Ecran bleu en permanence depuis plusieurs jours

Toutouse - 7 déc. 2020 à 19:28
Malekal_morte- Messages postés 180304 Date d'inscription mercredi 17 mai 2006 Statut Modérateur, Contributeur sécurité Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2020 - 7 déc. 2020 à 20:57

je demande l'aide car la je suis vraiment au bout du bout ... Depuis quelques jours j'ai des écrans bleus au bout d'un moment quand je suis entrains de jouer ou de regarder des vidéos sur Youtube. J'ai lancé WhoCrashed et voici le rapport :

System Information (local)

Computer name: XXXXXXXX
Windows version: Windows 10, 10.0, version 2009, build: 19042
Windows dir: C:\Windows
Hardware: A0000001, CSL-Computer GmbH & Co. KG, ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC., PRIME B450M-A
CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 8664, level: 23
12 logical processors, active mask: 4095
RAM: 17113247744 bytes (15,9GB)

Crash Dump Analysis

Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.

Crash dump directories:

On Mon 07/12/2020 18:33:00 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\120720-5062-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F5780)
Bugcheck code: 0xA (0x1111, 0xFF, 0x0, 0xFFFFF8045726D963)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above. This is a software bug.
This bug check belongs to the crash dump test that you have performed with WhoCrashed or other software. It means that a crash dump file was properly written out.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

On Mon 07/12/2020 18:33:00 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlmp.exe (nt!setjmpex+0x8299)
Bugcheck code: 0xA (0x1111, 0xFF, 0x0, 0xFFFFF8045726D963)
Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above. This is a software bug.
This bug check belongs to the crash dump test that you have performed with WhoCrashed or other software. It means that a crash dump file was properly written out.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

On Mon 07/12/2020 17:27:05 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\120720-5187-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F5780)
Bugcheck code: 0x157 (0xFFFFDA0672D9B080, 0x4, 0x2, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that an illegal operation was attempted on the priority floor of a particular thread.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

On Mon 07/12/2020 15:11:27 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\120720-5203-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F5780)
Bugcheck code: 0x1 (0x7FF91C4CC034, 0x0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFFFB86DB630B80)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that there has been a mismatch in the APC state index.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

On Mon 07/12/2020 06:05:06 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\120720-5234-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F5780)
Bugcheck code: 0x153 (0xFFFF9B09EB3CE180, 0xFFFF9B09EB3CE7D0, 0x2, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that a thread was terminated before it had freed all its AutoBoost lock entries.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

On Sun 06/12/2020 20:11:28 your computer crashed or a problem was reported
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\120620-5265-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F5780)
Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0xFFF, 0x2, 0x8, 0xFFF)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.
This bug check belongs to the crash dump test that you have performed with WhoCrashed or other software. It means that a crash dump file was properly written out.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.


6 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. No offending third party drivers have been found. Connsider using WhoCrashed Professional which offers more detailed analysis using symbol resolution. Also configuring your system to produce a full memory dump may help you.

Read the topic general suggestions for troubleshooting system crashes for more information.

Note that it's not always possible to state with certainty whether a reported driver is responsible for crashing your system or that the root cause is in another module. Nonetheless it's suggested you look for updates for the products that these drivers belong to and regularly visit Windows update or enable automatic updates for Windows. In case a piece of malfunctioning hardware is causing trouble, a search with Google on the bug check errors together with the model name and brand of your computer may help you investigate this further.

J'ai tenté déjà plusieurs solution que j'ai trouvé sur internet :
- Reinstaller le pilote de la carte graphique
- Reinstaller le pilote des contrôleurs audio, video et jeu
- Lancer un test de la mémoire qui a été OK
- Lancer l'outil Vérificateur des fichiers système
- Faire un check disque
- Lancer une analyse pour détecter un éventuel virus
- Mettre à jour mon bios
- Dans le gestionnaire de périphérique, j'ai fais un clique droit "Mettre à jour le pilote" sur tout mes composants
... et certainement d'autres choses que j'ai oublié et ca n'a rien changé ... je n'arrive pas a trouver le problème ... je pense a un problème de drivers mais la j'avoue, je sèche ... Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée ?????? Car je suis vraiment desesperée ... C'est un PC monté que j'ai acheté il y a 2 mois chez CSL. J'ai voulu me faire plaisir et acheter un "bon" PC mais c'est entrains de virer au cauchemar ... Merci de votre aide
A voir également:

1 réponse

Malekal_morte- Messages postés 180304 Date d'inscription mercredi 17 mai 2006 Statut Modérateur, Contributeur sécurité Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2020 24 666
7 déc. 2020 à 20:57

Ce ne serait pas depuis les dernières mises à jour de Windows 10 ?
Pas eu de mises à jour de pilotes ?
Regarde dans l'historique.

Si oui : Désinstaller les dernières mises à jour de Windows.