A voir également:
- AXcrypt bloqué par GData
- Code puk bloqué - Guide
- Axcrypt gratuit - Télécharger - Chiffrement
- Pavé tactile bloqué - Guide
- Compte gmail bloqué - Guide
- Telephone bloque - Guide
1 réponse
Utilisateur anonyme
Modifié par HOMBOURGEOIS le 4/09/2014 à 08:04
Modifié par HOMBOURGEOIS le 4/09/2014 à 08:04
Axcrypt contient un adware pas méchant lors de l'installation , c'est surement la cause, on peut le déactiver
c'est marqué
"The downloads may include advertisement offers for additional software to finance further development of AxCrypt via the OpenCandy network, or via Softonic Universal Downloader. You may decline OpenCandy offers by selecting the 'I do not accept' radio buttton at the offer screen, and Softonic offers by unchecking the checkbox. You must still accept license agreement in the first dialog. Please read more here. "
c'est marqué
"The downloads may include advertisement offers for additional software to finance further development of AxCrypt via the OpenCandy network, or via Softonic Universal Downloader. You may decline OpenCandy offers by selecting the 'I do not accept' radio buttton at the offer screen, and Softonic offers by unchecking the checkbox. You must still accept license agreement in the first dialog. Please read more here. "