Recherche drivers smsc LAN91c1x
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ealltech Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 2 mars 2017 - 2 mars 2017 à 10:34
ealltech Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription jeudi 2 mars 2017 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 2 mars 2017 - 2 mars 2017 à 10:34
A voir également:
- Recherche drivers smsc LAN91c1x
- Tous les drivers - Télécharger - Pilotes & Matériel
- Smsc free - Guide
- Mettre a jour ses drivers - Guide
- Recherche automatique des chaînes ne fonctionne pas - Guide
- Drivers cloud - Télécharger - Pilotes & Matériel
16 réponses
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mercredi 26 mai 2010
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8 août 2018
1 août 2011 à 09:38
1 août 2011 à 09:38
Messages postés
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jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
3 août 2011 à 18:20
3 août 2011 à 18:20
A priori si on regarde les sources d'un noyau, genre ici :
... le driver est codé dans smc91x.{c,h}. J'ai cherché vite fait le flag qui est sensé correspondre et c'est apparemment "CONFIG_SMSC911X ".
Après avoir fait ton "make menuconfig", et en admettant que tes sources de noyau soient dans /usr/src/linux, que donne la commande
Normalement tu devrais voir des lignes apparaître :
- si elle commence par un # (et finit par "is not set") la carte n'est pas prise en charge
- si elle finit par M le pilote est stocké dans un module dédié (fichier .ko)
- si elle finit par Y le pilote est stocké dans le noyau lui même
Bonne chance
... le driver est codé dans smc91x.{c,h}. J'ai cherché vite fait le flag qui est sensé correspondre et c'est apparemment "CONFIG_SMSC911X ".
Après avoir fait ton "make menuconfig", et en admettant que tes sources de noyau soient dans /usr/src/linux, que donne la commande
grep SMSC911 /usr/src/linux/.config
Normalement tu devrais voir des lignes apparaître :
- si elle commence par un # (et finit par "is not set") la carte n'est pas prise en charge
- si elle finit par M le pilote est stocké dans un module dédié (fichier .ko)
- si elle finit par Y le pilote est stocké dans le noyau lui même
Bonne chance
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Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
Modifié par mamiemando le 3/08/2011 à 22:25
Modifié par mamiemando le 3/08/2011 à 22:25
Il y a normalement une case dans le menu Net puis dans une des trois rubriques Ethernet pour l'activer.
Il se peut qu'il y ait une dépendance non satisfaite qui masque cette entrée dans make menuconfig. Les dépendances sont référencées sur
À terme, ceci produit "smsc911x.ko".
Il se peut qu'il y ait une dépendance non satisfaite qui masque cette entrée dans make menuconfig. Les dépendances sont référencées sur
À terme, ceci produit "smsc911x.ko".
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
4 août 2011 à 14:28
4 août 2011 à 14:28
J'ai rajouté la dépendance COLDFIRE à la config du smsc911x car ma carte est de type coldfire. chose positive, c'est que je le retrouve à présent dans les menu du net lorsque je fait mon make xconfig ou menuconfig.
Ok donc c'était bien pour ça que ta carte n'était pas supportée et que tu ne trouvais rien à l'époque dans make menuconfig. Parfait on avance :-)
drivers/net/smsc911x.c:222: erreur: implicit declaration of function 'readsl'
make[3]: *** [drivers/net/smsc911x.o] Erreur 1
make[2]: *** [drivers/net] Erreur 2
make[1]: *** [drivers] Erreur 2
Quand tu as une erreur comme ça, il faut la copier coller dans google. Je ne sais pas si tu sais programmer en C, mais si c'est le cas ça peut aider à trouver soi-même la cause de l'erreur.
J'ai essayé de faire un "man readsl" après avoir installé manpages-fr-dev et manpages-fr-extra, et je n'ai rien trouvé. Ça laisse penser que cette fonction est implémentée dans les sources de noyau. Tu dois pouvoir la retrouver avec la commande :
Ce qui nous intéresse c'est le fichier ".h" qui la déclare. Il faudra ensuite comprendre pourquoi il n'a pas été inclu, sans doute encore une fois parce qu'une constante n'est pas activée dans un #ifndef...
Dans ce cas, c'est probablement encore quelque chose qui n'est pas coché dans make menuconfig. Ceci dit, ce n'est pas sensé arrivé justement grâce au système de dépendance dont tu as été victime au début. C'est bizarre tout ça...
J'ai été voir le fichier source smsc911x.c. Je me suis rendu compte que ce driver n'est pas compatible avec LAN91C111 (le nom de ma carte)
Par rapport au nom de cartes, parfois il arrive que tous les modèles ne soient pas référencés, mais effectivement c'est bizarre.
Essaye de voir à coup de grep dans les sources quel fichier ".c" parle de ta carte, par exemple avec une commande du genre.
Tu devrais voir dans le début de ce fichier une histoire de constante "CONFIG_...". Ensuite, cherche sur google " CONFIG_..." pour avoir plus d'informations.
Tu vas tomber sur une page dans le genre de celle que je t'ai donné pour retrouver les éventuelles dépendances manquantes.
Ensuite, make menuconfig, bref tu commences à connaître la musique...
Ok donc c'était bien pour ça que ta carte n'était pas supportée et que tu ne trouvais rien à l'époque dans make menuconfig. Parfait on avance :-)
drivers/net/smsc911x.c:222: erreur: implicit declaration of function 'readsl'
make[3]: *** [drivers/net/smsc911x.o] Erreur 1
make[2]: *** [drivers/net] Erreur 2
make[1]: *** [drivers] Erreur 2
Quand tu as une erreur comme ça, il faut la copier coller dans google. Je ne sais pas si tu sais programmer en C, mais si c'est le cas ça peut aider à trouver soi-même la cause de l'erreur.
J'ai essayé de faire un "man readsl" après avoir installé manpages-fr-dev et manpages-fr-extra, et je n'ai rien trouvé. Ça laisse penser que cette fonction est implémentée dans les sources de noyau. Tu dois pouvoir la retrouver avec la commande :
grep -nr readsl /usr/src/linux
Ce qui nous intéresse c'est le fichier ".h" qui la déclare. Il faudra ensuite comprendre pourquoi il n'a pas été inclu, sans doute encore une fois parce qu'une constante n'est pas activée dans un #ifndef...
Dans ce cas, c'est probablement encore quelque chose qui n'est pas coché dans make menuconfig. Ceci dit, ce n'est pas sensé arrivé justement grâce au système de dépendance dont tu as été victime au début. C'est bizarre tout ça...
J'ai été voir le fichier source smsc911x.c. Je me suis rendu compte que ce driver n'est pas compatible avec LAN91C111 (le nom de ma carte)
Par rapport au nom de cartes, parfois il arrive que tous les modèles ne soient pas référencés, mais effectivement c'est bizarre.
Essaye de voir à coup de grep dans les sources quel fichier ".c" parle de ta carte, par exemple avec une commande du genre.
grep -nr C111 /usr/src/linux
Tu devrais voir dans le début de ce fichier une histoire de constante "CONFIG_...". Ensuite, cherche sur google " CONFIG_..." pour avoir plus d'informations.
Tu vas tomber sur une page dans le genre de celle que je t'ai donné pour retrouver les éventuelles dépendances manquantes.
Ensuite, make menuconfig, bref tu commences à connaître la musique...
Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?
Posez votre question
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
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4 août 2011 à 17:56
4 août 2011 à 17:56
Si le pilote de ta carte est dans smc91111.c c'est sur lui que tu dois te focaliser. Il faut relever les constantes CONFIG_... et chercher sur comment les activer.
Par exemple ici :
... il semblerait que ce soit la constante CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111.
Si on regarde ici :
... il faut que CONFIG_MN10300 etc... Bref il faut que tu remontes le fil comme ça pour en déduire quoi activer dans make menuconfig. Une fois le make menuconfig effectué il faut que ces constantes apparaissent dans /usr/src/linux/.config.
Le problème c'est que je ne sais pas avec quelles sources de noyau tu travailles donc c'est un peu compliqué pour moi. En tout cas ne commence pas à charcuter les sources elles-mêmes, normalement tu n'as pas à le faire. Il faut juste trouver la bonne combinaison de constantes...
Bonne chance
Par exemple ici :
... il semblerait que ce soit la constante CONFIG_DRIVER_SMC91111.
Si on regarde ici :
#elif defined(CONFIG_MN10300) /* * MN10300/AM33 configuration */ #include <unit/smc91111.h> ...
... il faut que CONFIG_MN10300 etc... Bref il faut que tu remontes le fil comme ça pour en déduire quoi activer dans make menuconfig. Une fois le make menuconfig effectué il faut que ces constantes apparaissent dans /usr/src/linux/.config.
Le problème c'est que je ne sais pas avec quelles sources de noyau tu travailles donc c'est un peu compliqué pour moi. En tout cas ne commence pas à charcuter les sources elles-mêmes, normalement tu n'as pas à le faire. Il faut juste trouver la bonne combinaison de constantes...
Bonne chance
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
5 août 2011 à 12:25
5 août 2011 à 12:25
Ici malheureusement ce fichier n'apporte pas beaucoup d'information, car il est destiné à être inclu par un autre fichier. Le test
... ne sert qu'à inclure ce header une fois (cf cours de C) et donc ne nous concerne pas dans la recherche des constantes à activer. C'est la raison pour laquelle
- ce header n'apporte pas d'information
- tu dois te concentrer uniquement sur les lignes mettant en jeu une constante CONFIG_...
Pour qu'on puisse avancer, il faudrait que tu trouves le headers qui inclue le fichier smc91111.h.
Une fois que tu l'as trouvé, regarde quels sont les constantes #CONFIG_... qui doivent être activées pour déclencher l'inclusion.
Ensuite, voilà ce que tu dois garder en tête :
1) Tu ne dois pas modifier les sources
2) Tu dois localiser la/les constante(s) CONFIG_... qui permet(tront) de traverser le(s) test(s) #ifndef et d'inclure le header que tu m'as reporté.
3) Une fois que tu as localisé ces constantes, note les et va dans make menuconfig pour les activer. Je te rappelle au passage que t'aidera à retrouver quelles dépendances activer si elles n'apparaissent pas.
Bonne chance
#ifndef _SMC91111_H_ #define _SMC91111_H_ ... #endif
... ne sert qu'à inclure ce header une fois (cf cours de C) et donc ne nous concerne pas dans la recherche des constantes à activer. C'est la raison pour laquelle
- ce header n'apporte pas d'information
- tu dois te concentrer uniquement sur les lignes mettant en jeu une constante CONFIG_...
Pour qu'on puisse avancer, il faudrait que tu trouves le headers qui inclue le fichier smc91111.h.
grep -nr smc91111.h /usr/src/linux | grep "#include"
Une fois que tu l'as trouvé, regarde quels sont les constantes #CONFIG_... qui doivent être activées pour déclencher l'inclusion.
Ensuite, voilà ce que tu dois garder en tête :
1) Tu ne dois pas modifier les sources
2) Tu dois localiser la/les constante(s) CONFIG_... qui permet(tront) de traverser le(s) test(s) #ifndef et d'inclure le header que tu m'as reporté.
3) Une fois que tu as localisé ces constantes, note les et va dans make menuconfig pour les activer. Je te rappelle au passage que t'aidera à retrouver quelles dépendances activer si elles n'apparaissent pas.
Bonne chance
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Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
5 août 2011 à 13:52
5 août 2011 à 13:52
effectivement, c'est ce que j'ai voulu te faire voir en ajoutant ce fichier.J'ai mentionné plus haut que ce fichier est inclus dans la source smc91111.c
Oui c'est normal (toujours par rapport à la mécanique du C) donc ça n'apporte pas d'information.
Oui c'est normal (toujours par rapport à la mécanique du C) donc ça n'apporte pas d'information.
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Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
5 août 2011 à 16:12
5 août 2011 à 16:12
Bon je crois que ce sera plus simple si je récupère les sources de noyau que tu utilises. Peux-tu me donner le lien vers l'archive (ou le paquet) que tu utilises ?
si tu veux lancer la cross-compile pour tester, il te faudra ces outils la:
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Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
5 août 2011 à 18:57
5 août 2011 à 18:57
Pffff 350Mo de source et un miroir qui a 20Ko/s de début (soit 5h de téléchargement)... Là je n'ai pas le mental -_-
Bon mais dans l'idée cette carte doit apparaître dans make menuconfig non ? S'il y a les sources dans ce fichu noyau, il doit y avoir moyen de les compiler !!
Sinon autre piste, peut être que le constructeur fournit directement les sources de ce module et de quoi le compiler sans avoir à prendre un noyau complet....
Bon mais dans l'idée cette carte doit apparaître dans make menuconfig non ? S'il y a les sources dans ce fichu noyau, il doit y avoir moyen de les compiler !!
Sinon autre piste, peut être que le constructeur fournit directement les sources de ce module et de quoi le compiler sans avoir à prendre un noyau complet....
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Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
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8 novembre 2024
7 803
5 août 2011 à 19:00
5 août 2011 à 19:00
Autre truc auquel je pense pendant qu'on y est, regarde le fichier Kconfig dans le répertoire contenant smc91111.c, tu devrais trouver le nom des fameuses constantes et donc en déduire ce qu'on cherche depuis hier...
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
6 août 2011 à 14:41
6 août 2011 à 14:41
Excuse-moi ce que j'ai dit n'était pas forcément très clair. Je parle toujours des sources de noyau qui sont sensées te permettre de faire fonctionner la carte réseau.
Si j'ai bien tout suivi, ce sont dans ces sources que tu as un fichier smc91111.c qui est sensé prendre en charge ta carte réseau. Cela signifie que ce noyau une fois compilé (ou un de ses modules) peut prendre en charge ta carte. À ce stade si tu démarres sur le noyau ainsi compilé et que la carte n'est pas reconnue, c'est
- soit que le module en question n'est pas chargé,
- soit qu'il n'existe pas et que le noyau ne prend pas en charge cette carte.
En fait tu peux le voir d'une part à la compilation (est-ce que smc91111 est compilé (CC)) et d'autre part dans le fichier /usr/src/linux/.config si tu es parvenue à déterminer la constante "CONFIG_..." correspondantes. C'est d'ailleurs la raison pour laquelle je t'ai fait faire des grep sur ce fichier : apparemment il n'y a pas de constantes qui a directement le bon nom. C'est aussi pour ça que j'ai commencé à te demander des informations sur les sources, en vue de la déterminer.
Comme on n'est pas parvenu à trouver la constantes comme ça, on passe sur une autre approche. Chaque répertoire de source de noyau contient un fichier Kconfig, qui est utilisé pour retrouver les fameuses dépendances dont on a parlé. C'est également à partir de ces fichiers que make menuconfig parvient à générer des menus cohérents. En d'autres termes, ces fichiers vont nous permettre de retrouver l'information qu'on n'a toujours pas trouvé.
Supposons que le fichier smc91111.c soit dans le répertoire "net", alors dans ce même répertoire tu devrais trouver le fichier Kconfig qui nous intéresse, car il nous donnera la constante à activer (ainsi que ces dépendances). Reporte-moi le contenu de ce fichier au besoin. S'il est trop long, mets le en partage sur rapidshare et donne-moi le lien pour que je puisse le regarder.
Partant de là , tu devrais être en mesure de déduire quelles fonctionnalités activer dans make menuconfig (l'arborescence des menus de make menuconfig suit globalement celle des sources).
Bon :-) J'espère qu'on va s'en sortir car il est bien récalcitrant ce noyau (c'est pour ça que je l'ai qualifié de "fichu noyau" dans mon message précédent, ce n'était pas de l'énervement !).
Bon courage !
Si j'ai bien tout suivi, ce sont dans ces sources que tu as un fichier smc91111.c qui est sensé prendre en charge ta carte réseau. Cela signifie que ce noyau une fois compilé (ou un de ses modules) peut prendre en charge ta carte. À ce stade si tu démarres sur le noyau ainsi compilé et que la carte n'est pas reconnue, c'est
- soit que le module en question n'est pas chargé,
- soit qu'il n'existe pas et que le noyau ne prend pas en charge cette carte.
En fait tu peux le voir d'une part à la compilation (est-ce que smc91111 est compilé (CC)) et d'autre part dans le fichier /usr/src/linux/.config si tu es parvenue à déterminer la constante "CONFIG_..." correspondantes. C'est d'ailleurs la raison pour laquelle je t'ai fait faire des grep sur ce fichier : apparemment il n'y a pas de constantes qui a directement le bon nom. C'est aussi pour ça que j'ai commencé à te demander des informations sur les sources, en vue de la déterminer.
Comme on n'est pas parvenu à trouver la constantes comme ça, on passe sur une autre approche. Chaque répertoire de source de noyau contient un fichier Kconfig, qui est utilisé pour retrouver les fameuses dépendances dont on a parlé. C'est également à partir de ces fichiers que make menuconfig parvient à générer des menus cohérents. En d'autres termes, ces fichiers vont nous permettre de retrouver l'information qu'on n'a toujours pas trouvé.
Supposons que le fichier smc91111.c soit dans le répertoire "net", alors dans ce même répertoire tu devrais trouver le fichier Kconfig qui nous intéresse, car il nous donnera la constante à activer (ainsi que ces dépendances). Reporte-moi le contenu de ce fichier au besoin. S'il est trop long, mets le en partage sur rapidshare et donne-moi le lien pour que je puisse le regarder.
Partant de là , tu devrais être en mesure de déduire quelles fonctionnalités activer dans make menuconfig (l'arborescence des menus de make menuconfig suit globalement celle des sources).
Bon :-) J'espère qu'on va s'en sortir car il est bien récalcitrant ce noyau (c'est pour ça que je l'ai qualifié de "fichu noyau" dans mon message précédent, ce n'était pas de l'énervement !).
Bon courage !
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 5 août 2011
Dernière intervention
11 août 2011
8 août 2011 à 10:44
8 août 2011 à 10:44
Bonjour, ci joint, le fichier kconfig du drivers/net. Pour ma part je crois qu'il est bien configurer pour prendre en charge le driver de ma carte. Il se peut que je n'ai pas bien observé. À vous l'honneur :)
# Network device configuration
menuconfig NETDEVICES
default y if UML
depends on NET
bool "Network device support"
You can say N here if you don't intend to connect your Linux box to
any other computer at all.
You'll have to say Y if your computer contains a network card that
you want to use under Linux. If you are going to run SLIP or PPP over
telephone line or null modem cable you need say Y here. Connecting
two machines with parallel ports using PLIP needs this, as well as
AX.25/KISS for sending Internet traffic over amateur radio links.
See also "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide" by Olaf Kirch and
Terry Dawson. Available at <>.
If unsure, say Y.
# All the following symbols are dependent on NETDEVICES - do not repeat
# that for each of the symbols.
config IFB
tristate "Intermediate Functional Block support"
depends on NET_CLS_ACT
This is an intermediate driver that allows sharing of
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called ifb. If you want to use more than one ifb
device at a time, you need to compile this driver as a module.
Instead of 'ifb', the devices will then be called 'ifb0',
'ifb1' etc.
Look at the iproute2 documentation directory for usage etc
config DUMMY
tristate "Dummy net driver support"
This is essentially a bit-bucket device (i.e. traffic you send to
this device is consigned into oblivion) with a configurable IP
address. It is most commonly used in order to make your currently
inactive SLIP address seem like a real address for local programs.
If you use SLIP or PPP, you might want to say Y here. Since this
thing often comes in handy, the default is Y. It won't enlarge your
kernel either. What a deal. Read about it in the Network
Administrator's Guide, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called dummy. If you want to use more than one dummy
device at a time, you need to compile this driver as a module.
Instead of 'dummy', the devices will then be called 'dummy0',
'dummy1' etc.
config BONDING
tristate "Bonding driver support"
depends on INET
depends on IPV6 || IPV6=n
Say 'Y' or 'M' if you wish to be able to 'bond' multiple Ethernet
Channels together. This is called 'Etherchannel' by Cisco,
'Trunking' by Sun, 802.3ad by the IEEE, and 'Bonding' in Linux.
The driver supports multiple bonding modes to allow for both high
performance and high availability operation.
Refer to <file:Documentation/networking/bonding.txt> for more
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called bonding.
config MACVLAN
tristate "MAC-VLAN support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
This allows one to create virtual interfaces that map packets to
or from specific MAC addresses to a particular interface.
Macvlan devices can be added using the "ip" command from the
iproute2 package starting with the iproute2-2.6.23 release:
"ip link add link <real dev> [ address MAC ] [ NAME ] type macvlan"
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macvlan.
config MACVTAP
tristate "MAC-VLAN based tap driver (EXPERIMENTAL)"
depends on MACVLAN
This adds a specialized tap character device driver that is based
on the MAC-VLAN network interface, called macvtap. A macvtap device
can be added in the same way as a macvlan device, using 'type
macvlan', and then be accessed through the tap user space interface.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macvtap.
tristate "EQL (serial line load balancing) support"
If you have two serial connections to some other computer (this
usually requires two modems and two telephone lines) and you use
SLIP (the protocol for sending Internet traffic over telephone
lines) or PPP (a better SLIP) on them, you can make them behave like
one double speed connection using this driver. Naturally, this has
to be supported at the other end as well, either with a similar EQL
Linux driver or with a Livingston Portmaster 2e.
Say Y if you want this and read
<file:Documentation/networking/eql.txt>. You may also want to read
section 6.2 of the NET-3-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called eql. If unsure, say N.
config TUN
tristate "Universal TUN/TAP device driver support"
select CRC32
TUN/TAP provides packet reception and transmission for user space
programs. It can be viewed as a simple Point-to-Point or Ethernet
device, which instead of receiving packets from a physical media,
receives them from user space program and instead of sending packets
via physical media writes them to the user space program.
When a program opens /dev/net/tun, driver creates and registers
corresponding net device tunX or tapX. After a program closed above
devices, driver will automatically delete tunXX or tapXX device and
all routes corresponding to it.
Please read <file:Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt> for more
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called tun.
If you don't know what to use this for, you don't need it.
config VETH
tristate "Virtual ethernet pair device"
This device is a local ethernet tunnel. Devices are created in pairs.
When one end receives the packet it appears on its pair and vice
config NET_SB1000
tristate "General Instruments Surfboard 1000"
depends on PNP
This is a driver for the General Instrument (also known as
NextLevel) SURFboard 1000 internal
cable modem. This is an ISA card which is used by a number of cable
TV companies to provide cable modem access. It's a one-way
downstream-only cable modem, meaning that your upstream net link is
provided by your regular phone modem.
At present this driver only compiles as a module, so say M here if
you have this card. The module will be called sb1000. Then read
<file:Documentation/networking/README.sb1000> for information on how
to use this module, as it needs special ppp scripts for establishing
a connection. Further documentation and the necessary scripts can be
found at:
If you don't have this card, of course say N.
source "drivers/net/arcnet/Kconfig"
config MII
tristate "Generic Media Independent Interface device support"
Most ethernet controllers have MII transceiver either as an external
or internal device. It is safe to say Y or M here even if your
ethernet card lacks MII.
source "drivers/net/phy/Kconfig"
# Ethernet
menuconfig NET_ETHERNET
bool "Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)"
depends on !UML
Ethernet (also called IEEE 802.3 or ISO 8802-2) is the most common
type of Local Area Network (LAN) in universities and companies.
Common varieties of Ethernet are: 10BASE-2 or Thinnet (10 Mbps over
coaxial cable, linking computers in a chain), 10BASE-T or twisted
pair (10 Mbps over twisted pair cable, linking computers to central
hubs), 10BASE-F (10 Mbps over optical fiber links, using hubs),
100BASE-TX (100 Mbps over two twisted pair cables, using hubs),
100BASE-T4 (100 Mbps over 4 standard voice-grade twisted pair
cables, using hubs), 100BASE-FX (100 Mbps over optical fiber links)
[the 100BASE varieties are also known as Fast Ethernet], and Gigabit
Ethernet (1 Gbps over optical fiber or short copper links).
If your Linux machine will be connected to an Ethernet and you have
an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) installed in your computer,
say Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. You will then also have
to say Y to the driver for your particular NIC.
Note that the answer to this question won't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about Ethernet network cards. If unsure, say N.
config MACB
tristate "Atmel MACB support"
depends on HAVE_NET_MACB
select PHYLIB
The Atmel MACB ethernet interface is found on many AT32 and AT91
parts. Say Y to include support for the MACB chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macb.
source "drivers/net/arm/Kconfig"
config AX88796
tristate "ASIX AX88796 NE2000 clone support"
depends on ARM || MIPS || SUPERH
select PHYLIB
AX88796 driver, using platform bus to provide
chip detection and resources
config AX88796_93CX6
bool "ASIX AX88796 external 93CX6 eeprom support"
depends on AX88796
select EEPROM_93CX6
Select this if your platform comes with an external 93CX6 eeprom.
config MACE
tristate "MACE (Power Mac ethernet) support"
depends on PPC_PMAC && PPC32
select CRC32
Power Macintoshes and clones with Ethernet built-in on the
motherboard will usually use a MACE (Medium Access Control for
Ethernet) interface. Say Y to include support for the MACE chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called mace.
bool "Use AAUI port instead of TP by default"
depends on MACE
Some Apple machines (notably the Apple Network Server) which use the
MACE ethernet chip have an Apple AUI port (small 15-pin connector),
instead of an 8-pin RJ45 connector for twisted-pair ethernet. Say
Y here if you have such a machine. If unsure, say N.
The driver will default to AAUI on ANS anyway, and if you use it as
a module, you can provide the port_aaui=0|1 to force the driver.
config BMAC
tristate "BMAC (G3 ethernet) support"
depends on PPC_PMAC && PPC32
select CRC32
Say Y for support of BMAC Ethernet interfaces. These are used on G3
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called bmac.
config ARIADNE
tristate "Ariadne support"
depends on ZORRO
If you have a Village Tronic Ariadne Ethernet adapter, say Y.
Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called ariadne.
config A2065
tristate "A2065 support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
If you have a Commodore A2065 Ethernet adapter, say Y. Otherwise,
say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called a2065.
config HYDRA
tristate "Hydra support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
If you have a Hydra Ethernet adapter, say Y. Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called hydra.
config ZORRO8390
tristate "Zorro NS8390-based Ethernet support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
This driver is for Zorro Ethernet cards using an NS8390-compatible
chipset, like the Village Tronic Ariadne II and the Individual
Computers X-Surf Ethernet cards. If you have such a card, say Y.
Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called zorro8390.
config APNE
tristate "PCMCIA NE2000 support"
depends on AMIGA_PCMCIA
select CRC32
If you have a PCMCIA NE2000 compatible adapter, say Y. Otherwise,
say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called apne.
config MAC8390
bool "Macintosh NS 8390 based ethernet cards"
depends on MAC
select CRC32
If you want to include a driver to support Nubus or LC-PDS
Ethernet cards using an NS8390 chipset or its equivalent, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config MAC89x0
tristate "Macintosh CS89x0 based ethernet cards"
depends on MAC
Support for CS89x0 chipset based Ethernet cards. If you have a
Nubus or LC-PDS network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and
read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. This module will
be called mac89x0.
tristate "Macintosh SONIC based ethernet (onboard, NuBus, LC, CS)"
depends on MAC
Support for NatSemi SONIC based Ethernet devices. This includes
the onboard Ethernet in many Quadras as well as some LC-PDS,
a few Nubus and all known Comm Slot Ethernet cards. If you have
one of these say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. This module will
be called macsonic.
config MACMACE
bool "Macintosh (AV) onboard MACE ethernet"
depends on MAC
select CRC32
Support for the onboard AMD 79C940 MACE Ethernet controller used in
the 660AV and 840AV Macintosh. If you have one of these Macintoshes
say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config MVME147_NET
tristate "MVME147 (Lance) Ethernet support"
depends on MVME147
select CRC32
Support for the on-board Ethernet interface on the Motorola MVME147
single-board computer. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
config MVME16x_NET
tristate "MVME16x Ethernet support"
depends on MVME16x
This is the driver for the Ethernet interface on the Motorola
MVME162, 166, 167, 172 and 177 boards. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
config BVME6000_NET
tristate "BVME6000 Ethernet support"
depends on BVME6000
This is the driver for the Ethernet interface on BVME4000 and
BVME6000 VME boards. Say Y here to include the driver for this chip
in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
tristate "Atari Lance support"
depends on ATARI
Say Y to include support for several Atari Ethernet adapters based
on the AMD Lance chipset: RieblCard (with or without battery), or
PAMCard VME (also the version by Rhotron, with different addresses).
config SUN3LANCE
tristate "Sun3/Sun3x on-board LANCE support"
depends on SUN3 || SUN3X
Most Sun3 and Sun3x motherboards (including the 3/50, 3/60 and 3/80)
featured an AMD Lance 10Mbit Ethernet controller on board; say Y
here to compile in the Linux driver for this and enable Ethernet.
General Linux information on the Sun 3 and 3x series (now
discontinued) is at
If you're not building a kernel for a Sun 3, say N.
config SUN3_82586
bool "Sun3 on-board Intel 82586 support"
depends on SUN3
This driver enables support for the on-board Intel 82586 based
Ethernet adapter found on Sun 3/1xx and 3/2xx motherboards. Note
that this driver does not support 82586-based adapters on additional
VME boards.
config HPLANCE
bool "HP on-board LANCE support"
depends on DIO
select CRC32
If you want to use the builtin "LANCE" Ethernet controller on an
HP300 machine, say Y here.
config LASI_82596
tristate "Lasi ethernet"
depends on GSC
Say Y here to support the builtin Intel 82596 ethernet controller
found in Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC machines with 10Mbit ethernet.
config SNI_82596
tristate "SNI RM ethernet"
depends on NET_ETHERNET && SNI_RM
Say Y here to support the on-board Intel 82596 ethernet controller
built into SNI RM machines.
config KORINA
tristate "Korina (IDT RC32434) Ethernet support"
If you have a Mikrotik RouterBoard 500 or IDT RC32434
based system say Y. Otherwise say N.
tristate "MIPS JAZZ onboard SONIC Ethernet support"
depends on MACH_JAZZ
This is the driver for the onboard card of MIPS Magnum 4000,
Acer PICA, Olivetti M700-10 and a few other identical OEM systems.
config XTENSA_XT2000_SONIC
tristate "Xtensa XT2000 onboard SONIC Ethernet support"
depends on XTENSA_PLATFORM_XT2000
This is the driver for the onboard card of the Xtensa XT2000 board.
config MIPS_AU1X00_ENET
tristate "MIPS AU1000 Ethernet support"
depends on MIPS_ALCHEMY
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
If you have an Alchemy Semi AU1X00 based system
say Y. Otherwise, say N.
config SGI_IOC3_ETH
bool "SGI IOC3 Ethernet"
depends on PCI && SGI_IP27
select CRC32
select MII
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
tristate "MIPS simulator Network device"
depends on MIPS_SIM
The MIPSNET device is a simple Ethernet network device which is
emulated by the MIPS Simulator.
If you are not using a MIPSsim or are unsure, say N.
tristate "SGI O2 MACE Fast Ethernet support"
depends on SGI_IP32=y
config STNIC
tristate "National DP83902AV support"
depends on SUPERH
select CRC32
Support for cards based on the National Semiconductor DP83902AV
ST-NIC Serial Network Interface Controller for Twisted Pair. This
is a 10Mbit/sec Ethernet controller. Product overview and specs at
If unsure, say N.
config SH_ETH
tristate "Renesas SuperH Ethernet support"
depends on SUPERH && \
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
Renesas SuperH Ethernet device driver.
This driver supporting CPUs are:
- SH7710, SH7712, SH7763, SH7619, SH7724, and SH7757.
tristate "Sun LANCE support"
depends on SBUS
select CRC32
This driver supports the "le" interface present on all 32-bit Sparc
systems, on some older Ultra systems and as an Sbus option. These
cards are based on the AMD Lance chipset, which is better known
via the NE2100 cards.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunlance.
tristate "Sun Happy Meal 10/100baseT support"
depends on SBUS || PCI
select CRC32
This driver supports the "hme" interface present on most Ultra
systems and as an option on older Sbus systems. This driver supports
both PCI and Sbus devices. This driver also supports the "qfe" quad
100baseT device available in both PCI and Sbus configurations.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunhme.
config SUNBMAC
tristate "Sun BigMAC 10/100baseT support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
select CRC32
This driver supports the "be" interface available as an Sbus option.
This is Sun's older 100baseT Ethernet device.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunbmac.
config SUNQE
tristate "Sun QuadEthernet support"
depends on SBUS
select CRC32
This driver supports the "qe" 10baseT Ethernet device, available as
an Sbus option. Note that this is not the same as Quad FastEthernet
"qfe" which is supported by the Happy Meal driver instead.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunqe.
config SUNGEM
tristate "Sun GEM support"
depends on PCI
select CRC32
Support for the Sun GEM chip, aka Sun GigabitEthernet/P 2.0. See also
config CASSINI
tristate "Sun Cassini support"
depends on PCI
select CRC32
Support for the Sun Cassini chip, aka Sun GigaSwift Ethernet. See also
config SUNVNET
tristate "Sun Virtual Network support"
depends on SUN_LDOMS
Support for virtual network devices under Sun Logical Domains.
bool "3COM cards"
depends on ISA || EISA || MCA || PCI
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about 3COM cards. If you say Y, you will be asked for
your specific card in the following questions.
config EL1
tristate "3c501 \"EtherLink\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Also, consider buying a
new card, since the 3c501 is slow, broken, and obsolete: you will
have problems. Some people suggest to ping ("man ping") a nearby
machine every minute ("man cron") when using this card.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c501.
config EL2
tristate "3c503 \"EtherLink II\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c503.
config ELPLUS
tristate "3c505 \"EtherLink Plus\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA && ISA_DMA_API
Information about this network (Ethernet) card can be found in
<file:Documentation/networking/3c505.txt>. If you have a card of
this type, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c505.
config EL16
tristate "3c507 \"EtherLink 16\" support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c507.
config EL3
tristate "3c509/3c529 (MCA)/3c579 \"EtherLink III\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (ISA || EISA || MCA)
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to the 3Com
EtherLinkIII series, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available
from <>.
If your card is not working you may need to use the DOS
setup disk to disable Plug & Play mode, and to select the default
media type.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c509.
config 3C515
tristate "3c515 ISA \"Fast EtherLink\""
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (ISA || EISA) && ISA_DMA_API
If you have a 3Com ISA EtherLink XL "Corkscrew" 3c515 Fast Ethernet
network card, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c515.
config ELMC
tristate "3c523 \"EtherLink/MC\" support"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c523.
config ELMC_II
tristate "3c527 \"EtherLink/MC 32\" support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c527.
config VORTEX
tristate "3c590/3c900 series (592/595/597) \"Vortex/Boomerang\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (PCI || EISA)
select MII
This option enables driver support for a large number of 10Mbps and
10/100Mbps EISA, PCI and PCMCIA 3Com network cards:
"Vortex" (Fast EtherLink 3c590/3c592/3c595/3c597) EISA and PCI
"Boomerang" (EtherLink XL 3c900 or 3c905) PCI
"Cyclone" (3c540/3c900/3c905/3c980/3c575/3c656) PCI and Cardbus
"Tornado" (3c905) PCI
"Hurricane" (3c555/3cSOHO) PCI
If you have such a card, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>. More
specific information is in
<file:Documentation/networking/vortex.txt> and in the comments at
the beginning of <file:drivers/net/3c59x.c>.
To compile this support as a module, choose M here.
config TYPHOON
tristate "3cr990 series \"Typhoon\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && PCI
select CRC32
This option enables driver support for the 3cr990 series of cards:
3C990-TX, 3CR990-TX-95, 3CR990-TX-97, 3CR990-FX-95, 3CR990-FX-97,
3CR990SVR, 3CR990SVR95, 3CR990SVR97, 3CR990-FX-95 Server,
3CR990-FX-97 Server, 3C990B-TX-M, 3C990BSVR
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called typhoon.
config LANCE
tristate "AMD LANCE and PCnet (AT1500 and NE2100) support"
depends on ISA && ISA_DMA_API
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Some LinkSys cards are
of this type.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called lance. This is recommended.
bool "Western Digital/SMC cards"
depends on ISA || MCA || EISA || MAC || EMBEDDED || CONLDFIRE
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about Western Digital cards. If you say Y, you will be
asked for your specific card in the following questions.
config WD80x3
tristate "WD80*3 support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called wd.
tristate "SMC Ultra MCA support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && MCA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type and are running
an MCA based system (PS/2), say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-mca.
config ULTRA
tristate "SMC Ultra support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Important: There have been many reports that, with some motherboards
mixing an SMC Ultra and an Adaptec AHA154x SCSI card (or compatible,
such as some BusLogic models) causes corruption problems with many
operating systems. The Linux smc-ultra driver has a work-around for
this but keep it in mind if you have such a SCSI card and have
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-ultra.
config ULTRA32
tristate "SMC Ultra32 EISA support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && EISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-ultra32.
config BFIN_MAC
tristate "Blackfin on-chip MAC support"
depends on NET_ETHERNET && (BF516 || BF518 || BF526 || BF527 || BF536 || BF537)
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
This is the driver for Blackfin on-chip mac device. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel. This driver is also available as a module
( = code which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
whenever you want). The module will be called bfin_mac.
config BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
bool "Use L1 memory for rx/tx packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC && (BF527 || BF537)
default y
To get maximum network performance, you should use L1 memory as rx/tx buffers.
Say N here if you want to reserve L1 memory for other uses.
int "Number of transmit buffer packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC
range 6 10 if BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
range 10 100
default "10"
Set the number of buffer packets used in driver.
int "Number of receive buffer packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC
range 20 100 if BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
range 20 800
default "20"
Set the number of buffer packets used in driver.
bool "Use IEEE 1588 hwstamp"
depends on BFIN_MAC && BF518
default y
To support the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP), select y here
config SMC9194
tristate "SMC 9194 support"
select CRC32
This is support for the SMC9xxx based Ethernet cards. Choose this
option if you have a DELL laptop with the docking station, or
another SMC9192/9194 based chipset. Say Y if you want it compiled
into the kernel, and read the file
<file:Documentation/networking/smc9.txt> and the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc9194.
config OPEN_ETH
bool "Opencores (Igor) Emac support"
This is support for the opencores Igor emac driver implemented
in an FPGA.
config MTIP1000_ETH
bool "MoreThanIP 10_100_1000 Emac support"
This is support for the MoreThanIP 10_100_1000 emac driver implemented
in an FPGA.
config SMC91X
tristate "SMC 91C9x/91C1xxx support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \
This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets,
including the SMC91C94 and the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel, and read the file
<file:Documentation/networking/smc9.txt> and the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
This driver is also available as a module ( = code which can be
inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want).
The module will be called smc91x. If you want to compile it as a
module, say M here and read <file:Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt>.
config SMC91111
tristate "SMC 91C1111 support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \
This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets,
including the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel.
config PXA168_ETH
tristate "Marvell pxa168 ethernet support"
depends on CPU_PXA168
select PHYLIB
This driver supports the pxa168 Ethernet ports.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called pxa168_eth.
config NET_NETX
tristate "NetX Ethernet support"
select MII
depends on ARCH_NETX
This is support for the Hilscher netX builtin Ethernet ports
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called netx-eth.
tristate "TI DaVinci EMAC Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
select PHYLIB
This driver supports TI's DaVinci Ethernet .
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_emac_driver. This is recommended.
tristate "TI DaVinci MDIO Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
select PHYLIB
This driver supports TI's DaVinci MDIO module.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_mdio. This is recommended.
tristate "TI DaVinci CPDMA Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
This driver supports TI's DaVinci CPDMA dma engine.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_cpdma. This is recommended.
config DM9000
tristate "DM9000 support"
depends on ARM || BLACKFIN || MIPS || NIOS || NIOS2
select CRC32
select MII
Support for DM9000 chipset.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called dm9000.
config DM9000_DEBUGLEVEL
int "DM9000 maximum debug level"
depends on DM9000
default 4
The maximum level of debugging code compiled into the DM9000
bool "Force simple NSR based PHY polling"
depends on DM9000
This configuration forces the DM9000 to use the NSR's LinkStatus
bit to determine if the link is up or down instead of the more
costly MII PHY reads. Note, this will not work if the chip is
operating with an external PHY.
config DM9KS
tristate "DM9000A with checksum offloading"
depends on (ARM || MIPS || NIOS || NIOS2) && NET_ETHERNET
select CRC32
select MII
Support for DM9000A chipset with checksum offloading. Factory driver.
config ETH_KS8695
tristate "KS8695 ethernet support"
depends on ARCH_KS8695
Say 'Y' here to enable support for the Kendin-Micrel KS8695 internal
ethernet ports.
config ENC28J60
tristate "ENC28J60 support"
select CRC32
Support for the Microchip EN28J60 ethernet chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be
called enc28j60.
bool "Enable write verify"
depends on ENC28J60
Enable the verify after the buffer write useful for debugging purpose.
If unsure, say N.
config ETHOC
tristate "OpenCores 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC support"
select MII
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
Say Y here if you want to use the OpenCores 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC.
config GRETH
tristate "Aeroflex Gaisler GRETH Ethernet MAC support"
depends on SPARC
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
Say Y here if you want to use the Aeroflex Gaisler GRETH Ethernet MAC.
config SMC911X
tristate "SMSC LAN911[5678] support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || SUPERH || MN10300 || NIOS || NIOS2
This is a driver for SMSC's LAN911x series of Ethernet chipsets
including the new LAN9115, LAN9116, LAN9117, and LAN9118.
Say Y if you want it compiled into the kernel,
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
This driver is also available as a module. The module will be
called smc911x. If you want to compile it as a module, say M
here and read <file:Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt>
config SMSC911X
tristate "SMSC LAN911x/LAN921x families embedded ethernet support"
depends on ARM || SUPERH || BLACKFIN || MIPS || MN10300 || COLDFIRE
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
Say Y here if you want support for SMSC LAN911x and LAN921x families
of ethernet controllers.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here and read
<file:Documentation/networking/net-modules.txt>. The module
will be called smsc911x.
def_bool n
depends on SMSC911X
If the arch enables this, it allows the arch to implement various
hooks for more comprehensive interrupt control and also to override
the source of the MAC address.
bool "Racal-Interlan (Micom) NI cards"
depends on ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, such
as the NI5010, NI5210 or NI6210, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about NI cards. If you say Y, you will be asked for
your specific card in the following questions.
config NI5010
tristate "NI5010 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Note that this is still
experimental code.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni5010.
config NI52
tristate "NI5210 support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_RACAL && ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni52.
config NI65
tristate "NI6510 support"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni65.
config DNET
tristate "Dave ethernet support (DNET)"
select PHYLIB
The Dave ethernet interface (DNET) is found on Qong Board FPGA.
Say Y to include support for the DNET chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called dnet.
source "drivers/net/tulip/Kconfig"
config AT1700
tristate "AT1700/1720 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called at1700.
config DEPCA
tristate "DEPCA, DE10x, DE200, DE201, DE202, DE422 support"
depends on ISA || EISA || MCA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<> as well as
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called depca.
config HP100
tristate "HP 10/100VG PCLAN (ISA, EISA, PCI) support"
depends on ISA || EISA || PCI
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp100.
config NET_ISA
bool "Other ISA cards"
depends on ISA
If your network (Ethernet) card hasn't been mentioned yet and its
bus system (that's the way the cards talks to the other components
of your computer) is ISA (as opposed to EISA, VLB or PCI), say Y.
Make sure you know the name of your card. Read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
If unsure, say Y.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the remaining ISA network card questions. If you say Y, you will be
asked for your specific card in the following questions.
config E2100
tristate "Cabletron E21xx support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called e2100.
config EWRK3
tristate "EtherWORKS 3 (DE203, DE204, DE205) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
This driver supports the DE203, DE204 and DE205 network (Ethernet)
cards. If this is for you, say Y and read
<file:Documentation/networking/ewrk3.txt> in the kernel source as
well as the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ewrk3.
tristate "EtherExpress 16 support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have an EtherExpress16 network (Ethernet) card, say Y and
read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Note that the Intel
EtherExpress16 card used to be regarded as a very poor choice
because the driver was very unreliable. We now have a new driver
that should do better.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eexpress.
tristate "EtherExpressPro support/EtherExpress 10 (i82595) support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y. This
driver supports Intel i82595{FX,TX} based boards. Note however
that the EtherExpress PRO/100 Ethernet card has its own separate
driver. Please read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eepro.
tristate "HP PCLAN+ (27247B and 27252A) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp-plus.
config HPLAN
tristate "HP PCLAN (27245 and other 27xxx series) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp.
config LP486E
tristate "LP486E on board Ethernet"
depends on NET_ISA
Say Y here to support the 82596-based on-board Ethernet controller
for the Panther motherboard, which is one of the two shipped in the
Intel Professional Workstation.
config ETH16I
tristate "ICL EtherTeam 16i/32 support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eth16i.
config NE2000
tristate "NE2000/NE1000 support"
depends on NET_ISA || (Q40 && m) || M32R || MACH_TX49XX || M68K
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Many Ethernet cards
without a specific driver are compatible with NE2000.
If you have a PCI NE2000 card however, say N here and Y to "PCI
NE2000 and clone support" under "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board
controllers" below. If you have a NE2000 card and are running on
an MCA system (a bus system used on some IBM PS/2 computers and
laptops), say N here and Y to "NE/2 (ne2000 MCA version) support",
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ne.
config ZNET
tristate "Zenith Z-Note support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
The Zenith Z-Note notebook computer has a built-in network
(Ethernet) card, and this is the Linux driver for it. Note that the
IBM Thinkpad 300 is compatible with the Z-Note and is also supported
by this driver. Read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config SEEQ8005
tristate "SEEQ8005 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
This is a driver for the SEEQ 8005 network (Ethernet) card. If this
is for you, read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called seeq8005.
config NE2_MCA
tristate "NE/2 (ne2000 MCA version) support"
depends on MCA_LEGACY
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ne2.
config IBMLANA
tristate "IBM LAN Adapter/A support"
depends on MCA
This is a Micro Channel Ethernet adapter. You need to set
CONFIG_MCA to use this driver. It is both available as an in-kernel
driver and as a module.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The only
currently supported card is the IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet. It
will both support 16K and 32K memory windows, however a 32K window
gives a better security against packet losses. Usage of multiple
boards with this driver should be possible, but has not been tested
up to now due to lack of hardware.
config IBMVETH
tristate "IBM LAN Virtual Ethernet support"
depends on PPC_PSERIES
This driver supports virtual ethernet adapters on newer IBM iSeries
and pSeries systems.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will
be called ibmveth.
source "drivers/net/ibm_newemac/Kconfig"
config NET_PCI
bool "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers"
depends on ISA || EISA || PCI || EMBEDDED
This is another class of network cards which attach directly to the
bus. If you have one of those, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about this class of network cards. If you say Y, you
will be asked for your specific card in the following questions. If
you are unsure, say Y.
config PCNET32
tristate "AMD PCnet32 PCI support"
depends on NET_PCI && PCI
select CRC32
select MII
If you have a PCnet32 or PCnetPCI based network (Ethernet) card,
answer Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called pcnet32.
config AMD8111_ETH
tristate "AMD 8111 (new PCI lance) support"
depends on NET_PCI && PCI
select CRC32
select MII
If you have an AMD 8111-based PCI lance ethernet card,
answer Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called amd8111e.
# Network device configuration
menuconfig NETDEVICES
default y if UML
depends on NET
bool "Network device support"
You can say N here if you don't intend to connect your Linux box to
any other computer at all.
You'll have to say Y if your computer contains a network card that
you want to use under Linux. If you are going to run SLIP or PPP over
telephone line or null modem cable you need say Y here. Connecting
two machines with parallel ports using PLIP needs this, as well as
AX.25/KISS for sending Internet traffic over amateur radio links.
See also "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide" by Olaf Kirch and
Terry Dawson. Available at <>.
If unsure, say Y.
# All the following symbols are dependent on NETDEVICES - do not repeat
# that for each of the symbols.
config IFB
tristate "Intermediate Functional Block support"
depends on NET_CLS_ACT
This is an intermediate driver that allows sharing of
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called ifb. If you want to use more than one ifb
device at a time, you need to compile this driver as a module.
Instead of 'ifb', the devices will then be called 'ifb0',
'ifb1' etc.
Look at the iproute2 documentation directory for usage etc
config DUMMY
tristate "Dummy net driver support"
This is essentially a bit-bucket device (i.e. traffic you send to
this device is consigned into oblivion) with a configurable IP
address. It is most commonly used in order to make your currently
inactive SLIP address seem like a real address for local programs.
If you use SLIP or PPP, you might want to say Y here. Since this
thing often comes in handy, the default is Y. It won't enlarge your
kernel either. What a deal. Read about it in the Network
Administrator's Guide, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called dummy. If you want to use more than one dummy
device at a time, you need to compile this driver as a module.
Instead of 'dummy', the devices will then be called 'dummy0',
'dummy1' etc.
config BONDING
tristate "Bonding driver support"
depends on INET
depends on IPV6 || IPV6=n
Say 'Y' or 'M' if you wish to be able to 'bond' multiple Ethernet
Channels together. This is called 'Etherchannel' by Cisco,
'Trunking' by Sun, 802.3ad by the IEEE, and 'Bonding' in Linux.
The driver supports multiple bonding modes to allow for both high
performance and high availability operation.
Refer to <file:Documentation/networking/bonding.txt> for more
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called bonding.
config MACVLAN
tristate "MAC-VLAN support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
This allows one to create virtual interfaces that map packets to
or from specific MAC addresses to a particular interface.
Macvlan devices can be added using the "ip" command from the
iproute2 package starting with the iproute2-2.6.23 release:
"ip link add link <real dev> [ address MAC ] [ NAME ] type macvlan"
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macvlan.
config MACVTAP
tristate "MAC-VLAN based tap driver (EXPERIMENTAL)"
depends on MACVLAN
This adds a specialized tap character device driver that is based
on the MAC-VLAN network interface, called macvtap. A macvtap device
can be added in the same way as a macvlan device, using 'type
macvlan', and then be accessed through the tap user space interface.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macvtap.
tristate "EQL (serial line load balancing) support"
If you have two serial connections to some other computer (this
usually requires two modems and two telephone lines) and you use
SLIP (the protocol for sending Internet traffic over telephone
lines) or PPP (a better SLIP) on them, you can make them behave like
one double speed connection using this driver. Naturally, this has
to be supported at the other end as well, either with a similar EQL
Linux driver or with a Livingston Portmaster 2e.
Say Y if you want this and read
<file:Documentation/networking/eql.txt>. You may also want to read
section 6.2 of the NET-3-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called eql. If unsure, say N.
config TUN
tristate "Universal TUN/TAP device driver support"
select CRC32
TUN/TAP provides packet reception and transmission for user space
programs. It can be viewed as a simple Point-to-Point or Ethernet
device, which instead of receiving packets from a physical media,
receives them from user space program and instead of sending packets
via physical media writes them to the user space program.
When a program opens /dev/net/tun, driver creates and registers
corresponding net device tunX or tapX. After a program closed above
devices, driver will automatically delete tunXX or tapXX device and
all routes corresponding to it.
Please read <file:Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt> for more
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called tun.
If you don't know what to use this for, you don't need it.
config VETH
tristate "Virtual ethernet pair device"
This device is a local ethernet tunnel. Devices are created in pairs.
When one end receives the packet it appears on its pair and vice
config NET_SB1000
tristate "General Instruments Surfboard 1000"
depends on PNP
This is a driver for the General Instrument (also known as
NextLevel) SURFboard 1000 internal
cable modem. This is an ISA card which is used by a number of cable
TV companies to provide cable modem access. It's a one-way
downstream-only cable modem, meaning that your upstream net link is
provided by your regular phone modem.
At present this driver only compiles as a module, so say M here if
you have this card. The module will be called sb1000. Then read
<file:Documentation/networking/README.sb1000> for information on how
to use this module, as it needs special ppp scripts for establishing
a connection. Further documentation and the necessary scripts can be
found at:
If you don't have this card, of course say N.
source "drivers/net/arcnet/Kconfig"
config MII
tristate "Generic Media Independent Interface device support"
Most ethernet controllers have MII transceiver either as an external
or internal device. It is safe to say Y or M here even if your
ethernet card lacks MII.
source "drivers/net/phy/Kconfig"
# Ethernet
menuconfig NET_ETHERNET
bool "Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)"
depends on !UML
Ethernet (also called IEEE 802.3 or ISO 8802-2) is the most common
type of Local Area Network (LAN) in universities and companies.
Common varieties of Ethernet are: 10BASE-2 or Thinnet (10 Mbps over
coaxial cable, linking computers in a chain), 10BASE-T or twisted
pair (10 Mbps over twisted pair cable, linking computers to central
hubs), 10BASE-F (10 Mbps over optical fiber links, using hubs),
100BASE-TX (100 Mbps over two twisted pair cables, using hubs),
100BASE-T4 (100 Mbps over 4 standard voice-grade twisted pair
cables, using hubs), 100BASE-FX (100 Mbps over optical fiber links)
[the 100BASE varieties are also known as Fast Ethernet], and Gigabit
Ethernet (1 Gbps over optical fiber or short copper links).
If your Linux machine will be connected to an Ethernet and you have
an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) installed in your computer,
say Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. You will then also have
to say Y to the driver for your particular NIC.
Note that the answer to this question won't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about Ethernet network cards. If unsure, say N.
config MACB
tristate "Atmel MACB support"
depends on HAVE_NET_MACB
select PHYLIB
The Atmel MACB ethernet interface is found on many AT32 and AT91
parts. Say Y to include support for the MACB chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called macb.
source "drivers/net/arm/Kconfig"
config AX88796
tristate "ASIX AX88796 NE2000 clone support"
depends on ARM || MIPS || SUPERH
select PHYLIB
AX88796 driver, using platform bus to provide
chip detection and resources
config AX88796_93CX6
bool "ASIX AX88796 external 93CX6 eeprom support"
depends on AX88796
select EEPROM_93CX6
Select this if your platform comes with an external 93CX6 eeprom.
config MACE
tristate "MACE (Power Mac ethernet) support"
depends on PPC_PMAC && PPC32
select CRC32
Power Macintoshes and clones with Ethernet built-in on the
motherboard will usually use a MACE (Medium Access Control for
Ethernet) interface. Say Y to include support for the MACE chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called mace.
bool "Use AAUI port instead of TP by default"
depends on MACE
Some Apple machines (notably the Apple Network Server) which use the
MACE ethernet chip have an Apple AUI port (small 15-pin connector),
instead of an 8-pin RJ45 connector for twisted-pair ethernet. Say
Y here if you have such a machine. If unsure, say N.
The driver will default to AAUI on ANS anyway, and if you use it as
a module, you can provide the port_aaui=0|1 to force the driver.
config BMAC
tristate "BMAC (G3 ethernet) support"
depends on PPC_PMAC && PPC32
select CRC32
Say Y for support of BMAC Ethernet interfaces. These are used on G3
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called bmac.
config ARIADNE
tristate "Ariadne support"
depends on ZORRO
If you have a Village Tronic Ariadne Ethernet adapter, say Y.
Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called ariadne.
config A2065
tristate "A2065 support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
If you have a Commodore A2065 Ethernet adapter, say Y. Otherwise,
say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called a2065.
config HYDRA
tristate "Hydra support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
If you have a Hydra Ethernet adapter, say Y. Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called hydra.
config ZORRO8390
tristate "Zorro NS8390-based Ethernet support"
depends on ZORRO
select CRC32
This driver is for Zorro Ethernet cards using an NS8390-compatible
chipset, like the Village Tronic Ariadne II and the Individual
Computers X-Surf Ethernet cards. If you have such a card, say Y.
Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called zorro8390.
config APNE
tristate "PCMCIA NE2000 support"
depends on AMIGA_PCMCIA
select CRC32
If you have a PCMCIA NE2000 compatible adapter, say Y. Otherwise,
say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called apne.
config MAC8390
bool "Macintosh NS 8390 based ethernet cards"
depends on MAC
select CRC32
If you want to include a driver to support Nubus or LC-PDS
Ethernet cards using an NS8390 chipset or its equivalent, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config MAC89x0
tristate "Macintosh CS89x0 based ethernet cards"
depends on MAC
Support for CS89x0 chipset based Ethernet cards. If you have a
Nubus or LC-PDS network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and
read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. This module will
be called mac89x0.
tristate "Macintosh SONIC based ethernet (onboard, NuBus, LC, CS)"
depends on MAC
Support for NatSemi SONIC based Ethernet devices. This includes
the onboard Ethernet in many Quadras as well as some LC-PDS,
a few Nubus and all known Comm Slot Ethernet cards. If you have
one of these say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. This module will
be called macsonic.
config MACMACE
bool "Macintosh (AV) onboard MACE ethernet"
depends on MAC
select CRC32
Support for the onboard AMD 79C940 MACE Ethernet controller used in
the 660AV and 840AV Macintosh. If you have one of these Macintoshes
say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config MVME147_NET
tristate "MVME147 (Lance) Ethernet support"
depends on MVME147
select CRC32
Support for the on-board Ethernet interface on the Motorola MVME147
single-board computer. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
config MVME16x_NET
tristate "MVME16x Ethernet support"
depends on MVME16x
This is the driver for the Ethernet interface on the Motorola
MVME162, 166, 167, 172 and 177 boards. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
config BVME6000_NET
tristate "BVME6000 Ethernet support"
depends on BVME6000
This is the driver for the Ethernet interface on BVME4000 and
BVME6000 VME boards. Say Y here to include the driver for this chip
in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
tristate "Atari Lance support"
depends on ATARI
Say Y to include support for several Atari Ethernet adapters based
on the AMD Lance chipset: RieblCard (with or without battery), or
PAMCard VME (also the version by Rhotron, with different addresses).
config SUN3LANCE
tristate "Sun3/Sun3x on-board LANCE support"
depends on SUN3 || SUN3X
Most Sun3 and Sun3x motherboards (including the 3/50, 3/60 and 3/80)
featured an AMD Lance 10Mbit Ethernet controller on board; say Y
here to compile in the Linux driver for this and enable Ethernet.
General Linux information on the Sun 3 and 3x series (now
discontinued) is at
If you're not building a kernel for a Sun 3, say N.
config SUN3_82586
bool "Sun3 on-board Intel 82586 support"
depends on SUN3
This driver enables support for the on-board Intel 82586 based
Ethernet adapter found on Sun 3/1xx and 3/2xx motherboards. Note
that this driver does not support 82586-based adapters on additional
VME boards.
config HPLANCE
bool "HP on-board LANCE support"
depends on DIO
select CRC32
If you want to use the builtin "LANCE" Ethernet controller on an
HP300 machine, say Y here.
config LASI_82596
tristate "Lasi ethernet"
depends on GSC
Say Y here to support the builtin Intel 82596 ethernet controller
found in Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC machines with 10Mbit ethernet.
config SNI_82596
tristate "SNI RM ethernet"
depends on NET_ETHERNET && SNI_RM
Say Y here to support the on-board Intel 82596 ethernet controller
built into SNI RM machines.
config KORINA
tristate "Korina (IDT RC32434) Ethernet support"
If you have a Mikrotik RouterBoard 500 or IDT RC32434
based system say Y. Otherwise say N.
tristate "MIPS JAZZ onboard SONIC Ethernet support"
depends on MACH_JAZZ
This is the driver for the onboard card of MIPS Magnum 4000,
Acer PICA, Olivetti M700-10 and a few other identical OEM systems.
config XTENSA_XT2000_SONIC
tristate "Xtensa XT2000 onboard SONIC Ethernet support"
depends on XTENSA_PLATFORM_XT2000
This is the driver for the onboard card of the Xtensa XT2000 board.
config MIPS_AU1X00_ENET
tristate "MIPS AU1000 Ethernet support"
depends on MIPS_ALCHEMY
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
If you have an Alchemy Semi AU1X00 based system
say Y. Otherwise, say N.
config SGI_IOC3_ETH
bool "SGI IOC3 Ethernet"
depends on PCI && SGI_IP27
select CRC32
select MII
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
tristate "MIPS simulator Network device"
depends on MIPS_SIM
The MIPSNET device is a simple Ethernet network device which is
emulated by the MIPS Simulator.
If you are not using a MIPSsim or are unsure, say N.
tristate "SGI O2 MACE Fast Ethernet support"
depends on SGI_IP32=y
config STNIC
tristate "National DP83902AV support"
depends on SUPERH
select CRC32
Support for cards based on the National Semiconductor DP83902AV
ST-NIC Serial Network Interface Controller for Twisted Pair. This
is a 10Mbit/sec Ethernet controller. Product overview and specs at
If unsure, say N.
config SH_ETH
tristate "Renesas SuperH Ethernet support"
depends on SUPERH && \
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
Renesas SuperH Ethernet device driver.
This driver supporting CPUs are:
- SH7710, SH7712, SH7763, SH7619, SH7724, and SH7757.
tristate "Sun LANCE support"
depends on SBUS
select CRC32
This driver supports the "le" interface present on all 32-bit Sparc
systems, on some older Ultra systems and as an Sbus option. These
cards are based on the AMD Lance chipset, which is better known
via the NE2100 cards.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunlance.
tristate "Sun Happy Meal 10/100baseT support"
depends on SBUS || PCI
select CRC32
This driver supports the "hme" interface present on most Ultra
systems and as an option on older Sbus systems. This driver supports
both PCI and Sbus devices. This driver also supports the "qfe" quad
100baseT device available in both PCI and Sbus configurations.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunhme.
config SUNBMAC
tristate "Sun BigMAC 10/100baseT support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
select CRC32
This driver supports the "be" interface available as an Sbus option.
This is Sun's older 100baseT Ethernet device.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunbmac.
config SUNQE
tristate "Sun QuadEthernet support"
depends on SBUS
select CRC32
This driver supports the "qe" 10baseT Ethernet device, available as
an Sbus option. Note that this is not the same as Quad FastEthernet
"qfe" which is supported by the Happy Meal driver instead.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called sunqe.
config SUNGEM
tristate "Sun GEM support"
depends on PCI
select CRC32
Support for the Sun GEM chip, aka Sun GigabitEthernet/P 2.0. See also
config CASSINI
tristate "Sun Cassini support"
depends on PCI
select CRC32
Support for the Sun Cassini chip, aka Sun GigaSwift Ethernet. See also
config SUNVNET
tristate "Sun Virtual Network support"
depends on SUN_LDOMS
Support for virtual network devices under Sun Logical Domains.
bool "3COM cards"
depends on ISA || EISA || MCA || PCI
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about 3COM cards. If you say Y, you will be asked for
your specific card in the following questions.
config EL1
tristate "3c501 \"EtherLink\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Also, consider buying a
new card, since the 3c501 is slow, broken, and obsolete: you will
have problems. Some people suggest to ping ("man ping") a nearby
machine every minute ("man cron") when using this card.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c501.
config EL2
tristate "3c503 \"EtherLink II\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c503.
config ELPLUS
tristate "3c505 \"EtherLink Plus\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && ISA && ISA_DMA_API
Information about this network (Ethernet) card can be found in
<file:Documentation/networking/3c505.txt>. If you have a card of
this type, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c505.
config EL16
tristate "3c507 \"EtherLink 16\" support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c507.
config EL3
tristate "3c509/3c529 (MCA)/3c579 \"EtherLink III\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (ISA || EISA || MCA)
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to the 3Com
EtherLinkIII series, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available
from <>.
If your card is not working you may need to use the DOS
setup disk to disable Plug & Play mode, and to select the default
media type.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c509.
config 3C515
tristate "3c515 ISA \"Fast EtherLink\""
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (ISA || EISA) && ISA_DMA_API
If you have a 3Com ISA EtherLink XL "Corkscrew" 3c515 Fast Ethernet
network card, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c515.
config ELMC
tristate "3c523 \"EtherLink/MC\" support"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c523.
config ELMC_II
tristate "3c527 \"EtherLink/MC 32\" support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called 3c527.
config VORTEX
tristate "3c590/3c900 series (592/595/597) \"Vortex/Boomerang\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && (PCI || EISA)
select MII
This option enables driver support for a large number of 10Mbps and
10/100Mbps EISA, PCI and PCMCIA 3Com network cards:
"Vortex" (Fast EtherLink 3c590/3c592/3c595/3c597) EISA and PCI
"Boomerang" (EtherLink XL 3c900 or 3c905) PCI
"Cyclone" (3c540/3c900/3c905/3c980/3c575/3c656) PCI and Cardbus
"Tornado" (3c905) PCI
"Hurricane" (3c555/3cSOHO) PCI
If you have such a card, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>. More
specific information is in
<file:Documentation/networking/vortex.txt> and in the comments at
the beginning of <file:drivers/net/3c59x.c>.
To compile this support as a module, choose M here.
config TYPHOON
tristate "3cr990 series \"Typhoon\" support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_3COM && PCI
select CRC32
This option enables driver support for the 3cr990 series of cards:
3C990-TX, 3CR990-TX-95, 3CR990-TX-97, 3CR990-FX-95, 3CR990-FX-97,
3CR990SVR, 3CR990SVR95, 3CR990SVR97, 3CR990-FX-95 Server,
3CR990-FX-97 Server, 3C990B-TX-M, 3C990BSVR
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called typhoon.
config LANCE
tristate "AMD LANCE and PCnet (AT1500 and NE2100) support"
depends on ISA && ISA_DMA_API
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Some LinkSys cards are
of this type.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called lance. This is recommended.
bool "Western Digital/SMC cards"
depends on ISA || MCA || EISA || MAC || EMBEDDED || CONLDFIRE
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, say Y
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about Western Digital cards. If you say Y, you will be
asked for your specific card in the following questions.
config WD80x3
tristate "WD80*3 support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called wd.
tristate "SMC Ultra MCA support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && MCA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type and are running
an MCA based system (PS/2), say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-mca.
config ULTRA
tristate "SMC Ultra support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
Important: There have been many reports that, with some motherboards
mixing an SMC Ultra and an Adaptec AHA154x SCSI card (or compatible,
such as some BusLogic models) causes corruption problems with many
operating systems. The Linux smc-ultra driver has a work-around for
this but keep it in mind if you have such a SCSI card and have
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-ultra.
config ULTRA32
tristate "SMC Ultra32 EISA support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_SMC && EISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc-ultra32.
config BFIN_MAC
tristate "Blackfin on-chip MAC support"
depends on NET_ETHERNET && (BF516 || BF518 || BF526 || BF527 || BF536 || BF537)
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
This is the driver for Blackfin on-chip mac device. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel. This driver is also available as a module
( = code which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
whenever you want). The module will be called bfin_mac.
config BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
bool "Use L1 memory for rx/tx packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC && (BF527 || BF537)
default y
To get maximum network performance, you should use L1 memory as rx/tx buffers.
Say N here if you want to reserve L1 memory for other uses.
int "Number of transmit buffer packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC
range 6 10 if BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
range 10 100
default "10"
Set the number of buffer packets used in driver.
int "Number of receive buffer packets"
depends on BFIN_MAC
range 20 100 if BFIN_MAC_USE_L1
range 20 800
default "20"
Set the number of buffer packets used in driver.
bool "Use IEEE 1588 hwstamp"
depends on BFIN_MAC && BF518
default y
To support the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP), select y here
config SMC9194
tristate "SMC 9194 support"
select CRC32
This is support for the SMC9xxx based Ethernet cards. Choose this
option if you have a DELL laptop with the docking station, or
another SMC9192/9194 based chipset. Say Y if you want it compiled
into the kernel, and read the file
<file:Documentation/networking/smc9.txt> and the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called smc9194.
config OPEN_ETH
bool "Opencores (Igor) Emac support"
This is support for the opencores Igor emac driver implemented
in an FPGA.
config MTIP1000_ETH
bool "MoreThanIP 10_100_1000 Emac support"
This is support for the MoreThanIP 10_100_1000 emac driver implemented
in an FPGA.
config SMC91X
tristate "SMC 91C9x/91C1xxx support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \
This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets,
including the SMC91C94 and the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel, and read the file
<file:Documentation/networking/smc9.txt> and the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
This driver is also available as a module ( = code which can be
inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want).
The module will be called smc91x. If you want to compile it as a
module, say M here and read <file:Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt>.
config SMC91111
tristate "SMC 91C1111 support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \
This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets,
including the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it
compiled into the kernel.
config PXA168_ETH
tristate "Marvell pxa168 ethernet support"
depends on CPU_PXA168
select PHYLIB
This driver supports the pxa168 Ethernet ports.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called pxa168_eth.
config NET_NETX
tristate "NetX Ethernet support"
select MII
depends on ARCH_NETX
This is support for the Hilscher netX builtin Ethernet ports
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called netx-eth.
tristate "TI DaVinci EMAC Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
select PHYLIB
This driver supports TI's DaVinci Ethernet .
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_emac_driver. This is recommended.
tristate "TI DaVinci MDIO Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
select PHYLIB
This driver supports TI's DaVinci MDIO module.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_mdio. This is recommended.
tristate "TI DaVinci CPDMA Support"
depends on ARM && ( ARCH_DAVINCI || ARCH_OMAP3 )
This driver supports TI's DaVinci CPDMA dma engine.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called davinci_cpdma. This is recommended.
config DM9000
tristate "DM9000 support"
depends on ARM || BLACKFIN || MIPS || NIOS || NIOS2
select CRC32
select MII
Support for DM9000 chipset.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called dm9000.
config DM9000_DEBUGLEVEL
int "DM9000 maximum debug level"
depends on DM9000
default 4
The maximum level of debugging code compiled into the DM9000
bool "Force simple NSR based PHY polling"
depends on DM9000
This configuration forces the DM9000 to use the NSR's LinkStatus
bit to determine if the link is up or down instead of the more
costly MII PHY reads. Note, this will not work if the chip is
operating with an external PHY.
config DM9KS
tristate "DM9000A with checksum offloading"
depends on (ARM || MIPS || NIOS || NIOS2) && NET_ETHERNET
select CRC32
select MII
Support for DM9000A chipset with checksum offloading. Factory driver.
config ETH_KS8695
tristate "KS8695 ethernet support"
depends on ARCH_KS8695
Say 'Y' here to enable support for the Kendin-Micrel KS8695 internal
ethernet ports.
config ENC28J60
tristate "ENC28J60 support"
select CRC32
Support for the Microchip EN28J60 ethernet chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be
called enc28j60.
bool "Enable write verify"
depends on ENC28J60
Enable the verify after the buffer write useful for debugging purpose.
If unsure, say N.
config ETHOC
tristate "OpenCores 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC support"
select MII
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
Say Y here if you want to use the OpenCores 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC.
config GRETH
tristate "Aeroflex Gaisler GRETH Ethernet MAC support"
depends on SPARC
select PHYLIB
select CRC32
Say Y here if you want to use the Aeroflex Gaisler GRETH Ethernet MAC.
config SMC911X
tristate "SMSC LAN911[5678] support"
select CRC32
select MII
depends on ARM || SUPERH || MN10300 || NIOS || NIOS2
This is a driver for SMSC's LAN911x series of Ethernet chipsets
including the new LAN9115, LAN9116, LAN9117, and LAN9118.
Say Y if you want it compiled into the kernel,
and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
This driver is also available as a module. The module will be
called smc911x. If you want to compile it as a module, say M
here and read <file:Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt>
config SMSC911X
tristate "SMSC LAN911x/LAN921x families embedded ethernet support"
depends on ARM || SUPERH || BLACKFIN || MIPS || MN10300 || COLDFIRE
select CRC32
select MII
select PHYLIB
Say Y here if you want support for SMSC LAN911x and LAN921x families
of ethernet controllers.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here and read
<file:Documentation/networking/net-modules.txt>. The module
will be called smsc911x.
def_bool n
depends on SMSC911X
If the arch enables this, it allows the arch to implement various
hooks for more comprehensive interrupt control and also to override
the source of the MAC address.
bool "Racal-Interlan (Micom) NI cards"
depends on ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card belonging to this class, such
as the NI5010, NI5210 or NI6210, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about NI cards. If you say Y, you will be asked for
your specific card in the following questions.
config NI5010
tristate "NI5010 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Note that this is still
experimental code.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni5010.
config NI52
tristate "NI5210 support"
depends on NET_VENDOR_RACAL && ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni52.
config NI65
tristate "NI6510 support"
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ni65.
config DNET
tristate "Dave ethernet support (DNET)"
select PHYLIB
The Dave ethernet interface (DNET) is found on Qong Board FPGA.
Say Y to include support for the DNET chip.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
will be called dnet.
source "drivers/net/tulip/Kconfig"
config AT1700
tristate "AT1700/1720 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called at1700.
config DEPCA
tristate "DEPCA, DE10x, DE200, DE201, DE202, DE422 support"
depends on ISA || EISA || MCA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<> as well as
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called depca.
config HP100
tristate "HP 10/100VG PCLAN (ISA, EISA, PCI) support"
depends on ISA || EISA || PCI
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp100.
config NET_ISA
bool "Other ISA cards"
depends on ISA
If your network (Ethernet) card hasn't been mentioned yet and its
bus system (that's the way the cards talks to the other components
of your computer) is ISA (as opposed to EISA, VLB or PCI), say Y.
Make sure you know the name of your card. Read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
If unsure, say Y.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the remaining ISA network card questions. If you say Y, you will be
asked for your specific card in the following questions.
config E2100
tristate "Cabletron E21xx support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called e2100.
config EWRK3
tristate "EtherWORKS 3 (DE203, DE204, DE205) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
This driver supports the DE203, DE204 and DE205 network (Ethernet)
cards. If this is for you, say Y and read
<file:Documentation/networking/ewrk3.txt> in the kernel source as
well as the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ewrk3.
tristate "EtherExpress 16 support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have an EtherExpress16 network (Ethernet) card, say Y and
read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Note that the Intel
EtherExpress16 card used to be regarded as a very poor choice
because the driver was very unreliable. We now have a new driver
that should do better.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eexpress.
tristate "EtherExpressPro support/EtherExpress 10 (i82595) support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y. This
driver supports Intel i82595{FX,TX} based boards. Note however
that the EtherExpress PRO/100 Ethernet card has its own separate
driver. Please read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eepro.
tristate "HP PCLAN+ (27247B and 27252A) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp-plus.
config HPLAN
tristate "HP PCLAN (27245 and other 27xxx series) support"
depends on NET_ISA
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called hp.
config LP486E
tristate "LP486E on board Ethernet"
depends on NET_ISA
Say Y here to support the 82596-based on-board Ethernet controller
for the Panther motherboard, which is one of the two shipped in the
Intel Professional Workstation.
config ETH16I
tristate "ICL EtherTeam 16i/32 support"
depends on NET_ISA
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called eth16i.
config NE2000
tristate "NE2000/NE1000 support"
depends on NET_ISA || (Q40 && m) || M32R || MACH_TX49XX || M68K
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
<>. Many Ethernet cards
without a specific driver are compatible with NE2000.
If you have a PCI NE2000 card however, say N here and Y to "PCI
NE2000 and clone support" under "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board
controllers" below. If you have a NE2000 card and are running on
an MCA system (a bus system used on some IBM PS/2 computers and
laptops), say N here and Y to "NE/2 (ne2000 MCA version) support",
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ne.
config ZNET
tristate "Zenith Z-Note support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
The Zenith Z-Note notebook computer has a built-in network
(Ethernet) card, and this is the Linux driver for it. Note that the
IBM Thinkpad 300 is compatible with the Z-Note and is also supported
by this driver. Read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
config SEEQ8005
tristate "SEEQ8005 support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
This is a driver for the SEEQ 8005 network (Ethernet) card. If this
is for you, read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called seeq8005.
config NE2_MCA
tristate "NE/2 (ne2000 MCA version) support"
depends on MCA_LEGACY
select CRC32
If you have a network (Ethernet) card of this type, say Y and read
the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called ne2.
config IBMLANA
tristate "IBM LAN Adapter/A support"
depends on MCA
This is a Micro Channel Ethernet adapter. You need to set
CONFIG_MCA to use this driver. It is both available as an in-kernel
driver and as a module.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The only
currently supported card is the IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet. It
will both support 16K and 32K memory windows, however a 32K window
gives a better security against packet losses. Usage of multiple
boards with this driver should be possible, but has not been tested
up to now due to lack of hardware.
config IBMVETH
tristate "IBM LAN Virtual Ethernet support"
depends on PPC_PSERIES
This driver supports virtual ethernet adapters on newer IBM iSeries
and pSeries systems.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will
be called ibmveth.
source "drivers/net/ibm_newemac/Kconfig"
config NET_PCI
bool "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers"
depends on ISA || EISA || PCI || EMBEDDED
This is another class of network cards which attach directly to the
bus. If you have one of those, say Y and read the Ethernet-HOWTO,
available from <>.
Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the
kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all
the questions about this class of network cards. If you say Y, you
will be asked for your specific card in the following questions. If
you are unsure, say Y.
config PCNET32
tristate "AMD PCnet32 PCI support"
depends on NET_PCI && PCI
select CRC32
select MII
If you have a PCnet32 or PCnetPCI based network (Ethernet) card,
answer Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called pcnet32.
config AMD8111_ETH
tristate "AMD 8111 (new PCI lance) support"
depends on NET_PCI && PCI
select CRC32
select MII
If you have an AMD 8111-based PCI lance ethernet card,
answer Y here and read the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module
will be called amd8111e.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
8 août 2011 à 16:53
8 août 2011 à 16:53
Voici le passage qui nous intéresse :
Comme tu le vois ton noyau peut prendre en charge cette carte réseau. Personnellement je mettrais le support SMC91111 et SMC91X (même si le deuxième peut paraître superflu).
Pour qu'ils apparaissent dans make menuconfigu tu dois activer les dépendances correspondantes. Comme tu peux également le voir, la description "help" qui apparaît dans make menuconfig provient de ces fichiers KConfig. Ainsi au moment d'activer les dépendance tu pourras facilement voir si tu actives ou non la bonne dépendance.
Pour comprendre la terminologie de ce fichier tu peux regarder ici :
|| est un où logique, ce qui signifie qu'au moins une des dépendances parmi ARM, M32R [...] COLDFIRE doit être activée pour que SMC91111 apparaisse. Le répertoire dans lequel est positionné cd fichier Kconfig te permettra de déduire le chemin à parcourir dans make menuconfig, car l'organisation du menu est plus ou moins calquée sur l'arborescence des sources.
Je te rappelle que quand tu sauves les changement à l'issue de make menuconfig, cela corrige /usr/src/linux/.config. À coup de grep dans ce fichier tu verras bien quelles constantes sont activées ou omises.
Allez ! On y est presque courage :-)
config SMC91X tristate "SMC 91C9x/91C1xxx support" select CRC32 select MII depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \ MIPS || BLACKFIN || MN10300 || COLDFIRE help This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets, including the SMC91C94 and the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it compiled into the kernel, and read the file <file:Documentation/networking/smc9.txt> and the Ethernet-HOWTO, available from <>. This driver is also available as a module ( = code which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel whenever you want). The module will be called smc91x. If you want to compile it as a module, say M here and read <file:Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt>. config SMC91111 tristate "SMC 91C1111 support" select CRC32 select MII depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \ MIPS || BLACKFIN || MN10300 || COLDFIRE help This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets, including the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it compiled into the kernel.
Comme tu le vois ton noyau peut prendre en charge cette carte réseau. Personnellement je mettrais le support SMC91111 et SMC91X (même si le deuxième peut paraître superflu).
Pour qu'ils apparaissent dans make menuconfigu tu dois activer les dépendances correspondantes. Comme tu peux également le voir, la description "help" qui apparaît dans make menuconfig provient de ces fichiers KConfig. Ainsi au moment d'activer les dépendance tu pourras facilement voir si tu actives ou non la bonne dépendance.
Pour comprendre la terminologie de ce fichier tu peux regarder ici :
|| est un où logique, ce qui signifie qu'au moins une des dépendances parmi ARM, M32R [...] COLDFIRE doit être activée pour que SMC91111 apparaisse. Le répertoire dans lequel est positionné cd fichier Kconfig te permettra de déduire le chemin à parcourir dans make menuconfig, car l'organisation du menu est plus ou moins calquée sur l'arborescence des sources.
Je te rappelle que quand tu sauves les changement à l'issue de make menuconfig, cela corrige /usr/src/linux/.config. À coup de grep dans ce fichier tu verras bien quelles constantes sont activées ou omises.
grep COLDFIRE /usr/src/linux/.config grep SMC9 /usr/src/linux/.config
Allez ! On y est presque courage :-)
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
10 août 2011 à 14:04
10 août 2011 à 14:04
Je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire par la. Qu'est ce que tu appelle dépendance?
En fait dans un noyau, c'est un peu comme dans le gestionnaire de paquets : certaines fonctionnalités en requièrent d'autre pour fonctionner.
Je vais tenter de faire le parallèle. Dans le gestionnaire de paquets, j'ai un paquet firefox (qui sert à installer... firefox). Mais firefox est codé en C avec du gtk. Il faut donc que la libc et la libgtk soient installées. Dans un gestionnaire de paquets, installer firefox engendrera l'installation de ces deux librairies si elles ne sont pas présentes. Supprimer libgtk cassera firefox (et engendrera probablement sa suppression en cascade pour retourner dans un état stable).
Dans un noyau c'est la même chose. Sauf que si une dépendance n'est pas satisfaite pour une fonctionnalité F, alors F n'apparaît pas dans make menuconfig.
Ici la dépendance sur ton pilote est :
Cela signifie qu'au moins une de ces fonctionnalités (vu que c'est un OU logique ||) doit être activée (<*> ou <M>) pour qu'on ait une chance de voir le support de ta carte réseau.
Je te rappelle que quand tu quittes et sauve make menuconfig, il sauve les fonctionnalités que tu as activé dans /usr/src/.linux. Cela signifie que tu peux d'ores et déjà vérifier qu'au moins une de ces fonctionnalités est activée.
Tu peux d'ailleurs me reporter leur résultat si tu bloques.
Par ce que j'ai signalé plusieurs fois dans mes messages que les deux supports smc91x et smc91111 apparaissent bien dans mon menu config et que j'arrive à les cocher en plus ils sont bien compilé avec l'extension "CC" pendant le make.Tout ce passe bien sauf que sur ma carte, le contrôleur Ethernet n'est pas actif.
Mmmmh alors normalement ça devrait marcher. Peux-tu me reporter le résultat de
... car s'ils ont bien été compilé, on peut se demander sous quelle forme (dans le noyau ou sous forme de module). Si c'est un module, il faut penser à charger le module au démarrage. Normalement les kernels récents le font automatiquement mais bon...
Si par exemple le module s'appelle smc91111.ko, pour le charger il faut lancer la commande :
(sans le .ko). Ensuite il faut vérifier que le module s'est correctement chargé :
J'ai aussi ajouté que le driver smc91111 n'est pas compatible avec la version de mon noyau(2.6).
Alors chose super importante : ce qu'on fait ne peut marcher que si tu démarres sur le noyau que tu as compilé. On ne peut par exemple pas charger un module prévu pour un noyau A alors qu'on a démarré sur un noyau B.
ça sera bien que tu m'explique ce que tu veux dire par dépendance.
Cf début du message, mais vu que tu sembles être parvenue à compiler le pilote, cette dépendance est forcément satisfaite.
Bonne chance
En fait dans un noyau, c'est un peu comme dans le gestionnaire de paquets : certaines fonctionnalités en requièrent d'autre pour fonctionner.
Je vais tenter de faire le parallèle. Dans le gestionnaire de paquets, j'ai un paquet firefox (qui sert à installer... firefox). Mais firefox est codé en C avec du gtk. Il faut donc que la libc et la libgtk soient installées. Dans un gestionnaire de paquets, installer firefox engendrera l'installation de ces deux librairies si elles ne sont pas présentes. Supprimer libgtk cassera firefox (et engendrera probablement sa suppression en cascade pour retourner dans un état stable).
Dans un noyau c'est la même chose. Sauf que si une dépendance n'est pas satisfaite pour une fonctionnalité F, alors F n'apparaît pas dans make menuconfig.
Ici la dépendance sur ton pilote est :
depends on ARM || M32R || SUPERH || \ MIPS || BLACKFIN || MN10300 || COLDFIRE
Cela signifie qu'au moins une de ces fonctionnalités (vu que c'est un OU logique ||) doit être activée (<*> ou <M>) pour qu'on ait une chance de voir le support de ta carte réseau.
Je te rappelle que quand tu quittes et sauve make menuconfig, il sauve les fonctionnalités que tu as activé dans /usr/src/.linux. Cela signifie que tu peux d'ores et déjà vérifier qu'au moins une de ces fonctionnalités est activée.
grep ARM /usr/src/linux/.config grep M32R /usr/src/linux/.config grep SUPERH /usr/src/linux/.config grep MIPS /usr/src/linux/.config ...
Tu peux d'ailleurs me reporter leur résultat si tu bloques.
Par ce que j'ai signalé plusieurs fois dans mes messages que les deux supports smc91x et smc91111 apparaissent bien dans mon menu config et que j'arrive à les cocher en plus ils sont bien compilé avec l'extension "CC" pendant le make.Tout ce passe bien sauf que sur ma carte, le contrôleur Ethernet n'est pas actif.
Mmmmh alors normalement ça devrait marcher. Peux-tu me reporter le résultat de
grep SMC9 /usr/src/linux/.config find /usr/src/linux | grep smc
... car s'ils ont bien été compilé, on peut se demander sous quelle forme (dans le noyau ou sous forme de module). Si c'est un module, il faut penser à charger le module au démarrage. Normalement les kernels récents le font automatiquement mais bon...
Si par exemple le module s'appelle smc91111.ko, pour le charger il faut lancer la commande :
modprobe smc91111
(sans le .ko). Ensuite il faut vérifier que le module s'est correctement chargé :
dmesg | tail lsmod | grep smc91111
J'ai aussi ajouté que le driver smc91111 n'est pas compatible avec la version de mon noyau(2.6).
Alors chose super importante : ce qu'on fait ne peut marcher que si tu démarres sur le noyau que tu as compilé. On ne peut par exemple pas charger un module prévu pour un noyau A alors qu'on a démarré sur un noyau B.
ça sera bien que tu m'explique ce que tu veux dire par dépendance.
Cf début du message, mais vu que tu sembles être parvenue à compiler le pilote, cette dépendance est forcément satisfaite.
Bonne chance
Le résultat des différentes commandes:
$grep ARM /usr/src/linux/.config
pas de résultat pour les 3 ci-dessous:
grep M32R /usr/src/linux/.config
grep SUPERH /usr/src/linux/.config
grep MIPS /usr/src/linux/.config
$ grep SMC9 /usr/src/linux/.config
Ils sont installés en module(m). le smc9194 et smc91c111 sont prisent en charge par le smc91x. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'y a que le smc9194 et pas le smc91c111?
Si par exemple le module s'appelle smc91111.ko, pour le charger il faut lancer la commande :
modprobe smc91111
Mon module s'appelle smc91x.ko et lorsque je lance
$modprobe smc91x, j'ai ça comme réponse:
WARNING: /etc/modprobe.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'Cannot'
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Module smc91x not found.
alors qu'il existe dans mon drivers/net après un make. j'ai mème verifier les propriété afin de faire correspondre l'heure à laquelle il a été compilé.
$ dmesg | tail
[ 20.825256] type=1400 audit(1312978997.382:22): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/tcpdump" pid=735 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 22.656032] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
[ 29.931329] type=1400 audit(1312979006.486:23): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 29.933236] type=1400 audit(1312979006.490:24): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince-previewer" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 29.934245] type=1400 audit(1312979006.490:25): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince-thumbnailer" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 30.197084] EXT4-fs (sdb1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0
[ 31.232024] eth2: no IPv6 routers present
[ 31.297573] svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97).
[ 31.297653] NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory
[ 31.317917] NFSD: starting 90-second grace period
$lsmod | grep smc91x
pas de résultat.
Alors chose super importante : ce qu'on fait ne peut marcher que si tu démarres sur le noyau que tu as compilé. On ne peut par exemple pas charger un module prévu pour un noyau A alors qu'on a démarré sur un noyau B.
comment démarrer sur un noyau A au lieu de B?
$grep ARM /usr/src/linux/.config
pas de résultat pour les 3 ci-dessous:
grep M32R /usr/src/linux/.config
grep SUPERH /usr/src/linux/.config
grep MIPS /usr/src/linux/.config
$ grep SMC9 /usr/src/linux/.config
Ils sont installés en module(m). le smc9194 et smc91c111 sont prisent en charge par le smc91x. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'y a que le smc9194 et pas le smc91c111?
Si par exemple le module s'appelle smc91111.ko, pour le charger il faut lancer la commande :
modprobe smc91111
Mon module s'appelle smc91x.ko et lorsque je lance
$modprobe smc91x, j'ai ça comme réponse:
WARNING: /etc/modprobe.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'Cannot'
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Module smc91x not found.
alors qu'il existe dans mon drivers/net après un make. j'ai mème verifier les propriété afin de faire correspondre l'heure à laquelle il a été compilé.
$ dmesg | tail
[ 20.825256] type=1400 audit(1312978997.382:22): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/sbin/tcpdump" pid=735 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 22.656032] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
[ 29.931329] type=1400 audit(1312979006.486:23): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 29.933236] type=1400 audit(1312979006.490:24): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince-previewer" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 29.934245] type=1400 audit(1312979006.490:25): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" name="/usr/bin/evince-thumbnailer" pid=646 comm="apparmor_parser"
[ 30.197084] EXT4-fs (sdb1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0
[ 31.232024] eth2: no IPv6 routers present
[ 31.297573] svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97).
[ 31.297653] NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as the NFSv4 state recovery directory
[ 31.317917] NFSD: starting 90-second grace period
$lsmod | grep smc91x
pas de résultat.
Alors chose super importante : ce qu'on fait ne peut marcher que si tu démarres sur le noyau que tu as compilé. On ne peut par exemple pas charger un module prévu pour un noyau A alors qu'on a démarré sur un noyau B.
comment démarrer sur un noyau A au lieu de B?
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
Modifié par mamiemando le 10/08/2011 à 16:30
Modifié par mamiemando le 10/08/2011 à 16:30
pas de résultat pour les 3 ci-dessous:
Bizarre on dirait qu'aucune n'est active. Et quid des dernières qui étaient dans mes points de suspension ? (BLACKFIN || MN10300 || COLDFIRE).
C'est bizarre qu'on ne voit pas apparaître de constantes SMC91111 mais vues les sources c'est peut être normal. Surtout si tu me dis que le fichier smc91111.c a bien été compilé...
Mon module s'appelle smc91x.ko
D'après :
Donc c'est bizarre on dirait qu'on peut avoir smc91x.ko et smc91111.ko, les deux prenant en charge ta carte. Enfin si j'ai bien compris...
et lorsque je lance $modprobe smc91x, j'ai ça comme réponse:
Alors déjà il faut des droits root pour charger un module alors que le $ me laisse penser que tu n'es pas logguée en root.
De manière générale tout ce qu'on fait là requiert des droits root.
WARNING: /etc/modprobe.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'Cannot'
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Module smc91x not found.
alors qu'il existe dans mon drivers/net après un make. j'ai mème verifié les propriétés afin de faire correspondre l'heure à laquelle il a été compilé.
Bon déjà le fichier /etc/modprobe.conf est déprécié donc dans un premier temps tu peux le renommer pour qu'il ne soit pas lu :
En root, réessaye :
Si ça ne marche pas, pour que la commande modprobe ait une chance de marcher, il faut que le fichier ".ko" soit présent quelque part dans /lib/modules/ta-version-de-noyau.
Que donne :
Pour dmesg et lsmod, tant que le modprobe est faux, il ne se passera rien, car linux n'a même pas commencé à charger le module.
Tu peux essayer de passer de charger le module avec la commande insmod. Dans ce cas il faut passer le chemin du fichier .ko :
(chemin à éventuellement corriger). Puis ensuite regarde ce que lsmod, dmesg et ifconfig racontent...
comment démarrer sur un noyau A au lieu de B?
Comme je te l'ai expliqué, le système et le noyau sont deux couches distinctes sous linux. On peut tout à fait avoir plusieurs noyaux installé sur une machine. Un menu comme grub ou lilo permet au démarrage de savoir sur quel noyau on démarre.
Dès lors, on se retrouve avec deux arborescences de modules dans /lib/modules. Par exemple sur ma machine j'ai un noyau compilé à la main (2.6.39) et un noyau standard debian (2.6.39-2-686-pae) donc un répertoire de module pour chacun d'eux :
Supposons que je démarre sur le noyau 2.6.39. La commande insmod me permet de passer le chemin d'un fichier ".ko" donc je pourrais passer un chemin du genre "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.39-2-686-pae/.../module.ko". Cela échouera car ce module n'a pas été compilé pour le noyau 2.6.39 mais pour le noyau 2.6.39-2-686-pae.
En gros, pour espérer charger ce module, il faut démarrer sur le noyau pour lequel il a été compilé.
Bizarre on dirait qu'aucune n'est active. Et quid des dernières qui étaient dans mes points de suspension ? (BLACKFIN || MN10300 || COLDFIRE).
grep SMC9 /usr/src/linux/.config
C'est bizarre qu'on ne voit pas apparaître de constantes SMC91111 mais vues les sources c'est peut être normal. Surtout si tu me dis que le fichier smc91111.c a bien été compilé...
Mon module s'appelle smc91x.ko
D'après :
config SMC91X [...] This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets, including the SMC91C94 and the SMC91C111. [...] config SMC91111 [...] This is a driver for SMC's 91x series of Ethernet chipsets, including the SMC91C111. Say Y if you want it compiled into the kernel.
Donc c'est bizarre on dirait qu'on peut avoir smc91x.ko et smc91111.ko, les deux prenant en charge ta carte. Enfin si j'ai bien compris...
et lorsque je lance $modprobe smc91x, j'ai ça comme réponse:
Alors déjà il faut des droits root pour charger un module alors que le $ me laisse penser que tu n'es pas logguée en root.
De manière générale tout ce qu'on fait là requiert des droits root.
WARNING: /etc/modprobe.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'Cannot'
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
FATAL: Module smc91x not found.
alors qu'il existe dans mon drivers/net après un make. j'ai mème verifié les propriétés afin de faire correspondre l'heure à laquelle il a été compilé.
Bon déjà le fichier /etc/modprobe.conf est déprécié donc dans un premier temps tu peux le renommer pour qu'il ne soit pas lu :
mv /etc/modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.conf.bak
En root, réessaye :
modprobe smc91x
Si ça ne marche pas, pour que la commande modprobe ait une chance de marcher, il faut que le fichier ".ko" soit présent quelque part dans /lib/modules/ta-version-de-noyau.
Que donne :
find smc /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
Pour dmesg et lsmod, tant que le modprobe est faux, il ne se passera rien, car linux n'a même pas commencé à charger le module.
Tu peux essayer de passer de charger le module avec la commande insmod. Dans ce cas il faut passer le chemin du fichier .ko :
insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/smc91x.ko
(chemin à éventuellement corriger). Puis ensuite regarde ce que lsmod, dmesg et ifconfig racontent...
comment démarrer sur un noyau A au lieu de B?
Comme je te l'ai expliqué, le système et le noyau sont deux couches distinctes sous linux. On peut tout à fait avoir plusieurs noyaux installé sur une machine. Un menu comme grub ou lilo permet au démarrage de savoir sur quel noyau on démarre.
Dès lors, on se retrouve avec deux arborescences de modules dans /lib/modules. Par exemple sur ma machine j'ai un noyau compilé à la main (2.6.39) et un noyau standard debian (2.6.39-2-686-pae) donc un répertoire de module pour chacun d'eux :
(mando@silk) (~) $ ls -1 /lib/modules/ 2.6.39 2.6.39-2-686-pae
Supposons que je démarre sur le noyau 2.6.39. La commande insmod me permet de passer le chemin d'un fichier ".ko" donc je pourrais passer un chemin du genre "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.39-2-686-pae/.../module.ko". Cela échouera car ce module n'a pas été compilé pour le noyau 2.6.39 mais pour le noyau 2.6.39-2-686-pae.
En gros, pour espérer charger ce module, il faut démarrer sur le noyau pour lequel il a été compilé.
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
vendredi 5 août 2011
Dernière intervention
11 août 2011
11 août 2011 à 11:15
11 août 2011 à 11:15
j'ai remarqué avec le commande : find smc /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
que je suis pas sur le bon noyau au démarrage. au lieu d'avoir des modules sur 2.6.39 j'ai plutôt ça:
Le noyau est n noyau que j'avais installé sur le pc au début. Si ma mémoire est bonne, j'ai du modifier le fichier fifo ou grub pour le démarrage. Je vais régler ce problème d'abord.
La commande:
#ls -1 /lib/modules/
j'ai remarqué avec le commande : find smc /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
que je suis pas sur le bon noyau au démarrage. au lieu d'avoir des modules sur 2.6.39 j'ai plutôt ça:
Le noyau est n noyau que j'avais installé sur le pc au début. Si ma mémoire est bonne, j'ai du modifier le fichier fifo ou grub pour le démarrage. Je vais régler ce problème d'abord.
La commande:
#ls -1 /lib/modules/
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 12 mai 2005
Dernière intervention
8 novembre 2024
7 803
11 août 2011 à 20:32
11 août 2011 à 20:32
Ben il faut bien voir que tu peux savoir à tout moment sur quel noyau tu démarres avec la commande :
Cela veut dire que quel que soit le noyau sur lequel tu démarres, /lib/modules/$(uname -r) désigne toujours l'arborescence de modules concernant le noyau sur lequel tu as démarré. Si tu me dis que le numéro de version ne concorde pas avec le noyau que tu as compilé... c'est que tu as démarré sur un autre noyau.
Et du coup il est logique que ta carte ne marche pas ;-)
uname -r
Cela veut dire que quel que soit le noyau sur lequel tu démarres, /lib/modules/$(uname -r) désigne toujours l'arborescence de modules concernant le noyau sur lequel tu as démarré. Si tu me dis que le numéro de version ne concorde pas avec le noyau que tu as compilé... c'est que tu as démarré sur un autre noyau.
Et du coup il est logique que ta carte ne marche pas ;-)
Messages postés
Date d'inscription
jeudi 2 mars 2017
Dernière intervention
2 mars 2017
2 mars 2017 à 10:34
2 mars 2017 à 10:34
config MVME147_NET
tristate "MVME147 (Lance) Ethernet support"
depends on MVME147
select CRC32
Support for the on-board Ethernet interface on the Motorola MVME147
single-board computer. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
tristate "MVME147 (Lance) Ethernet support"
depends on MVME147
select CRC32
Support for the on-board Ethernet interface on the Motorola MVME147
single-board computer. Say Y here to include the
driver for this chip in your kernel.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here.
1 août 2011 à 09:47
besoin d'aide stp!
1 août 2011 à 09:49
1 août 2011 à 09:55
1 août 2011 à 09:57
1 août 2011 à 10:16