the networking gear cuts in the
state of the power saving including the LAN cable unconnection.
- 7.Trademark and copyright
Intel(R) I217/I218/I219 Gigabit LAN Driver (64-bit version) is a product of
Fujitsu client computing Ltd.
The copyright of this software is in Intel Corporation.
Additionally, the firm name and the product name that has been
described are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
All other trademarks belong to each owner.
A voir également:
Trasnfert de data entre 2 ordinateur portable - pilote
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