Langage Z

medsour Messages postés 6 Date d'inscription dimanche 24 septembre 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 7 octobre 2006 - 29 sept. 2006 à 14:09
 mohcine - 16 févr. 2009 à 22:41
Je veux faire une specification formelle d'un systeme de gestion d'etudes
Les types abstraits définis sont: [ETUDIANT,COURS] et NOTE==0..100.
Je demande est ce que c'est possible de déclarer dans le schéma du systeme une fonction "note: F(COURSx(ETUDIANT-->->NOTE)) avec -->-> une fonction surjective totale.

Merci de répondre!!
A voir également:

2 réponses

Je dois faire un travail qui consiste à:
1- Donner la représentation XML de la specification de la pile en Z que génére JEdit (avec le plugin pour editer du Z)
2- Donner le code XSLT (100 lignes) qui transforme le ZML en C++;

je vx bien savoir comment procéder et par où commencer aidez moi à résoudre ce problème, et si vous avez déjà fait qlq chose ds ce sens n'hésitez pas à partager votre expérience
merci d'avance
Joe le magnifique
2 mai 2008 à 22:49
Premièrement il faut installer czt pour jedit afin de convertir le Z en ZML ( représentation de Z en xml ) et ensuite il faut ecrire la pile en C++ puis effectuer la traduction commence d'abord par te familiariser avec Xpath il te sera utile

PS : c'est un pfe a la fac des sciences non ?
je veux un document de langage z pour la spécification formelle.
Working Paper Series
ISSN 1170-487X
ZML:XML Support for Standard Z
Mark Utting, Ian Toyn, Jing Sun,
Andrew Martin, Jin Song Dong,
Nicholas Daley and David Currie
Working Paper: 11/02
December 2002
© 2002 Mark Utting, Ian Toyn, Jing Sun, Andrew Martin,
Jin Song Dong, Nicholas Daley and David Currie
Department of Computer Science
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton, New Zealand
ZML: XML Support for Standard Z
Mark Utting��, Ian Toyn, Jing SUN, Andrew Martin, Jin Song DONG, Nicholas
Daley��, and David Currie
�� The University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
 The University of York
 Oxford University
 The National University of Singapore
Email: ��sunjing,
 IBM UK Labs, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hants, UK
Email: david
Abstract. This paper proposes an XML format for standard Z. We describe several
earlier XML proposals for Z, the problems and issues that arose, and the
rationales behind our new proposal. The new proposal is based upon a comparison
of various existing Z annotated syntaxes, to ensure that the mark-up will be
widely usable. This XML format is expected to become a central feature of the
CZT (Community Z Tools) initiative.
1 Why an XML format for Z?
The publication during 2002 of the ISO Z Standard [3] represents a significant milestone
for the development and interoperability of Z tools. It has established what notation
should be exchanged, but not necessarily how. Technology has advanced during the
development of the standard, so it now seems most natural for tools to interact using an
XML mark-up [9].
This paper describes such a mark-up, intended to be a development of the Standard’s
work, as a contribution to the Community Z Tools 6 (CZT) initiative. CZT has
been proposed in response to the observation that many interesting Z tools have been
developed, but few have built large user communities, and many have found it necessary
to invest disproportionately large amounts of effort in the relatively mundane activities
of parser and pretty-printer development. The initiative aims to define interfaces and
interchange facilities (and later, code libraries) which Z tool developers can draw on in
an open-source spirit, with the aim both of promoting interoperability and of relieving
those wishing to develop novel tools for visualisation, animation, refinement, proof, and
so on, from the need to invest effort in the user interface code.
XML is a development, like HTML, from the SGML [4]. Early drafts of the Z
Standard included an SGML mark-up, but it was found hard to maintain. XML now
6 See
enjoys a much wider take-up than SGML, having quickly become a new standard for
structured information interchange between tools.
Without such a mark-up, Standard Z allows specifications to be exchanged using
Unicode (UCS[1, 2]). However, this representation is suitable only for interchanging
raw (unparsed) Z specifications, without annotation. Tools (and sometimes authors)
benefit from being able to annotate terms with type information, anticipated usage and
refinement targets, free-form comments, and so on. A particular presentation (on paper,
on screen, or within program data structures) may make use of some of these annotations
and discard others. An XML format facilitates the inclusion of such annotations,
with as little or as much structure as is appropriate. In the longer term, when this use of
XML reaches greater maturity, we would expect the format described here to become
part of the ISO Z Standard.
1.1 Requirements of a Z interchange mark-up
We have three requirements for an XML mark-up for Z.
Annotations. The already mentioned annotations should be accommodated in the interchange
mark-up wherever tools wish to put them. The forms of individual annotations
should not be constrained. There should be some pre-defined annotations for types and
for source-file locations (so that error messages can refer to the source of an error), but
it should also be possible for tools to define additional annotations. Tools that do not
understand such annotations should simply ignore them.
Injectivity. The concrete syntax of Z provides different ways of writing the same things.
For example, a boxed schema paragraph may be written in an equivalent definitional
form, without the box. After a specification has been transferred between tools, the
user wants to be reassured as much as possible (by avoiding unexpected changes of
presentation) that their specification document has not been changed. Consequently,
the interchange mark-up for Z should capture sufficient information from the concrete
representation to be able to resurrect the same concrete phrases (though not necessarily
the same layout). In other words, we want the conversion of a textual Z specification
into XML format to be one-to-one (injective), so that the concrete representation before
and after interchange, ignoring annotations, remains recognisably the same. For the
schema paragraph example, this means keeping a note of whether or not the boxed
representation is used. In this paper, we avoid using the traditional term abstract syntax
because of this avoidance of loss of information from the concrete form.
Commonality. Conversely, for reasons of simplicity and demonstrable soundness, tools
should need to deal with as few cases as possible. This implies that we should merge
equivalent concrete constructs whenever possible (the Z standard has a large number of
transformation rules that do exactly this). For example, a tool might offer to display the
signature of a schema paragraph regardless of whether or not it is boxed. This is easier
if a common annotated syntax is used for both of the concrete representations of the
schema paragraph. Interchange will be eased if the mark-up is based on an annotated
syntax that identifies similar commonalities to those exploited by tools. In this paper,
we use two approaches to merging constructs while preserving injectivity:
1. using a common XML tag for two similar constructs, but adding attributes to distinguish
between the constructs;
2. using distinct XML tags and adding a common type hierarchy above them to reflect
their commonality.
The second approach has an additional advantage: the type hierarchy of commonality
is similar to a typical inheritance hierarchy in object-oriented programs, which makes
it easier to map between the XML structure and Java or C++ classes. This is useful,
because one of the CZT aims is to develop a Java library for building Z tools.
The annotated syntaxes used within existing tools have already addressed these issues
of annotations, injectivity and commonalities. The annotated syntax used within
Standard Z addresses some of these issues. An interchange mark-up for Z will be easier
for a tool to use if the mark-up is similar to the tool’s own annotated syntax, but there
is considerable variation between existing tools.
This paper compares some existing annotated syntaxes and describes anXMLmarkup
based on their common features or best features. We aim to define a mark-up that
will be usable not only by proposed CZT developments but also by developments of
existing tools. Hence, we are interested to receive feedback from other tool builders.
1.2 Specifying the XML structure: DTD or XML Schema?
There are many differentways in which Z specifications could be expressed in XML. To
specify exactly which structures of XML we propose to use, and the well-formedness
conditions on those structures, we need to specify a particular subset of XML. Such a
specification is typically written in either of two languages: as a Document Type Definition
(DTD), or as an XML Schema. The provision of such a specification allows a
validating parser to perform more accurate well-formedness checking, and is useful to
toolbuilders for defining what tools should be able to interchange.
The DTD notation is older and simpler than the XML Schema notation, and more
human-readable, but the XML Schema language allows better specification of the data
types of elements than the DTD language. XML Schema has many built-in datatypes
such as string, integer, boolean, float, date, time and so on, and provides mechanisms to
constrain the allowable content of an element or attribute, such as setting a valid range
of values or defining a regular expression to which the content must conform. New
types can be defined from scratch or by constraining or extending an existing type. This
allows hierarchies of complex types to be constructed. Furthermore, XML Schemas
are themselves written in XML. This makes the document descriptions more verbose,
but also far more extensible than they were in the original DTD syntax. Declarations
can have richer and more complex internal structures than declarations in DTDs. Thus
XML Schemas can be stored along with other XML documents in XML-oriented data
stores, referenced, and even styled, using tools like XLink, XPointer, and XSLT 7. For
our purposes, we prefer to use XML schema notation, to obtain a tighter specification
of the structure, and to take advantage of XML tools, such as XSLT.
7 See
2 Previous Work
There were earlier attempts to define XML mark-ups for Z [16, 13] but these did not
support the interchange of annotations such as the types of expressions, and were based
on an earlier version of Z, described by Spivey [12]. For example, Z/EVES [11] supports
an XML mark-up for communication between tools, based on Spivey Z.
Before ZB2002, Toyn wrote a DTD for Standard Z, influenced by the abstract syntaxes
of CADi��and Zeta. This DTD has heavily influenced our proposal in this paper.
For example, here is the top-level element declaration from that DTD:
<!ELEMENT Z:Spec; (((Z:Sect;*), Z:SpecAnns;?) | Z:PCDATA)>
This defines a Z specification to be either a sequence of sections followed by an
optional specification annotations element, or a PCDATA alternative, which is another
element that is defined to contain just #PCDATA (parsed character data). Every element
in the DTD includes a Z:PCDATA alternative, so that if one part of a specification
contains an error, the whole specification can still be passed between tools. For example,
a fully-parsed specification might be passed to an editor, and after editing is complete,
the editor might pass it back with unchanged portions still in parsed form, but the edited
portions in Z:PCDATA form.
During 2002, David Currie validated the DTD, and Utting and Daley manually derived
a Java class hierarchy from it [5]. During this process, we identified several difficulties
with the DTD structure:
1. The presence of an ‘unparsed’ alternative for every element allowed extremely finegrained
portions of the specification to be left unparsed, but dramatically complicated
the Java class hierarchy. Basically, every element E of the DTD had to be
translated into three Java classes: an abstract class E and two concrete subclasses,
EParsed and EUnparsed, where EParsed contained fields that matched the
parsed structure and EUnparsed contained just an unparsed string. The real disadvantage
of this was that every piece of Java code that accessed an E object had to
immediately check whether it was parsed or unparsed. This issue was not specific
to Java, but would affect processing in every language.
To solve this problem, our new proposal in this paper limits the granularity of
the unparsed portions so that an entire paragraph (for example, one schema) is the
smallest unparsed portion allowable. This simplifies processing, because it means
that only the top-level of processing needs to consider unparsed portions and once
we see a parsed paragraph, we know that everything inside it will also be parsed.
2. Each element in the DTD has its own kind of annotation, as illustrated in the example
above (SpecAnns). Each kind of annotation is given a default definition in
the DTD (expression annotations contain just a type, schema annotations contain
a signature etc.), but can be overridden by providing an extended DTD that adds
extra fields. However, because each kind of expression has its own kind of annotation,
it is necessary to override all 23 kinds of expressions to add a new annotation
to expressions (or 7 kinds for predicates, 5 kinds for paragraphs, etc.).
To solve this problem, and make it easier to add new kinds of annotations, we have
changed to a more loosely-typed view of annotations that is similar to the annotations
in Zeta. Each Z construct can contain a list of arbitrary annotations. This
means that a tool could attach an annotation to an inappropriate construct (such as
putting a type annotation on a predicate), but such annotations do no harm and can
simply be ignored. On the other hand, there are many kinds of annotations (such as
hyperlinks, source-code positions and comments), that we want to be able to attach
to arbitrary constructs, and this is easier with these loosely-typed annotations.
3. In an object-oriented class hierarchy, it is possible to organise the hierarchy to reflect
commonality, so that common fields and methods can be inherited. This is
more flexible than the DTD structure, which does not have any kind of inheritance.
This resulted in more differences between the DTD structure and our ideal Java
class hierarchy than we would have liked.
Our new proposal solves this problem by using XML Schema to specify the structure
of the Z mark-up.XML Schema offers a rich set of (single) inheritance features
between types, as well as a substitution group facility which is similar to subtyping
in object-oriented languages.
Also in 2002, at the National University of Singapore, Dong and Sun developed
a new version of their XML Schema, based more closely on the annotated syntax
structure of the Z standard. This did not support unparsed alternatives or annotations,
and made less use of commonalities than Toyn’s DTD, but it included extensions for
supporting Object-Z and TCOZ (Timed Communicating Object Z) [10]. They demonstrated
that it is possible to use the XSLT transformation language to transform the
XML form of Z into elegant HTML with proper boxes and mathematical symbols. 8
The generated HTML includes cross-references, and buttons for expanding schema expressions
and folding them again. The impressive feature is that this transformation
system actually runs in your own browser, using standard technologies (XML, XSLT
and Unicode).
This shows the promise of our XML proposal—it allows one to download a parsed
and type-checked Z specification in an XML format that is ideal for importing into
tools, yet still view it and explore it (following cross references etc.) with a standard
web browser.
Furthermore, Dong and Sun have defined an XSLT stylesheet for automatically
transforming the Object-Z/TCOZ models in XML into UML class diagrams [14]. The
XSLT encodes the projection rules from the formal notations into their corresponding
UML counterparts. Recently this work has been extended to support the autogeneration
of UML statechart diagrams from Object-Z/TCOZ specifications via Java
XML parser [6]. Both implementations take the customized XML format as a standard
input and performs XML transformation into XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) format
for visualization. In addition, an XML-based type checker was built for the static
type checking of Z/Object-Z/TCOZ specifications in XML format.
3 Influences on our Design
The structure of our proposed XML mark-up is based on Toyn’s DTD, which was designed
by comparing and merging the best features of three annotated syntaxes used by
8 See for a demonstration of this system. It requires an
appropriate Unicode font on your computer, such as Microsoft Arial Unicode.
the Z standard, CADi�� and Zeta. This section briefly describes each of these systems
and how they differ from our goals.
3.1 Standard Z
Standard Z’s annotated syntax provides the basis for its definition of the type system
and semantics of Z. These are the only functions defined on its annotated syntax. In
particular, the standard has no need to resurrect concrete syntax. It has annotations
for types of expressions, signatures of paragraphs, and section-type environments of
sections. Commonalities are identified by syntactic transformation rules, which define
the translation of concrete syntax to equivalent annotated syntax. Some of these rules
are quoted below.
XML mark-up differs from Standard Z’s annotated syntax because of the need to
resurrect concrete syntax and the need to support a greater variety of functions and
3.2 CADi��
CADi��’s annotated syntax supports typechecking, prettyprinting (i.e. resurrection of
concrete syntax), interactive browsing (i.e. tracking of references to declarations and
inspection of types, signatures and environments), and logical inference (i.e. transformation
to equivalent notation, as in the course of proofs). Z notation is also used as
patterns in tactics for automated reasoning.
In CADi��’s annotated syntax, the representation of declarations plays many roles.
As well as representing the name and expression of a declaration, it records the declared
variable’s type, allowing signatures to be represented as lists of declarations,
and it records which expressions refer to it. An inclusion declaration brings new copies
of a declaration into scope, so that uses of the included declaration are not confused
with uses of the original declaration. Expressions record the declarations to which they
refer—this supports interactive browsing. They also support logical inference rules,
correctly handling variable capture side-conditions: the inference rules maintain bindings
of references to declarations, and the prettyprinter does renaming wherever variable
capture would otherwise seem to occur. The representation of declarations causes
CADi��’s annotated syntax to be not a tree structure but a more general graph, which
would be inconvenient for a textual interchange mark-up such as XML (but more on
this later).
CADi��[15] can be said to support Standard Z—the deviations are very minor. (It
does have some extensions to Standard Z, but we will ignore those.) CADi��’s annotated
syntax is not fixed, and has changed frequently in the past (and may change in the future
to be closer to this proposal).
3.3 Zeta
Zeta’s annotated syntax supports typechecking, prettyprinting (i.e. resurrection of concrete
syntax), and animation (i.e. automatic reduction of expressions). Those are the
functions of the core edition of Zeta.
XML mark-up differs from Zeta’s annotated syntax wherever Zeta[8] deviates from
Standard Z.
3.4 Standard Terminology
The main syntactic rules (Specification, Section, Paragraph, Predicate and Expression)
are present in all annotated syntaxes for Z, though not with the same names. In some
tools, this renaming reflects the widening of syntactic rules to include non-Z phrases.
The following table summarises these names, and suggests names to be used for the
elements in XML. The Z: prefix is just a namespace prefix, and can be omitted in XML
documents whose default namespace is our XML Schema. We use a postfix * symbol
to indicate possible repetition of a construct (zero or more times) and + to indicate one
or more repetitions.
Standard Z CADi��Zeta XML
Specification doc* UnitAbsy* Z:Spec
Section doc UnitAbsy.Section Z:Sect
Paragraph def Item Z:Para
Predicate pred Predicate Z:Pred
Expression term Expr Z:Expr
4 Our XML Schema Proposal
In this section, we go through each major construct of the Z notation, briefly comparing
the Z standard, CADi�� and Zeta, and describing our proposed XML structure.
The XML Schema was developed and validated using the XML-Spy tool 9, and the diagrams
were also partly generated with XML-Spy. The diagrams use two connectors:
the three-dots connector defines a sequence of the elements on its right, while the threeway
switch connector defines a choice between the elements on its right. Dashed lines
indicate optional components–this is usually obvious from the repetition counts, like
�� �� �� ����, below the optional constructs.
4.1 Specifications and Sections
Standard Z specifications are either anonymous or sectioned. The standard syntactically
transforms anonymous specifications to sectioned specifications, as follows (Z standard,
����  ��
�� Math toolkit �� section Specification parents standard toolkit  ����  ��
The name Specification can be anything distinct (CADi��uses the name of the file that
the specification came from). To allow the concrete syntax to be resurrected precisely,
it is necessary to know whether a section was originally anonymous—we do this by
associating a Boolean attribute Anon with each section.
So, a specification can be represented as just a sequence of sections, and both
CADi�� and Zeta use that representation. The following table lists the components of a
Z section.
9 See
Standard Z CADi�� Zeta XML
Section doc UnitAbsy.Section Z:Sect
NAME word Name Z:Word
seq NAME parent* Name* Z:Word*
seq Paragraph def* Item* Z:Para*
SectTypeEnv Z:Anns/Z:SectTypeEnvAnn
Fig. 1. XML structure for an entire Specification. The arrows pointing towards Sect indicate that
ZSect, UnparsedZSect and NarrSect are in the Sect substitution group, so each Sect
element can be replaced by any one of them.
Fig. 1 shows a diagrammatic presentation of the corresponding XML structure,
omitting some details such as attributes. It shows that a specification is a sequence of
zero or more constructs, where each construct is either a parsed section (��), an unparsed
section (
 ��), a narrative portion (  ) or some other kind
of arbitrary (non Z-related) XML element (the 
 ). Each parsed ��
section must be a sequence of an optional set of annotations, then a name, then zero
or more parents, then zero or more paragraphs (or other XML elements). The top-level
Spec element also has three optional attributes (not shown) to record its Creator and
the Date and Time of the last modification. Note that inside an Anns tag, any XML elements
are allowed—our XML proposal pre-defines several annotations, but other tools
are free to define more.We have set processing  lax within the Anns element, which
means that Z tools and other validation tools should simply ignore any annotations they
do not understand.
Within a ZSect, the list of parent names need not include prelude, as that is implicitly
a parent of all sections. If there are no parents, the ZSect element does not
record whether or not the keyword parents occurred in the concrete representation.
This doesn’t matter sufficiently to deserve the declaration of an attribute.
Support for Z Extensions. There have been numerous extensions of Z in the past, and
this will probably continue. Furthermore, within a Z specification, we want to allow
complementary kinds of specification, such as CSP specifications, UML diagrams, or
new kinds of paragraphs defined by some extension of Z like Object-Z or TCOZ. Fig. 1
shows that, within specifications and sections, our XML mark-up allows arbitrary elements
from other namespaces to be interspersed with Z constructs. This means that the
XML tags that belong to the standard Z namespace will be checked and processed by
Z tools, while text and unknown tags (from other namespaces) will be ignored. In other
words, the formal Z constructs (sections and paragraphs) are viewed as being part of
a larger narrative, which may contain other kinds of top-level mark-up. This is a more
permissive, egalitarian style of mark-up than allowing only standard Z constructs to
appear at the top level.
4.2 Paragraphs
Toyn’s DTD defined Z:Para to be a choice between six kinds of paragraph. XML
Schema gives us several different ways of doing this, and we have decided to use a
newish XML Schema feature, Substitution Groups, rather than choice groups, because
substitution groups are similar to an object-oriented subtyping structure (where a subtype
object can replace a supertype object), and can support inheritance of attributes
and elements.
Substitution groups make it easy to extend the structure. For example, a Z extension
can add a new kind of paragraph simply by defining a new element with substitutionGroup="
Para". It is also easy to add new features to one of the subtypes,
like AxPara, by declaring a new element whose type extends or restricts the type of
AxPara and says substitutionGroup="AxPara" (the substitution relationship
is transitive).
Here is the XML Schema definition for Para. It is declared to be abstract so that
XML files must contain a more specific kind of paragraph, wherever a Para element
is expected.
<xs:element name="Para" type="ParaType" abstract="true"/>
The following subsections go through each kind of paragraph, describing their structure.
Given Types Paragraph The following table lists the components of a given types
Standard Z CADi�� Zeta XML
Given types Paragraph givdef Item.AxiomaticDef* Z:GivenPara
seq NAME dec* Expr.GivenType Z:DeclName*
Signature Z:Anns/Z:TypeEnvAnn
In CADi��, all declarations (given types, generic parameters, variables) share the
same dec representation. This has the advantage of providing a basis for tracking all
references to each declaration.
In Zeta, a given types paragraph is represented as an Item.AxiomaticDefs sequence,
in which each Item.AxiomaticDef’s expression is an Expr.GivenType
containing the name of a given type. This is an instance of a more general approach:
Zeta represents each Z global definition as an Item.AxiomaticDef, using additional
kinds of expressions beyond those of Standard Z to make this possible. Concretely,
a given types paragraph (or a single given type) is not an expression, and so
Zeta’s representation seems a bit forced.
In XML, a given types paragraph is marked-up using the Z:GivenPara element,
whose type is shown in Fig. 2. To save space, we do not show the annotation elements
(Anns) in this and future diagrams, because they appear on virtually all constructs.
Fig. 2. XML structure for Given Type paragraphs
Axiomatic Description Paragraph The following table lists the components of an
axiomatic description paragraph.
Standard Z CADi�� Zeta XML
(Generic) axdef Paragraph axidef Item.AxiomaticDef Z:AxPara
seq NAME dec* NameDecl* Z:DeclName*
Expression sch Expr.Text Z:SchText
Signature Z:Anns/Z:TypeEnvAnn
In CADi�� and Zeta, non-generic axiomatic description paragraphs are represented
as generic ones with an empty list of generic parameters. Standard Z differs, as it was
thought that the semantics of generics would be easier to understand if the semantics of
non-generics were defined separately first.
The declarations and predicate parts of an axiomatic description paragraph are represented
differently in the different annotated syntaxes. Standard Z transforms them
to an expression. CADi�� retains the schema text, represented by a distinct rule in the
annotated syntax. Zeta views the schema text as an expression. We believe that some
annotations can usefully be placed on schema texts, and that any single expression appearing
where a schema text is expected is best represented as an inclusion in a schema
text, so that there is somewhere to record those annotations.
Fig. 3 shows our XML structure for the AxPara element, as well as for schema text
and declarations. Note the three ‘subtypes’ of Decl. These are all declared as belonging
to the Decl substitution group so that they can appear wherever a Decl is required.
The following definitions from the Z standard (syntactic transformations— show how to represent (generic) schema definition paragraphs and (generic)
horizontal definition paragraphs as (generic) axiomatic description paragraphs. The
SCH, END etc. are box tokens, which abstract away from the exact appearances of
paragraph outlines.
   �� ������        �� ������      
��  �� ������         �� ������      
Generic operator definition paragraphs have their operator names syntactically transformed
to ordinary names (syntactic transformations— and hence
they become generic horizontal definition paragraphs that can be represented as generic
axiomatic description paragraphs.
To support resurrection of the original concrete representation, we add an attribute
Box with values: OmitBox, AxBox (the default), or SchBox. A further Boolean attribute
called Mixfix, distinguishes whether mixfix syntax is used in the definition of
a generic operator e.g.  X Y  X  Y.
Free Types Paragraph The following tables list the components of a free types paragraph.
Standard Z CADi�� Zeta XML
Free types Paragraph datdef Item.AxiomaticDef* Z:FreePara
seq Freetype fret+ Expr.FreeType Z:FreeType+
Signature Z:Anns/Z:TypeEnvAnn
In Zeta, the representation of free types paragraphs is similar to that of other global
definitions (see the earlier discussion in the Given Types section).
Standard Z CADi��Zeta XML
Freetype fret Expr.FreeType Z:FreeType
NAME dec NameDecl Z:DeclName
seq Branch bra+ Branch+ Z:Branch+
The representation of a branch is very different in different tools, and so cannot
readily be tabulated.
Standard Z XML
Branch Z:Branch
Expression Z:Expr?
Fig. 3. XML structure for Axiomatic Definition paragraphs, Schema Text and Declarations. The
arrows pointing towards Decl indicate that VarDecl, ConstDecl and InclDecl are in the
Decl substitution group, so each Decl element can be replaced by any one of them.
In CADi��, a Branch’s name and optional expression are both represented by a
single dec value, allowing references to the name to be tracked.
In Zeta, a Branch is either a Constant or a Function. A Constant has just
a NameDecl, whereas a Function has both a NameDecl and an Expr.
In XML, a free types paragraph is marked-up using the Z:FreePara element,
whose type is shown in Fig. 4.
Conjecture Paragraph Standard Z conjectures have a single consequent predicate and
zero or more generic parameters.
Zeta does not support conjecture paragraphs.
In CADi��, conjectures are represented as particular cases of a more general syntax
for sequents. Sequents allow for zero-or-more generic parameters, zero-or-more levels
of nested DeclParts, zero-or-more antecedent predicates, zero-or-more consequent
predicates, and a name for the sequent. This more general syntax assists humans doing
proofs interactively, but adds nothing semantically: any sequent can be rearranged into
an equivalent single-consequent form that conforms to the Z standard (ignoring the
Fig. 4. XML structure for Free Type paragraphs
sequent’s name, which can be thought of as an annotation). Other reasoning tools for
Z may use different representations for sequents. So it seems inappropriate to define an
XML mark-up for anything more complicated than a Standard Z (generic) conjecture.
The following table lists the components of a conjecture paragraph.
Standard Z XML
(Generic) conjecture Paragraph Z:ConjPara
seq NAME Z:DeclName*
Predicate Z:Pred
Signature Z:Anns/Z:TypeEnvAnn
In XML, a conjecture paragraph is marked-up using the Z:ConjPara element
(Fig. 5). This representation suffices for both generic and non-generic conjecture paragraphs:
the sequence of generic parameters is empty in the non-generic case.
Fig. 5. XML structure for Conjecture paragraphs
Operator Template Paragraph Standard Z has operator template paragraphs in its
concrete syntax but not in its annotated syntax, because they affect how the specification
is parsed but have no further meaning themselves. To be able to interchange them and
resurrect their concrete syntax, and the concrete syntax of the operators they define, the
XML mark-up must provide a representation of them.
Operator templates are one of the innovations of Standard Z and were subject to
some late changes, so tools are unlikely to support operator templates exactly as in Standard
Z (excepting CADi��). The concrete syntax allows explicit declaration of precedence
and associativity only for infix function and infix generic operators. Other operators
have implicit precedences and associativities, which it is convenient to make
explicit in the annotated syntax.
The following table lists the components of an operator template paragraph.
Standard Z CADi�� Zeta XML
Operator template Paragraph fixdef Fixity Z:OptempPara
Category cat isGeneric Z:Cat (Attr)
Prec nat prio Z:Prec (Attr)
Assoc boole ? Z:Assoc (Attr)
Template (nat,word)+ Component* See Fig. 6
In CADi��, a Template is represented as a list of pairs. While this enforces alternation
of operators and operands, it may unfortunately appear to add an unwanted
operand at the beginning and/or an unwanted operator at the end, for which distinguishable
values are needed to avoid confusion.
In Zeta, a Template is represented as a list of Components. Each Component
is either a Keyword, Operand or OperandList. Zeta appears to parse declarations
of associativity, but it does not appear to keep a representation of associativity in its annotated
syntax. Its annotated syntax also appears not to distinguish relation and function
In XML, an operator template paragraph is marked-up using the Z:OptempPara
element (Fig. 6). In addition, each Z:OptempPara has three attributes:
Cat (category) which can equal Relation, Function or Generic.
Assoc which can be Left or Right.
Prec (precedence) which is a natural number.
Fig. 6. XML structure for Operator Template paragraphs
Narrative Paragraph To allow natural language narrative to appear between Z paragraphs,
we define a NarrPara element, containing annotations and a Contents element
which contains arbitrary unicode and markup. This is similar to NarrSect in
Fig. 1.
Unparsed Paragraph Our final kind of paragraph does not appear in Zeta or the Z
standard, because their annotated syntax representations are used only after an entire
specification has been successfully parsed. However, since our XML format may be
our source representation, we need to be able to represent erroneous (unparsable) specifications
as well. Similar to the ErrorDef paragraph in CADi��, we use a special
paragraph called UnparsedPara, whose structure is the same as UnparsedZSect
(see Fig.1). If a tool attempts to parse an UnparsedPara, it may return a parse error,
or one or more paragraphs (which will replace the UnparsedPara). Similarly, at the
top level of a specification, an UnparsedZSect may become one or more sections if
it can be parsed.
4.3 Predicates and Expressions
We shall not go into details about the structure of predicates and expressions etc., but
will discuss some specific features and give a few short XML examples to give the
flavour of our approach.
As for paragraphs, declarations and strokes, we define Expr and Pred to be abstract
elements, and use substitution groups to allow specific concrete kinds of expressions
and predicates to be used in their place. To capture the commonalities between
various kinds of expressions, we define a hierarchy of XML types (Fig. 7).
We expect that this same hierarchy can be used in Z tools that are written in objectoriented
languages. Then the various concrete predicate and expression elements are
defined as members of these types, as the following examples illustrate (grp stands for
<element name="OrPred" type="Z:Pred2Type" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="ImpliesPred" type="Z:Pred2Type" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="ForallPred" type="Z:QntPredType" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="ExistsPred" type="Z:QntPredType" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="FalsePred" type="Z:FactType" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="TruePred" type="Z:FactType" grp="Z:Pred"/>
<element name="LambdaExpr" type="Z:Qnt1ExprType" grp="Z:Expr"/>
<element name="MuExpr" type="Z:QntExprType" grp="Z:Expr"/>
<element name="LetExpr" type="Z:Qnt1ExprType" grp="Z:Expr"/>
<element name="SetCompExpr" type="Z:QntExprType" grp="Z:Expr"/>
Some expressions and predicates have special features to enable the concrete syntax
to be resurrected. Z has several conjunction operators (,  , newline and the implicit
conjunctions within a  b  c), which are all represented by the AndPred element (of
type Pred2Type) with an attribute to record which kind of conjunction it came from.
The RefExpr, ApplExpr and MemPred elements have a Boolean attribute called
Mixfix to record whether the application uses mixfix notation or not.
The Challenge of Nested Identical Names. In Z it is quite common to have several
levels of declarations nested inside one another. If two levels declare the same name X,
then expressions inside the inner’s scope cannot normally refer to the outer X. However,
TermType supertype of all Z constructs
StrokeType supertype of the 4 kinds of name decorations
AnnType supertype of all annotations
TermAType supertype of all annotatable constructs
SectType supertype of all section types
ParaType supertype of all paragraph types
DeclType supertype of all declarations
Pred2Type supertype of all binary predicates
QntPredType supertype of all quantifier predicates
FactPredType supertype of the true/false predicates
Expr1Type supertype of all unary expressions
Expr2Type supertype of all binary expressions
LogExprType supertype of all binary schema operators
QntExprType supertype of all quantifier exprs
Qnt1ExprType supertype of quantifier exprs with compulsory body
ExistsExprType supertype of existential schema exprs
Expr0NType supertype of exprs with 0 or more subexprs
Expr2NType supertype of exprs with 2 or more subexprs
TypeType supertype of all Z base types used in annotations
Fig. 7. The hierarchy of XML complex types in ZML.
there are situations like the following example, where the instantiation of generic operators
during type checking must introduce references to the outer X (thea becomes
Xa). This creates a problem, because naively introducing X at this point causes it
to bind to the inner X rather than the outer X.
a  X
 X    a  X
None of the previous DTD or XML Schema proposals solve this problem. The
traditional solution is to rename the bound X. But to allow exact resurrection of concrete
syntax we do not want to rename bound variables. The Z standard solves this problem
by creating suit-decorated synonyms of type names (e.g., X ) and making implicit
instantiations refer to those synonyms. We want a more general solution than this, so
that tools can perform a variety of transformations, then produce correct XML using
the original names, even though the scopes of those names may have changed.
CADi��solves this problem by using references to link each name to a corresponding
declaration. We do the same thing in XML, by using the ID and IDREF crossreference
features of XML to allow a variable reference to point to a specific variable
declaration (which may not be the nearest nested name). Declarations of names may
have an ID-valued attribute called  , while references to names may have an IDREFvalued
attribute called  which links to a declaration. Since soundness relies on
following these references correctly, every Z tool must be capable of following them,
and pretty printers must display the output unambiguously (either by renaming one of
the bound variables, or by making the generic instantiations implicit again to hide the
problem reference).
The full mark-up of the above example is shown in Appendix A. The XML for the
declaration of the global name X is:
<GivenPara><DeclName Id="X.3"><Word>X</Word></DeclName></GivenPara>
while an expression that references this X can be marked up as:
<RefExpr><RefName Decl="X.3"><Word>X</Word></RefName></RefExpr>
5 Conclusions
We have defined an XML mark-up format for standard Z, based on combining the
best features from the standard and several existing tools. The XML Schema has been
validated, and several small examples have been validated against the schema. We are
now seeking feedback and comments on the design, particularly on the following issues:
1. Two alternative approaches to annotations: the approach taken here is for each term
to have an optional Anns slot that can contain arbitrary XML (which is not validated
or checked in any way). An alternative approach would be to put new kinds
of annotations into separate documents (with their own XML Schema) and use
IDREF links to link each annotation to the appropriate Z term (which would have
an ID attribute).
2. Two alternative approaches to narrative and non-standard portions of Z specification
documents. Should narrative paragraphs and non-Z XML mark-up be viewed
as subordinate to the Z, or should it be mixed in with the Z constructs on an equal
basis (as in this paper)? The former approach allows stricter XML validation of the
document, because every top-level paragraph is of a known type and can be checked
(except that Narrative paragraphswould be allowed arbitrary contents). The latter
approach (which we have taken) makes it easy to add new kinds of paragraphs
(e.g., for Z extensions), even without extending the XML Schema, but means that
standard Z tools will quietly ignore all unknown kinds of paragraphs.
3. Unparsed fragments. Is it really useful to be able to have some paragraphs or sections
unparsed? Would an even finer granularity be useful (Expr and Pred etc.)?
Or should we disallow unparsed portions and insist that this XML mark-up be used
only for syntactically correct specifications?
4. Mathematical Symbols. We expect that the special symbols used in Z will normally
be represented in XML documents using their binary Unicode representation
(e.g., UTF8). However, this means that the documents are not ASCII-based and
are only human-readable if you have a full Unicode font. Would it be useful to define
symbolic names for all the Z symbols (this can be done using DTD entities,
or XML Schema elements with fixed contents) so that the Z specifications can be
pure ASCII? Or will this be irrelevant once full Unicode fonts and Unicode editors
become widely available?
Combining the best features from the Z standard and several existing tools has been
worthwhile, as can be seen by considering the main influences on the XML structure.
The Specification representation is influenced mainly by the form of XML. The
Section representation is influenced mainly by Zeta. The Paragraph representation
is influenced mainly by Standard Z, with the commonality between generics and
non-generics taken from both CADi�� and Zeta, and the template representation in operator
templates taken from Zeta. The Predicate representation is influenced mainly
by CADi��and Zeta, which use remarkably similar representations. The Expression
representation falls between those of CADi�� and Zeta. The representations of schema
text and names are influenced mainly by Zeta.
Next we plan to derive a set of open-source Java classes from this XML schema,
preferably by using either JAXB10 or XSLT to transform the schema into Java source.
These Java classes will support the visitor design pattern [7], so that functionality such
as type checkers, transformation tools, simplifiers and pretty printers can easily be written
as add-on packages. This will dramatically reduce the usual initial barriers of creating
new Z tools (parsing, type-checking etc.) and make it easier for student projects
and other researchers to experiment with building new Z tools.
Another important step is for existing Z tools to support this XML format, by adding
import and export functions that read and write it. CADi�� already exports an XML
format that is close to this one.
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12. J. Michael Spivey. The Z Notation: A Reference Manual. International Series in Computer
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13. J. Sun, J.S. Dong, J. Liu, and H. Wang. An XML Schema for Z family. http://ntappn., 2001.
14. Jing Sun, Jin Song Dong, Jing Liu, and HaiWang. A Formal Object Approach to the Design
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15. I. Toyn. CADiZ.˜ian/cadiz/, 2001.
16. J. Wordsworth. An XML DTD for Z, October 1999.
A XML Mark-Up of Example from Sect. 4.3
<Content>First we declare X to be a given set.</Content>
<DeclName Id="X.3"> <Word>X</Word> </DeclName>
<Content>This axiomatic definition declares a:X, with the
constraint: ( X: @ #��a = X)</Content>
<DeclName> <Word>a</Word> </DeclName>
<DeclName> <Word>X</Word> </DeclName>
<RefName Decl="X.3"> <Word>X</Word>
<NumExpr Value="1"/>

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